by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In 2013 Trine Day Press published my dissident book, “Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status.” While researching it, I found that without doubt the Rockefeller forces had acted against science. Many individual doctors, acting on their own with training usually in the pre-1920 period, developed ordinary medical remedies.
Today, because of the massive false news coming from the mainstream media about the corona virus, I decided to go back and read John Ott’s little puzzle about the tomato virus. It is in his 1973 book, Light and Health. He was a photographer who invented time-lapse photography and thus could watch plants grow.
My book is a free download. It contains many ideas about energy and cancer. Here I am printing out the excerpt from John Ott, plus a shocker from two Air Force men who were apparently permitted to publish some material – possibly disinformation? – about BW – bioweapons.
Just give this your attention about the tomato virus. Bolding added by me:
“The tomato virus is one of the biggest problems growers have to contend with. It usually appears following long periods of cloudy weather and low sunlight intensity [hint, hint] …. It breaks out even under the most sterile and carefully guarded conditions. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that the low light level also weakens the plants so they become more susceptible to attack from the virus.
“During the course of making the film, I brought some virus-ridden tomatoes from the glass greenhouse into my plastic greenhouse. With just a few days of sunlight in my greenhouse, and a light foliar feeding of the leaves, the tomato plants quickly came to life, started new healthy growth and began producing normal tomatoes.
“[Why has] no consideration has been given to the possibility of a virus originating within the living cells of the plant itself …. It’s generally accepted that the virus must be introduced from… outside.
“The metabolism, or life itself, that goes on within a living cell is the utilization of the nutritional factors present by the energy of light.
“… A comparison would be the gasoline used in an automobile engine and the spark that ignites it. If the draft in the boiler is not adjusted right, or the carburetor is giving too rich a mixture, there will be incomplete combustion. This can result in both the boiler and engine giving off not only obnoxious smoke and fumes but also partially consumed fuel. In a similar way, it seems quite possible that a chemical substance of a poisonous nature could result as a by-product from an incomplete or unbalanced metabolism within the cells of a leaf.
“…. If so, then this chemical by-product would fit all the various descriptions of a virus. It would not be capable of reproducing itself, but if injected into the cells of other leaves, it might throw the metabolism of these cells off balance so that they would in turn produce more of the same chemical substance of a poisonous nature. … It could fit all the various descriptions of a virus and still originate within the affected plant itself. ….
“By now, a new theory was boiling within me and I determined to attack the virus problem through time-lapse. [I built a new unit] to take microscopic time-lapse pictures of the streaming of the protoplasm within the cell of a leaf as stimulated by direct un- filtered sunlight, [and] various types of artificial light illumination. It would show precisely the effect of different sources of light and variations of temperature on the photochemistry. It would then be possible to study the effect [of light] on the germination of — spores, mitosis of cells and other growth processes.”
- End of quote from John Ott. You can see Ott’s videos on YouTube. He, like all the others in my book, was given a hard time by The Powers That Be. I believe he worked on the Walt Disney production
And now this, from Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MC, and George Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC, “Biological Warfare: Its Cutaneous Manifestations”
“The US started an offensive biological warfare program at Camp Detrick. By 1969, it had weaponized the agents causing anthrax, botulism, tularemia, brucellosis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and Q fever. In 1978, Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was assassinated using an ‘umbrella gun’ that shot ricin into his thigh. BW agents are typically invisible in aerosol clouds and may not be detected until humans become ill.
“Panic would result as medical capabilities are quickly overwhelmed …. BW attacks would most likely occur late at night or early in the morning …. At these times, atmospheric temperature inversions would allow an agent cloud to travel at low altitude to cover its target. More unusual methods of dispersion could include releasing agents in their natural arthropod vectors.
Person-to-person transmission of several agents … could perpetuate an epidemic….” [Tularemia] starts with sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and generalized myalgias and arthralgias after an incubation period of 3-6 days. An ulcer is generally seen at the bite site and may persist several months as organisms spread to local lymph nodes.”
— end of quote from Thomas W. McGovern, MD, and George Christopher, “Biological Warfare: Its Cutaneous Manifestations”
I have now (July 22, 2020) looked up the above item which I got from the Internet in 2012, and found a 2020 news item from India at NortheastNow (nenow.in). I cannot vouch for it nor can I research it at the moment. But here is the item:
“Is Coronavirus an old US bio-weapon!” by SUBIR BHAUMIK, April 7, 2020
“It has been known to a small community of American bio-weapon researchers that by 1969, US had developed six mass-produced , battle-ready biological weapons in the form of agents that cause anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, Q-fever, VEE and Botulism, each a deadly disease capable of emerging into a pandemic.
