Home Corona Vaccinated in Israel Hospitalized While Ivermectin Rolls Out in Japan

Vaccinated in Israel Hospitalized While Ivermectin Rolls Out in Japan

Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki

Editor’s note: A selection of items for today.


An extract from an article on Cracknewz, entitled: “Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID”

“The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, held a press conference this week announcing that the anti-parasite medicine Ivermectin seems to be effective at stopping COVID-19 and publicly recommending that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using Ivermectin to treat COVID

“In an article about the suppression of Ivermectin by health authorities, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote: “While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is a long one, perhaps the biggest crime of all is the purposeful suppression of safe and effective treatments.”

“Multiple reports and studies have shown evidence that Ivermectin is effective in combatting illness associated with COVID-19, and in some countries, like India, it is recommended for use even though the World Health Organization does not recommend it.

“Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have utilized Ivermectin during the pandemic. He stated: “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing Ivermectin once a year with countries who do not give Ivermectin… they don’t give Ivermectin to prevent COVID but to prevent parasitic disease… if we look at COVID numbers in countries that give Ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4/100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000.”

To continue:

“Ivermectin originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan, and in recent years has been called a “wonder” drug that continues to surprise and exceed expectations. It has shown “unexpected” potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent, according to a 2017 article from The Journal of Antibiotics.”


Israel is being closely watched and has become the “model” for other countries. With a robust health infrastructure, the country was one of the first to get out of the starting blocks in vaccinating their population of over 9 million. Their data can somewhat be relied upon.

This is Mercola’s report on Israel:

Summary of the article:

  • As of August 15, 2021, 68% of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in the UK who were over the age of 50 had received one or two doses of COVID injections.
  • By mid-August, 59% of serious cases in Israel were also among those who had received two COVID injections, mirroring UK data
  • Only in the 50 and younger category were a majority, 74%, of British COVID patients unvaccinated. Those claiming we’re in a pandemic of the unvaccinated fail to differentiate between age groups
  • The same applies to COVID deaths in the UK. Unvaccinated make up the majority of deaths only in the under-50 age group. In the over-50 group, the clear majority, 70%, are either partially or fully “vaccinated”
  • Reanalysis of Pfizer’s, Moderna’s and Janssen’s COVID trial data using the proper endpoint show the shots are hurting the health of the population, and if mass vaccination continues we face “a looming vaccine-induced public health catastrophe”
  • A new study shows that vaccinated individuals are up to 13 times more likely to get infected with the new Delta variant than unvaccinated individuals who have had a natural COVID infection.

To continue, focusing on the Israeli data…

“Israeli Data Show COVID Jab Is Failing in Over-50s

In Israel, where vaccine uptake has been very high due to restrictions on freedom for those who don’t comply,4 data show those who have received the COVID jab are 6.72 times more likely to get infected than people with natural immunity.5,6,7

“The fully “vaccinated” also made up the bulk of serious cases and COVID-related deaths in July 2021, as illustrated in the graphs below.8 The red is unvaccinated, yellow refers to partially “vaccinated” and green fully “vaccinated” with two doses. By mid-August, 59% of serious cases were among those who had received two COVID injections,9 mirroring the data coming out of the U.K.

Death trends:

Waning Protection

There are a number of concerning trends that are identified in the article:

“August 18, 2021, the CDC released three reports,17,18,19 which show the protection you get from the COVID shot is rapidly waning.

“Among nursing home residents, one of the studies showed vaccine effectiveness dropped from 74.7% in the spring to just 53.1% by midsummer, “ProPublica writes.20 “Similarly, another report found that the overall effectiveness among vaccinated New York adults dropped from 91.7% to just under 80% between May and July.

“The new findings prompted the Biden administration to announce on Wednesday that people who got a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine will be offered a booster shot eight months after their second dose. The program is scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 20 but needs approval from the Food and Drug Administration and a CDC advisory committee.


I [Dee McLachlan] received this message this morning on my phone:

“Some thoughts on the V@x Passports you may not have considered.

V@x passports are no big deal right? You’ve had both your shots, so not really going to affect your life.

