Home World Politics Unmasking Five Eyes and the Globalist “Private” Network

Unmasking Five Eyes and the Globalist “Private” Network



Investment Watch and Patriots for Truth published this report recently (24/5/2019).

Alexander Downer is a focus of the discussion between Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben as they reveal the origins of this thing called “Five Eyes”. They detail the meetings that date back to 1946, when Five Eyes was set up to protect a “private” network.



  1. So the Brits have gotten the yanks into “war after war” ?
    And here’s silly old me thinking the alliance was simply the result of mutual interests

  2. Well at least we did not attempt to invade the US when dear Hilary lost.
    Just imagine; Downer wading onto a californian beach discharging his 303.

  3. Of course this interview/report was prior to Trump’s visit to the UK. May has not lasted very long subsequently!?
    Now Boris has drained out from his government the remainderers.
    Thirty first of October is going to be interesting.

  4. I have not yet watched the vid, but in the title it says “shadow governments”. I thought they were the official governments.

    I have heard that President Ike got his instructions thru his secretary Anne Whitman.

    Which is not to say that I think Tricky Dick got them from Rosemary Wood. And Ronnie got them from Nancy’s clairvoyant. How clair volant can you get.

  5. The Globalists/Rothchilds had never lost control of the economic/political aspects to the United States, even during the revolutionary war of 1776. The illusion of an independent United States has been kept well hidden until Trump came along – now it is all being exposed – and the Globalists are retreating and all, will eventually be destroyed.


    • And for Australia by all means give credit to the Honourable Senator Rod Culleton from WA and his team going to the Privy Council in revealing what many of us have known for decades concerning the Australia Act which is sedition and High Treason. They won their case for those who are unaware.
      The question is where do we go from here? Are they going to make the Australia Act null and void? There are many questions to ask. For example if it has been an illegal government ever since the implementation of the AA then all of the courts would be as well perhaps….? A question to ponder


  6. As I have been saying for some time now, ALL, so called Intelligence Agencies, need to be closed down. It is a fallacy so say that they are a guardian for each country’s sovereignty. They are a parasitic organism acting on behalf of the want-to-be One World Government. Those involved in the Banking Industry, the Military Industrial Complex, Agro-Pharmaceutical Industries and Petroleum Industries are the main beneficiaries to the actions taken by the Intelligence Industry.

    Of course the Royal Families are the main beneficiary of all those mentioned industry and also obtain direct help by control of the population, by fear of the Intelligence Agencies.

    It is unfortunate that most politicians around the World either have something in their background that they don’t want the public to know about (in other words, can be blackmailed or compromised)or are willing to accept payment to allow legislation to be passed in favour of these criminal organisations.

    • “It is unfortunate that most politicians around the World either have something in their background that they don’t want the public to know about” – good God, just think about Lindy Chamberlain or Martin Bryant.

      The ‘system’ can create a totally false narrative and easily market it to the dumbed-down masses.

      People have to wake up! Start using their own God given senses, logic, reason and break away from the manufactured ‘consensus reality’.

      • I cannot agree that all inteligence agencies should be closed down,
        If the traitor criminals in the intellegence agencies are imprisoned or shot.

      • They are Criminal Intelligence Agencies that are employed by the taxpayer and their many and monstrous crimes they profit from are enormous beyond imagination.

        It is a well known octopus
        Serco: The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of

  7. In the mid sixties , in Sydney , there were fifteen thousand manufacturing industries !
    Today we have 50 ? Maybe . The fathers worked and most mothers looked after the children at home . Houses were owned , usually after 5years repayments . Everyone drove cars all made here .

    Look at what the globalists have done to this place and everywhere .
    The gaystapo world disorder is a freemasonic kabal communist occult .
    Free trade is slave trade , they have hijacked humanity and are stealing the blood sweat and tears of the toiling suffering mass , with no remorse for their criminality . On the contrary , they gloat on their stupendous greed .

    No time to be sitting on the fence any longer . Just like in the garden , the choice is good or evil .
    Everything changes and passes but the two opposite paths are constant through time .

    • I spent R&R in Sydney in 1970. I came back in 1974 and hitch-hiked through Oz. Great country and I could see that where I was from, that where Southern California was heading (it has now arrived). So I bailed on the U.S, and immigrated to Oz by 1982.

      Some of my reasons to immigrate to Oz were that they made their own products – cars, aviation, shoes, clothes, food, etc. – Who would want to be a slave to some other source? – Those times are long gone.

