
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
On December 22, 2020, I filed a civil suit at the US District Court in New Hampshire
(Case 1:20-CV-01193-PB), asking for a restraining order against mandatory vax. (You may recall that a robot in the parking lot date-stamped it.) GumshoeNews.com published my pleadings here. The story was picked up by only one media outlet, in Slovakia. Goodonya, Slovakians.
Paragraph 42 of my pleadings sums up:
“In the foregoing eight categories, Plaintiff has shown: that the testing for Covid is unreliable, that Covid cases aren’t being accurately reported, that the purpose of the Lockdown is apparently not for health but to terminate national economies, that the emergency vaccines have evaded standard safety testing, that there is a little-understood connection between vaccination and DNA, that successful cures for Covid, such as Ivermectin, are withheld, casting doubt on the sincerity of the race for a Covid vaccine, that a vaccine tattoo may be used as a “passport,” and that scientific debate is being forbidden by censors.”
Then on January 15, 2021 the Magistrate advised me that she would be recommending to the judge that the case be dismissed for what is technically called “lack of subject matter jurisdiction” — better known in the trade as a dismissal on the grounds of “ripeness.” That is, the defendants are not (yet) coming at me with a loaded syringe, so how can a court do anything?
Below is what I sent (I mean, gave to the robot), on Friday arvo, January 29, 2021, as my (invited) objections to the Magistrate’s recommendations. I’d like you to read my argument which is basically about the general tendency of courts to stay out of these vital matters. On Monday, 1 February, the judge signed his orders dismissing the case. I have 60 days in which to appeal. Not yet sure what to do.
I, the plaintiff pro se, hereby counter US District Court Magistrate Johnstone’s January 14, 2021 recommendation that my December 22, 2020 case, Maxwell v Secretary of Defense et al, be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. My case looked to the court for a restraining order against my being mandatorily vaccinated for Covid.
Magistrate Johnstone bases the lack of subject matter jurisdiction on my failure to allege an actual or imminent injury, as the federal government has not yet issued an order for Covid vaccination. The Magistrate relies on the 1962 ruling in Baker v Carr (and a First Circuit supplement of it, on “concrete adverseness”) and on the 1992 ruling in Lujan v Defenders of Wildlife that the invasion of a legally protected interest must be “actual or imminent” (and in a First Circuit supplement of it, that the harm be “sufficiently threatening”). The Magistrate also referred to a 2020 district court ruling, in Bechade v Baker, that the Massachusetts resident Bechade did not show that an executive order for mask-wearing applied to her or her employees “personally.”
Below, I will meet those issues head on, but first I invoke the law maxim Judicandum est legibus, non exemplis – “We should judge by the laws, not by precedents.”
It is unlikely that any precedents are on target for my case, as we certainly did not have, in 1962 or in 1992, a situation like our present situation. My complaint was not just about my fear of an assault on my health by way of a dodgy vaccine, but on my sense of the frightening situation in which every American now finds himself – we see Congress and the Executive acting as though the Constitution can be ignored.
I now describe that situation briefly, in regard to Covid, and then, separately, will make reference to the new fears about lawlessness and violence created by the invasion of the Capitol Building by a mob on January 6, 2021.
1. The Covid Pandemic
A pandemic was announced in 2020, and along with it came severe instructions, known as the Lockdown, to close schools, businesses, sports, and travel — plus some rules about wearing masks and social distancing (i.e., not standing closer than 6 feet to the next person).
Where did the instructions come from? They are based on a communication from the WHO, that is, the World Health Organization that grew out of The International Office of Public Health in Paris in 1907. It was was linked to the League of Nations in 1923 and has some connection to the UN. The WHO has no authority to tell the United States to have a Lockdown.
In the US, the instructions seemed to come from the lips of Dr Anthony Fauci. Many citizens, dependent on mainstream media, may have believed that Fauci has authority over health matters. However, the very existence of federal health entities is unconstitutional, as health is not one of the grants of power listed in Article I, sec 8, of the US Constitution.
The media also dazzled the public with talks by a private citizen, Bill Gates, a man with no medical training. Gates makes the highest donations to the WHO, and personally promotes all sorts of vaccinations worldwide. He has publicly stated that his investment in vaccines yields a 20-to-1 financial return.
Both Gates and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) own the patents to some vaccines. In recent decades, the CDC has more than doubled the number of vaccinations each American child is recommended to receive. The avenue of authority the CDC uses is by state laws that govern medical boards. These that can revoke a doctor’s license to practice if he does not follow “best practice” as recommended by, say, the American Medical Association, a private entity. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986 helps quieten awareness of the many injuries.
