Home Corona Vaccine Crimes, The Death of Lachlan (7-years-old) and Morrison

Vaccine Crimes, The Death of Lachlan (7-years-old) and Morrison


Intro by Dee McLachlan

Just to let readers know that Gumshoe will be taking a short break for about a week.

Today a selection of four items.

This is from Epoch Times:

‘Waste of Time’ to Keep Vaccinating People: Ex-Head of UK Vaccine Taskforce. 

“It is a “waste of time” to keep vaccinating people against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, the former chairman of Britain’s Vaccines Taskforce has said. Dr. Clive Dix, who played a key role in helping pharmaceutical firms create the COVID-19 vaccines, told LBC radio on Jan. 16: “The Omicron variant is a relatively mild virus. And to just keep vaccinating people and thinking of doing it again to protect the population is, in my view, now a waste of time.”

“Though he supports the ongoing booster campaign, he said he has been “critical” of boosting everybody as he is not convinced “it was needed or is needed” for younger people. Dix said, “I think the thinking of the time was very much to stop infection and transmission where clearly these vaccines don’t do that.”… Dix told The Observer newspaper last week that mass vaccination against COVID-19 should come to an end and the UK should focus on managing it as an endemic disease like flu.”

This report from Cairns News 

‘They killed my boy!!!!’: Aussie boy dead after COVID jab – Facebook remove dad’s posts

Facebook post of Steve Leary: Hi everyone, I’m not sure how long my post will last as I’ve had it removed 4 times already, the disgusting inhumane fb fact checkers and our corrupt government will not allow my comment to stay up.

“Everyone, I lost my son Lachlan last Wednesday to the vaccine. He was 7 years old. He had been unwell on Wednesday night with a fever and we monitored him closely, 6am the next morning he started having breathing difficulties so we took him to westmead hospital. They tried to stop us going in with him but it did not work as I threatened to contact Rebel news and have a reporter there within minutes and they backed off, we were allowed in. 4 hours passed after many tests. He was sent home 5 hours later. Friday morning at 4am we heard him yell out, he was on his bedroom floor, he was not breathing, my wife and I began CPR, I called the ambo on loud speaker. Ambo arrived within 7 mins, my son passed away in the ambulance. He had a massive heart attack.”

An Email from G5

Morrison continues his career as a chronic and habitual liar.

The learning from this is: Clive Palmer (United Australia Party) is in bed with The Liberal Party.

The exposed Lib-Lab Coalition is covering its bets, after May 2022, with the potential control of the crossbenches. The Greens and Nationals are long owned.

As when Brookings Institute owned Gillard, who used ‘Blue Sky Mine’ anti-nuke, green boy Garrett, to sign off on American uranium mining in Australia. After his manipulated apparition in The Australian Parliament; and prior to his departure under the cover of a meaningless education minister.

So we have the hidden genocide of an inconvenient indigenous population in The Northern Territory under the deception of The CovidScam, by UN psychopaths dressed as Northern Territory police psychopaths.

And of course, the illegal in situ leaching at The Honeymoon and Beverley uranium mines in South Australia was covered along the journey.

The Friends of The Earth manipulated, found nothing when they raided the offices of both mines. Surprise. Surprise. I am unable to reveal some startling information I found in related intel files. The artesian system is destroyed in South Australia, and all its freshwater is owned by Bechtel. Even the rain. Remember The Bolivia Affair.

A natural continuation of the atomic testing and Howard turning South Australia into the spent rod depository for the world. The OECD world’s worst treasurer. With monumental evidence to that fact. And of course, his fondness for monstrous False Flags, Hoaxes, and Ruses never endeared him to anyone he thought he was serving. He always being regarded as what he is.

And to conclude:


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  1. At this stage it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the entire trip was abandoned overnight without any sort of explanation and a “just pretend it never happened” edict was issued the following morning.

  2. I’m so over this bullshit society. I’ve dealt with the government officials, the media, the legal system AND the dumbed-down society at large. I tried to explain to various people what the ‘vaccines’ were all about (they have recently started to get a clue, but after disregarding my warnings and are now experiencing the effects of the ‘vaxxes’)

    I have tried to explain the de-population agenda. I’ve tried to explain the ‘global warming/climate change’ hoax and how it is aligned with the Grand Solar Minimum and the famine to come. I’ve tried to explain the de-armament agenda with the Port Arthur Massacre. I’m so over it…

    I recently offered ‘seed’ potatoes to the community. I purposely grew extra quality, organic potatoes so that others could grow at least a small plot of potatoes in their gardens. They could grow potatoes to eat and have plenty of extra potatoes to plant for the next harvest. – Only a few in the community took the offer, Hell, they probably ate the potatoes instead of planting them.