      I don’t know what the solution is to the vast majority of Aussie citizens, but for me, I’ve ‘dropped out’. I spent 21 years in the legal system, I consider the Australian legal system a total fraud. The legal system is the back bone of a society. If it is corrupt (and the Australian system is, BIG TIME), then the trajectory of the civilization is circulating down the drain, it is just a matter of time.

      • I had a very good friend now deceased said the same thing. He said he was embarrassed by the system. He used to be a detective in the SA drug and vice squad. He quit as it was corrupt and studied then studied and practiced law where he found was also corrupt. Before and during the Bay Moyes days.

  8. As for secret agreements.
    Now we want to know about a reported agreement made by our government with General MacArthur giving over Australian sovereignty to the US “until the end of hostilities’ from
    Pity that ‘hostilities’ have never ended, by design.
    We.are been duped by our Prime Ministers since WW-11 to be implicated in decades of war.

    • Paging James O’Neill. James, what’s this about ” a reported agreement made by our government with General MacArthur…”

      I say there can be no such thing. Where would it exist as a document? And what authority does a general have to sign a treaty?

      • I understand the the original document is presented to every PM when called upon to report to the US,
        Plus they are shown some head shots from a past US president to endorse their servility.
        Take the money or else!

      • Mary,
        A General with troops coming to a defenceless country in war can demand whatever he and his government wants.
        Be real.

        • When the Brits called the Great Southern Land Terra Nullius and set it up as a slave colony they weren’t “authorised” by anyone either. I guess that was the precedent.

    • Paging James O’Neill. James, what’s this about ” a reported agreement made by our government with General MacArthur…”

      I say there can be no such thing. Where would it exist as a document? And what authority does a US general have to sign a treaty-type thing?

  9. 56 – “In the mid sixties , in Sydney , there were fifteen thousand manufacturing industries !
    Today we have 50 ? Maybe . The fathers worked and most mothers looked after the children at home . Houses were owned , usually after 5years repayments . Everyone drove cars all made here”

    So true, 56!

    Please read latest release from ITTCS (http://murderbydecree.com/2019/07/23/breaking-news-release-kevin-annett-announces-his-candidacy-in-canadian-federal-election-veteran-activist-to-campaign-for-sovereignty-justice-and-independence-for-the-republican-party-of-kanata/) about:

    “Kevin Annett announces his candidacy in Canadian Federal Election: Veteran Activist to Campaign for “Sovereignty, Justice and Independence” for the Republican Party of Kanata in Winnipeg North Constituency.”

    This helps to unmask 5 – Eyes US,CANADA,UK,Australia,NZ and International Zionism

    Kevin needs God’s might to prevail over all the schemes of the devil for an election win. Is anything too hard for the Lord God? And when he wins, the blessings can flow out to other affected countries. And, 56, one could hope for restored economies, industries, jobs and individuals (even the law and prisons). With God nothing is impossible. The Reformation was built upon “the just shall live by faith”. Truth and light help win the day. Jesus is the same, yesterday and forever. It can be done again.

  10. TruNews show video of a jewish television comedy mocking and crucifying jesus.

    Editorialisation (1:20:35)

    Actual beginning (1:22:45)

    Denis Prager of Prager University conflates antizionism with antisemitism + more (1:16:00)

    Whole show a worthwhile watch

  11. The funny thing is that people worry about some kind of dystopian future, without realizing that we are living in it. Imagine dragging someone from the 1970s into the modern world. They would be horrified.

  12. Revealed: The British firms paid $60 billion by the Pentagon under President Obama
    https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2016-10-06/revealed-british-firms-paid-60-billion-by-obamas-pentagon (This is the same rogue group that came out with the Russian hoax and the Skirpal poisoning)

    As the Bureau exclusively revealed on Sunday, controversial UK public relations firm Bell Pottinger received over half a billion dollars to run a top secret propaganda programme in Iraq following the US invasion.

    But Bell Pottinger’s windfall represents only a fraction of what the Pentagon has paid British firms.

  13. Top US Spy Chief Flees To Trump After Stopping “False Flag” Attack (He is the real hero of the US at this 2016 article)
    http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2168.htm (Shows the missile hole and reports no plane visible)
    As to why the US Navy ordered this doomsday plane to take flight at all, this report notes, is “highly alarming” as the American Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has previously been implicated by the SVR as a “controlling partner” in the “false flag” attack events known as “9/11” that occurred on 11 September 2001—and that were only able to be stopped when a cruise missile was fired into ONI’s Pentagon communication center.


