by Dee McLachlan
I have said for a long time that child departments and courts across Australia — in fact, all across the Western world — administer the most cruel punishment on children by forcibly separating them from one or both of their parents.
Removing children from the care of a parent can be far worse than a prison sentence. The pain and distress caused is hard to imagine. You don’t believe me? — then listen to Shaun Attwood’s excellent interview with Wilfred Wong in the video below. Wilfred has been monitoring this “trend” for over 25 years.
Lives are Easily Destroyed
I am bombarded weekly with accounts from protective parents where authorities and the judiciary have acted in such a malicious manner, that it beggars belief. I have heard accounts of mothers collapsing at the court door filled with the terror of what awaits them in the courtroom — as they enter the courtroom alone. It seems that in most youth and children’s courts a protective parent is not allowed a support person. Everything is done to disadvantage and isolate.
When you relate theses stories to a normal person, their life-experience and their brains cannot fathom the cruelty. And when I first began to explain one case to a few experienced legal professionals over a year ago, they replied: there must be another side to this story. But there isn’t.
So why would authorities act in such a way? I can only conclude it is deliberate.
In these specific cases that I have looked into, the malfeasance and criminality are laid out in full in the child department’s own documentation. And the Care and Protection Orders (i.e., Estrangement Orders) are delivered with such efficiency and ease, it leaves one’s head a-spinning. They must have done this over… and over… and over again. Is this business as usual?
I remind the reader that I am cognizant with only a relatively small number of cases, but I believe it must be in the thousands. And COVID-19 at the moment is a perfect cover. It seems that while most courts have slowed or closed, the Youth Court is very busy — with about 55 Care and Protection Orders being heard in one little court in Adelaide on one day earlier this week (approximately two and half times the average).
Escape from “Alcatraz”
The many accounts of children who attempt to escape are blurred in my memory. Only a few ever succeed.
It’s hard listening to recordings of desperate children pleading with their protective mum or someone in authority to save them from the hell that a judge has ordered them to. Their pleas to the Sheriff of the court, right there in the courthouse, offer no relief. One court official was empathetic and apologetic, saying that he’s had to deal with “hundreds of children” in this predicament — but he has to “follow court orders.” And that’s that. Off to the abuser’s home. Off to penitentiary in some suburb. And if the child is fortunate, they might see their mum — supervised — one hour per week.
(A note here: Although most cases on my desk refer to a child being sent back to a sexually abusive father or foster care, these decisions to send them there are perpetrated by mostly female officials who become abusers themselves by enabling this torture. In these specific cases, the departments and the court seem to deliberately go against the child and the protective parent: in the one case, a dad has not seen his son for years. The court ordered the child to his mother — ignoring that she has a serious mental disorder and has caused multiple injuries, from bashing her son — all documented.)
One young girl called the police while being dragged from the courthouse — threatening to kill herself. She later admitted this was the only thing that police reacted to. Another ran away and hid overnight when police came to take her back to her father. The authorities just came back the next day.
An 8-year-old girl, on visitation switch-over, ran from police. She had to have two large burly officers to restrain her and force her into the car. Another young lad escaped from police during the hand-over to his dad. He ran back home, and climbed into the bath, saying they could not take him away naked. He called 000 and pleaded for help, as the police were outside the bathroom door threatening to break it down. He too was removed from his mum.
Yet, the mantra from government is that we must listen to and believe children. It is a disgraceful farce. A complete and criminal sham.
Escape and Justice Almost Impossible
Two teenage brothers did escape (independently). The police attended the mother’s home. But the boys refused to stand down. One teen was courageous enough to demand to be heard — and demand a medical (for his abuse injuries). He was not prepared to remain a victim. The police said he must return to his father, as per court orders. He told them to prepare a body bag for his father if he was forcibly returned (or words to that affect). The officers backed down.
But most kids are trapped.