I did not think it appropriate to mention such things in my original pleadings, as it is not the job of the court to look at anything other than my statement that I fear a governmental mandate for Covid vaccine. Nor did I say, but I say now, that I assume the Covid vaccine to be malicious. If that is true, the people issuing a mandate would not necessarily know of it. A president or a governor could be persuaded that the Covid vaccination is for the greater good.
2. The Over-reliance on Precedent
So, the idea of malice may have been lurking in my case but it is not part of it. Here, I am trying to say that the 1962 precedent from Baker v Carr, or the 1992 precedent from Lujan, cannot suffice as grounds for dismissal. I think the requirement that a threat be “actual or imminent” was more of a policy decision, when made in 1962. Perhaps it beneficially held back the floodgates that could open if plaintiffs were allowed to ask for injunctions against orders that may never be issued.
I admit, firstly, that I am looking for a declaratory judgment (via the Court granting me an injunction) that mandatory vaccination is unconstitutional A famous precedent is believed to stand in the way: in Massachusetts v Jacobson (1905), the US Supreme Court affirmed a state’s right to impose a fine on a man who refused the smallpox vaccination. However, it did not say that the state could forcibly subject him to the injection. Today in Western Australia, per Public Health Act 2016, persons can be forcibly vaccinated. I can hardly imagine that this would be constitutional in the United States. Why not just have a court rule that a citizen’s right to bodily integrity is protected by the Fourth Amendment?
Professor Louis Fisher, a top constitutional scholar, recently published Reconsidering Judicial Finality, making a cogent argument that court decisions are never final. The people have always had a say.
3. The Role of the Third Branch
Secondly, I admit that I am longing for the Third Branch to flout its existence when the political branches are violating the Constitution. A lot of folks are saying today that the Constitution will disappear. That would be the ultimate disaster and steps need to be taken to avoid it. Is there a tradition of judicial deference to the Executive branch? Yes there is, but it doesn’t have to amount to a suicide pact.
Judicial activism is not a good thing, and it was not envisioned by the Framers. But law’s coming to the rescue, in regard to “controversies and cases,” was envisioned. A case has to occur or else the Third Branch cannot step in. My case is a case! It is also about a major controversy. How major can one get? The World Economic Forum proposes to end all small businesses! The nature of viruses is little agreed upon by doctors! The right to assemble is effectively being killed by social distancing!
The real issue in Maxwell v Secretary of Defense is the pandemic per se. I think the pandemic, as put to us by the media, is not genuine. Granted, there is no way for the judiciary to rise up on its own and say “The pandemic is not genuine.” Still, the court, this federal court in New Hampshire, can say that Mary Maxwell is entitled to protection against mandatory vaccination. Per Marbury v Madison (1803): “It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is.”
4. The Allegedly Fraudulent Election
I now make reference to the new situation that we are living in, where many Americans (and many people around the world who depend on the US to be the champion of lawfulness) think things are coming apart.
As soon as the returns were in, on the November 3, 2020 presidential election, claims were made that there was massive cheating. If true, it wasn’t necessarily done under the auspices of any state’s government. The software enables tampering from remote locations. It is a proven fact that the software can be programmed to give “weighted” votes to one candidate or another.
Many of President Trump’s supporters believed his defeat could be made good by some combination of martial law and a forcing of some states to re-run their elections. A retired Army general, Mike Flynn, seemed to be in favor of military involvement. VeteransToday.com said CIA Director Gina Haspel had been captured in Germany by the 305th US Army Battalion (unheard of!) and had handed over some software that showed foreign tampering with the vote count.
Great excitement was generated “on both sides.” Naturally, Americans were horrified by the story that a president might to refuse to vacate the White House on January 20.
We saw, on YouTube, many witnesses in Michigan and Georgia giving highly credible statements about ballot fraud – for example, about piles of 8×11.5 inch “absentee ballots” that had no fold marks, despite absentee ballots always being mailed out in envelopes that are only 4 inches high.
Nearly all local lawsuits about the ballots were dismissed, mainly on grounds of standing. Some are in line for SCOTUS rulings, but they won’t be heard till Spring, at the earliest. The US Supreme Court chose not to fast-track them.
One state, Texas, went directly to the US Supreme Court, with a lawsuit against Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Remarkably, 17 states came in as amici to buttress Texas’s claim, but the case was dismissed for lack of standing. That was in spite of the 1934 opinion in Burroughs v United States, which says: “To say that Congress is without power to pass appropriate legislation to safeguard such an election from the improper use of money to influence the result is to deny to the nation in a vital particular the power of self-protection.” [Emphasis added.]
