Home Fam-Court Urgent Interlocutory Appeal Requires Your Attention

Urgent Interlocutory Appeal Requires Your Attention


Comment by DM

Court Of Criminal Appeal, Urgent Interlocutory Appeal — Appeal decision of Judge Harris DCJ — Before Justice J Kirk, Justice S Rothman, Justice D Yehia. Law Court Building — 184 Phillip St Sydney, Court 13A, Queens Square Sydney — 2.15pm, Wednesday 23rd October 2024.

I am hoping Gumshoe readers might consider attending the court tomorrow to support Pastor Paul Robert Burton and Dr Katerlaris in their appeal.

7 and a half years ago Pastor Paul and Dr Katelaris witnessed the shocking violent and unlawful removal of a young child from his parents under section 43 of the Children and Young persons (Care & protection) Act NSW 1998, a warrantless removal. 

In summary, in May 2017, these two were made aware by parents of a four year old highly compromised indigenous child, that the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) were becoming interested in the child and his family despite the magistrate in a QLD court fully supporting the family only weeks before. FACS in NSW removed the child based on blood tests that were known to be false after the family traveled from QLD to NSW seeking specialist healthcare. The order stated that the removal of the child was necessary due to medical neglect based on critically low levels of potassium, consistent with malnutrition.

The actual removal of the child was dramatic and Pastor Paul was capsicum sprayed and is all documented on video. It was subsequently conceded by the Department that the reference to low potassium levels on the removal order was “an error and should have been deleted”. But, the child was in State care under, what I consider, as very poor circumstances for the child’s well-being — especially considering the caring nature of the parents.

As is usual, Pastor Paul was unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the child, and that he and others believed that the child had been illegally taken — in effect, kidnapped. The child’s name was published on social media to place pressure on the Department to return the child. Many people publicized the case and mentioned the child’s name — including channel 7. But only Pastor Paul and Dr Katelaris were targeted and charged — no one else. Is this a case of punishing the whistle-blower?

But as Pastor Paul and Dr Katelaris went through the recent pre-trial hearing after a now 7 year battle in  the courts  — the matter to be heard before a jury — it became clear that Judge Harris was trying to limit all the possible defenses, including self-defence or defence of another, duress, necessity, as well as the defence of honest and reasonable mistake of fact.

Pastor Paul is wanting all four of the prosecution witnesses to appear — to demonstrate that the government knowingly participated in corrupt practices to facilitate the removal of the child. But now two of these important witnesses have obtained medical certificates to prevent them from appearing in court to answer what transpired. What is the definition of conspiring to defeat justice?

It has always been a case of punishing those who speak out and attempt to protect children: for being caught off-guard on a Facebook journalistic style Live-cast, for being violently pepper sprayed and battered after rendering pastoral support to a highly disadvantaged indigenous child and his family. The child was removed on known false grounds, where no authority identified themselves — with the extremely vulnerable child then completely disappearing into the system. It was the day after that Pastor Paul discovered the child was in the care of the then Secretary of FACS, who was and is a convicted Heroin Trafficker.

It’s been 7 ½ years of appearing in courts. With the support of the legal genius Graeme Bell, Pastor Paul has possibly appeared before more magistrates and judges to question why a child cannot be named when he was unlawfully removed, and when it was know that the child removal system is financially incentivised as described in my book, ‘The Child protection Racket‘.

If you are in the Sydney area — please try show up and show your support — to demonstrate to the court that we are not willing to accept the silence (and silencing) surrounding the trafficking of Australian children.

Law Court Building — 184 Phillip St Sydney, Court 13A, Queens Square Sydney — 2.15pm, Wednesday 23rd October 2024.






    NECESSITAS NON HABET LEGEM. Necessity has no law. You must do what, as a human being, you must do.

    You must rescue a child (or even an adult) whom you see being kidnapped. If that means bending the law (what is LAW?), so be it.

    For Pete’s sake, next time you are at Bondi and see a kid drowning, are you supposed to phone the judiciary to get permission to assist?

    Come on, Australia, pull yourself togther. I don’t know Dr Katelaris but I know Pastor Paul. He has not done anything wrong. He is “on the side of the law.” Verrrry much so.

    The child in question can never recover from this harm done.
    Shame on us all.

    Dear Child, I apologize to you for the cruelty of the CPS.

  2. They are running a police recruitment TV ad here and it said “if you like opening doors” then the video is of a bunch of cops with the little battering ram they have in their car boot smashing a hole in some residential front door.
    Some immigrant’s teenage son ran over and killed the son of the police commissioner or similar, getting sentenced today, will be deported back to islamistan or wherever I guess, thus the underclasses are turned against each other.

  3. Scott Ritter : Secret Documents; Attempts to Assassinate Netanyahu
    US obfuscation of their 5 eyes’ “partners”-17:30-no surprise

    • Ta Sandra
      Not our fight, when will our idiot puppet politicians keep our noses out of fool’s business’s that causes disruption and dissension in our society.

  4. When the corrupt power structure is threatened, whistleblowers are subjected to three steps — not because they are wrong but because they are right. The formula:
    1 Deny- everything -silence- evidence lost – adjourn -delay
    2 Attack- credibility of the witness defame humiliate
    3 Reverse–make it look like they are the perpetrator

    Thank you Dee for dedicating this article to this case.There is no Justice only the Courts.

    “It’s been 7 ½ years of appearing in courts. With the support of the legal genius Graeme Bell, Pastor Paul has possibly appeared before more magistrates and judges to question why a child cannot be named when he was unlawfully removed, and when it was know that the child removal system is financially incentivised as described in my book, ‘The Child protection Racket‘.

    Sending heartfelt prayers and strength to all.

