Introduction by Dee McLachlan
On 9 August 2021, the New South Wales government was “offering 24,000 first-dose vaccination appointments for year 12 students at the Qudos Bank Arena at Olympic Park in Sydney. On 11 August 2021 it was reported that students waiting to get their first dose of the Pfizer jab “have been left creeped out by footage of Gladys Berejiklian playing on giant screens inside the vaccination hub.”
Stew Peters reported on the 19th August 2021 on two students dying after being vaccinated in the stadium.
A reader called me yesterday to confirm that he’d called Mark Latham’s office and they confirmed two teens were removed from the stadium in a coma.
The Health Ranger offers this on the mass vaccination stadium event. Brighteon Link.
RAF Veteran, Alan Hennessy
This morning another reader forwarded another Stew Peters video — with him speaking to Royal Australian Air Force Veteran, Alan Hennessy. Hennessey came forward to paint the picture of what’s really going in Australia. The video is entitled “Exclusive Footage! Kids Dead & Dying at Political Mass Murder Stadium in Australia,” but towards the end of the video Hennessy discusses the possibility of extreme lockdowns unfolding.
When will we hear the Aussie say the children died? Too much click bate on these videos.
We got told in the first of these 2 videos that the two children died or were taken out in a coma.
I gumshoed this a bit, smoke on the water.
I have no inside info(i know Sidney well), my gut says, likely
coma, thanks adeno, dead would be quite the omission
What about this then
Thank you for this news because we don’t get it here in Australiastan with our Dictator and his minions.
If the bloody politicians would actually shut the hell up this program may get ahead, you minister are the one acting like a child so please shut-up n listen and only answer what is directed only to you.
You sir are not God you sir are Satan’s minion and should learn to shut up sir. Things might actually move forward if you shut your mouth please sir God gave you 2 ears n one mouth so shut up n listen Twice as much as you talk.
You minister are the one holding things up, let the good doctor speak and zip your fat lip’s
I live next door to Qudos and can’t tell you anything because there’s too many cops there. They don’t let anyone near it who’s not got a booking for a bioweapon.
I will scrounge around for some answers and post back if I find anything.
Funny world, we ALL know the media is criminal and not to be listened to, so we exchange posts with random strangers to get the truth. Meanwhile the stupid sheeple are still lining up for the death shot. The one silver lining in all this evil is that when they are done they will have massacred all those idiots who think “conspiracy theories” are so much fun, what an opportunity to laugh at someone and feel superior. Well all those smiling morons are going to be gone and good riddance. The survivors will be limited to those who can see with their own eyes, they will be better voters and citizens.
Where are my comments?
A question you say covid is not real well can I ask what is killing people?
What reason are they using to lock us down until the new year Dictator Dan and his minions must go. It takes me longer than an hour to walk around my supermarket. I wish I was still driving interstate then I could do more.
These rules are from the CCP not Australia our constitution doesn’t allow for this crap
I think you are incorrect to blame the CCP. The biggest problem this world has, is the City of London bankers who control every country even China.
Nothing can be done. Crown kabal have black handed us to CCP..
Serco is enforcing genocide. The jabs of death are made in bsl4 (bio weapon factories), 3 in Victoria, 2 in Queensland. Prime minister reading the scribe from Doherty Institute (bsl4 head office in Oz within Melbourne University. Global head office in Oxford, Pirbright Wellcome trust eugenics society. Wuhan a branch franchise bsl4, confirming we have One Word Government disorder rule by kleptomaniacs addicted to andrenochrome. Our leaders, devoid of emotion, are satanic minions and we are at their mercy. Delta in jabs, cases rising exponentionally.
Our divine duty is to save all children, the line is drawn, we cannot stand aside and watch.
For non-believers this the proof to believe. Commencing in September, we have 42 months of darkness. If you are able, do not take the mark.
He will come, we are all spirit going back to Him. Every living moment is a miracle.
All glory to Our Almighty Father in Heaven. Pray for guidance, with all hearts, minds and souls.
Click bait??????? Well just listen to the report gained from JEFF KENNETT, FORMER PREMIER OF VICTORIA as to his report to Hennessy on what appears to be a planned locked up society into next year.
The world will be watching and we idiots are going to let the world down if we do not lead the world.
We have the opportunity to lead the world, so do not stuff up.
Ok, those too distracted to listen at least listen to the Peters-Hennessy interview from the 26 minute mark AND GET READY TO RAISE YOUR RIGHT HAND AND CRY HEIL……..
And next time, Minister Hazardous and Dr Chant, why not just take 48,000 kids away from their parents, inject them and then send them off to a lovely youth camp to be good obedient new world order victims.
Wake up yourself, the lying fake phoney and false media with it’s shock troops will not let you even be awakened from your nightmares proven in history. BAN THEIR ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND SELL THE HAW HAW ABC
Vaccinated Australian Minister Develops Bell’s Palsy on Live Televised COVID-19 Press Conference
Did you mean: bell’s palsy
Bell’s palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis. It begins suddenly and worsens over 48 hours. This condition results from damage to the facial nerve (the 7th cranial nerve). Pain and discomfort usually occur on one side of the face or head.” Bell’s palsy can strike anyone at any age” “”(me).