Note: In dissent, Justice McReynolds wrote: “An indictment ought to set out with fair certainty the charge to which the accused must respond. If crime has been committed, a fairly capable prosecu-ting officer can definitely describe it.” So far, the 2020 election hasn’t seen any criminal charges.
5. Good Cause for Fear
On January 6, 2021, at 1:00pm, the Electors’ ballots were to be properly opened in Congress. A provision at 3 USC 15 (enacted in 1948), made it legally possible for objections to be raised. Around 2:00pm, the presiding officer, Vice President Mike Pence, asked if there were any challenges. On the previous day, according to media, 139 members of Congress had said they would challenge. But as soon as the challenges began, with respect to Arizona’s Electoral college votes, the Capitol building was invaded by hundreds of people who were apparently protesting. When Congress reconvened at 8pm, almost all the challengers declined to challenge.
Today, 22 days later, there is no authoritative spokesperson offering to give the public an accurate view of what happened. Rather, the two alleged “sides” in the US, known as the Blues and the Reds, have each given their tens of millions of followers a version of what happened. The Blues say Trump asked people to invade the Capitol as a way of ensuring his second term. The Reds say a group of agents provocateurs created mayhem in order to make a patriotic cause look bad.
The Speaker of the House, a Blue, said she instructed the military to exclude the president from access to the nuclear button. That alone would have made many people at home think that the US is not running on law but on some sort of violence. The average citizen can be forgiven for thinking that the Constitution no longer balances the powers. They think it is determined by the unpredictable actions of a few powerful individuals or coteries.
That fear was much enhanced when private companies Twitter and Facebook prevented the US president from communicating! They also de-platformed critics of the Covid pandemic. Assuming those companies weren’t really out to save the nation, what were they in fact getting up to?
6. This Plaintiff’s Failure To Allege an Actual Or Imminent Injury
My injury (vaccination) is still only imminent, not actual, as President Biden has not yet ordered it. When I filed my pleadings there was still no vaccine, but now a million people have been vaccinated. It has caused deaths and injuries. Prisoners and people in nursing homes presumably have no choice but to take the vaccination. But thanks to public protest, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has cancelled his order for every student under age 30 to be vaccinated for Covid by late February.
My other claimed injury is actual – that is, worry and distress about the pandemic, as described in Paragraphs 16 through 42 of my pleadings. It is hard to talk about, or even accept, such out-of-the- ordinary things when they occur. I am making an effort to focus and deal with it legally.
I don’t exactly see how any court can remedy that actual injury. The court would need to order restraint on so many things, and it should apply not only to my defendants but to many others. But this court can provide the relief of stating that mandatory vaccination is unconstitutional. It can order my three defendants to stay their hand in that regard, and for that reason. Even if it benefits only one person, me, it would be for the greater good. All Americans would gain.
In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall wrote, in Marbury v Madison:
“The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws whenever he receives an injury.”
Respectfully submitted, Mary Maxwell
Email address: MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
This guy (Dr Malthouse) has been Dee-ified!
At 8.00, he says masks are a torture technique used by the CIA….
At 9.20, she asks “How safe are these vaccines?” I won’t spoil the plot by quoting his reply.
Mary, you’re so funny in writing this in your article :
‘many people around the world who depend on the US to be the champion of lawfulness’.
As if anyone with critical thinking capabilities would categorise the most corrupt nation in modern times (and arguably in all of recorded history), as a ‘champion of lawfulness’.
A ‘Champion of Awfulness’ certainly, but not the other.
Check this photo — of the 2011 Headline in the SOVEREIGN INDEPENDENT about Bill, depopulation and forced vaccinations.
Back to the subject of the anal swab, I said in a comment that there was a video of children (coming out of school in China) who were walking funny.
So now I read that the video caused controversy (“people waddling like penguins”) and so has been deleted by the Chinese government. Unbelievable. AND they said it was not true and had been photoshopped.
Oh, I found it — and it’s been set to music:
The engineers of all this must be roaring with laughter, people just do any stupid thing they are told.
If you don’t know what your dealing with you’re unlikely to take the most auspicious course.
But that’s also unlikely to happen if you can’t think beyond the carnal box, i. e. if you can’t grasp the fact that those who appear to be steering the ship are merely attempting to spread their own terror around
Imperative to remember that the engineers are persons without bodies and they are frantic and desperate, irrespective of how much ground they appear to be gaining
I agree I can’t see a difference between them and demons
China newsbrief and sitrep
Some rapper has a hit coming in the US.
