by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This is a report of a meeting held under the auspices of the Unitarian Universalist church in Boston on May 2, 2019. The three excellent speakers were an Iranian-American, a Latin American, and a young graduate of Middlebury College, Vermont. All of them had recently visited Venezuela, hoping to prove that what Trump says about that country is 100% — or at least 98% –garbooge.
Let’s start with Hugo Chavez. Some visitors at the meeting said that when Hugo was president, from 1999-2013, the country was electrified by him, and every soul from kids to grandparents to workers was popping up with projects of cooperation.
Chavez founded the Venezuelan Socialist Party and instigated the Bolivarian Revolution. No, you’re not wrong to think that Simon Bolivar did his work in the 1800s. But he is a contemporary hero giving inspiration in several countries.
Nicolas Maduro became president when Chavez died in 2013, at age 58, of cancer. Presumably Nicolas Maduro is still president, despite the US boasting that it needs to do regime change down thataway. Why? Well, to help the Venezuelans, of course.
I learned some marvelous things about the Venezuelan Constitution but will save it for a dedicated article. Here let it be pointed out that that country has got not just the usual three branches of government but two more, one of which – you’d better be sitting down for this – is a branch solely devoted to the electoral process.
Why don’t we have that? We could have one solely devoted to media. Or war crimes. Putting something in the Con has at least got greater value than statutory law.
Seeds of Solidarity
At the meeting in Boston, someone passed the hat to collect money for seeds, which visitors are taking in as part of the work-around of Trump’s economic sanctions. He has frozen the assets – billions – owned worldwide by Venezuela. And their gold bullion, they said, is being “stayed” by the Bank of England.
All because the Venezuelan people “need help with their democracy.” Man, don’t you get sick of this stuff….
You ask why they have billions of dollars abroad? Don’t forget they have oil. I seem to recall that Chavez offered to send free oil to heat homeless shelters in the United States. The average American reaction to that was “I’m like Huh?”
In fact I believe I recall the Sultan of Brunei offering to send turkey dinners to the homeless of New York City a decade ago on Thanksgiving. “We were not amused.”
The activists are serious about bringing in heirloom seeds, non-GMO, to help the shortfall in food which is partly due to lack of transport. So now the government is encouraging “urban agriculture.” The very activity of it is turning people on. Squash is popping up everywhere.
However it is in health that the sanctions are taking their toll. Big Pharma is usually the source of 55% of Venezuela’s medicines and the other 45% is homegrown. However the country cannot now import the chemicals needed for part of their 45% so they are down to 14%.
The only line that got a laugh at the meeting was when the speaker said that the Minister for Election polls cannot import parts for any broken voting machines. Hence when Trump says the voting process is disadvantaged, that is correct, but it is Donald that is causing it.
The 2018/2019 Elections
Nicolas Maduro was returned to office for a second 6-year term in 2018. Then an opponent from the National Assembly, Juan Guaido, declared that the election was unconstitutional. I don’t know on what grounds but before you know it, the OAS – Organization of American States (Rockefeller’s boys over the years) — made a resolution in favor of the challenger.
Moreover, thanks no doubt to some nudging by Uncle Sam, 54 countries have “recognized” Guaido. I haven’t checked to see if Australia is on the list, as I don’t want to know. Clearly it is a regime-change effort, a putsch, motivated by the oil.
But perhaps also motivated by the solidarity of people on the ground. Venezuelans are in a very cooperative phase – and we can’t have that!
Oh yes we can, declare the Bostonians. We haven’t forgotten the lyrics to Kumbaya (they are not really forgettable, are they?). I left the meeting feeling rejuvenated.
The phrase MAGA came to mind. Make America great again.
Why ever not?
From what I have heard, Venezuela is a country whereby all potential voters have been identified and verified. This is not a US ideal situation. Some people in US want unidentified aliens and 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. Guess which group.
I hope that the people of Venezuela are able to continue with the program of non-gmo crops. If they can they will outlive most Westerners. If they can do without 5G they will be even better off.
I voted, pre-polled today to ‘vote’ . To collect my two papers, I was merely asked for my name and address and that was it.
No sausage sizzle! They could not care if I was starving.
Oh well, if I find a another place to vote on the18th, I will check out the sausages first.
What a relief, that I do not vote in Venezuala I may be stuck with only one sausage sizzle and some requirement to really identify myself to get a feed.
STRANGE? Papers please!
The USSA is about to tackle Iran. For this it needs oil reserves. 7 countries in 5 years has been prolonged somewhat, yet steam ahead. Expect a 9/11 moment very soon. This is why they have silenced Jones Watson Sgt Zero Hedge Liveleak etc especially after the Christchurch bullshit.
It’s coming. And we are powerless ..
Thats the rumour, false flag planned implictating Iran very soon, by the fall.
US, SA, France, Israel, etc (Rothschilds bankers ) v Iran and a sideshow in Venezuala.
Does Trump have them pissing in his tent?
I find it a disgraceful, when the guy who does abc weekend news breakfast alludes to Madura as a maniacal despot , when in fact he has the support of the majority of his people. It’s another pathetic grab by the banking elite for Venezuela’s oil and driven by their boy trump , with another pathetic “golden boy to sidle in on their behalf as the new president. There be no swamp drainage in Washington it’s business as usual….
As the dominoes fall , we realise again that it’s not about race or religion or lack of .
Never has been . It’s all guns money and oil . The banksters creed – the one with the biggest
pile wins ! What ? No matter how many lives are sacrificed on the horny one’s bloodthirsty
anti altar . Everything has been inverted . It is one way only in the technocratic disorder .
As explained , in the previous two articles , the original natives are always the first ones to be
murdered . Followed by the new settlers murders , by means of economic and spiritual hardships
or end game continuous merciless wars .
50% of Oz is owned by the CCP . Now with 5G surveillance , it’s all over .
Have Faith , (try to keep the sins minimal) go for a walk in nature (the real world) and realise they had nothing to do with creating His infinite universe .
Mary, This is the article of yours which I appreciate best.
Venezuela today is a metaphor for the ruthless greed and war-mongering of the American Empire… aka Zionist Investment Banker Alliance.
The list of US invasion targets was published openly some years ago: Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon. The Rand Corporation has recommended (2015) China be added to the list; with a wink and a nod towards Russia.
The blatant lies and hypocrisy of American and all western politicians is quite breathtaking. But what really gets up my nose is the way the wankers on ABCTV spout US substanceless propaganda whilst playing scripted testimonials from celebrity viewers as to the independence, objectivity, and penetrating inciseveness of ABC journalists.