“Addition, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B was produced as an incapacitating agent by the program.
“One Indian-origin biologist, with long experience of research in US’ top biological labs, told Northeast Now this week, that by 1969, the US bio-weapons program had conducted detailed research for weaponization of at least 20 more agents, all deadly virus.
“He said on condition of anonymity, citing possible implications on future research funding, that the 20 bio-agents developed by the program included both hantavirus and coronavirus.
“The other bio-agents developed by the program were Smallpox, EEE and WEE, AHF, Lassa fever , Melioidosis, plague, yellow fever, psittacosis, typhus, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever (RVF), CHIKV, late blight of potato, rinderpest, Newcastle disease, bird flu, and the toxin ricin.
“This, the Indian-origin biologist said, was ‘not huge secret’ and was fairly well known in the American biologists’ community, especially scientists who had once worked in the country’s elaborate bio-weapons program.
- end of item from Northeast Now.
Finally, I place here another excerpt from my 2013 book, Consider the Lilies. It is a smashing book. I did not have the capacity for marketing it and so it is little-known. I won’t use quote marks.
Trying for a “Collapse Theory”: Put All Three Together [That meant three things I had been airing in previous chapters. This is from Chapter 12]:
If John Beard is right, with his trophoblast idea as to the origin of cancer, we should consider his placental theory unique. But the other three meta-theories discussed in this chapter — electric, metabolic, and infectious – could possibly be unified.
In his tomato-virus study, above, John Ott floated the idea of a metabolic explanation for viral infection. I am not aware that anyone has followed up on his insight but it looks pretty exciting to me. I looked at the website of the Royal Horticultural Society, 40 years on. It does not indicate that Ott had any influence. The entry on “tomato virus” says:
“Stunting, distortion and fern leaf may also be caused by exposure to hormone weedkillers … Providing the source is removed, plants usually recover, but they do not usually recover from virus infection.”
Ott sees the “virus” as an internal change of chemicals, rather than a visitor from outside. Wow. Maybe he will re-open the “spontaneous generation” debate. (Yes I realize Louis Pasteur put paid to spontaneous generation but it was never fully dealt with.) Let me now list out a few other amazing statements from our theorists in which they show some cross-border interest.
A Parade of Quotes. Here are some pertinent items that you could scissors up and arrange into whatever patterns suits you. (Um, if it’s not a library book, ok?) All bolding added by me:
George Crile said, in Bipolar Theory of Life Processes, 1926 (p 219): “Bipolar theory explains the primary importance of the acid- alkali balance. It shows that the living organism is a mechanism adapted to electric control hence susceptible of being driven by trigger action by such minute forces as a beam of light.”
Lakhovsky, working around the same time as Crile but independently of him (possibly influenced by Tesla) said:
“The coli bacillus becomes harmful only because it is capable of modifying the characteristics of the cell: capacity, self- inductance and conductivity. The coli bacillus, vibrating with the same frequency as the living cells, has no harmful effect on them as it does not modify their wavelength. But the typhoid bacillus vibrates with another frequency and modifies the oscillatory equilibrium of the cell.”
Max Gerson is “metabolic,” right? But listen to him now:
“I am convinced that the problem of chronic disease is not one of biochemistry; rather, it is produced by deeper forces which cause the deficiencies of energies. It is the electrical forces that hold matter together. If the electrical forces become disorganized, matter will disintegrate. Disease is the result of disorganized electrical forces. Health results in the organization of electrical forces; therefore, we must discover how to organize these forces,” website of Pythagorean Center for Natural Healing
Rife, in the Rife Report came forth with this:
“We are positive that the causative agent of malignancy [is] bacillus coli … BX is a bipolar virus, but both the positive and negative forms of this virus are required to produce tumors…”
To quote another of Crile’s gems, “Surely then the sun’s energy released within an animal may be capable of organizing energy systems.” (1926: 167) S’truth!
Cautionary note for high schoolers. Perchance you may think you now know a lot about cancer. Oops, not from me! Peruse a textbook in your library — I’m not even in the ballpark. But any soul can play with ideas.
Oh, and don’t forget Judyth Baker disgorging the big secret: Ochsner radiated viruses to cause mutations.
And Crile said this: “The effect of radiation is to interfere with the mechanism in the cell for the creation and storage of electric charges, an interference which as effectively prevents growth and function.”