Ballrooms should be happy to do the anal waltz. Mary, what about Aida …. something there I cannot pick at the moment. Help. My chooks walk funny ….. eggs laid?🤡🤡
The triumphal March.
Oh what I could do with that March. All waddling out from a anal invasion🤡
Nedski, I don’t want to run the Triumphal March here as I will never be able to get it out of my head when thinking of these children.
But if a closet rapper in our Gumshoe Club wants to have a go…
About your chooks, Ned, may be time to call the vet.
Dr Malthouse, what a commonsense, down to earth professional. He actually remembers what the Hippocratic oath means as well. He cares for humanity.
Section 158 of the Western Australian Public Health Act (2016) allows for forced vaccines and removal of underwear.
Under Section 197 of the Western Australian Public Health Act (2016), the Chief Health Officer may authorise persons to administer poisons by force.
Mary, as long as eminent medicos are saying that the spike protein itself, manufactured in our cells, vis a vis the vaccine, is what causes damage to the heart and brain, this actually replicates the original covid-19 virus infection damage we are being vaccinated to prevent.
Surely the courts recognise something as prosaic as bad medicine that kills people. Especially if you first complain to the police that crazy doctors are trying to kill you. Police are required to consider the evidence of risk, and an emininet medico is a good witness.
Tony, as I said about Shiva from MIT, he beat the judge down nto giving him a restraining order (against Twit deletion). How? by a 4-hour cross-examination of the dirty player.
“Only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian”. Tony, this is NOT the item I referred to in the 4.06pm comment. This is Dr Shiva winning against a rule that he could not advertise against “Pocahontas” in 2018.
Dr Charlie Ward at Drcharlieward.com states that the island of Gibraltar population approx. 2,000 has had 79 Covid-19 vaccination deaths already. Injection program halted.
Yes we noticed Yemen also strategic has been copping it from outside forces, of course they are doing it to themselves too with their excessive breeding program (they have no water in Yemen)
Just repeating Berry above:
if you can’t grasp the fact that those who appear to be steering the ship are merely attempting to spread their own terror around.
Imperative to remember that the engineers are persons without bodies and they are frantic and desperate, irrespective of how much ground they appear to be gaining.
You go, Berry.
This article just in, titled ‘Bill Gates: ‘THIS is the next big disaster’ :
The article begins :
‘Bioterrorism is the next threat facing humanity, billionaire Bill Gates has revealed in an interview with science YouTuber Derek Muller…. ‘.
Heeeello False Flag.
It goes without saying that the usual culprits will blame it on China.
Perhaps they’ll even call it WuFLu-BioTerror 2.
And, as goes the wash/rinse/repeat cycle, the same people that fall for every CIA propagated smear of China (like that the Chinese interferred with the U.S election to get Biden in – even though Biden has upped the ante with U.S naval provocations in the South China Sea and will certainly be keeping in place all of Trump’s trade sanctions and tariffs and likely adding some of his own), will once again lap it up and believe that China is the root of all evil – hence deflecting attention away from the actual malevolent entity behind all of this.
The respected medical researcher Bill Sardi with this article that links T.B to the excess mortality in the middle-aged in the early part if the pandemic that were alleged to be Covid deaths :
From the article :
“The mother of all epidemics was the 1918 Spanish flu.
However, a bit of scientific sleuthing decades later found it wasn’t a flu virus that caused this now dreaded pandemic. A retrospective analysis of the 1918 Spanish flu conducted by University of California at Berkeley demographers in 2000 concluded that this so-called flu pandemic was actually tuberculosis, not the flu.
Americans who died in 1918 were [young adults ranging to] middle-age whereas flu pandemics induce deaths among retirees and the aged. Tuberculosis strikes middle-age adults.
Both flu deaths and TB are lung diseases. TB creates cavities in the lungs that fosters staphylococcus A bacteria that results in pneumonia that was the actual killer in 1918. Also, more males died of the Spanish flu than females. That was another characteristic of TB. Even Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, in 2008 said bacterial pneumonia caused most deaths in the 1918 influenza pandemic.
In the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were excess non-COVID-19 deaths in the US for 25-44 year-old women and 15-54 year-old males. That would suggest TB cases, not a coronavirus that mostly strikes the elderly. It would appear in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic TB was running rampant and TB cases were being covertly categorised as COVID-19 cases largely based upon a bogus polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.”
There it is. To the extent that younger to middle aged adults did succumb (allegedly) to Covid, TB may well have been a major factor.
