Home World Politics Weapons, Resources, and Proxy Wars

Weapons, Resources, and Proxy Wars


A series of emails from G5

by G5

No concern about America having nuclear weapons. THEY HAVE NONE. Russia supplies America with its uranium. GROW UP.

As I have incessantly advised: Russia is the world’s biggest supplier of energy; oil, gas, nuclear, and even coal. Not America. Not Arabia. Not Venezuela.

American sanctions are like it’s economy and military: TOTAL BULLSHIT. Turn off your TV News and discover the real world. It’s refreshing.

In passing: China owns Taiwan, as Hong Kong, Macau, and Shanghai. Yes: and the rest of South Asia follows. Do you want food and cheap consumer good. Or live with your head continually up your ****. There was no Gaza scenario for China to take Taiwan. Accomplished by financial adjustments. Gaza is the eviction of squatting tenants, for a development project.

Mommy America is not saving you from anything. Nothing to be saved from. No boogy man, no tooth fairy, no santa, just self caused criminal not military invasions. Iran is not behind the world’s terrorists:  AMERICA IS. The same for drug cartels. Iran and North Korea are not developing nuclear weapons for the past decades. Iran is owned by Russia and North Korea is owned by China.

Russia and China have nuclear weapons, AMERICA HAS NOTHING. NEVER DID.

Nagasaki, Hiroshima, 9/11, and The American invasion of Iraq, all have different realities, to that advertised. The Manhattan Project was a propaganda stunt, as was Man on The Moon. No one is going to Mars.

There is no Third World War. Only an ongoing bitch slapping of America by Russia and China, at least from the days of Korea and Vietnam. There are no Conspiracy Theorists. Only Messengers, delivering propaganda resisted Truth, Fact, and Reality.

Delve into the surrendered and lost Comprehension from innate Rational and Critical Thought processes. It doesn’t hurt. https://youtube.com/shorts/4sKQ0ZMt5HI?si=_ubN6m0Gx_074ify

Hamas / Israel

Notice the US-UN-Hamas have not tried another 10/6.

The IDF Tavor about to be replaced by the new Israeli built Carmel 30 round 5.56×45. Select fire, window mag, glove (2 pressure trigger) guard etc. Citizens armed. All residences must have weapons. No crime or school shootings. Strange isn’t.

The UN-ILO currently blowing it out its arse that Israeli businesses are not paying the 200,000 Arab workers in Israel. There are many more than 200,000 Muslims living and working in Israel. Muslims working for Jews are predominantly generational relationships. Throughout the world. Muslims live and practise their faith separately but are effectively part of a trusted Jewish family unit.

DEI Hires and labour contracts do not exist. As there are no unions and allied bullshit; The ILO is wearing out its cheeks. Then after all that’s its mission. Particularly at these times, when Jew Hate is the flavour of the month.

Zelensky and Proxy Wars

If you are waiting for America to challenge and defeat Russia in battle, don’t hold your propagandized breath. Try removing your head from that claustrophobic fantasyland. The list of America chased out of town by Russia and China, since America surrendered to Russia at Potsdam is quite long. The victories are zero.

The recent efforts are; Syria, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, and Lebanon. (VIDEO)

Zelensky just had an urgent meeting with Trump at Miami. Where Zelensky also lives. His wife lives at Highgrove, as I have advised. A floating intel report advises they met at Trump Tower. 

Trump sold his penthouse there for a $100 mil to a rapper.

Zelensky is having notions that his Dem Zoo owners will throw him under the bus to divert focus for the trillions they stole on the phoney Ukraine War. Which also attritioned The US Military and NATO out of the game.

Trump returned to office will see many exposés. Don’t be surprised to see Zuck and Zelensky in protection.

On Governments

A government is an institution that has a monopoly on violence.

Government and Elected actors are on a tour of duty. 

They perform as trained seals for their owners, then receive high rewarding jobs for their services rendered. Where they are hired, trails their corruption.

Idiots have been trained to refer to Fascism as some Right Wing element. The same as they define religious observance.

The DHS and ATF; protected by The DOJ, break into people’s homes in the early morning to murder their innocent targets, to send messages. As all such good governance messages: that thought to have been sent, is not that which is received.


Trump’s prosecutions, attempted murder, harassments and media manipulations have made him stronger and elevated his support base.