Rife, again: “… it would be possible to create an electronic frequency that was in the correct coordination or resonance of the chemical constituents of a given organism and devitalize it.”
(If you can devitalize something it must have been alive. Was it formed by natural selection? I realize Darwin does not have to have the last word, but I haven’t heard another explanation for species evolution. How can Darwin deal with pleomorphism? That would present a moving target to the forces of evolution!)
Another quote. Remember Beck’s nemesis, Steven Kaali, the man who is sitting on secrets? Kaali’s patent application says: “Electric current flow through the blood [can be done]… at a magnitude that is …sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect healthy cells [!!]

Note: I have asked GumshoeNews editor Dee McLachlan to place at the top of this article two cloud photographs. And here, above, are two others that I shot from my kitchen window four days ago. When I woke up, I saw a white mist in the air that did not quite look like fog, and anyway we don’t get often get a fog here (as we do in Adelaide). So I photographed it in case anyone is interested. It kills me that I can’t get people to look up at the sky. All over the world these non-natural clouds have been appearing since at least 2010. “But only a conspiracy theorist would make something of it.” I don’t actually make anything of it as I don’t have free time to research it. Just offering it for inspection.
Woman Refuses to Sign COVID-19 Self Quarantine Order So She and Hubby Required to Wear Ankle Monitors
I saw this and they wind us up. Must have a lot of tracker ankle clamps to spare.
I’ll bite, you stay safe.
Your a ak and a gem, Mary, is OK family has robust exchanges.
Your lead articles are outstanding, n I hold you to Mr Mullins standards.
Thank you
Jeremy Elliott Destroys The Globalist Covid19 Narrative in 5 Minutes https://visionlaunch.com/jeremy-elliott-destroys-the-globalist-covid19-narrative-in-5-minutes/ via @vision_launch
Just another satanic inversion of truth, vaccines cause cancer.
Covid-19 is largely glyphosate poisoning, as polio was largely DDT poisoning, and the Spanish flue was a combination of radiation (ref; book The Invisible Rainbow) and aspirin poisoning together with vaccine injury and post WWI malnutrition and the many poisonous chemicals of the war years.
There seems to be much to learn about everything. The following I find interesting;
Viruses do not exist as described but we accumulate toxins into the body over time and when the body is unable to detoxify enough we get seriously diseased. The toxins prevent healing.
Some doctors have placed these toxicities in to 7 groups.
Toxicities 1,2 and 3, can be measured.
1. heavy metals, for example in vaccines
2. persistent organic pollutants, https://www.chemsafetypro.com/Topics/Convention/Stockholm_Convention_on_Persistent_Organic_Pollutants_POPs.html
3. opportunistic bacteria fungi and yeasts can arrive when toxicities 1 and 2 are present. Toxicities suppress the immune system allowing the opportunistic microorganism to establish themselves causing disequilibrium.
4. energetics like electrical and microwave radiation especially microwaved food are toxic.
5. emotional and psychological
6. food, the way it is grown prepared and manipulated.
7. spiritual, love not fear.
Mankind was designed to live on earth like all life. Unfortunately the poisoning of ourselves with artificial chemicals is triggering “viruses” to try to rescue us from a slow death.
Our suffering will continue until we stop poisoning ourselves, seems obvious to me.
You may be interested in this link below.
The Only Way to Get a Virus is to be Injected With it – Aajonus Vonderplanitz – YouTube
This information is quite fascinating.
In January 2017 it was reported that Dr Lanka won in the German Federal Supreme Court that Measles virus has not been proven to exist. The necessary proof required would use the reproducible scientific method. It is striking that this discovery is not widely known. I only recently came across this information and found the contradictions troubling as it challenged my beliefs about viruses.
The article below tells us what is happening to science. Science is the scientific method, reproducible experiment whereas pseudo-scientific is to “observe and declare”.
The History & Lie of Viruses and Bacteria from virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka – German with Subtitles
Carey Reams and the RTBI Concepts is worth a internet search.
That looks fascinating, ddave. I don’t think Carey Reams was ever on my radar.
I came across Carey Reams recently whilst researching soil biology, biophysics and biochemistry. I have ordered the RTBI testing kit and will discover more about my health and the health of the soil I farm. I am guessing word human comes from humus the soil! as does humility. Our immune system comes from the soil life which is fed by plants via photosynthesis. The dynamic equilibrium gas cycles are caused by the sun. No CO2: No plants: No life. Thanks to the sun all is well on our flat earth.