Two recent unfair dismissal cases may provide some insight into whether employers can sack workers who refuse a COVID-19 vaccination.
Also, a recent decision in the NSW Court of Appeal upholds a manslaughter conviction involving a failure to help a friend who needed urgent medical help.
Michael Byrnes Employment and workplace safety specialist, Swaab Lawyers, Sydney
Bill Madden, specialist in health law, Carroll and O’Dea Lawyers, Melbourne
The lawyers arguments are based on a false premise.
Joshua Michael February 9, 2021 at 12:35 pm
Please read the work of virologist Stefan Lanka who has taken this very matter to the German High court and demonstrated that virology has never proven the existence of any virus (he focused on measles at the time, but his argument is equally applicable to all viruses), nor that such viruses cause illness.
Click to access Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf
Click to access wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-1.pdf
Click to access wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-2.pdf
See also Michael Speth, NZ microbiologist:
A ‘virus’ is a mislabelled cellular exosome. They perform identical functions, have identical sizes and characteristics and are essential to a healthy, functional life.
That the SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccine’ seeks to target and disable exosomal activity in the human body is a sure sign, in my view, of preparation for a global post-vaccine ‘pandemic’ caused primarily by crippled immune systems of all SARS-CoV-2 vaccine recipients.
The above contains just about everything you need to know.
Dr Tom Barnett also has a similar belief. That is disease is not caused by viruses. His video has been mentioned at Gumshoenews previously. Go to his web site.
India Blocks Rollout of Experimental Pfizer Vaccine, Demanding Clinical Trial
by TLB Staff
ER Editor: Thanks to Principia Scientifica International (PSI), a site we highly recommend, for running these two stories a few days ago. India is requiring Pfizer to run a clinical trial of its experimental vaccine before general, ’emergency’ rollout can take place, whereas Pfizer was expecting a waiver of this (second story below). In response, […]
Read more of this post
It’s a bit quiet so here’s a treat for Arlyn, I have gender-neutralised and very slightly (sympathetically) tweaked these two end-times descriptions which were written about 2000 years before any atom bomb was observed.
Rev 1
It looked like a person clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the chest with a golden girdle.
The head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow; and the eyes were as a flame of fire;
And the feet like brass smelted in a furnace; and the sound was like many waters.
And out of it went a sharp two-edged sword and cut down everything around.
And it was as the sun shines in it’s strength.
Dan 10
It was shaped like a man dressed in linen with a belt of fine gold around the waist. The body was like topaz, the face shown like lightning, the eyes were like fiery torches, the feet looked like burnished bronze, and the sound was like the roar of a multitude.
At a particular moment of certain atomic explosions they develop a gold ring around the middle and a huge fireball is visible inside the cloud. This seems like a very good description to me. Now why would it sound like a football crowd or a huge waterfall, if it was talking to the observer, unless the speech was a voice-over.
I have a better reason than just that reading but I present the available evidence partly because I am curious to test closely held beliefs, to see, if minds are open or closed off.
I am not a follower of Parkes but I look for crumbs.
So here after a long introduction are some crumbs.
Hey. I just heard that the Q movement is real at about 1.10 timeline. Well lets hear from naysayers go for it. bloody hell, there is much more following.
So Ned, people withing the ‘Q’ movement told you that ‘Q’ is real.
OK then, that settles it I guess.
That’s what I call a peer reviewed study. The science is now settled.
It’s impossible to think Trump is finished because he’s not dead yet, “reports of his death are greatly exaggerated” (apols to Mark Twain)
Ned, (Re: your 10.02pm post), one-third of the Three Stooges says that 1000’s of children have been rescued from bunkers beneath the White House and Capitol building.
Fair enough Ned. Since they’ve been ‘rescued’, they’re now home with their parents or foster carers I presume.
It should be easy enough for you to find video of one (just ONE) out of these multiple thousands who will share their experience with us and perhaps enlighten us as to who kidnapped them and what they were subjected to.
For sure all the major current affairs programmes in the U.S will be queuing up and paying six figure sums to secure an interview with said kidnapped child.
We’re all waiting Ned.
When will said video be forthcoming ?
As Trump told the world, all the news is fake, for proof look no further than the BBC who protected Jimmy Savile for decades.
The States are starting to push back against Biden’s authoritarian rule.