I have heard from good foster parents, too. How the child department came — with almost no warning — and removed a foster child from their home and from whom she considered as her mum and dad. The girl was shunted from a privileged and loving home — the only home she knew — to one cluttered with a number of disadvantaged foster kids. She began to self-harm. She was moved again and again. She was later denied all contact with the person she calls ‘mum’. A truly sad story.
Another account was how social workers removed foster siblings from a loving home — no reasons given — and taken away. The two young siblings were so distraught, that they had to be medicated. They still kicked up a fuss, and so the child department separated them. I was exceptionally distressed after having to listen to this account.
The actions of the child departments and the courts make no sense to the normal and sane in society. The stories are endless.
I was recently sent a string of texts. The young girl and her sibling have been forced to live with her father. All the evidence points to the fact that they should be living with their mother. After months of separation, the young girl is desperate. She messaged her friend and said that she’d rather live on the streets, and if she couldn’t live with her mum, she would rather kill herself.
The communication ended — the phone most likely confiscated. Alcatraz has stopped all communication.
And putting this evidence to the court makes ZERO difference. In these cases to which I refer, the court will NOT entertain the children’s wishes. And the Independent Children’s Lawyers seem to be ‘Missing in Action‘.
What can I say about this cruelty? There are several options possible, as the identical pattern is displayed in the US, the UK, Australia and many other Western countries. The courts behave in the same way, and the disregard for sexually abused children is incomprehensible.
Switching Custody and Guardianship
In one case I have investigated for over a year, authorities have ignored the child speaking out about horrific abuse over several years. Salaried public servants, politicians and oversight bodies simply refuse to acknowledge the child’s complaints. There is no one to turn for help. Absolutely no one. This means the child department, via the Youth Court, has no obstacle in removing this child from the one person she trusted; the one person she most loved; the one person she wants to live with (her mum) … on the pretense of “best interests”.
But why was the child removed? A corrupt police officer immediately went into high gear to stop the assault investigation after the said she was deliberately hurt and threatened by her father during visitation. Even though this young lass also reported the abuse independently to her teacher, the child protection department stepped in and removed the her, blaming her mother for emotional abuse (ignoring all past abuse disclosures and the injury).
This child should never have been removed in the first instance. And that’s not my opinion. A Federal Court Judge had ordered it so; had ordered that this child should NOT be removed from her mum — and had awarded the mother SOLE parental responsibility after a lengthy and exhaustive trial.
But someone did not like that outcome. The child was assaulted (injured) ONLY 6 weeks after the Family Court orders were delivered — and then alienated from her mum soon after. Then repatriation with the father was planned by social workers — repatriation with the very person she claims abused her over many years. After the ‘custody-switch’ plan was exposed, the department is now attempting to claim guardianship until the child turns 18. I have heard identical stories across the country.
PLEASE NOTE: I have often said that persons in authority don’t believe the children. But, I think they do believe. There is no way you can read the documentation in these cases (often the department’s own documentation) and not believe the consistent, detailed, credible and lengthy disclosures. And any experienced investigator would quickly identify where the child demonstrated dissociation and trauma. So do authorities believe these children, but choose to turn away, or act deliberately against them?
Conclusion and Video
The patterns are so obvious. The malfeasance so blatant.
Are certain persons in the police, the child departments, and the courts “charged” with a twisted obligation to protect certain offenders? It seems so. (As in the case of those prosecuting Dr Pridgeon and others.) In analyzing many of the cases before me, what other conclusion can I come to? Especially when government officials openly and blatantly alter documents to go against the child.
For many of these children and these protective parents, the child departments have aided the courts to have them sentenced to a version of an Australian Gulag.
And now for the VIDEO.
Wilfred Wong has investigated child abuse and Satanic Ritual Abuse for 27 years, and explains that it is not only sexual abuse of children, but the torture of children. (The Australia’s Federal Police have identified the exploitation and torture of children a national crisis.)
At 47:30 he emphasizes that children “…need to be believed. To not believe them is a secondary form of abuse…” Wilfred discusses how the Family Court system has been infiltrated and become a system that protects offenders whilst punishing whistle-blowers and protective parents.