Excellent piece MM.
“… If the electrical forces become disorganized, matter will disintegrate. Disease is the result of disorganized electrical forces. ”
5G ?
“To quote another of Crile’s gems, “Surely then the sun’s energy released within an animal may be capable of organizing energy systems.” (1926: 167) S’truth!”
I spoke to my winter-swimming friend when we were on our daily swim in the bay today. Chad told me of how he advised a woman that had “terminal” cancer to bath herself in sunlight for hours a day (not sure what else). She had been advised to go home and ‘die’. She baked herself in the sun etc and was in total remission 4 m later, much to her doctor’s surprise. They didn’t even ask how?
Thanks M
Dee, Johna Budwig also used sunlight along with her cure (which cure Mal Hughes endorses for arthritis pain as welll as cancer). Dee, if you can find my cancer talk from 2012 pls post it here
“They didn’t even ask how”
That’s normal for the priesthood, only lowly persons would be curious
“[Why has] no consideration has been given to the possibility of a virus originating within the living cells of the plant itself …. It’s generally accepted that the virus must be introduced from… outside.
Is this not what Tom Barnett describes when speaking of human viruses while talking on the subject of the Coronavirus epidemic in his video at http://gumshoenews.com on the 11/7/20?
Great article Mary, you’ve uncovered many piece’s of the puzzle. We used to call them clues. I miss those old who dunit shows. The coronabologna virus could be our cells reacting to the enviroment. I read your book on cancer cures. Fantastic.
Hard to know which way to panic (or to direct my sarcasm) …
Climate Scam No Longer Needed
At least we won’t be needing face masks
Good find, Julius. And it’s dated July 21, 2020
Julius, if anyone could benefit from wearing a mask, surely the junior Marxist Greta would? So glad to see the end of that ugly whining scammer.
I’m a simple man, so will explain as have experienced. Sure it applies to all fields of endeavour.
Source the material, manufacture it, distribute/install and recieve payment for work done.
We know that bioweapons have been manufactured for over a century. All it takes is a jar of poison be delivered to a cruise ship, leagues club, nursing home or school etc.
I’ve written before that there are over 50 bio weapon factories worldwide. What is the point of having them other than to murder innocents. They’re not making it to sit on the shelf, otherwise there is no reason to make it in the first place. Victoria has 3 bioweapon factories, yet to be mentioned on msm. Unless all the traitors involved are exposed things can only get worse.
They are the slavemason kabal komunists, one ring rules them all and that is pedophelia and child sacrifice.
Or a vial emptied on the front desk of a Chinese hotel next to a fish market.
Or, the Military Games held at Wuhan in Oct. 2019 with participating US soldiers.
Hope you include reselling organs under child sacrifice
Your commenter aussiemal* mentioned cancer cells struggle to survive when the body is in a raised temperature condition (eg fever), nobody ever said you can “catch” cancer, with the respiratory stuff a small amount seems to be enough to get an immune response but if you are overwhelmed by a large filthy sneeze the immune system can’t catch up. If you are further weakened by BigPharma medications and junk food your chances are even worse.
Now this doctor James Freeman has been looking at the effect of medications on virus affected people. Here is the webpage: https://fixcovid19.com and I looked on it just now via the Google browser and found it was blocked with all sorts of scary warnings from Google saying it was insecure webpage and so forth, going to steal your ID and take all your money type of thing.
Only once you click past all this nonsense you can see the page.
Blasphemies by priests of BigPharma against Covid-19™ will not be tolerated by Google thought police? Hey Google, what am I supposed to think?
*”I read some time ago from Dr Campbell Douglass that upping the body temperature could kill off cancer. “
Now here’s a guy from 100 years ago check him out on Wikipedia
Otto Warburg cancer hypothesis
“Tumor cells generating energy (ATP) mainly by anaerobic breakdown of glucose (fermentation or anaerobic respiration) … cancer should be interpreted as a mitochondrial dysfunction … “The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar” ”
… Which takes us back to the Tom Barnett video a week or so ago on Gumshoe
We do not breathe enough these days. Our mitochondria are not getting fed with enough oxygen. We are living too “comfortably” One can go without water and food but no one can go without oxygen.
In reply to bg 9.22 am. I think the time period was during the 1960s when several cancer victims took trips to the Phillipines for treatment. Some appeared to be successful in beating cancer.