The Right Is the idiot’s euphemism for Conservative. That which has been demonstrated to be correct. As against the reinvention of the ridiculous and cast away, that led to Conservative. Fascism is absurd government, in size and manic fixated control by the tail wagging the dog syndrome. The progressive, yet retrograde, liberalism, is regulated, democratic socialism, without the democratic element. Marxist insanity by any other name. The Left in all its permutations, combinations, and mental derangements, is Commo-Fascism.

Instead of something they have been inculcated to believe, they get for nothing: they get nothing for something. They are not the entitled, moral, intelligent, soaking others for the perceived victim-hood.

The rich they define as the cause of the world’s ills are international and mobile. They are not static entities that can be soaked to further temporarily refuel failed and self bankrupted governments and their administrative baggage. You can tax the rich and they will never pay the mythical fair share of anything .

The real rich; not the entrapped middle and working classes; have never paid tax and never will. They loiter with essential entrepreneurial and economic investments in domestic economies. They generate activity by generating local taxations, employments, and trade.

Sound economics attracts the major asset controllers to play in domestic economies. Never to chase them away. 

The Redistribution Delusion.

If government could do any better, they would have already done so. Government has never successfully operated any enterprise. It never has, over the past century of the tragic international experiment, and never will. It cost $9 billion to build 8 EV recharging stations. Beyond the fossil fuel grid unable to deliver the load.

Some $3 billion on a few hundred yards of a rail road, abandoned and no track laid. Studies and expert reports continue.

The greatest accomplishment of the Left is 100 million innocents murdered in a hundred nations over a 100 years. Apart from its unique Rope-a-Dope philosophy which has never failed to deliver.

Change the tags and the lemmings line up open mouthed and cheek flapping. Déjà vu, and the only ones who never wake. The essential of a peer review study, before an opinion on anything. Yet they lined for toxic vaccinations for an invented SARS-CoV-2 while legitimate peer review studies were suppressed as disinformation while lies were postured in response. 

The lemming collaborator class jumped because media told them to. Censorship to control the public dialogue. The undermining by false premises.


Expertism has delivered: Berries being; grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, persimmons, and bananas. Fruit including strawberries. Fruit being; zucchinis, maple, and dandelions.

Antarctica is a defined desert, because it has low rainfall. This is an excellent example of government intellectualized expertism. The outcome is clearly visible and does not relate to the initiation of that logic train. Simplified and Syllogistic Intellectualism, which is Government Expertism.

From the introduction of foreign species for one theoretical purpose, outside that ecosystem, causing a permanent disruption, to insanities as mRNA vaccinations and the ultra lunatic fringes of; Organic, Vegan, Climate, no Fossil or Plastic, and the like.

No Sugar — using carcinogens as sweeteners. Low Fat using sugars. Vegan foods produced by carcinogens and the expunging of all animal and insect life forms. Avocados in California requiring bees from South America. The Canadian Fur Seals Madness, has gone quiet, but the impact to the Canadian economy is permanent. Not the sales of furs. 

The insane imbalance that were forced.

The permanent care of the Indians reliant as they were for the seal products. The care of the fishing industry that absurdly was ceased. The explosion of fish not taken by the seals. The disease of the overpopulated seals, requiring culling. Not advertised. The method by bashing them on the head. Not shooting which scatters them. 

All in all; Dow, Dupont, the French Film Crew (which actually clubbed the seals), and Bridgitte Bardot, should have been evicted for the stunt. No different to the lie of plastics in the oceans and affecting bird life. A similar Rope-a-Dope was performed by Al Gore (cotton industry and IBM) and his ‘Inconvenient Truth’  that has created that fraud into the future.

There is no end to herds of braindead. But Government demands that you obey.

The forced Intellectualized Syllogism against Observable Reality.

Education as Indoctrination. Inculcation and incessant Tutoring. 


As the UN Security Council has acted against Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Ukraine: The IPCC promotes Climate Change, The WHO promotes toxic vaccinations, The UNRWA promotes and participates in Philistine Gazan attacks on Israeli innocents, The ILO attacks functioning economies, The ICTY gaols innocent political trophies, The ICJ acts as a political hack tool, The Peacekeepers participate in gassing genocides in Iraq, Syria, Bosnia, and Kurdistan, and NATO conducted an ethnic cleansing of Russian Ukrainianns through the Kaliningrad link to Lithuania.