Watch from around 47:00 through to around 59:00. Wilfred says this is “worse than the loss of liberty” for these protective parents.
Another brilliant article Dee. Wilfred Wong’s interview with Shaun Attwood is a must watch for anyone who has suffered SRA or wants to know the truth. He definitely knows what he’s talking about. I was particularly heartened – though horrified – that he verifies what Dee has been saying for over 18 months about the family court and DOCS. Both have been taken over by truly evil individuals – here and in most Commonwealth countries.
Thanks Rachel
Such evil is surely existing and common.
But it has to be qualified and balanced.
Many decent loving fathers are denied by; the actions, lies by mothers, mother in laws and various relatives.
I am aware of a case where the Family Court recently ordered that the mother may move back overseas with the daughter and not the slightest provision made for the daughter to be in contact with the father, except for one letter per year……Not even enabling any telephonic communication, even via skype.
The father has no problem having contact/relationship with a child from his first relationship.
Go figure.
Evil knows no gender.
As in the article Ned, I Mentioned fathers as with this dad in this article. My survey outlines this clearly too, but we are talking very specific cases where the court has to consider overwhelming evidence — many involving very young children. Not general messy custody battles. But take note: I have made it very clear that much of the secondary abuse is facilitated by woman ministers, women commissioners,and mostly women social workers. NO ONE is off the hook here.
Also Ned, we understand that people in relationships have disputes and that lies are created charged by vengeance and revenge. But PLEASE don’t miss the point and deflect it back to “revengeful” relationships. This article is about subjects much greater. Greater than a couple’s spat. This is about systematic structured government and legal support for an industry or organisations benefiting and involved in harming children. This is a global crisis through all the protection departments and family, and children’s courts across the western world supporting an “industry” of sorts. And both genders are involved on the dark side causing harm, and both genders are harmed. But mothers — apart from birthing these children — are mostly, without doubt, the majority of the targets and collateral damage when children are exploited.
And let me make it clear. Most people are trying to do the right thing, but in these instances those involved are not.
I am not missing the point, I am well aware of terrible evil, as you would be aware.
Apologies Ned. I know you are fully aware. I maybe reacted to the overseas case too quickly, as it seems that case falls within those of terrible decisions deciding custody — where fathers many times get a very raw deal. The case you cite is absolutely appalling.
I am only writing about cases here where sexual abuse is established or evident and where kids are placed in desperate situations — enough for them to consider escaping or harming themselves.
I think it is important to keep these comparisons in separate boxes/catagories. However I remain cognizant that the Dr Day forces of breaking up families is filtering throughout.
Great perseverance and a major breakthrough Gumshoe at this time, I believe we now need to work with and focus all our attention on the whistleblowers and the witnesses of satanic ritual abuse, torture and the evil workings of the dark web.
The ITNJ Chief Counsel Robert David Steele does not mention Australia in this video however he is fully aware of the testimonies of Fiona Barnett Rachel and her brother and has great understanding of the corrupted systems in the Australian judiciary and the Military Intelligence workings that impact on every system in this country. The pedophile capital of the world– an important element of the “One World Religion” being espoused by “One World government politicians” around the world- note well 24th of April– in the past week the Vatican [High Court decision-Pell] and Morrison’s prayers with Pentecostals Hillsong Church demonstrated how they are united and ready for a new way of being of sharing the love and hope that will unite us as one our ” spiritual awakening.”
Apologies I divert–more of that later.
Dee the Shaun Atwood interview with Wilfred Wong and the brilliant Cyrus Parsa Talks About Robots AI and Extinction Codes along with recent Cathi fox blogs all need Gumshoes full attention.
Dee maybe you could be interviewed as a witness/informant as to what is happening in Australia right now –specifically focusing on the: Unimaginable and Hidden Cruelty by Child Protection Departments and Courts.” You play the role of interviewer and “interviewee”. e.g. with Shaun Atwood Wilfred Wong—etc etc
Gumshoers like myself could provide evidence, witness statements, testimonies that could feed into the work of others– Australia is central to exposing this ongoing War.