The treatment consisted of being buried up to neck in horse manure. At the time I had no idea of how this treatment would work. However in more recent years I have read about heat being able to eradicate cancer. If anybody has heaped up horse, cow, chicken manure and left for some time, they will know how hot it is in the centre of that heap when opened up. I feel that was what the treatment was about. Heat therapy!
As Hippocrates reportedly said “Give me a chance to create a fever and I can cure anything” but people nowadays don’t even have the patience to cure a cold
What has the Victorian testing for Coronavirus told us? We now know that 90% of those testing positive have shown no ill health effects. Some of the other 1% have died but they were 70 years or older with health problems and at Death’s Door. They could have passed on any day, with or without the virus. In other words the virus was no worse than the normal seasonal common cold.
So why is that State Government, now mandating compulsorily wearing of face masks, that have been shown by medical experts’ testing, to give no protection against viruses? My guess is orders from the WHO. Or that Government is intending to commit political suicide.
Before that happens figures should be released to the public showing if there is or is not a correlation between those that tested positive and if they have received vaccines in the last ten years. Without that information we do not know how these people may have become contaminated. If the health authorities refuse to release such information they should be fired for their dereliction of duty of care to the Australian public.
Agree, they are playing us like a cat with a mouse before it skins it alive.
We should approach all their deceptions with caution. They have enough ammunition, not only to blow us up but themselves as well, and all living on this ball floating in space.
They believe in ‘big bang’ cause that’s all they do. Artificial Insanity is evil to its core.
So far as I’m concerned the labeling on store-bought tomato plants is an acknowledgement that viral contamination is, indeed, in-built:
Tomato disease resistance codes
V Verticillium Wilt
F Fusarium Wilt
FF Fusarium, races 1 and 2
FFF Fusarium, races 1, 2, and 3
N Nematodes
A Alternaria
T Tobacco Mosaic Virus
St Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot)
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Likewise this write-up:
But I can’t quite see where the matter intersects with bio-weaponary
For me the word just conjures up the earful I wound up giving a government “healthcare” worker yesterday afternoon.
Berry, I suppose the intersection is that people who REALLY know the human body are in a better position to wreck it.
Well those folk are wholly dependent on a well-oiled machine and the best way of putting a spanner in the works of the like is to simply disconnect some of the respective components. So for me it’s back to the salt mine.
Which includes having to deal with half-baked pharmacists who don’t aspire to anything more than justifying their own existence, quote, “and what are you going to use this(unrestricted) product for?”. Next time I’m just going to let ’em have it: “Actually it’s none of your business if I plan to spread it all over my sandwiches”
What needs to be contemplated is, “whose actually being rude and aggressive here?”. Generally speaking fear of social rejection/ostracisation allows masked attacks on personal autonomy to be tolerated. If nothing more the Covid ‘19 fiasco proffers the perfect opportunity for deprogramming and the over-65-and retired crew are in an ideal position to take the lead
The ONLY means of overcoming any monster is to quit gawking at the might & magnitude and to start chipping away at the Achilles heel
I’m an over 65 retired who, when forced to wear a mask, it/they will be a ‘billboard’, sporting four letter words such as HOAX, FAKE and SCAM.
Other publicity that comes to mind is, AGENDA 21 – WMD – PLANdemic –
Lethal Injection,…………….., any more ideas ?
So far as anything else goes I think it really comes down to striking while the iron’s hot
And the slogans-on-mask idea is a perfect example of just that.
The Germ Theory of Disease– Debunked
Love your work people, it really is fantastic how everybody brings their knowledge and research to this forum and bounces ideas off each other. While we are on the scientific technicalities of viruses and the cause and effects, I need your help. Can anyone explain to me how TPTB make the connection (hence further restrictions) between having a flu shot and getting the corona virus ? Is it possible to get two different flu strains at the same time ? The reason I ask is because the nursing home where my grandmother resides will no longer let me in if I don’t have the jab. I have to sit outside on the footpath and talk by phone. They tell me with a smile that I will never be able to hug her again. I understand they are just pushing forced vaccination, but what is the official bullshit line of justification
do they claim to be following a rule set down by the premier or what? Is it in writing?