    All I can see in the future is the same dumb-ass people coming around to my property and begging me for food. The Kabal is right, these people don’t deserve to live, they are parasites on the Earth.

    • Terry, I missed your offer of free seed spuds. I would have taken you up on your offer, still might. BUT my bore has collapsed, so right now, wouldn’t be able to water them adequately. Working on re-establishing a new bore. Should have plenty water then for spuds.

      • I’ve still got a bunch of potatoes left. I’m going to slice them up and dry them, I can use them in all sorts of dishes. Here’s the blurb I put in our local circular about the potatoes.

        The Centre has a batch of high quality organic seed potatoes available for planting. They are Sabago potatoes and they are FREE!
        As we go into this Grand Solar Minimum with reduced growing times, along with the difficulties in the supply chains, food availability will become more pronounced. Potatoes have always been a preferred food choice to have on hand. A small plot in your garden can provide potatoes for years to come.
        Come on in and get a dozen or more and start your own plot. If you have never grown potatoes, written instructions will be available at the Centre. First come, first served…

        • But you just published a graph from SOTT which suggests the solar cycle has started warming up again and where I sit it seems like the sun flared up again a couple of weeks ago. Before xmas it was rainy and cool and suddenly it got back to full strength summer.

          • Where I sit the global warming looks like it might be back full force in a year or so, I was looking forward to the ice age actually, I could move closer to Asia

          • Yeah, I was happy to see that increase in sun spots. Maybe we weren’t going into the GSM as quickly as was predicted. I can tell you this as to where I am, – it is more cold than it ever was in any other summer. Instead of having the air-conditioner on, I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt to keep myself warmer.

            The solar activity has definitely been dropping off over the years. I’m all for a few more years of SLOWLY going into the minimum. Maybe it will give us some more time to get our ducks in a row.

          • Speaking of getting ducks in a row, see if you can get your head around this, from about 9:00 but better if you start earlier

          • I’ve had my head around that stuff for years. What would I rather own, bitcoin or a bag of silver coins. – If you have to trade with the locals for food, which would you rather have?

            I enjoyed the analysis of de-population to try and eliminate the excessive fiat debt. It made sense, a lot of sense…

          • Well the commentary about bitcoin lately is they are going to base the Swiss Global e-money on it, as for the depop theory I am still working on that but it’s very intriguing the guy was talking about it months before the bat-soup came up. The first time I heard it (dated Sept 2019) it only made a passing impression but now it seems to be a financial imperative of the “reset”. In that case it was all strategised since Bill Clinton’s time or earlier, since Bill’s axing of Glass-Steagall in 1999 made it all possible. It makes 9-11 and Iraq look like a sideshow.

          • HEALTH RANGER REPORT (18 Jan)
            Corporations take out life insurance policies on employees then push va666ine mandates to kill them and cash in

          • Back to the GSM, I now have the wood fire on in the middle of the day. When I went to the local store I was asked if I had my fire on last night, no, but I wished I had. I am now warming the house up again. Tomorrow morning it is even colder and will be for a few more days. Good thing I have a fair bit of firewood stored up.

            Let’s hope this recent solar activity will continue for a bit so that people can get up to speed on what is going on and prepare for what’s coming.

          • Perth is having its 2nd or 3rd heatwave for summer after an exceptionally wet year last year, right up to xmas. I think there is agreement that 11 year solar cycles have been around for a long time but how anyone can predict the extremes I can’t imagine. The NASA probe is evidence I guess that some people are trying. If global cooling can be predicted it’s a safe bet Globalists know about it and combining a mini-ice-age with a cull with a financial reset is what you would expect by now. Maybe there’s a solar volatility index and that’s what it’s really about.

        • Hang in there Terry – They aren’t called sheeple for nothing – anything out of their ‘normal’ experience conditioning scares the Hell out of them.

          Reread Christs parable about planting seeds.

    • I’d already figured out it was some sort of ruse but why should that invoke the concern of an entity that’s purportedly dedicated to, quote, “eliminating the harm caused by the spread of misinformation” (the respective site won’t allow me to copy/paste said prospectus)

      What perceived harm exactly?

      My mind immediately goes to a Gideon’s army scenario: it would appear that there’s some sort of oblique awareness within the ranks of the Fat Controllers as to just how easy it actually is to demolish a humongous physical force with mere bluff

  3. I’d already figured out it was some sort of ruse but why should that invoke the concern of an entity that’s purportedly dedicated to, quote, “eliminating the harm caused by the spread of misinformation” (the respective site won’t allow me to copy/paste said prospectus)

    What perceived harm exactly?

