by J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
US Congress and half-senate elections are almost upon us and we can be sure that whatever is subsequently decreed in Washington, Australia will follow. This arrangement has been in place since World War II and seems an anomaly, considering we here in Terra Nullius, have had an English head of state since Federation in 1901 AD and also before that. However things are not what they seem and the arrangements between the USA and Britain run deeper than they might appear on the surface.
Mr. Trump has spent almost the entirety of the last two years white-anting the Democratic Party and Joe Biden, capably assisted by Biden himself and son.
Trump seems immune to the malice of the Deep State operatives, who are relying wholly on feeble legal cases, fantastic smear and control of the Mainstream Media to attack him as if he were the Leader of the Opposition, which in fact he may as well be. This brings into question his protection, and who is providing it.
The Constitution of the United States of America was developed out of the War of Independence in 1776 AD against George III’s England and it reflects an atmosphere of war and the preparations for future wars, notably with the Second Amendment.
The second chapter of the War of Independence was not long in coming, this was the War of 1812 AD which was the result of British economic and maritime interference in the young and expanding colonies, however, Britain was kept busy with Napoleon and the war became unviable for them. King George IV signed the treaty and the U.S.A. signed on shortly after. General (later President) Andrew Jackson was a star performer in this war.
The relationship between Britain, France, and the U.S.A. reflects a schism between upstart Britain, the ruler of the waves, and older Europe.
The Constitution of the U.S.A. provides for Devolution, that is, the evolved levels of government, namely Congress, Senate, President, Supreme Court, etc., can devolve back into the original military rule, at any time the constitutional democracy is interfered with by external forces.
NB. Whenever that happens, it seems the President devolves back into simply the Commander-in-Chief of the military.
Mike Lindell as a private citizen, demonstrated how the 2020 vote was interfered with from China by unknown agents using cell phones built into the mainboards of the voting machines. He showed all the related internet traffic that the U.S.A. military, it seems, was already aware of. Some of the vote-flipping was captured live on TV.
The original 13th Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A. disallows any nobility from involvement in the governance of the country. After the Civil War of 1861, the 13th Amendment was reduced to basically endorsing freedom for African slaves. The British had long been fighting against the slave trade across the Atlantic, supposedly in the name of human rights, but in reality, to cripple the USA economy as best they could, using the British Navy. The slaves of course were Prisoners of War from tribal battles who would most likely have been killed and perhaps eaten if they had no other value. Lincoln, who tried to replace the Federal Reserve currency with native U.S.A. money, was shot and the winners of history reduced him to a civil rights activist. The Civil War was effectively the 3rd chapter of the War of Independence. The Americans were duped into shooting each other in large numbers, the president was vaporised, the constitution changed. So it’s easy to see the hand at work behind all this.
Still, the ship of state sails on.
Australia has a new federal government, some elements of which were infiltrated by communists long ago, Whitlam’s protocol-breaking visit to China in 1973 might be considered the starting point by some but perhaps 1901 would be more accurate. The new government here today intends to change the constitution possibly as soon as next year, claiming they will give some sort of extra rights to aborigines. The real purpose of changing the constitution remains to be seen and can hardly be guessed at, though it certainly will be done by subterfuge and it certainly will be nefarious.
The old power of western Europe was Paris-centric France and its clashes with the upstart British Empire are legendary. The French had their own problems, brought about by their comfortable lifestyle and Christian attitudes.
By way of contrast, it’s not well known that the militarisation of Rome was initially a reaction to attacks from the Gauls.
In 1119 AD (!), a French knight named Hugues de Payens founded the Knights Templars who were initially a group of nine who lived in Jerusalem after the First Crusade; they evolved into a well-funded private army with religious legitimacy conferred on them by the Pope.
According to legend, starting on Friday 13th of October 1307, King Phillip IV of France arrested, tortured, and finally burned their leader Jacques deMolay and some Templars to death, leading to the remainder reforming as various other secret societies and relocating their activities to northern Italy and certain offshore venues, one of which, Corsica, off the coast of the Principality Monaco, eventually produced Napoleon I, another merchant of death, usually pictured showing “the hidden hand”.
King Phillip IV was also responsible for arresting and banishing Jews of some type (presumably bankers creating currency, again legitimised by the Vatican).