Good idea Diane.
Remember this line from The Removalists? ” I mean call Spencer Street.”
I did not get your comment Mary–so googled and found your 2014 article-
“I do recall that in September 2014, our very own editor at Gumshoe, Dee McLachlan, was hyperventilating because Attorney General George Brandis wanted Parliament to pass a law that makes it a crime for journos to report the crimes of government. Well Parliament did come to the party and that law is now law. But the citizenry certainly did not understand that or give permission for it.”
will post below –and read thoroughly when time permits- very timely xd
tried to post said article twice but won’t accept
Ima mug, Ill avago…
Thank ye, Fair and Diane. Here was my explanation in 2015:
Do you recall the play from 1971, “The Removalists” by David Williamson? Some cops tie the victim to a doorknob, in his own home, and then have a go at him. He yells to his girlfriend “Call the police.” She says “But they are the police.” He says “I mean call Spencer Street.””
Well Shaun interviews a mother.
The mum explains the tricks of the court and the monetary motivations of the Care and Protection Orders; how they accuse the mum for coaching. The same story unfolds. But this mum had to be shut up as she was exposing the system so they sent her to prison.
Wonderful that such a horrific story should be bought to light with such clarity
But so long as the teller remains captive to the deception that the Justice System is all about “empowering men and dis-empowering mothers”, as recorded at 8: 41 on the following clip, nothing’s going to change
after my post above I saw this post —will watch a bit later– I want to contact Shaun personally–he knows all about my London mob and recently I watched an interview with a “rellie” -twice removed if you know what I mean–“the firm”.
There is a tragic story of a sanctioned kidnapping of a child who was of a special line of traditional healers -a child of a western desert community. Last November in Melbourne I witnessed first hand the most heartbreaking, sickening Family court process–“working in the Childs best interest” that denied witnesses the opportunity to present indisputable evidence that the child needed to be returned to the strong caring mother and her cultural family, and the child needed to be removed from her current situation. However the 10 day trial was wound up after 2 days -with the mothers lawyer “changed” a day prior to hearing–the merciless inquisition bullying and threats were unrelenting–the mother was “advised” to agree to leave her daughter now 6 in the care of the woman who had it seems already be given custody. Due to my 12 years living and working in the central western desert I knew all parties and I knew of the Tavistock Agenda and the experiments that were being/are being conducted.
The child was taken from the mother at 7 months, agreement was given by some family members, the child underwent extensive “medical treatment” -the family was divided–estranged– cults were involved— police, protective services, child protection agencies and some patterns of ill intent were evident. I was asked to be a support person by the mother I was told I was not needed she would definitely win and many people were coming from her community to support the return of the child. I decided to go as an independent witness I was warned/threatened several times–the clearest message–this Judge is very strict and if you make any sign of displeasure you will be held in contempt of court and the consequences could be dire. The Crown with the stolen Kangaroo and Emu sat behind his honour and the Lawman wearing a red head band who had flown in the night before was not permitted to speak to the family member the child’s mother, and he was not allowed into the court as he was a witness.
Every effort had been made to stop this man coming to Melbourne even getting some local Aboriginal groups to refuse him entry to their country.
strength to all —
Thanks Diane — we need to get these stories out. So little time and manpower. But the winds are changing. It has become so obvious what is being done, and how it is being done.
Diane wrote: “However the 10 day trial was wound up after 2 days — with the mothers lawyer “changed” a day prior to hearing.” What? What? WHAT?????????
Anyone seriously willing to help with the child mentioned by Diane, write to me:
MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com (Especially of you’re a zillionaire.)
I can see the barrier — this child is of real value, and “they” want her. The same is true in Adelaide. We’re unable (so far) to get across their moat.
Good morning, cops, why are you putting up with this? And would you please tell your mates to read GumshoeNews.com?
Back to article.