Oklahoma’s governor Kevin Stitt has just issued an Executive Order that makes a recent Executive Order by Biden of no effect to the State of Oklahoma.
alternative news goes fake
Dicktator Dan went to the doctor, “Doctor doctor is my testicle black?” Doctor says ” I don’t know, take off your pants and I’ll have a look”, Dictator Dan takes his pants off and Doctor looks under, “No it’s not black”, Dictator Dan becomes increasingly agitated and and asks again “Is my testicle black”, Doctor repeats, “no it’s not black”, finally Dictator Dan takes his face-mask off and says, “Doctor, is my test result back”
w3, love it haha
FEMA insider tells the truth. Listen
WELL, your life may depend on it! – 5:52
Premier denies ‘major increase’ in mental health is connected to borders
Mary, i owe you a deep debt of gratitude for taking on the courts and working so hard to prevent a
mandatory vax – thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Why are so many Chinese companies owned by the Chinese government?
Because it is ‘the PEOPLE’s (renmin: people together) Republic of China’. The Chinese people own a great portion of the wealth.
The government manages those campanies professionally through State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration(SASAC) and quite a portion of the profits generated would be collected to the national treasury and very often invested in matters that serves the people’s interest, such as poverty-elimination efforts, infrascture, and investments in remote areas such as Tibet.
Another main function of this setup is to keep capitalists in check.
So, who owns and controls the money system in the West and who takes all of the profits, leaving us with a few crumbs?
Versus parasites
“…………This author has made the claim again and again that Soviet Marxism has nothing to do with labour, ethics, production or philosophy. It was merely a means to transfer the wealth of labour to the overwhelmingly Jewish members of the Communist Party. Since the party planned all economic production from Moscow, it implies that the party therefore owned all productive capital. What resulted was the most exploitative economic system ever devised, and it was largely accomplished with investment capital from the west……………”
Undoubtedly Criss X, State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) do represent a noticeable chunk of China’s GDP.
However, said SOE’s have always been inefficient and a good chunk of them (if not a majority) are loss making.
Recognising this haemorrhaging of red ink, the Chinese regime has, over a period of time, placed less and less emphasis on them and contributed fewer and fewer subsidies to keep them afloat, with the intention of cutting them loose and allowing them to stand on their own two feet or die.
The fact that SOE’s exist at all is because there are still a few old guard ‘hard-liners’ who require that the state have a modicum of control over the mean of production.
These ‘hard-liners’ are being increasingly marginalised and have little input as regards the future direction of China – a direction that is unambiguously built upon Free Market Capitalism.
The only reason the Chinese government does not cut loose the SOE’s now and stop subsidies etc, is because this sector still employs a hell of a lot of people and there would be too many repercussions in doing so – hence the process in place of ‘death by a 1000 cuts’ which will see the SOE’s disappear over time incrementally.
The following pdf may be of interest Criss X :
The following is taken from this pdf article :
“The share if SOE’s in the country’s gross industrial output fell from one half in 1998 to one quarter in 2011. [It is significantly lower today].
The number of SOE’s owned by the central government has fallen from 196 in 2003 to 114 in March 2013.”
Bottom Line: To the extent that China has been the greatest success story in recorded history in lifting so many hundreds of millions out of poverty in such a short time frame, has been due to the dynamism of their private sector.
The government or public sector (via SOE’s) has been a DRAG on the economy.
As the SOE’s diminish in relative size and China embraces Free Market Capitalism and near COMPLETE private ownership of the means of production, China will then be able to unleash its true productive potential.
Because to date, China has only been operation on 6 or 7 of it’s eight cylinders.
When the misfiring stops and combustion occurs rhythmically in all eight cylinders, the jig will be up for ‘pretend’ industrialised economies like the U.S.
Thanks T.V I’ll have a read and get back to you.
Masks (Personal report by Hamburg inhabitant to Elias Davidsson)
The Hamburg (Germany) daily Morgenpost reported on 10 February 2021: “Police officers stopped several people in an ‘almost deserted street’ in the city centre who had taken a coffee-to-go on their way between work and home and were drinking it – unmasked – how else?
The uniformed friends and helpers of humanity fined them with 150 euros. The Hanseatic catalogue of fines gives them the right to do so: In a large part of Hamburg’s city centre, masks are compulsory between 10 am and 8 pm on Mondays to Saturdays. In the area around the main railway station the rules are even stricter: masks are compulsory from 8 am to 10 pm.
A police press spokesman confidently crows: “We carry out the controls to preserve the health of society”. But the truth is: police officers have no competence at all in the field of health, or at most a low competence. The only thing they have learned and can do well is to carry out and enforce orders more or less mechanically and thoughtlessly, in some cases even with relish and visible enjoyment.
That there are nevertheless uniformed people who sometimes follow their common sense is not to be disputed by this statement, but rather to be acknowledged all the more highly. We are living through a crazy time, which will probably continue until a clear majority of the population visibly stands up. A little grumbling won’t help.