Now think about how you are going to feel 6 months from your last shot when your shiny green passport suddenly turns orange? What’s this? “You are required to get your booster shot. You are also due for your annual flu shot. You have 2 weeks to book your appointment, or your orange passport will turn to white [or red], and your ‘privilege’ of working or entering any pubic buildings will be revoked.” “Huh… I wasn’t going to get a third shot, and I’ve never bothered to get a flu shot before, but what the hell, I’ve gone this far and I’m there anyways, so no big deal.”

6 months later, orange again… “Along with your boosters and annuals, we will now be requiring yearly blood work. Just a standard tox screen and general health check to keep you healthy and those around you. For public safety, we will be keeping your DNA on file. You have 2 weeks to click this link and book your appointment.”

Now ask yourself… Are you ok with the government having complete ownership of your health, your DNA, your kids, and making these decisions for you? Are you ok with your freedoms being taken away if you don’t comply with their sense of what is “in the public’s best interest”? Maybe you aren’t ok with it this moment, but they will slowly “educate you” with world-class marketing and fear that you are ok with it. Now ask yourself this…. How much would a corporation pay to corrupt a politician into making decisions to add requirements to this system that would net them hundreds of billions of dollars? Pharma forcing every citizen to buy doses, health insurance companies getting access to your DNA info, charging more in “extra premiums”, etc, etc.

I mean, every politician you know is a fine, moral, incorruptible, human being, right? Last thought to consider… If you think that the government is spending billions to develop this passport technology for a “temporary” solution, ask yourself this simple question. “Why don’t they just get you to show your vaccine card? I mean, it’s just ’till January, right?” They need a way to revoke access and to add additional requirements at a moment’s notice. A government doesn’t offer up, to quote Justin Trudeau, “A billion dollars to fund the development of vaccine passports system” just to use it once. Every time you show it, you are giving some future government permission to control your actions. It’s not just “This one event” this “One concert” “This one game”, this is the world you are going to leave behind for your kids. (Copied from a friend)”



  1. We are lab rats, entering the gates of hell, with Moderna never having developed a vaccine before.
    DIY application, micro needles on ‘band aids’. Luciferase illuminating with dna/rna genome altering nano-technology robotic organisms under the skin. Connecting everyone to artificial insanity, the iPhone discarded. ID2020, everyone identified, end of cash and everything traditional. Hydrogel – on demand delivery – manipulating our genome. The Gates from hell, “genetically modified organisms injected into little kids arms”.

    • When numbers of the righteous are outnumbered by the Gestapo courage fails. At least those who turned up know the playbook and should be commended, not discouraged, as their time to stand tall will come.

    • Dee,
      You going to have to do something about your fetish for horses arses.🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦄🐴

      • W3
        You are a angel
        Most appreciated on behalf of the ABC. We need it to pay the interest on our ONE BILLION year budget out of your contribution to our government’s bankers.
        Call in for morning tea, for a crispy cream donut, but be early, they go Quickly.
        Want to go on Q and A? Or perhaps the drum lot?

  2. Had posted on previous page but fits here too;


    8;55 am – Arrive Mullumbimby Council Chambers aka mini me(NZ Parliment aka beehive mind) and agenda 21 and 2030 signatory without authorization.
    Council administration doors closed with one officer posted. He calls in support as the crowd grows. Support soon arrives.

    9;20 – 6 officers orders the crowd of approx 800 to disperse re something. Crowd laugh’s

    9;50 – More back up and commander arrives, crowd larger and starting to swell onto the road, some across the road. Hippies disciplined but some Buddhist humming and a bowl bell, 60% know the rules 30ish% with scarves.

    10.45- crowd numbers peak at I guess 1500

    11;30 – Crowd breaks silience a bit a little drumming and chanting.

    1145 – coppers onboard now and are helping for safety of those on the road and I even saw an angry anti protestor motorist moved on after repeately “flipping the bird at the group”. Crowd smaller but over 500 sits and is silent for 10 minutes.