America INVADED Ukraine in 2014. Russia LIBERATED Russian Ukrainians in 2022.

Semantics is important.

Nothing Left, Green, or Renewable has ever worked.

The economic disconnect of the left is astonishing. 

Harris’ owners want to soak the alleged rich and preemptively tax unrealised theoretical capital gains. Straight to Depression and all capital leaves. Parallel the alien affair and sanctuary cities. The theories never meet reality.

In The UK, Starmer decided to withdraw the heating allowance from the ones most vulnerable and in need. His owner is Lord Alli. Who also owns Sadiq Khan and manipulates Goldmanite, daddy-in-law office buyer Rishi Sunak. Alli sold as a balance to The Jewish Lords, was a major mistake waiting to happen. There was never any balance required. It was an opportunistic blunder of massive and enduring proportions. A backfired DEI Hire.

In Canada: Trudeau is destroying the nation with insane Climate taxes, and related fool agendas.

The 13.8 billion year existence of the universe, and 4.5 billion years of earth have seen a great deal. The fifth extinction Younger Dryas was 11,600 BCE. 

All more than the last 200 years.

Certainly the notion of Anthropogenic Climate Change defines the mental state of those posturing that stupidity. Hardly a moalized intellectualized assessment of true reality.

The fraud has pivoted to atmospheric carbon emissions, as the global warming lie has been destroyed.

The atmosphere has .04% CO2. Excess is taken in by the oceans. If the level reaches .02%, all plant life dies. Together with all food, and the photosynthetic production of Oxygen.



  1. I have just had cause to study: Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process
    Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5
    SUBJECT: Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process
    T O : Commander
    US Army Operational Group
    9 June 1983
    Fort Meade, MD

    Tavistock Agenda experiments.

    ” Bob Monroe, the founder of Monroe Institute, is quoted in a recent magazine article as saying that in order to assist the participant the particular Hemi-Sync tape concerned with that technique employs Beta signals of “around 2877.3 CPS.” (cycles per second). since 30 to 40 CPS is considered to be the normal ranqe for Beta brainwave”

    “34. Belief System Considerations.
    In 1967, Alexandra David-Neel and Ilama Yongden wrotea book entitled Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, from which the following quote is taken:
    “The tangible world is movement, say the Masters, not a collection of moving objects, but movement itself. There are no objects “in movement,” it is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us: They are nothing but movement.
    This movement is a continued and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy(in Tibetan “tsal” or “shoug”). All objects perceptible to our senses, all phenomena of whatever kind and whatever aspect they may assume, are constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events
    The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra which says:
    “In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it.”

    “I have cited this quotation because i t shows that the concept of the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical in its essential aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world. The concept of the cosmic egg, for example, is well known to scholars familiar with the ancient writings of the eastern religions. Nor are the theories presented in this paper at variance with the essential tenets of the Judeo-Christian stream of thought. The concept of visible reality(i.e, the “created” world) as being an emanation of an omnipotent and omniscient divinity who is completely unknowable in his primary state of being. The Absolute at rest in infinity is a concept straight out of Hebrew mystical philosophy. Even the Christian concept of the Trinity shines through the description of the Absolute as presented in this paper. The description of energy totally at rest, in infinity fit s the Christian metaphysical concept of the Father while the infinite self-consciousness resident in that energy providing the motive force of will to bring a portion of that energy into motion to create reality corresponds with the Son.

    This is so because in order to attain self-consciousness, the consciousness of the Absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the Absolute and is the actual agent of all creation(all reality).”

    and this arrived to inbox today

  2. T.O.
    BIN with Bosi, Derek and a few discussing what we know re tunnels, tribunals and the rest.
    Try from one hour.
    Note Australia covered as well… as for the ignorant who do not believe the tunnels,
    (very sad lot🙀)
    Note the training for that scenario started years ago.
    MM sorry dear but you are going to eventually have to look at some REAL LAW THAT’S USEFUL,,,,,, MILITARY LAW OF WAR💁
    As I say…., you have to realise AND FACE IT EVENTUALLY.