Trouble is “they” are decades ahead on the mind-control and strategising and the brainwashed sheeple will argue and fight against de-programming, they cling to things like identity politics which is the new acceptable form or racism just as other forms were always exploited in the past when manipulating the rabble to destroy each other.
… form OF …
“Suicide” of AB
– All Acts of Parliament are ‘statutes’ known variously as legislation, regulations or rules. They are not laws. Statutes are often incorrectly referred to as laws by ‘trained’ barristers and solicitors, but the correct interpretation would be ‘black letter law’ (meaning statutes) which are distinguishable from ‘law’ i.e. common law – and for a purpose, the purpose being that statutes and laws are different. If Acts of Parliament were laws they would be called ‘Laws of Parliament.’ Parliament knows the distinction which it quite rightly maintains. Look at any Act of Parliament and you will notice the absence of the word law – that will give you the first clue that there is a difference. Parliament maintains the distinction between statutes and laws because those ‘in the know’ use this knowledge for their personal benefit.
– A ‘statute’ is defined as a rule or regulation of a society – they are edicts of legislation used to govern that society. Statutes are subject to the consent of the society – and this is individual consent and not collective consent. We belong to society as a matter of choice.
– The distinction between a law and a statute is that a law applies equally to us all but statutes can be made to favour one sector of society over others, for example, people with disabilities are given preferential parking privileges (which is fair enough) and politicians have given themselves special dispensations re their expenses which the rest of us do not have (which is outrageous).
– There is a compulsion to obey laws. Laws defend our freedoms and liberties and through them we live in peace and harmony with our neighbours. Failure to comply with laws would render an individual an outlaw. If you do not respect the law then it can afford you no protection.
– Obeying statutes is voluntary i.e. with our consent. Any individual can withdraw their consent to being governed (controlled) by the statutes of a society. This might involve their exclusion from that society and the loss of benefits, but when the imposition of the liabilities outweighs the benefits, then that might be a price worth paying. The choice is and should be yours.
– Consent must be given by the individual and not by a collective on behalf of the individual – this would be dictatorship by the majority. There is no freedom in having to do whatever you are told. Each individual must have the absolute right to give and withhold their consent. This is the basis of our constitution – individual freedoms.
– Government is elected into ‘office’ not ‘power’ as they frequently like to claim.
– The ultimate constraint on the abuse of authority (office) is the peoples ability to withdraw their consent to being governed – and at any time, not just at elections. Without consent, authority enforced becomes power and government then becomes tyrannical. We never give ‘power’ to those we elect, we merely give them authority to act on our behalf. Today’s governing bodies are slowly mutating into tyrannies, because they are ignoring the principles of consent and are securing ‘power’ for themselves……………….”
Phrase: de jure sanguinis coronae
Century: 16th
DA Name: de jure sanguinis coronae
Era: C.E.
Origin: Original
Type: Official
Source Language: Latin
Source Language Words:
Source Text:
Ancient Latin legal maxim literally meaning “concerning (the) law of (the) blood of crowns” In COMMON LAW since the end of the 16th Century, royal or noble blood has claimed superior status — in particular to the freedom of their body, protection of property and the obligation of any matter brought against then to follow DUE PROCESS (of the LAW), especially right of RELIEF. When an individual claims de jure sanguinis coronae, providing they demonstrate a comprehension of the term and why they should be granted such status (for example–knowledge of the valid argument that you are of royal birth by virtue of being Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings) then the COURT must grant such recognition. This means any failure of DUE PROCESS or failure to account for RELIEF by the COURT obligates to compensate the individual accused.
Phrase: divine law
DA Name:
Era: C.E.
Origin: Original
Type: Official
Source Language: Latin
Source Language Words:
Source Text:
the law that defines the Divine in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum and clearly demonstrates the spirit, mind, purpose and instruction of the Divine Creator including the operation of the Volition and Will of the Divine Creator through existence. Therefore all valid Law may be said to be derived from Divine Law. The highest law of all Law is therefore Divine Law, then Natural Law, then Cognitive Law, then Positive Law
Why change Before Christ and Anno Domini to Christian Era and Before Christian Era unless you were scheming some satanist thing like “common era” and teaching that in schools
Dicktator Dan has shut the place down again !!!
What will the sheeple do this time !!!
I predict they will behave as sheeple and be herded into their pens and locked up.
Really a new leadership is well overdue, but no leadership at all would be better.