    12;05pm – I leave, some 200 still there

    I thought maybe a handful of peeps, decided to stay shoulder to shoulder unmased and socially close anyways

    In the 2016 Census, there were 3,596 people in Mullumbimby(of course other hillbillies closeby)

    : horses arses walk into a bar
    Barman(smiling because of any custom welcome in a in a lockdown)
    “What will it be officers”

    • And Scotty paid how much of our debt for that?
      Tell us Scotty, is it true and if so, how much?
      I know someone who knows someone who has a grand supply of invermectim and some hydroxy.
      Want to make a deal? Much cheaper and works😷😷😷🐰🐰🐰

      • This topic is still at the top of the “most read column” after several days.
        Where Japan goes, other advanced Asian economies will potentially follow.

  3. Fake dangerous tests = fake, non existent disease.
    Real dangerous injections = real sickness and death.
    Why do people insist on talking about Ivermectin etc. when poison jabs are the problem? Any explanations?

  4. “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:10 KJB

    • BREAKING: Monica Smit ARRESTED for incitement
      The leader of Reignite Democracy Australia live-streamed her arrest.


      “Leader of the anti-lockdown political party, Reignite Democracy Australia, was pulled over today while driving and then arrested.

      Miss Smit began live streaming as police pulled her over.

      “I’ve just been pulled over by the cops, it’s probably because I’m outside my 5km”, Monica says to her audience.

      An officer is then heard telling Monica:

      “We’re just from the Springvale police station. At the moment, we need to have a chat with you about a matter of incitement. So I need to place you under arrest”.

      • Relax Monica, at least they aren’t trying to strap you up for something like the Port Arthur Massacre. Yes, they can do that, but just keep your mouth shut and see where they want to take the bullshit.

        Welcome to the new ‘Freedom in Australia’…

      • We seem need to have a few aspects to help us understand the event and circumstances.
        Who is Monica. Please excuse my Ignorance..
        Where and what time did this happen with some detail.
        What is the foundation for the police allegation that she caused someone to be ‘excited’.
        Where did the police take her, ‘Springdale’ appears ironic!
        What are the details of any charge.
        If charged, was she taken before a court at the first opportunity. (What time was she arrested?)
        If charged was bail provided, if not, what was the police or the court reasoning?
        If bailed, what were any conditions imposed and the basis for any conditions imposed?
        Has the lady any prior convictions., if so, what are they?
        I suppose Ray Hadley or similar, of nine the network information guru brigade will provide a full report from whatever, police department media information.
        Oh, I am starting to reconsider retirement, but some competent counsel should be able to represent the lady.
        We await the details and update as a matter of full public disclosure in the public interest,

  5. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fully-vaccinated-pfizer-more-likely-get-delta-than-natural-immunity/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=4050fe4d-20c9-40cb-bba6-a999ea641ee3

    Fully Vaccinated With Pfizer? You’re 6 to 13 Times More Likely to Get Delta Than Someone With Natural Immunity, Study Says
    In the largest real-world observational study comparing natural immunity gained through previous SARS-CoV-2 infection to vaccine-induced immunity afforded by the Pfizer vaccine, people who recovered from COVID were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms or be hospitalized.

  6. Only on topic if you’re interested in the genealogy of the New World Order and Counterfeit Federal Reserve Note as used by the Global Central Bank system from Swissy.
    Featuring Max Keiser superstar punk bitcoin zillionaire who hates Jamie Dimon boss of J.P.Morgan bank.
    I just thought his entry at 54:00 was amusing and noteworthy, now in US culture, a bitcoin zillionaire can be a punk rock star.
    Bitcoin fanatics are financial anarchists, if you like to call taking down the Fed “anarchy”.
    The reserve banks are taking themselves down anyway, so this is one way out of “bullshit fiat money”.
    However it does lean somewhat heavily on the US constitution, which guarantees freedom.

    • The medley at the end, starting at about 1:38:00 Max dishes up the dirt on mass murdering banksters, rips into Warren Buffett, Peter Schiff (Scherf?) and Elon Musk, hilarious don’t miss it

      • Speaking of rock stars, people used to say David Bowie was a freemason, who knows, maybe like a lot of things he tried it, apparently preferred cocaine.
        They say Trump is / was a freemason, people sometimes get out of things like that.
        The end result is that they know more than they can actually say.
        David Bowie was obsessed with “1984” but was stopped by the copyright owners from using it for his album title, he did a song about it anyway.
        The opening lines:
        Someday they won’t let you, now you must agree
        The times they are a-telling, and the changing isn’t free
        You’ve read it in the tea leaves, and the tracks are on TV
        Beware the savage lure of 1984
        They’ll split your pretty cranium and fill it full of air
        And tell that you’re 80, but, brother, you won’t care
        You’ll be shooting up on anything, tomorrow’s never there
        Beware the savage lure of 1984

        Well the stoopids are shooting up on anything now !!!