Christian values should not be ascribed to entities such as the Knights Templars. They would not forgive and forget this assault and have assuredly been working ever since to destroy French Royalty, create and infiltrate in the ensuing chaos, attempt to weaken France through the agency of Hitler’s expansions and ultimately install the current PM Macron, who is well known to have been a servant of Rothschilds.
One might imagine fingerprints of the gnomes of Zurich were all over the downfall of Louis XVI but from this distance it’s made to look like bad luck.
Despite all these hindrances the French nation marched forward with colonialism and industrialization, the populace having some amount of intelligence despite being unable to clearly recognise various cross-border forces interfering in their governance.
French colonialism included the bulk of West African states, who are currently protesting for a “reset”. Unable to produce their own viable autonomous systems of currency they have been subject to French hegemony, and this substantial resource is a dirty secret of French economic success.
Now with Macron as French PM the African states may be delivered to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), direct from the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Smart phone nodes will be provided to direct commerce towards the authorised locations.
Any African PM imprudent enough to support bitcoin or some other standard will no doubt encounter his assassins sooner rather than later.
Macron has clearly been installed to perform certain tasks and delivering West Africa to CBDCs must be one of them, which then devolves France back into an unfunded socialist state, being overwhelmed by immigrants, mostly from Africa, with a population only half awake to what’s happening around them and why. Once his commission is fulfilled, Macron himself will most likely hop across the border to a new career in Geneva and beyond.
All in all, a fitting revenge for the Knights Templars, which perhaps has a long way yet to run.
Macron and Hunt Geneva
I’d like to hear more about Nappy as “merchant of death.” Under whose command was he?
Have a look at this $#!%-fight:
“In the fifth century, the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, and the island was invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths.[2] Briefly recovered by the Byzantines, it soon became part of the Kingdom of the Lombards. This made it a dependency of the March of Tuscany, which used it as an outpost against the Saracens.[4] Pepin the Short, king of the Franks and Charlemagne’s father, expelled the Lombards and nominally granted Corsica to Pope Stephen II.[4] In the first quarter of the 11th century, Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion.[4] After that, the island came under the influence of the republic of Pisa.[4] Many polychrome churches which adorn the island date from this period. Corsica also experienced a massive immigration from Tuscany, which gave to the island its present toponymy and rendered the language spoken in the northern two-thirds of the island very close to the Tuscan dialect.[4] This led to the traditional division of Corsica into two parts, along the main chain of mountains roughly going from Calvi to Porto-Vecchio: the eastern Banda di dentro, or Cismonte, more populated, developed, and open to the commerce with Italy, and the western Banda di fuori, or Pomonte, almost deserted, wild and remote.[4]
The North African pirates frequently attacked Corsica, resulting in many Genoese towers being erected.
The crushing defeat experienced by Pisa in 1284 in the Battle of Meloria against Genoa had among its consequences the end of the Pisan rule and the beginning of the Genoese influence in Corsica:[4] this was contested initially by the King of Aragon, who in 1296 had received from the Pope the investiture over Sardinia and Corsica.[5] A popular revolution against this and the feudal lords, led by Sambucuccio d’Alando, got the aid of Genoa. After that, the Cismonte was ruled as a league of comuni and churches, after the Italian experience.[5] The following 150 years were a period of conflict, when the Genoese rule was contested by Aragon, the local lords, the comuni and the Pope: finally, in 1450 Genoa ceded the administration of the island to its main bank, the Bank of Saint George, which brought peace.[6]
In the 16th century, the island entered into the fight between Spain and France for supremacy in Italy.[6] In 1553, a Franco-Ottoman fleet occupied Corsica, but the reaction of Spain and Genoa, led by Andrea Doria, reestablished the Genoese supremacy on the island, confirmed by the Peace of Cateau-Cambresis.[7] The unlucky protagonist of this episode was Sampiero di Bastelica, who would later come to be considered a hero of the island. Their power was reinstated, the Genoese did not allow the Corsican nobility to share in the government of the island and oppressed the inhabitants with a heavy tax burden. On the other hand, they introduced the chestnut tree on a large scale, improving the diet of the population, and built a chain of towers along the coast to defend Corsica from the attacks of the Barbary pirates from North Africa.[8] The period of peace lasted until 1729, when the refusal to pay taxes by a peasant sparked the general insurrection of the island against Genoa.[9]
The island became known for the large number of mercenary soldiers and officers it produced. In 1743, over 4,600 Corsicans, or 4% of the entire population of the island, were serving as soldiers in various armies (predominantly those of Genoa, Venice, and Spain), making it one of the most militarized societies in Europe.