  4. In the letter shown at the end of the video with Scotty F.M., the defendant is state of WA, but there probably were a number of cases run by Clive against WA., so unless the specific link is shown there is no proof ??? If the ALP was correct and Scotty had lied to parliament we can all guess the consequences, and the ALP would delight in ensuring them.

    • W3 – In your NOAA sun spot chart page the graph shows for 2020-2022 an increasing no of sunspot activity predicted to continue to climb. That would indicate an increasing earth temperature and further climatic instability.

      • Yes it’s Schulze’s thing but that’s right the solar “down cycle” seems to be over already.
        I can’t say much about the relationship between solar energy input and weather systems because look at Antarctica, massive storms all the time in winter, driving the weather in Australia, and then you have tropical cyclones up north, so you can’t say small variations in climate mean anything in terms of storms.

      • Given the nature of what’s been hoisted on the population I’d say that each and every one of those responsible in all the respective countries could be held to ransom like so.
        The belief that such governments are a consolidated force is seriously misconceived; stirring up enmity within the ranks is a good deal easier than most people think

        • All the Globalist lackeys have to be symbolically thrown under the bus one by one when they have pushed the Globalist agenda to the maximum, they are like used tissues, just get a new one out of the box and keep wiping away.
          If the media was not controlled people could be cheering Boris on for ignoring the mandates. The MSM and owned politicians can play it whichever way.



    “VACCINE” CRIME INVESTIGATION MOVING FORWARD IN THE UK 11 320 Views In Explosive Topics ?Market Harborough police are informed of an international CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into the global and national vaccine rollout. All politicians, media, doctors, vaccinators, civil servants, bureaucrats have been put on notice to CLOSE vaccination centres

  6. Metaverse control data centre now being constructed at former ABC headquarters at Gore Hill.
    Meta in Hebrew means death. 5G and the mRNA infusing our DNA is crucial in connecting all tranceformed into the SMART grid. The satanists are creating human computer cyborgs globally. This is enforced slavery by krown kabal komunist principles as prescribed by the protocols. These people are eugenicists using the plandemic for their global satanic takeover.
    This is a spiritual war, we must realise we have always been slaves to these beasts. It is time to pull back the curtains of deception and see the brick walls surrounding our minds. The philanthropic oligarchs are not going to stop until these abominations become reality entrenched by freemasons on all bases loaded.

  7. Government is spending a bundle on the latest test kits but I am advised of a free test that’s available. Simply take one finger and put it under your nose, then stick the other finger up your “ass”. Swap the positions of the two fingers, if you can’t smell anything “You have Covid-19™”.

  8. Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World’s Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it. We’ve been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the ‘I stand with Dan’ crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can’t, to try and shame us and shut us down. And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us. So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021? This is our story, told through our eyes. Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years. This is our story. The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to stand for what we believe in. You may not agree with us, you may not even like us, but you can’t claim to know who we are until you’ve watched Battleground Melbourne.

      • Your race-hate even extends to Avi Yemeni. What’s your opinion on St John of Patmos and his (attributed) writings . . . ?
        This is just a normal, quite adequate documentary and nothing to do with your fixations.
        I posted it a couple of days ago and it got a favourable review from commenter Berry.
        I think it spells things out quite well for the MSM viewers and international people, and might bet extra attention thanks to Djokovic (who we hear is now going to sue for probably career damage about $100 million).

    • Avi Yemeni has displayed his ignorance –

      The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who owns Pfizer, producer of the COVID-19 vaccine.

      Posted on December 23, 2020 by State of the Nation

      12/23/2020 — The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by coincidence owns Pfizer (the one who produces the vaccine for the virus that (by coincidence) started the biological lab in Wuhan, which was (by coincidence) funded by Dr. Fauci who is (by coincidence) promoting the vaccine. …..GlaxoSmithKline (by coincidence) is owned by Black Rock finances who (by coincidence) manages the finances of the Open Source Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which by coincidence serves the French AXA (Insurance Co.)! …. By coincidence Soros owns the German Co. Winterthur which (by coincidence) built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan which was bought by the German Allianz which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder which (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by coincidence) which controls the Central Banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital. … Black Rock (by coincidence) is also the major holder of MICROSOFT, the property of Bill Gates, who (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Pfizer (selling the miracle vaccine) and who (by coincidence) is currently the first sponsor of WHO. Conspiracy Daily Update | a part of the movement to Truth!


      And Turnbull is much involved with GSK.