“This is about systematic structured government and legal support for an industry or organisations benefiting and involved in harming children. This is a global crisis through all the protection departments and family, and children’s courts across the western world supporting an “industry” of sorts. And both genders are involved on the dark side causing harm, and both genders are harmed. But mothers — apart from birthing these children — are mostly, without doubt, the majority of the targets and collateral damage when children are exploited.”
spot on
I have watched the Shaun interview posted above
From matters I am aware of over 50 years, from matters reported to me, from matters similar to such as the matter reported in the Shaun interview above it is clear that corruption exists, even for profit and/or for serial sexual abuse, e.g to produce adenochrome. (The most powerful blood samples, being best obtained by creating fear by torture of little children and marketing it to those who have the money to pay for it……or for home consumption)
The Royal Commission seems to have been a ploy to try and convince the public that all has been exposed and now just “move on”….. we prosecuted some low hanging paedophiles, “nothing more to be seen here”.
Well, the Royal Commission into Child Abuse etc., was limited to “institutions”, fancy that!
Are we supposed to be deceived to think: “oh well the court system, the bench, the lawyers, the investigators, and the social worker gang are PURE.
There must be a continuing Commission tasked to examine the whole court system relating to every jurisdiction in Australia that affects the interests of children.
How can the public have confidence in SECRET, in effect, hearings and even sealing court files and evidence presented in such matters or indeed, ignoring or not accepting evidence, particularly injuries examined by independent medical practitioners. It is clearly a opportunity for any injustice to be considered and exposed.
What ‘dumbo’ would not believe that; if everything is in secret, then criminals and the corrupt would take advantage of it considering that they believe that they will not be investigated and even jailed for; eg., CONSPIRACY TO DEFEAT THE COURSE OF JUSTICE. (as no doubt did many of the recently convicted grubs believe, because of their status and position)
Time to remind criminals and the corrupt that following the recent Royal Commission, matters have been investigated and convictions gained going back to events decades past.
There should be no reason now for many to be so stupid as to believe or be confident that such current and historical un-investigated matters will remain unnoticed and mot be subject to a future extended Royal Commission.
For this we do pray.
I agree with Ned’s obvious anger at the way the Family Court system has been abused. The original intentions were well based for the most part. Family courts dealt with extremely personal matters and the details of personal tragedy and sexual misconduct were the lifeblood of media such as Truth newspaper. Those initial good intentions became corrupted over time. The really difficult issue however is how to correct the errors that now befall the system but retain the good original intentions. I do not pretend to have the answers although I could nominate some much needed reforms.
Although it is often seen as a cop out by governments, it may be that a Royal Commission is needed. The original Family Act is now a half century old and although modified with multiple amendments to the point of being almost incomprehensible it is essentially a legislative weapon dealing with a world that is radically different from what it was when first passed. Not the least of those social changes has been the radical improvement in the status and rights of women, although I would be the first to argue there is still room for major improvement in that area.
Dee is to be commended for her tireless advocacy on behalf of the cases she cites, but they are symptomatic of a wider problem. I don’t pretend to have the answers, but I have been around long enough and worked in this jurisdiction long enough to recognise the smell of decay.
Whether our enfeebled Federal government and its equally pathetic Opposition will have the courage to address the issues is a moot point.
Thanks James
James correctly recognises THE SMELL OF DECAY.
[“It is so” or “so it be]
I suspect that there will be less than ten mourners at the burial.
James — “Dee is to be commended for her tireless advocacy on behalf of the cases she cites, but they are symptomatic of a wider problem.” Anyone who has been reading Diane DeVere’s stuff for the last 2 years at Gumshoe knows what the wider problem is.