          • I was looking at the lyrics of one song from that deathbed album called “dollar days” trying to find some hidden meanings around “foaming oligarchs” I think it went. As for this song I don’t know what “villa of ormen” is all about, I thought the whole album was just a big gripe about having to die so I didn’t pay a lot of attention. Am I supposed to see symbols everywhere. These is some older stuff too, one song I recall went “President Joe once had a dream …”, that may be what got me started. Anyway I prefer this one ( and it’s shorter ):

    • Zionists don’t care about their fellow Jews, because many good Jews are opposed to tyranny and murder. Religion used to be all about, “love thy neighbour”, now it’s kill or be killed. Devolution to blame, as billionaires become trillionaires, profiting from blood of innocents.
      Devoid of beating hearts, they’ll murder anyone not in with their agenda.

      “I wouldn’t even pay my own mother, so why should I pay you.”
      If you ever been on the receiving end of that statement, you know what I mean.

      • Your comments are always well focussed and probably nobody much disputes them.
        Zionists appear to be signed on to Swissy’s gang and are a distinct grouping.
        Rotschilds were only around for a relatively short time but they have done magnificent work for Swissy and have been rewarded.
        Some people say the “City of London” runs everything but I would say this is another part of Swissy’s gang. Without me reading various historians who are funded by this or that place, I would guess the “barons” of the Magna Carta are the same crowd in the House of Lords now and the same crowd who set up the “City of London”. I would say they were having trouble competing with the “Royal Navy” and other such arrangements and sold out to Swissy long ago, forming East India Company and so forth. Swissy presumably taught them to hide behind HM ( His/Her Majesty ).
        Notably since the atom bomb and then Thatcherism, the subjects of HM have been relieved of some of their best assets in return for an easy life of welfare and taxes. Just look how the red / blue parties operate. The communists run up a big debt then the conservatives sell some assets to pay the debt. This happens in cycles, the overall trend is that the state ( all properties incl. subjects of HM ) is relieved of assets.
        The transition from whipping slaves to monetarised slaves goes back to Egypt vs. Rome. Rotschilds came in late, as gold dealers, very good servants.
        The rallying cry “It’s the jew, it’s the jew” is much older than “It’s the muslims” but look how well the muslim thing has bedded in, in recent times, with a few shabby false flag attacks.
        Rotschilds went to live in Scherff’s house ? Scherff was Tesla’s assistant ?
        I am bored with hearing about “the jews” ( especially since the Veggie insisted I was a jew and by extension a pedophile ), I want to know more about Scherff.

        • Tesla passed away broken without a dime for his efforts.
          Seems to be the case for many great minds in history. Everything he did, stolen and perverted, for the profits of collectors. He also revealed, the magical power of spiritism in numbers 3,6 and 9. Today on the Gladys show, 1116 cases yesterday = 9.
          Past 4 days, 3 days times 3 = 9. What’s the punt tomorrow, 9 – 3 = 6.
          WHO knows, making it up as they go along.

          • Tesla assistant Scherff was floating around (?) when Tesla died and his work disappeared (?) Scherff father of HW Bush ?

  7. Re. Pfizer injection: The number of deaths and injuries are double than what previously thought?

    Allow me to go back to Stew Peters with Jane Ruby on 24AUG2021.
    At minute 26, Dr Ruby reads from the packet insert: “ From DEC 2020 to MAR 2021, 50% of the injected people got a placebo instead of the Pfizer shot.
    Say 1 million got the Pfizer “vaccine”, 500.000 got the placebo.

    Say side effects are calculated on 1 million. Am I wrong in the assumption that deaths and injury numbers must be twice as high as previously thought?


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