Amongst many other methods of warfare including aerial bombing of civilian areas to terrorise and slaughter “women, children, the aged, the sick”, our good friend Churchill was also advocating the following:
“As for Poison Gas and Chemical Warfare in all its forms, only the first chapter has been written of a terrible book. Certainly every one of these new avenues to destruction is being studied on both sides of the Rhine, with all the science and patience of which man is capable. And why should it be supposed that these resources will be limited to Inorganic Chemistry? A study of Disease-of Pestilences methodically prepared and deliberately launched upon man and beast-is certainly being pursued in the laboratories of more than one great country. Blight to destroy crops, Anthrax to slay horses and cattle, Plague to poison not armies only but whole districts- such are the lines along which military science is remorselessly advancing.”
Quote from:
“Shall We All Commit SUICIDE?” By The Right Honourable WINSTON S. CHURCHILL
That bastard Churchill ….. again .
I read there were 20,000 airmen imprisoned at Dresden.
Have always wanted to find out how many survived Churchills firebombing.
Yes Mary these rules have been issued by govt/health authorities. It is the same predicament for NRL players who cannot play in Qld if they haven’t had the flu shot which theoretically should have zero effect on the corona virus
“these rules have been issued by govt/health authorities”
In other words a team of overbearing bureaucrats
You do realise that nothing is legally binding unless it’s been put through parliament ?
Mr Walker, I agree with Berry.
There are not many more respected voices of reason in this insane world than former Reagan administration OMB Director David Stockman who was this author of this recent article :
He had this to say in the first few paragraphs about Trump’s handling of the Covid fiasco :
” It should be evident by now that the Donald’s one and only north star is his own glorification and self-aggrandisement. That’s why he’s totally flat-footed at this crucial moment in the pandemic saga.
What he needs to be doing is taking off the gloves for a bare-knuckled counterattack against the Virus Patrol, which is ruining America’s economic and fiscal future.
Instead, yesterday he put on the Mask and then tweeted a juvenile boast that he’s the most patriotic muzzle-wearer in the land :
‘ We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance. There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favourite President! ‘
But no, Donald, you ain’t no favourite among lovers of liberty, capitalist prosperity, free market opportunity and the constitutional fettering of state power.
After all, you said you came to Washington to drain the Swamp, yet there is NO MORE odious set of Swamp Creatures than the camarilla of NIH/CDC/FDA doctors and apparatchiks, along with their Big Pharma and Gates Vaccine lobby allies, who bamboozled you into the folly of Lockdown Nation last March.”
Hallelujah brother !
Praise be to you Mr Stockman for telling it like it is.
I may be wrong, but I believe Trump is using the virus ruse to better deal with the Deep State.
This “disaster” enabled him to use powers that in normal situations would not be available to him. Trump did not lockdown the US, he left that to state governors to do, but he did not discourage them.
During this time he is allowing the Deep State to progress in their evil way, so as to obtain evidence as to who is up to what, that can be used against them in court when the time is right.
OFF TOPIC – except I make the link at the end
I was in a conversation with an old high school friend about ‘truth’ – or at least ‘perception of truth’. He had belatedly recommended the show on the ABC a couple of nights ago about Putin and I expressed my skepticism but committed to watching it. I gave some feedback– regarding Litvinenko and more particularly the Skripals – where the VICTIMS are now under permanent solitary confinement – Go figure 😊.
This was the programme:
Putin: A Russian Spy Story
Series 1 Episode 1 The Rise of Putin
To help explain how ‘reality’ works I cited a similar programme I had seen spewing [I mean espousing] Browder’s narrative on the Magnitsky affair on Channel 9’s Sunday Night (29 July 2018}. I managed to find an upload.
• Dirty Money: Russia’s largest tax refund laundered into foreign banks | Sunday Night
Very slick and very convincing I am sure you will agree.
Then consider this … (take your time)
• The Magnitsky Act: Behind The Scenes (Andrei Nekrasov)
copy on Bitchute here …
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/NlrR5zFDoTRj/
The reason this comes to mind is the equally false narrative that is being forced upon us as ‘reality’ regarding the coronavirus and all its ramifications. The Magnitsky ‘affair’ illustrates this perfectly – and we can ponder many, many other scenarios in this post-truth world.
A couple more articles on Bill Browder – the titles say it all – both very thoroughly researched.
Perhaps just browse for the general gist and make a mental note/archive
Bill Browder, a Billionaire Accused of Being a Fraud and Liar
It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know: Deconstructing William Browder
‘ Browder accused of being a Fraud and a Liar ‘.
And …… a damn good reason for that.
The Unz Review, as usual, tells it like it is.