I am getting strange popups. If you posted a comment and it didn’t get through please email me at mclachlandee@gmail.com
I grabbed these comments from under the above Youtube video by Shaun Attwood (bless his heart — he was in prison too, but for drugs, according ti his excellent TED talk):
kevin j 1 day ago
Everyone should write a letter to the court n judge n social services in question, not abusive letters but letters of disapproval an explanations of their actions . Free mansions???? If enough letters are written it will be noticed . So my question is who was the judge n what court does he reside ??? I have my letter ready [Yes, Kevin]
LLM 1 day ago
It’s like we never left the dark ages. [Ya wohl, LLM]
Evan Koch 1 day ago
I guess Julian Assaunge is not the only person who ended up in prison for exposing criminals? [Oops, Dee next?]
Emma Morgan 1 day ago
My daughter in the same situation her children got took off her because the father was violent towards her and because she kept phoning the police they took them off her saying she couldn’t protect her children and yeah now this virus come along my daughter only gets 10 mins FaceTime a week.
[ah, social distancing has been used “by law” for years in CPS visits. No hugs, please, no gifts, no saying “distressing things” to your child, such as “I love you, Honey.”]
Extremely off topic, but for the record:
I am in southern New Hampshire, it is snowing out. This is 7am on April 18, in the Year of Our Lord 2020. Completely unheard of, snow this late. (Spring began on March 21.)
The weather channel for Concord says: 33F light snow at 7am. Tomorrow 62F sunny.
To imagine that pressuring the “conviction” of a presumed predator will indicate that the “system” is “fixed” is only to enable the entrenched perverts to continue their nefarious exploits under a smokescreen.
Much and all that I deplore the terrible injustices and perversions inflicted on our women and children they are but an example of the results of wimpish men that should stand in defence of truth and virtue.
No men to defend the Nation (Father) means that there are no women to defend Culture (Mother). I say again that I think it is no accident that the very first Commandment after our duties to God are to “honour your father and mother”.
And I say again that one cannot pretend to “fix” the world’s problems by straining out gnats.
Not sure which gnat-straining you are referring to, but as for the family’s permanent place in the human species, and as for art’s ability to jiggle the whole thing back into focus, I rather like this musical video:
humans are not a “species”
I don’t want no sanitiser (crippling moral and mental “political correctness”).
“No men to defend the Nation (Father) means that there are no women to defend Culture (Mother).”
Couldn’t agree more: emotions only serve a constructive purpose when One’s prepared to look at the bigger picture.
Thanks, berry good.
The term “species” is not well defined; it’s barely more than a rather arbitrary classification of things according to similarities. Homo Sapiens are certainly distinguishable from all other live beings on the planet.
As the term “homo sapiens” is based on the doctrine that we’re nothing more than highly evolved monkeys it’s also an insult to both G*d and Mankind
No it’s not, berry. Just because there some obvious similarities between various kinds of beings does not mean that one kind turns itself into another. The “classification” of “mammalian” simply means a kind of being that nourishes its young with milk from the mother. It does not, in any way, presume that dolphins turn themselves into monkeys that turn themselves into humans. An arbitrary classification according to pretty obvious similarities does not mean that one kind turned itself into another. It (in my opinion) simply means that the Designer said “this is a good plan that will work well for many kinds of beings”.
Curious that you do the “G*d” thing. Are you a “fundamentalist” (Talmudic or Pharisaical) Jew?
Just another hint about hitting the “donut” button for Dee:
“In 2004, Medical Economics reported that Dr Mercola’s practice employed 50 people and that he employed 15 people to run his newsletter, including three editors.
“Much of his support has come from chiropractors who promote his newsletter from their Web sites. Two of his books hit the #2 sales rank on Amazon Books shortly after his newsletter plugged them for the first time.”
Well not a word about Epstein, I think the MSM ruse has worked, he is forgotten. He is loafing on his 3rd and totally secret private island, with all the incriminating videos of everyone in Hollywood and Washington (and perhaps even London) safely stowed away in secret locations, nobody would dare to let him die, all the videos would become public overnight. Probably on the waiting list for a face transplant or something like that. If you’re looking for someone who supposedly suicided but was really strangled, I think that guy may be Anthony Bourdain. What was he saying, what were his plans, who was he talking to, who was he talking about.
Not Rolf Harris I would guess.