    Serco’s 8 Five-Eyes Visas – Trudeau’s ISIS Sleepers


  15. America Is a Conquered Country

    Ed.’s note: America is a conquered country but that’s alright because Trump will make everyone feel good. The reason why President Trump who works for Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s greater interests referred to Rep. Ilhan Omar as being “antisemitic,” is because Omar has introduced a resolution to uphold the right to boycott Israel.

  16. How long has this been going on and still not one media, news agency or radio station has revealed this very important and vital issue. The “Fourth Estate” has collapsed and infiltrated decades ago.


    Aussie Treason Part 2

    Australian Government Acts of Treason 1/4

    I have seen three Youtube videos mentioning Alexander Downer and also how Australia and the UK illegally spied on President Elect Trump and how they continued to spy on him after he was elected President. Both governments then went through diplomatic channels to keep this secret from both countries.

    As ex Prime Minister Turnbull was in office at the time and President Trump, Q and others were quite angry about this illegal spying between allies. The Americans have done it in the past as well. So the Gang of Four or more Malcolm Turnbull, Julie Bishop the Minster for Foreign Affairs, George Brandis the High Commissioner to the UK and Alexander Downer who was the High commissioner in London. I would add the insidious criminal CIA who have most certainly infiltrated the Australian intelligence services which is quite obvious in a number of areas. This is High Treason of helping a foreign government to oust a democratically elected President of another country. If this is so, I hope all get properly indicted and charged with stiff jail terms and fined heavy penalties.

  17. Serco Octopus Control of U S Military, Prisons, IRS and Judges

    Plum City – (AbelDanger.net) August 22, Following McConnell’s exposure of “Serco Octopus Control of U S Military, Prisons, IRS and Judges”, Umbrellaman has placed Operation ORANGE CANDY CANES in motion as Serco given $2.5B contract to ‘contain U S Navy’ which is linked to Kasim Reed’s 2nd (Bilderberg) term and his sister Kristine ‘Con Air’ Marcy – the co-custodian of the U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund since 1984 – to bribes allegedly paid to jurors in Monroe and McMinn Counties in the Tenth Judicial District of Tennessee and the spot-fixed finding of guilt for CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) after he had been charged with “extortion” and “aggravated perjury” in the Kangaroo Court with Aubrey Wayne Carter acting as the COURT JESTER.

    #2079: Marine Links Serco Fraud on Royal Navy to Titanic ad hoc Waypoint and Bombing of USS Cole


    United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a century-old fraud on the Royal Navy’s chain of command by Serco and its RCA GB / Marconi root companies to ad hoc waypoints, allegedly telegraphed to the bridge of the Titanic to trigger a course change and collision with an iceberg on April 14, 1912, and the ad hoc waypoints allegedly sent to the USS Cole to have it dock in Aden Harbour for the bombing ambush of October 12, 2000.

    McConnell notes that in August 2000, his research team had warned Andy Du Port, then head of security of the Royal Navy, that alleged criminals in the CAI (Canadian American Investors) Private Equity Group had set up man-in-the-middle attacks on Royal Navy communications systems allowing them to spoof commands from the navies of the Five Eyes countries and impute fraudulent ad hoc waypoints into targeted ships for death by boat events.

  18. Judge Jeanine: If you questioned the deep state’s existence, you just saw it

    Very good examination and revelation as they are all a bunch of liars!

  19. The video “Australian Government Acts of Treason 1/4” is truly terrible news Thanks for sharing it.

    Despite the impinging threat, God who is greater is near to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus. We must trust in Jesus the SAVIOUR of the world.

    Big Governments, big corporations, big money take over and deceive. Even churches can too. But it should not be so.

    In the Bible we find there is an almighty loving God who Jesus tells us IS our Father in heaven. We have an inheritance waiting for us from God.That means if we believe in God’s written record of Jesus in the Bible we become a child of God, a new creature; we receive his forgiveness from the guilt and power of our sins (for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God); we are reconciled to God, and we are born again, given new life, by the power of his Holy Spirit who indwells believers; and we are translated into Christ Jesus’s eternal kingdom of heaven even as we live on this earth, and wait for his promised second coming. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians+1&version=KJV
    This is the ONLY rescue plan that the UN cannot touch! That means that despite this wickedness we know God cares for us, helps us, empowers us, and supplies all our needs.

    If readers don’t already know I copy these words so that everyone might know the hope that God offers every person through Jesus Christ in this sad and wicked world:

    Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
    Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
    1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
    Acts 17:31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
    Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

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