  5. About half way through Dee speaks of cults and experiments and says Diane de Vere can tell us more of that.

    and she has

    but she has experienced Deny Attack Reverse it is a matter of stolen Identity and much more.

    • I’ve been a bit psychic all my life. The intuitions I get have saved my life many times. – The first time I walked into the Family Law Court in Parramatta I got a feeling I shouldn’t be there. I finished my court appearance and got out. I then had a second appearance about a week later and the same feeling came over me as I entered the court house. That was it, I refused any further work that took me inside that place. I don’t know what was going on, but I felt EVIL inside that court house.

    • Got this at austli.edi.au —

      Irene Watson: Can we [Aboriginal people] have rights without recognition of our sovereignty and our law?

      Robbie Thorpe: No! I don’t think you can. You need to have a law, because that’s what will give you the rights. Our law was the precedent law in this country. So, you know, where’s the rights there? What law operates in this country – what’s the appropriate law for this land? I reckon I know what it is, and I want to live under it. I’ve never consented to the white man’s law. Not many other blackfellows want it either. We’ve been dominated completely and utterly.

  6. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-kids-for-cash-system-an-interview-with-social-justice-warrior-paul-robert-burton/

    “You’re raising criticisms around the NSW child welfare system. You go as far as to describe it as a “kids for cash” program. Can you elaborate on why you describe it this way?

    When a child is taken by the state – let’s say FACS NSW – a normal healthy child is worth about $40,000 of taxpayers’ money.

    FACS are privatising the out-of-home care system. So, when a child is taken, it no longer looks after that child. The department outsources the child to one of several other paths – out-of-home care or residential care – it depends on the situation.

    But, the child goes to a third party. And they take taxpayers’ money. So, for a normal child, they fork out around $40,000. That goes to one of these organisations. A highly compromised child was worth about $325,000 a year in 2016. So that’s probably more now.

    The more compromised the child is, the more money they’re worth. And they pay that to these third parties that apparently operate in the children’s best interests. That’s the simple way of explaining it.

    The NDIS has a huge responsibility in this as well. The funding of the NDIS, in my view, has some very serious questions to answer.

    But, nonetheless, fundamentally what’s happening is Family and Community Services has no financial incentive to look after a child and keep a child with a family.

    They’re 100 percent geared to removing a child under any circumstances. And they call it “the permanent placement principle”, under the child protection act, which I might add is a genocide act.

    They remove these children, and the sicker they are, the more money they’re worth. The more they’re diagnosed with ADHD or other conditions, the more complex it gets and the more money they’re worth.

    It’s because we live in a world driven by money, and our children have become nothing more than financial units to these corporate interests. That’s why we call it cash for kids.

    We have numerous examples to show how these funds run through to various pecuniary interests that have nothing to do with a risk of significant harm, or the best interest of a child.

    Last year, forced adoptions laws were enacted in NSW that placed further restrictions around reporting on children in out-of-home care. These sorts of laws exist in every state and territory.

    These laws place restrictions around what can be reported on in regard to children in state care. What’s your opinion on these mounting laws?

    They’re getting worse and worse. In Victoria, I found out that you’re not even allowed to mention the court. Now, ask yourself in a democratic society, how can you not be allowed to even mention a court? That’s just draconian.

    They’re trying to suppress me, but it’s not working. My responsibility is to the public, so as to raise awareness of this issue, and protect the children. Also, it’s about restoring these children to their families, which is a near impossible task.

    We’re setting up a community health and social empowerment foundation, which is in its earlier days.

    But, we have an entire advocacy group set up to offer free support for families traumatised, because they’ve had their children torn from them. They run the same things on everybody. They make things up and then remove children for profit.

    You’re the president of the social justice group Our Land, Our Water, Our Future. What’s that all about?

    It’s been running for many years. It’s a small operation with a focus on protection of our water resources, our land and our future, which is our children. It’s a movement that’s been synonymous with Lock the Gate.

    Really, these days, it’s an incorporated association that works for the protection of the environment primarily and also, a sustainable future for our children.

    Earlier this year, our nation and our state re-elected Liberal National governments. And there seems to be a huge disconnect between those governments and the citizens.

    What’s your take on how it came to pass that these reactionary politicians were returned to power?

    It doesn’t make a diddly-squat of difference, which one you pick. Because Labor too are not supporting water protection or anything else. They just lie. It’s a two-headed dragon.

    It doesn’t matter what major party anyone elects. They just swap, between the two. And at the moment, Liberal wears the face of the evil one. That’s how they run our implied democracy.

    And lastly, Paul, back to the child welfare system, what do you think needs to happen to rectify the corruption you’ve identified? And is this something that can simply be left up to politicians?

    The politicians are entirely useless and, in my view, culpable. The spiritual groups involved with them – and I won’t say their names out of some degree of respect – are all culpable and fully responsible as well.

    They’re all profiting from this fostering system that rips children from good families to place them with foster families.

    A lot of foster families might believe they’re looking after children that have been damaged by bad parents.

    But, they haven’t. They’ve been damaged by an appalling disgusting system. The Tune report, and other significant reports, show that the outcomes for children in care are disgraceful.

    We need to raise awareness about it through the real media. Not fake news. And not the controlled media that misrepresents everything. We need real education and facts put out to people to let them know what’s really happening.

    We also need to empower people. I call it social empowerment and community health. Social empowerment is all about empowering people to recognise, like Mahatma Gandhi said, that “you must be the change you wish to see in the world”.

    What needs to happen here needs to happen inside every individual. And every individual needs to stand up to fight this draconian system.

    Last updated on 17 Mar 2020
    Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He’s the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

    “You’re the president of the social justice group Our Land, Our Water, Our Future. What’s that all about?” this might be the crime Crystalline Water Act

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