Hi Truth
My continuing conversation above included the following …
Putin’s Orthodoxy -A Few Ideas about His Religious Views and the New Russia (PDF)
which can be found here along with many other essays (and books) by Matthew Raphael Johnson
In particular I highlighted the passage
“It is common to condemn Putin for being a “KGB agent.” The truth is that the security services of any nation attract nationalists. Few doctrinaire Marxists existed in the USSR. This is the exclusive domain of [Jewish] capitalist universities. Putin has condemned Marxism and communism. He has stated that the fall of the USSR was a great “catastrophe.” Indeed it was: Solzhenitsyn said the same. The destruction of the Soviet economy in a few years and its liquidation into the bank accounts of a few Jewish oligarchs [such as Browder – and Khodorkovsky] is well known.
Putin clearly (albeit secretly) rejected the party’s atheism. He was and is a Russian nationalist.
Fish, if the average Aussie knew even a fraction of what you know about Putin, there’d be push-back against the MSM’s constant demonisation of this man – arguably the greatest statesman in the world.
I wouldn’t give credence to anything Bill Browder has to say.
Similarly, our ABC is no no better than a CIA propaganda mouthpiece that’s focused on smearing and demonising Putin 24/7.
Fish, I’m aware from your comments that you and I are on the same page vis-a-vis Browder’s lack of credibility.
My comment relates to the fact that I don’t have the patience to sit through listening to even one sentence from this wretch of a man.
It was tough but someone has to do it 😊
If that illustration doesn’t wake one up then one is a collaborator. 😊
Well after several hours of research last night I have answered my own questions. These rules I alluded to are legally binding and issued under “public health orders” and the health minister is allowed to make these pretty much on the run by virtue of the public health act of 2010. Curiously NSW did a review of these powers in October last year. All of the fines being handed out are from these public health orders. Their position on mandatory vaccination for anybody associated with aged care homes (staff,visitors, tradesman) is that you can catch two influenza viruses at the same time. Going deeper into medical archives about this indicated it is extremely rare, however they say it happened to several elderly people in the north of Italy this year, and that the resultant mortality rate was close to 100%. So it looks like I’m back out on the footpath and never able to hug grandma again
Do they restrict children recently pre-treated for measles, et all. Seen exclutions on immune compromised areas of large hospitals, so they accepted “shedding” theory at one time.
Get someone healthy who is currently complient, to meet with your gran, they act with a “bit of a cough”, see if that concerns them.
Gran is a hostage, break her out if your able.
The Public Health Act 2010 only applies to NSW:
So what section(s) are we talking exactly ?
I can’t see anything that empowers nursing home staff to prohibit unvaccinated visitors from entering a nursing home facility and there doesn’t appear to be any such thing in the Regulations either:
Mr Walker, you CANNOT catch a virus. Viruses are produced in our own bodies, they are actually a solvent to clean toxins from our body. The only way a virus can come from another source is via a laboratory, in the form of a vaccine. See video above “The Only Way To Get A Virus Is To Be Injected.
There have been other such videos circulated by different medical people.
You’ll have to do a little legwork yourself Berry as I’m a computer dinosaur by choice and can’t post the link. However just google COVID-19(Coronavirus) – Guidance for residential aged care facilities. Your are looking for the nsw government healths site. It’s presented as “guidance” but if you follow it back you will see it is a public health order which is issued from the powers of the public health act 2010 and this relevant part of it was derived from the state emergency act of 1989. I understand it’s nsw but that’s where I live and I’ll bet other states have or will follow suit. That link you posted is with all due respect (and I mean that) “barking up the wrong tree” these orders were made a matter of weeks ago. And to Simon yes mate I am trying to find creative ways to circumvent this bullshit , but she’s 95 and time is definitely on “their” side.
Actually the onus of legal proof in such a situation is on the restrictors/ those claiming authorisation.
They’re the ones who’re obliged to cite the EXACT basis of their actions.
If nothing else the entire Covid 19 circus continues to spell out the fact that such folk are acting on nothing more than the biggest perceived fear in the room, ditto the vast bulk of humanity.
The control of the beast will fill the whole earth.
The reach is global because it controls the Anglo Zionist countries.
It is full spectrum dominance with satellites, surveillance, data collection, artificial intelligence and trans humanism.
They are locking us in our homes and we don’t have 19 years to figure this one out.
All politicians are corrupt, they are all traitors. They are building the global 5G prison now.
You will have a wall around you (drones, facial recognition, cameras) and you will need permission to work. Permission to live.
The ones who benefit are the ones who are buying the world.