How is Bell’s palsy diagnosed? – Johns Hopkins Medicine
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org › health › bells-palsy
Clearly nothing to see here(wink) – keep moving
Simon, stop being a smart arse. Bells Palsy is one of the most common manifestations of mRNA-inflicted neurological injury and, believe me, it is not something to laugh at.
If you can’t appreciate that this nation is in its worst ever crisis, and many of us are trying to figure out ways to fight back, then just fuck off.
I just wish I knew who you were.
I prefer the pronoun wiseass.
O, I’m your brother and one day maybe friend
Who stuffed up and gave a politician “the real thing” instead of a placebo?
Cannot wait to see them all get the REAL THING.
Remember Minister Hunt. I suppose he got he real thing and if he does not comply, he will get it again.
Hunt and his graphene oxide selling brothers will not be getting jabbed by the product they create.
Bloody crazy when some almost ‘third world’ country has more sense then some ‘first world’ country like Australia. But then again, the education system…
Hooray, sanity at last. Who wants to emigrate to Romania?
According to Dr Charles Hoffe of Canada, it is unusual for a Bell’s Paly victim to have pain.
When are the police going to start arresting these idiots in politics on the charge of murder? The score from the child molestation appears to now be three, in NSW alone. A lesser charge would be mass child abuse. Every one of these children brought in for the jab has been abused.
On a brighter note. There was a very big crowd at WA’s Freedom rally at Kings Park in Perth today. I dare say if we had known of this episode of the child abuse in NSW the crowd may have been much more expansive.
I have sacrificed more than half an hour of my remaining few years to bring the international reader an appraisal of the local evening news ( on 5 channels ), as it concerns rallies in the Australian cities, generally covered quite briefly and positioned in some cases after the car crash news.
Much of the video seems to be sourced from syndicated footage and is carefully edited to show the minimum size of crowd and maximum police. There are a few scenes of individuals speaking ( less on ABC & SBS ) and an equal amount of scenes of cops piling on to individuals on the ground, screaming things like “stop resisting”. They have been instructed to revenue raise, $5000 per abduction seems to be the going rate. A lot of talking heads inserted, traitors and saboteurs such as the vile Dicktator Dan and various police commissioners. It would appear that nothing at all was damaged and all the problems seem to have started due to directives originating from police event planners. Our crooked, lying MSM and our fascist authorities seem to want to promote the idea that any dissent will be crushed with a boot to the face. What the actuality on the ground is, is hard to say because so little is shown. However there should be no shortage of customers for class actions against our traitorous fascist governments. Out governments are lying to us, betraying us, and assaulting us when we protest for the most basic and fundamental rights, the right to walk down the street, breathe air freely, try to earn a living and to remain unmolested by thugs, in this case instructed to mug people for the sum of $5000.
The Australian governments deny HCQ then lock everyone down with the excuse a few 80 year olds in a nursing home have died. It is the governments fault and responsibility for any such deaths because they have resolutely denied the correct treatments. They have gone far beyond the point of no return with their filthy lies. I would say they are sleeping badly because even though with blind faith they have sold out, body and soul to the globalists, they feel their time is coming. Like Biden who ran home to Delaware “to get some sleep” and the Gates and Bezos wives who ran off, soon enough, the hunters will surely become the prey. All of them, no matter how smooth a liar, will be held accountable. Escape from such a monstrous lie is either improbable or more likely impossible.
Completely agree BUT,
Please refer to the link I posted in the latest article.
They are souless, do not understand and in due course will suffer for the evil they are doing.
Enough of the outrage fellas. A bunch of psychopaths has used fear to paralyse the country. The core centre of these manipulators is in the media. More specifically, News Corp. If the editor is not there the entire thing falls apart. Are you reading me?
From Bangkok Post, the death toll today = 261. ( approx 1/8 of the normal daily toll ).
The usual statistics.
175 old, 55 sick, 148 hypertension (presumably medicated), 101 diabetic (presumably medicated). Total of this is 479 but death total is 261. So most of the deaths include TWO of the above conditions. Really how can they call this a virus pandemic, it’s absurd. And the normal cures, HCQ etc are withheld !!! It’s absurd, it’s bizarre, it’s a huge lie.
The Bangkok Post does not even attempt to pump the numbers.
The stoopids simply believe they must be injected, as quickly and as often as possible.
Facts, avatars and human consciousness … the world of causes
Blah : 🙂
Case of death one year later: https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=jabs
What parent would let anyone have control of their kids overnigh?. The first thing I think of is grooming .
These tragic events at the “vaccination” arena were expected. Notice how quickly a staff member jumped in front of the camera to block the vision. There were also screens pulled into place immediately. If these fatalities were not expected, why were there screens at the ready?
You see privacy screens at accidents too, plus many more things. They have been in use for years.
They use them to protect the person/victim from prying eyes, especially when some gawkers take photos, a sheet will usually suffice.
Ivé seen them used in shopping centres when someone has passed out…
Could you please post this so I can at least have a small say on the discussion?
AAP is a very credible fact checking site.