      • Looks like a bunch of German companies, probably all run from Switzerland since we know the Germans have no money after all their bad investments in the first half of the 20th century.
        Here’s the actual guy Pfizer:
        Like his older cousin, future business partner and brother-in-law, Karl Erhart, Pfizer was born in Ludwigsburg. He emigrated to the United States in October 1848. Pfizer married Anna Hausch, in 1859, in his hometown of Ludwigsburg, where he often visited.

        Note Ludwigsberg is very handy to Zurich and Liechtenstein, also to the French border.

  9. Nedski’s gang has had a big victory. The stalwarts of the lawyers cttee for 911 truth will have their day in court after 10 years futzing about with FOIA requests.

    More exciting than Ghislaine’s trial. I will attend and report. Maybe learn to tweet?

    Nah, let’s not overdo.

  10. I believe that Scomo did lie to Parliament but I don’t understand why. Unless it is that he is a habitual liar, there was no other reason. The Commonwealth should have backed Clive Palmer’s case as he was perfectly correct in what he attempted. The Commonwealth Constitution of Australia does not allow for either internal border closures or restriction of trade between the States. Section 463a. “Resident In Any State”.

    I don’t think an egotistical ex-Navy blowhard lawyer out trumps the Constitution

    • Doorstop with Scotty and Corporate Medical Officer, reporters wearing the face-masks.
      One asked clammy-looking MedicalOfficer™ were BigPharma new pill$ molnupiravir and [the other one] better than HCQ and IVM, result: Officer became even more clammy looking and said they were better because they were approved by the disgraceful crooked TGA, LOCK THEM UP

      • Things are falling apart.
        Flu appears to be re-instated and per Harvey Schlangar no big war ove the Ukraine. (40 min at SGT report) Putin 1 bankers 0😜🍭🪘🥃
        Terry, check your email for the link at bin.


    • Sparks of a New Renaissance in Painting Emerge from China – Song Di – by Matthew Ehret


    I left this comment … under moderation

    That is so uplifting and encouraging. Thanks for the introduction to Song Di.

    I know I am just one beholder but …

    • Kazimir Malevich – Black Square on White Background 1913 or 1915


    • His manifesto is titled “From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism


    “How often have we seen the abstract impressionist paint splatterings, post-modernist chicken scratch or atonal randomized sounds performed by artistic reformers whom we are told by “authorities” are brilliant.”

    Enough said – and beautifully worded Matthew.

  12. • The Last Days of the Covidian Cult – CJ Hopkins – Consent Factory


    “The “experts” and “authorities” are finally acknowledging that the “Covid deaths” and “hospitalization” statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle “vaccines” don’t work (unless you change the definition of the word “vaccine”), and that they have killed a few people, or maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably “a serious mistake.””

    “Faked statistics and propaganda will carry you for a while, but eventually people are going to need to experience something at least resembling an actual devastating worldwide plague, in reality, not just on their phones and TVs.”

    “… but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children’s heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of “solidarity,” or convenience, or herd instinct, or … you know, cowardice.”

    “Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we “tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists” have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought”

    Meanwhile, just some tactical slithering and squirming … justice still awaits

    • UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson removes most COVID restrictions in Parliament today


  13. Western Australia prize-winning bullshitter Premier McGollum.
    Cancelled opening the border, wants to needle rape more unwitting 5 year olds.
    Now we have “novova666” and some people want to wait for that until the end of this or next month, I can’t remember every detail of this rubbish.
    So, people who didn’t want their RNA interfered with were already kicked out of their jobs by this drug-pushing maniac, even if they were waiting for the novava666.
    Lying McGollum is pissing statistics up the wall, conflating every possible death into a Covid-19™ death to scare us into submission.
    He “can’t predict how many months or years ahead of us”.
    There is no argument, it is so simple.
    They banned HCQ and IVM so everything they say is a lie.

  14. Vaccine crimes were/are only possible due to criminal misuse of
    Corman/Drosten PCR test.

    Now the German PEI has determined that 9 in 10 RAT tests are useless.

    Unless the effective test(s) is/are named by the AU government and others, published Covid infection statistics cannot be trusted. Again.

    Germany: Useless rapid antigen tests under the magnifying

    “The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the German medical regulatory body and research institution for vaccines and biomedicines, which is also a WHO Collaborating Centre for quality assurance, has found out that 92 percent of rapid antigen tests are useless.
    Among them are bogus products like Absology Co. Ltd. ACAR-020, a rapid antigen test that has a sensitivity of 0 (zero) percent. This means that it is unable to correctly identify even one of the samples. The same applies to the “New Coronavirus Protein Detection Kit” from Beijing Savant Biotechnology. This test is also wrong 100 percent of the time. And the two tests are not the only complete failures.
    The Paul Ehrlich Institute describes an antigen rapid test as useful if it has a sensitivity of over 30 percent. According to the website ScienceFiles, this is highly problematic because a rapid antigen test with a sensitivity of 30 percent means that it will give incorrect results 70 percent of the time.