They want a digital currency because it gives them complete control in a surveillance state.
This Frydenberg government is pushing to introduce a cash-ban bill, to prevent people from ‘money laundering’ and ‘tax avoidance’.
Maybe it will expose the corruption, pedophelia and drug running with women and children being sold into sexual slavery? I doubt it.
You’re prescient as always ’56’ .
This is indeed a ‘Frydenberg government’ and his backers are the ones dictating the shots to Josh FIRST who may well have some input at the margin – seeing as he’s part of the club and destined for greater things (if his cabal colleagues have their way).
Then, the final draft of the script is relayed to ScoMo who only then gets to observe the coming agenda.
Amazing Mary I have been considering how to respond to this article in this forum–so I choose this quote–and contribute for what it is worth.
“George Crile said, in Bipolar Theory of Life Processes, 1926 (p 219): “Bipolar theory explains the primary importance of the acid- alkali balance. It shows that the living organism is a mechanism adapted to electric control hence susceptible of being driven by trigger action by such minute forces as a beam of light.”
It takes me to my Folder and one file titled “Frequencies–sound and light”-which includes Wendy Hoffman’s The Enslaved Queen: A memoir About Electricity and Mind Control.-This title took me half way around the world to meet her in 2016. And Svali’s -Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Theta Epsilon -Omega programming.
In this folder titled Frequencies-under ” electro magnetic fields -electricity”- in my usual form I choose a link and lift some paragraphs that may entice some to investigate further what “I” “know” and what might resonate with others. Yes names are named but they are not important to me personally at this time– rather I quote two “paragraphs” that express my knowledge and lived experience and are often Taboo on this and other sites–too unbelievable and unimaginable.
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/matrix/matrix14.htm–a big read
!. “Sex with children has been part of the Illuminati modus operandi from ancient times. Sexual and Satanic abuse of children are aspects of the same agenda. Sex creates an energy connection between the two parties, no matter who they are, and this allows the demonic entities in the perpetrator to take control of their victim. Trauma-based mind control { Monarch} involves demonic possession by other-dimensional entities, also.
These, often reptilian, beings of the lower fourth dimension want to absorb the energy of children before puberty and orgasm because the energy is still “pure” and so of more use to them. They therefore possess people and stimulate within them the sexual desire for children. When the possessed person is having physical sex with a child, the fourth-dimensional entity is sucking out their energy and making the vibrational connection that allows the child to be controlled by the entity. Anal sex with children is also designed to create a reaction in the child called vaso-vagal shock.
Pain and energy surges up the child’s spinal chord and explodes in the brain, thus increasing the rate at which the mind “splits” into compartments or amnesic barriers. These energy vampires and mind controllers have been increasing their operations in the last few decades and so we have had a corresponding increase in pedophilia.”
“He (a Rothschild I think) explains how he was exposed to every abuse, trauma, and “demonisation” imaginable. “This culture is unbelievably and ingeniously evil”, he says. The trauma, both as a victim and perpetrator, was to sharpen his “dissociative potential” or Multiple Personality Disorder. He said that this dissociation was enforced by “victim and perpetrator, high-tech mind control programming in the US, often in government facilities and clinics, and at the Tavistock Institute in the UK”. The Tavistock operation, as my previous books highlight, is a centre of the Illuminati’s mind control”
The implausable becomes the most plausable.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Simon you validate my existence.
Latest to add to the dossier
“Bill and MANlinda Gates 2nd Wave PSYCHOPATHIC Smiles!”
Dr Carrie Madej
Two copies in case you want to follow the channels
Content Of Bill Gate Vaccine Exposed, Wake Up World (Voicetv Nigeria)
or here
Dr. Carrie Madej’s warning on COVID vaccine 2020 – MIND BLOWING (Matthieu Cameron)
Amazing legal implications of becoming a mostly human Monsanto product
And depopulation becomes a moral justification for sucking everything out of your “clients”
One more
Trust Stamp, GAVI & Mastercard 7GrainsofSalt (7grains ofsalt)
Mark Passio goes way off topic into brainwashed land re Hitler (which probably keeps him on-line) but has a powerful message about the legality and morality of ’following orders’
Mark Passio Order Followers
We don’t have politicians in charge, we have occultists – and ‘order followers’ in clown suits.
John Waters on Face Masks
8 Billion “MEcosystems:” Transhumanism Becomes Reality
In Exploration & Future Sensing March 14, 2019
What Is Transhumanism?
By Katie Heaney