Hence we are taught that Friday the 13th is an “unlucky day” ….More on the Knights Templar (they were the original Vatican bankers) and their history can be found at link below:
Also an interesting take on what’s really behind revolutions & warshttps://adtv.watch/total-onslaught/revolutions-in-history
Just follow the money….
Both great videos and we can see the co-ordinated evil everywhere creeping over the face of the earth, the latest installment with people lining up for mRNA injections, without even the faintest idea what they are doing and why.
That’s good to see the NationalFile is getting some support from an unlikely quarter, spewtube. I was listening to Tucker Carlson this morning …
“Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/25/22 HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS October 25, 2022” … and I stopped halfway and came back to it tonight exactly at the part he was saying the va666ines didn’t do anything good and it was all a big lie and unfortunate that everyone took them. Well I got about 30 seconds of this until the pre-loading ran out then it stopped and came up “Video Unavailable”, yes spewtube has deleted Tucker Carlson for blasphemy, this is an own-goal spewtube and BigPharma, because here it is on rumble anyway:
rumble is censored by foul and vile BigTech minions so take out the XXXX
Looks like the knights templars were running amok with their death-jab injections in Perth the other day, at least that’s what they were expecting in the lower class areas, they have worked out there is a cull going on and they expect to be first in line.
“confirmation of a story doing the rounds that un-vaxxed people were being forcibly jabbed in Armadale, Western Australia”
So where, exactly, is said “confirmation” ?
As affirmed in the above law suite, unfair employment dismissal doesn’t constitute being “forcibly jabbed”.
In 1992 my husband and I had to choose between putting our 8 year-old son into State controlled “education”(willingly handing him over to the State) or having him formally made a State ward(putting the onus of the manoeuvre right back where it belonged). No guesses as to which avenue we took.
I would otherwise be a rich woman today but my immeasurable peace of mind goes to the fact that the long-term detriment of engaging in any sort of shlocky deal with any self-appointed “authority’ far out-weighs any short term comfort and convenience
Africa has been a colony of the West, ripping off the indigenous peoples resources and keeping their living standard low. So what is China’s approach –
Is China colonizing Africa? | A chat with Zambia & Ghanaian socialist leaders
Quite a profound discussion on the future of Africa. Whereas the ‘Build back Better’ BS of the Globalists are destroying the West, China is showing the way to a better way of existing.
A big argument that covers centuries. Let’s look at historic behaviour of expansionist powers, Japan 1940 onwards compared to Britain 1770 onwards.
Who would have given the aborigines a better deal ? Hard to say.
China was not even in the game, even the definition of China is artificial, with multiple languages and plenty of wars.
I give up on this video which hasn’t told me anything after 20 minutes because it’s a starry-eyed communist hit-piece
Germany to sell 25% of Port of Hamburg to China
“Christian Usurers”
According to Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe,
“The Templars were expert financiers, using trading techniques quite unknown in the Europe of their day. They had clearly learned many of these skills from Jewish sources, but would have much more freedom to extend their financial empire, in a way that any Jewish financier of the period would have envied greatly.”25
Even though usury was strictly forbidden, they weren’t afraid to lend money on interest. The Templars had acquired such wealth-and the power that came with it-that nobody dared speak out against them or do anything about it.26 This so went to their heads that they went out of control. They were disobedient to kings and the Pope and in some cases, even challenged their authority. In 1303, for example, few years before their order was liquidated, they refused a request for assistance from the French King Philip IV, as well as his later request in 1306 for the Templars’ order to merge with the Hospitalers.27
The commentary here can easily be related to the processes of the Australian government.
So many paradoxes, we are told China is better run than the UK but we know the Chinese are being subjected to demented extended lockdowns for a flu which in Bangkok ( and not in smaller cities ) amounts to a universal “cough-cough” which inconveniences no-one very much.
The 10,000 old people in the UK who “die each winter for want of heating” amounts to about 2% of the normal death rate.
Male emperor penguins spend months in a blizzard with an egg on their feet and they don’t seem to die doing that, they probably die when they get old and a seal comes and eats them. The predator in the case of UK pensioners could be argued is the health system, since it’s always getting fatter and not providing much health.
Who really organised the “discovery” of Australia?
South Wales moved to the New South Wales
French mime gymnastics
( I think it may be about commuting on the Tokyo metro )
Elon is a WEF project