  15. This is the 3rd of streamed actions, taken to try and stop the dangerous jabs that I have seen.

    Anna de Buisseret (unsure of how to spell her surname), UK lawyer, very well known is leading a group with the purpose to try to shut down a large jab centre in the UK.

    I thought I knew bravery until witnessing this playing out. (Only seen 15 mins of 50!) If I remember correctly, Reiner Fuellmich said that worldwide action is being planned to start at the end of JAN 2022.


  16. I will try to keep an eye on Anna De B. after today’s performance, see above BNT link. (The UK police at the Jab center drama of today, gave an appalling impression.)

    Anna De Buisseret gives an update on the legal situation and the work being done by lawyers around the world; talks about the growing interaction between the veteran network and the local communities; and warns lawyers and serving military that they will be held personally and criminally liable if they know what’s going on and refuse to speak up: “Silence in a war crime”.

    Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (De) made Reiner Fuellmich aware of Craig Pardecooper’s findings.

    ‘”This is intentional, premeditated, mass murder. There’s absolutely no doubt about it because nothing else makes any sense,’ said attorney Reiner Fuellmich. We’re going to get them.”
    In mid-November, London-based researcher Craig Paardekooper produced a short video drawing data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States, where he discovered that “1 in 200 of the [COVID-19 vaccine] batches are highly toxic,” while the vast majority of them are not, at least according to short-term outcomes.


  17. Who dunnit?

    Ukraine planning ‘false flag’ Donbass incident – militia | 19 Jan 2022 |

    Ukrainian commandos trained by Britain are planning a “series of terrorist attacks” in the Donbass to use as cover for a false flag, an official from the unrecognised Donetsk People’s Republic has alleged. Local Militia spokesman Eduard Basurin said on Wednesday that Kiev will stage a provocation to accuse Russia of invading the country… Basurin insisted that he had “reliable information” suggesting six groups of saboteurs from the 8th Special Purpose Regiment of Ukrainian Armed Forces (VSU) had been trained by specialists from the UK and deployed near the line of contact. Their targets would allegedly include gas and water supply as well as power stations.


  18. Not over yet – still happening in Russia too, in Lockstep …

    “Publishing information on the number of deaths among people vaccinated against COVID-19 is inappropriate, since such information does not objectively reflect any relationship between deaths and vaccination and may cause a negative attitude towards vaccination,” the Ministry of Health [of Russia] said in response to a request from State Duma deputy Vladimir Plyakin.

    • A major victory for clot-shot transparency in Russia – Edward Slavsquat


    (Riley Waggaman aka ‘Edward Slavsquat’ writes with a very sardonic style – worth following for information form Russia)

  19. re: the main story – dead 7 year old
    The lying filth MSM Australian SBS World News came on tonight saying the story was misinformation and put their big red “LIES” stamp on it and here is their proof:
    1. They said the guy “Steve Leary” who is credited with the story is actually a US golfer. Well if lying filth SBS news says there is only one Steve Leary in the world then it must be good proof unless they are habitual liars who would sit there and read anything as long as they got their paycheck.
    2. They said the government said no child 5-11 had died (yet) from the experimental injections. Given that the Australian governments are singlehandedly responsible for the disasters of the last two years including fascist pig attacks on citizens, bankruptcies, suicides etc I humbly suggest no Australian government is to be trusted for information, governance or basically anything.

    There was a “freedom rally” in Perth today and the lying filth SBS news showed the drone footage of only 1000 or 2000 people and made it clear there were not many but failed to mention that was because the temperature was about 40 degrees.
    I think the organisers could come up with better hours such as 3pm for example, but if they draw big crowds the lying filth MSM won’t show them, their business is to push the injectable junk into everyone gullible enough including their kids. The confederated lying MSM outlets are doing an exemplary job in this respect and should be assured of paychecks all the way up to the trials and guillotines, which can’t come soon enough.

  20. Murderous drug testing on native children by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

    Vancouver and Brussels, January 7-8, 2022:

    An International Court will issue its verdict and sentence against Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, China, the Vatican, and other genocidal agencies and their officers on January 15, 2022, after a five month investigation and trial on Canada’s west coast.

    The Court’s chief advisor, Kevin Annett, has dodged two assassination attempts during 2021, and faces more attacks from these and other guilty criminals. In this broadcast, Kevin describes the background and what is to come in this preview of the Court’s verdict and sentence.

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