  3. Who’s Lighting the Middle East on Fire and Why?
    Freemasonic Rituals, Templar gnostics and today’s End Times Cultists
    Matthew Ehret
    Oct 01, 2024
    “The Templar/Hopsitaller roots of Rosicrucian black magicians that have infiltrated western civilization over the past several centuries and their relationship to the Crusades, and their headquarters in Solomon’s Mines should also not be treated as unrelated to the plans for today’s disastrous ritual.
    With that in mind, and as we slowly come to the anniversary of the sparking of the October 7 inside job which unleashed this hellish End Times ritual, I will leave you with two presentations I delivered to Mel K nearly one year ago, clarifying the terms of the occult agencies managing this shit show”
    Part 1: Understanding the History of the Holy Land
    Part 2: What’s the End Game and Why Would Anyone Want WW3? (From the Six Day War to Clean Break)

  4. So much more from Mary at WTPN (situation update) at beforeitsnews.com-people powered news today.
    💁🙀more on your hamburgers from 5 min.
    But one important playbook coming in as with 911. Reports of missiles to be used against T in flight, blame Iran and have a good war with Israel. Remember the USS LIBERTY IN 1967 trying to get the US with Johnson for a biff up with Egypt.? Same form from the same killers.
    Also mentioned for the normies, operation Northwoods to cause a war with Cuba, mooted by killer generals, lbut knocked back by President Kennedy. Yep, same playbook…. What war was not ‘justified’ and promoted by the pelicans and msm without a false flag mass killing?

    When will our MSM fools and shock jokes do some historic research and pull their fingers out of their stuffed wallets? They have a pending used by date.
    I note that the kindly Australian government gets a mention. NO MORE COMPENSATION FOR YOU IF THE GOVERNMENT’s BOOSTERS ARE KILLING YOU OR CRIPPLING YOU INTO BANKRUPTCY. ……. From 30/9 keep safe now!”
    Know or ignore: your decision, your bed, your destiny!

  5. The Freedom Rallies/ The Freedom Movement all part of the plan.

    I did not know of Ricardo until he appeared at a rally in Melbourne 2021 I think. He had an open mike and gave people the opportunity to speak he listened.

    This speech in Canberra is interesting to listen to 2 years on– I was actually trying to find the rally in Canberra where Ricardo introduced Adrian Wells -also SRA survivors I knew were given the mike. Adrian and his speech cannot be found. Adrian’s story needs to be heard. I will keep looking.

    Riccardo Bosi’s Full Speech @ Canberra Protest – MMAMV – 26/02/2022

    • Is that the time when the coppers used a directed weapon machine to burn and wound some off the crowd with BURNS.
      In the interview cited above where he goes to the basics – JESUS CHRIST, WHO OBJECTS TO THOSE BASIC ‘Jewish’ PRINCIPLES? The antisemites?
      Bless you Sandra!

      • Yes, that is the time that the Freemason’s puppets, the police, turned just below lethal micro-wave projectors onto areas of the crowd, estimated at two million Aussies, who were assembled in the belly of the Beast (Canberra) affecting some hundreds, who received first and second degree burns, while some who were affected, now have unexplained cancers.

        And to those who still have doubts that their so called, governments, are not out to kill off as many of us as they are able to, then I have another comment down below that maybe you should take the time to read.

    • “The Freedom Rallies/ The Freedom Movement all part of the plan”

      Indeed, and ignorance of the law is no excuse. Nice common law act Bossi, no sale. He only stumbled on one thing, the lords prayer, then made a mockery of it with the perverse semantics.

      You hold your tongue Ned, like you do the contract scribe, hold it again for I have the right to defend myself and i’m for you not agin. Ahh semantics… and contracts.

      Best I can say is thanks but no thanks Ric. I think these contracts that “one” takes, even when voting, carry water. I’m no beast of burden or have a coloured hat. I do have a heavy heart however, made lighter here, you all.

      Thankyou Dee for standing up for the kids, and complete uncontrolled opposition – quiet the gall, well done..

      • Really Simon? There’s an Australian leader for out time who will tell you exactly what you should be knowing, yet you choose to nit pick him?

        So, is it any wonder why we as a country, can’t seem to get our act together?

        Do you truly believe that the Creator could give a damn about someone butchering a prayer that was put together by another person?


        • Nothing wrong with a simple recognition of our god/source, whatever!
          Just say; “G’day God, what surprises have you got for me today”?