Why Russia is driving the West crazy
Moscow’s pivot to Asia to build Greater Eurasia has an air of historical inevitability that has the US and EU on edge
………..So the blame for the next – and final – war is already apportioned to the “destabilizing” behavior of Russia and China. It’s assumed they will be “losing” – and then, in a fit of rage, will go nuclear. The Pentagon will be no more than a victim; after all, claims Mr. STRATCOM, we are not “stuck in the Cold War”.
STRATCOM planners could do worse than read crack military analyst Andrei Martyanov, who for years has been on the forefront detailing how the new hypersonic paradigm – and not nuclear weapons – has changed the nature of warfare.
After a detailed technical discussion, Martyanov shows how “the United States simply has no good options currently. None. The less bad option, however, is to talk to Russians and not in terms of geopolitical BS and wet dreams that the United States, somehow, can convince Russia “to abandon” China – US has nothing, zero, to offer Russia to do so. But at least Russians and Americans may finally settle peacefully this “hegemony” BS between themselves and then convince China to finally sit as a Big Three at the table and finally decide how to run the world. This is the only chance for the US to stay relevant in the new world.”………………
Your remark above Criss X says it all :
‘United States, somehow [trying to] convince Russia “to abandon” China – US has nothing, zero, to offer Russia to do so.’
Any right thinking person can see this is true.
YET, a couple of weeks ago G5 wrote a piece alluding to a situation where Russia would side with the U.S to destroy China militarily.
What G5 wrote is LUDICROUS, to say the least.
That, and a range of other preposterous statements have shredded what little credibility G5 had.
But, remarkably, there are some here on Gumshoe that still pay attention to what he’s saying.
Should Police Belong to a Satanic Cult? (Freemasonry)
Hidden in plain sight. The checkerboard motif belongs to Freemasonry. Like all our social institutions, the police have been subverted by the Rothschild banking cartel.
Never seemed to matter until now when they’re enforcing the phoney pandemic and the Communist (Satanist) oppression it represents………………
Each and every law enforcement official is already duly sworn to protect and serve their respective communities, counties, villages, Parishes, cities, Boroughs, or states.
Being a member of law enforcement and a member of the Masonic Lodge is certainly, a conflict of interest. Police and Masonry walk hand-in-hand. ……………
Project Rooftop
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.Matt 10:27
CDC WITHOLDING INFORMATION! 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections: Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS
Duty to Warn
The Sociopathic Vaccine-pusher Bill Gates and his Depopulation Agenda
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls for an Investigation
By Peter Koenig – Global Research, July 11, 2020 (747 words) — First published by Global Research on April 18, 2020
Theme: Biotechnology and GMO, Crimes against Humanity, Science and Medicine
“If we are doing a real good job vaccinating children, we can reduce the world population by 10% to 15%”. – Bill Gates
Dr Lee Merit: The Vaxx is preparing the world for a MASS DEATH EVENT
The things revealed in this video are explosive. The Covid Vaccines will allow future coronaviruses to enter your body and multiply without resistence. Thus when the Chinese Military weaponizes the next coronavirus EVERYONE VACCINATED WILL DIE.
This current mRNA vaccine is preparing the world for a mass DEATH EVENT when BILLIONS WILL DIE ALL WITHIN A FEW WEEKS. — This is their intent. All the Vaxx companies are infiltrated by Chinese Military Agents and are compromised to prepare this.
Dr. Merit explains the medicine behind the warfare method. And gives a lot of details about this new form of warfare.
I believe that this diabolic scenario is what Our Lady of Akita, Japan, warned the world about: a future war in which 2/3 of the world’s population will die. Now it makes sense why She warned us from Japan, because She knew the threat was Communist China.
The Vaxx is a trap!
1170 Murdered by Vaccine in the USA: 41 Million doses given
USA: 653 killed &12, 044 Other injuries from the Vaxx
Why submitting to the Scamdemic is contrary to faith in Christ
Dr. Tenpenny: The mRNA Vaccines will cause massive deaths after reception
World Class Epidemiologist: Response to Covid-19 is NOT based on Science
36 year old Doctor dies from MIS-A after 2nd Dose of the Vaxx
Remember, “It’s only going to be 2 weeks”
Japan Appoints Minister Of Lonliness To Combat COVID-19 Related Suicides
Czech Microbiologist Soňa Peková Claims 2nd And 3rd Wave Coronavirus Strain Was Artificially Engineered
[…] Maxwell of Concord New Hampshire, formerly of Adelaide, SA, filed a lawsuit on December 22, 2020, asking the US District Court to issue a restraining order against a potential […]