by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
There is an upcoming lawsuit in Canada, a class action for people who were mistreated by Dr Cameron in the Alan Memorial Hospital. But first let’s recap the availability of proofs of CIA wrongdoping in the mind-control area.
In 1975 US Senator Frank Church used his power in as legislator to host hearings on the subject of CIA. His committee had the power to subpoena anyone to give information, including heads of the FBI, CIA, and NSA. He looked at assassination of foreign leaders, surveillance of the domestic population, and subversion by the media.
Thank God the senator revealed the CIA’s mind-control program. Today we know about Operation Paperclip – it’s declassified! A thousand Nazi scientists escaped arrest after World War II and made their way to US, with the help of the Vatican and the Red Cross. Many joined the CIA.
Some had conducted cruel experiments in Germany. The likelihood, but I have no proof at the moment, is that the Nazi experimenters were already linked to Tavistock before the war.
It is public knowledge that the CIA mind-control project MK-Ultra had 80 sub-projects. Universities, hospitals, and prisons did the dirty work under contract to the CIA. Unbelievable violations of the children occurred. In this article I will only discuss the 1995 “presidential hearings” and the Alison Steel lawsuit.
The US Presidential Hearings on Radiation in 1995
Soldiers had complained of radiation experiments done on them in the 1950s. A President’s Commission was formed to hear their stories. Valerie Wolf was a psycho-therapist in New Orleans helping MK-Ultra patients. She knew some of them had also been in the radiation experiments. So she quickly got in touch with other therapists to make sure these girls could testify. Claudia Mullen said she had been kept in a cage:
I was exploited for nearly three decades of my life, and the only explanations given to me was that “I was serving my country in their bold effort to fight Communism.” I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused seven- year-old child and compounded my suffering. beyond belief. I’ve already submitted as much information as possible, including conversations overheard.
I’m able to report all this to you in such detail because of my photographic memory and the arrogance of the doctors. They were certain they would always control my mind. [Dr B told her]: ‘They and the agency think I’m a god, creating experiments for whatever deviant purposes Sid and [a third doctor] could think up.” Sid being Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.
In 1958, I was to be tested, they told me, and I was instructed not to look at anyone’s faces, and to try to ignore any names as this was a very secret project, but I was told that all these things would help me forget. Naturally, as most children do, I did the opposite, and I remember as much as I could. . . . By the time I left to go home, I would remember only whatever explanations they gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head, fingers…. They had already begun to control my mind.
When Valerie Wolf (now deceased, considered murdered) wrote to her colleagues, she quoted a January 24, 1994 article on “The Cold War Experiments” in U.S. News and World Report, saying it used thousands of Americans as guinea pigs.” Isn’t it amazing that this article in a popular news weekly did not evoke public anger? Dr Valerie Wolf said:
“Therapists across the country are finding clients who have been subjected to mind control. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and torture techniques, such as electric shock, hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, spinning, hypnosis, dislocation of limbs and sexual abuse is remarkable.” [Emphasis added]
Please note a further astonishing observation by Wolf, which did not then lead to publication in medical journals:
“About 25% of the [psychologists’] clients report memories of being used in radiation experiments. … What was startling was that therapists reported many of these clients were also physically ill with multiple sclerosis and other muscle and connective tissue diseases as well as mysterious ailments. … It is unclear if these physical disorders and symptoms were caused by radiation or drugs used in the experiments.” [Emphasis added]
Lawsuits in Regard to Dr Cameron’s “De-Patterning”
Dr Ewen Cameron worked at the Alan Memorial Hospital, connected to Magill University in Montreal, carrying out experiments for the CIA. He used deep sleep and psychic driving in hopes of removing all ideas and memories in the person’s brain. One patient, Velma Orlikow, who entered the hospital in 1956 for depression, later sued. She testified in court:
“I find the whole thing despicable, it runs against everything I believed in. I felt outraged that an organization from another country had done this and sometimes I thought I would die.”
She demanded $190,000 but agreed to settle out of court for $41,000 and legal expenses. Later Canada’s government invited others to apply for compensation and paid 70 of them. As recently as 2017 a daughter of Dr Cameron’s patient has sued and then accepted an out-of-court settlement of $100,000.
As reported by Catherine Thompson of Canada’ CBCNews:
“Cameron believed a combination of chemically induced sleep for weeks at a time, massive electroshock treatments, experimental hallucinogenic drugs like LSD and techniques such as ‘psychic driving’ through the repeated playing of taped messages could ‘de-pattern’ the mind, breaking up the brain pathways….
“Doctors could then ‘re-pattern’ patients. However, the de-patterning also wiped out much the patient’s memory and left them in a childlike state. In some cases, grown adults forgot basic skills such as how to use the bathroom, how to dress themselves or how to tie their shoes.”
Can you imagine.
Alison Steel went to lawyer Alan Stein about her mother, Jean. Stein had won compensation for Gail Kastner in 2004 and an out-of-court settlement for Janine Huard in 2007. Per CBC:
“According to a report written by Cameron, [Jean] Steel was kept in a chemically induced sleep for weeks. One series lasted 29 days. A second lasted 18 days. The sleep therapy was accompanied by a series of electroshocks. ‘She was extremely confused and disoriented but much more co-operative,’ Cameron wrote in his report.”

In the Alison Steel lawsuit there were:
“Nurses’ notes on her charts detail repeated doses of sodium amytal, and how Steel would pace the hall and rail about feeling like a prisoner: ‘It’s just like being buried alive. Somebody please do something. ’This was all said screaming at the nurse and doctor, one note said.”
CBC’s article says
“The CIA, concerned about the brainwashing of U.S. soldiers who had been Korean prisoners of war, funded mind-control experiments across North America.”
I don’t think that is true – it was just an above-board justification. De-patterning was plainly intended to teach the CIA, for its own purposes, how to get rid of a person’s mind. The Deep Sleep aspect of it was also carried out by Dr Harry Bailey at Chelmsford Hospital in Sydney as part of Tavistock’s effort to eventually control everyone’s mind.
Now there is a group of victims planning to sue the Canadian federal government and the province of Quebec for damages. According to an article at ctvnews.ca:
“I believe we can claim moral damages as a result of the experiments when Dr. Cameron used these people as guinea pigs,” said Alan Stein, the lawyer representing the victims.
Moral damages, now there’s a thought.
— Mary W Maxwell has been studying the MK-Ultra goings on for 12 years and offers her services as an expert witness
Look at my eyes, Minister. You are going deeper. Deeeper. Deeeeeper.
We need Nazis to control the human race who threaten us all with freedom, the centuries of repressive regimes now most are comfortable with alienation and suffering a normal ideology of existence that most feel they need being in a prison which can be temporarily relieved with a trip down Highway 61.
The main Tavistock Institute mind control programme is called “Oxford University” and its main brain destruction clinic is named “The London School of Economics”. Two of its successful patients were Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke, who were in the same ward.
It was the fond belief of the Fabianists that their Oxford inserts into national governments would destroy entire economies and dilute national sovereignty into an internationalist goo.
There is no way that could have happened. Could it?
Well, say something….
Fancy that.
Look up the secret wills of Cecil Rhodes and the Dr Day exposures under ‘NWO exposes by insider’ march 1969.
Fancy that, look up Dr Day and the Rhodes wills.
With some difficulty-success! As above.
Spot on, Ned. As I recall, both Whitlam and Hawke were Rhodes scholars.
And people say there are no conspiracies. Ha.