        • Really, how do you reconcile, sending some to the gallows and branding others unable to change their ways. Not to mention putting the constitution as some kind of hallowed saviour, in the same breath.
          Think he even smirks at the idea of a hanging and the orange jump suit is Gitmo for torture.
          I want to take to them to, but not in Gods name. He uses the prayer to ingrain himself only, going by what follows.
          How do I know, well, he never mentioned the King, the constitutional and gay guard apex.

      • From that comment, Simon, you seem a very naive person if you cannot grasp what a ‘constitution’ represents to a moral and sovereign nation.

        I would strongly urge you to study what a constitution means to a people who wish to live a peaceful existence, free from the evil that has stalked this planet for eons.

        Many of those who have already, been dealt with at Gitmo, are guilty of Crimes against Humanity re the Nuremberg Code, as well as Treason against the country of their birth or their naturalization.

        When you can realize just how evil those who have already been dispatched to meet our Creator for final judgement were, your resistance to the method used as to their final departure from this planet, will be your least concern.

        You cannot parley with evil, you have to destroy it, wherever and whenever, you find it.

        • Ok Terrence, I might be naive but I have a robust constitution.
          So who wrote the Australian constitution, not the plagiarized bits, the emuroo bits.
          I guess by, being dealt with at gitmo, you mean executed or maybe paperclipped. I don’t like secret court because its always a cover up, like Nuremberg, Potsdam etc. Not the white hat theater, the secret stuff. The regular WW2 German Army were not dealt with as legal combatants, millions of them starved with no mercy by Eisenhower alone.

          That’s how we got here, and now, you want to compound it.

          When I kill, I have my criteria to slay the right pig(Churchill ref not having a go)and once I’m decided, its quick. I’m not thinking good or evil, just, quick. No sport, no blood-lust and certainly no V

  6. I’m glad my excellent term communo-fascism is being picked up and understood, as a walking of both sides of the street Hegelian style towards totalitarianism. However I cannot support the term BCE for Before Christian Era, this acronym is invented and used and presumably enforced by dodgy universities ( all of them ) in order to trick search engines into looking at their revisonist muck instead of the traditional lies of history we base our opinions on.

    • One of the points of the feature story here is the uselessness of expecting government committees to run businesses, one reason of course is they are just too corrupt and being so lacking in natural talents ( except for lying ) leads inevitably to corruption. Australians since ww2 have had a dream run and now make the mistake of thinking this will continue. Governments have to be accountable and where they are a DEAD WEIGHT as is the case of the Canberra government, they need to be personally accountable, for example ex-minister for “health” Grek Hunt bought 250 million doses of the va666ines most of which ended up being destroyed, rumoured price was $20 per unit or thereabouts, total bill for this junk therefore $5 billion, at the same time Grek Hunt was in a position to sack John Skerritt ( TGA ) who banned the correct medicines and failed to do so. Grek Hunt should have to pay back at least $4 billion, the other $ billion worth having been consumed in some cases by enthusiasts.
      Ultimately we should make Medicare optional, the compulsion we have now clearly seen is evil and wrong.

      • There is no such thing as a “common era”, but there is a flood of lies pouring out of the establishment. The year 1BC relates to the pre-Christian period and if you look up BC or BCE on the search you are going to get different results. The year 1AD relates to the Christian period whether anyone believes it or not and “CE” for Christian Era is an unnecessary simplification, as if we are too dumb to understand the Latin Anno Domini AND DON’T DESERVE TO KNOW HISTORY WHICH IS BEING WIPED OUT EVERY DAY ON THE M$M FAKE NEWS. Every so often some pope or king manipulates the dates for their own political purposes and this should STOP. Thankfully at Gumshoes people are interested in restoring the hidden and buried history of the world and people like Robert Sepehr punch way above their weight.

  7. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-01/nsw-police-supreme-court-pro-palestine-protests/104419938

    “An upcoming pro-Palestinian rally and candle light vigil in Sydney could be prevented from going ahead, with NSW Police deciding to apply to the state’s Supreme Court to prohibit both planned assemblies.

    NSW Police added that, while police recognise the right to free speech and peaceful assembly, its first priority is to keep the community safe.

    Josh Lees from the Palestine Action Group said they weren’t officially notified of the decision last night and were in talks with police over the location of the protest.”

    “Of course if we need to, we will go to court to fight for our right to protest.”

    Really, but that fight to candle light could endanger net zero. Also I can tell you that no Palestine Action Group supported 640,000 kids being saved from the polio in a simple cease fire. Just appeal to the Supreme Court.

    • Its a Wolf Blitzer, so beware a ww2 Studebaker


      US leaders monitor attack from Situation Room
      Brad Ryan in Washington DC profile image

      By Brad Ryan in Washington DC

      A US National Security Council spokesman says President Joe Biden ordered the American military to shoot down missiles targeting Israel.

      Repeat “President Joe Biden ordered the American military to shoot down missiles targeting Israel ”

      Hope he is using a crack Delta force to follow up, Iran’s Imans will be writing cheques to Pennsylvania

      But they are Russian Studebakers, hell yeah, ya gotta Put In, to lend or lease. Never mind its a lend lease contract thing

    • Evidently some genocides are OK.
      This “attack the protesters” thing is the first thing I thought about today, seeing the very satisfied look on Chromedome’s face.
      “First they came for the muslims, and I said nothing because I wasn’t a muslim”
      In this case
      “Then they came for the old people and I said nothing because I wasn’t so old”
      “Then they came for the weak and useless and I said nothing because i was neither”
      Then they came for the dissenters …
      Well here we are now in Zionazi Australia where the Canberra politicians are morphing into Kommondants as we wait for the next Act in this farce. How long can they keep up the pretence that they are nice people looking after our best interests, I would say not too much longer, up to the election will be a struggle, already the smiles and shit-eating grins are giving way to “nanny state and big brother are doing what’s best for your safety”.

  8. For those who wish to learn about what is really occurring, especially within the Unites States.

    Judy Byington over at beforeitsnews.com has an up to date article that outlines precisely what is now in progress, and will continue to escalate over the next few weeks.

    You may listen to what is exposed as it is read out to you, or you may wish to read the article in its entirety which will tend to take less time.

    If you have heard about ‘Hurricane Helene’ but do not know the details of why a supposedly, ‘natural’ event would hover for seven hours over an area, while dumping 35 inches of rain before moving off and dissipating, then you need to learn what that event was all about.

    Whole towns have been wiped off the face of the map while many thousands are now missing – a biblical event, or a deliberate man caused catastrophe?

    If you choose to leave the dark and fear behind, by coming to know what may be revealed to you from walking in the light, and being unafraid can show you, then this is the time for you.

    • Have you missed the nearly 200 missiles from Iran meeting the dome and US response overnight, raising the gold price.
      All good, the globalists still working on their WW111 and others on the October surprise SCARE EVENT that Trump can resolve in 24 hours if he is elected, if there is a November election.
      Our favourite shock joke wants in again.
      Why can not our warmonger fools learn from Switzerland or Madagascar ……. for example.
      Love woke: – young ‘WOKEIST’: “if the sun is so hot and NASA believe they cannot go there, why can’t they go at night when it is turned off’?

      Clearly she has potential to remain here and solve the perennial ‘hatelands’ problems in the M East first.

    • Terry – been announced in the speech Trump gave yesterday – our time. Won’t happen overnight, but, it is now in effect.

      If you wish to keep up with events as they happen – you really cannot go past what is on display at beforeitsnews.com or America Media Group.

  9. G5 claims that, quote:
    “All(Israeli) residences must (now) have weapons.”

    A claim that’s substantiated as follows, quote:
    “97 civilian teams in north equipped with 9,000 assault rifles…………….Underequipped civilian teams in the south defended their communities alone for hours when Hamas terrorists launched their massacre before security forces arrived, leading the Defense Ministry to launch a project to boost such squads.
    ‘After we reequipped communities near the Gaza border, we are now completing the reequipment of 100 civilian defense squads in the north with weapons, including the Arad — an advanced weapon developed in Israel’ “

    So where’s the statement as to why they were DIS-armed in the 1st place?
    Where’s the acknowledgement that the respective policy caused untold – carnage ?

  10. What moves have been made by the Aus “authorities” to RE-arm the Aus citizenry ?
    Or have they simply decided, as per norm, to sit back and let nature take it’s course?

    • E.B. – writes, ‘What moves have been made by the Aus “authorities” to RE -arm Aus citizenry?’

      May come as a shock to you. E.B. But the Australian population were never disarmed. The feds buyback scheme to rid the country of weaponry (after a suitable psyop that was the massacre at Port Arthur) the feds felt were pointed at them – and rightly so – was in reality a dismal failure, regardless of what the lying media put out.

      So much of failure was it, that the feds even toyed with the idea of having a second amnesty (and this amnesty against law abiding firearm owners) which did not go ahead due to the lackluster first attempt of taking everyone’s means of self-defence against tyrannical government away.

      We thinking Aussies are not silly folk.

      There is a lot of well armed Aussies out there just hankering to put a round or two right between the eyes of the establishment.

      And in this ongoing spiritual war between good and evil, that hankering needs to be studiously avoided, if we all wish to win in the end.

      Listen to what Bosi states about presenting arms toward the enemy

      • “May come as a shock to you. E.B.”

        I’m actually well aware that the “buyback” was a flop, but as to the populous direction of the ensuing 28 years I think what Terry says below is much nearer the mark

        • E.B. – a minor quibble with your response. You wrote – RE-arm Australian citizenry – meaning, in my mind at least, that the Australian citizenry had been dis-armed.

          But now, and in response, you’re telling me you knew all along that the gun buyback was a flop?


          We don’t have a !st or 2nd amendment, otherwise what Terry writes would have prevented the feds from even attempting to take away our firearms.

          In time, we will have those rights that guarantee, the right to be heard, and the right to owning firearms, and that shall not be infringed.

          • “the ensuing 28 years”
            I’m talking about the people who reached adulthood during said period, not the 50+ crew

            And good luck maintaining possession of a gun once you’ve pointed it at burglars who broke into your property

  11. “What moves have been made by the Aus “authorities” to RE-arm the Aus citizenry ?” – Forget it, those bastards know where this is going. If you don’t have the ability to resist, then you must submit.

    Here’s a wide-awake video from that chaos in the US after the latest hurricane damage. The lady talks about ‘carrying’ (as if that would ever be allowed in Oz by the government) and a Sheriff recommends doing it with the safety off. Crikey, I’d never have round in the chamber unless I detected trouble (admittedly, life has made me somewhat paranoid). Walking around with a chambered round and the safety off is asking for problems. – However, it shows how quickly things can go to shit.

    Like, what the Hell, people begging for WATER? I thought they had too much of it. Can’t they find an old pot or tin can and boil the available water over all the wood that is available?

    People are beginning to get a clue. All those morons that bought into the ‘gun control’ agenda in Oz will soon be approaching firearm owners and asking if they know where they can get a gun (I’ve been approached several times, SORRY!)

    Got food? Got self-defense? Got a clue? (Bunnings has a special on them, hurry!)

    Protect yourself, nobody else will…


  12. They have this guy on “Ian Parmenter” former US ambassador to Lebanon saying Persia has now given Bibi’s Zion a licence to take out the Persian nucular facilities, this would fit in with what G5 would probably say that it wasn’t Persia sending off the latest 200 missiles but some boat in the Persian Gulf doing another false flag.
    Boom bust recession war all worked out years ahead and programmed.

    • I have ABC-TV going while I’m working and they are ramming home the official narratives every minute they can. They glibly insist Oct 7, J6 and 2020 election are all according to the DeepState & Democrats version and seem happy to parrot one another without ever attempting to investigate the version from the other side. This is not journalism, this is propaganda. These people are either insanely lazy and quite stoopid or else they are devious nasty liars, I think the majority are stoopid and a few are very dodgy. The guy from ABC-TV show “insiders” is reportedly a freemason, I don’t know what degree, maybe someone could enlighten me.

      • 30 pieces of silver goes a long way with some folk who lack principles or morals.

        Lying comes easy when one sells their soul.

  13. “After the recent missile attack by Iran on Israel, we are closer to WW3 than anyone can imagine. All of this is the planned destruction of the earth and humanity. This military industrial complex that internationally works with the satanic elites, the Vatican, and all governments on Earth, are advancing their depopulation plans.


    The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans Revisited – In Light Of Weather And Other Warfare Events
    OCT 2

  14. “This is a spiritual war first, the goal is not just to destroy the bodies of humans but also to hijack their soul and spirit, hence the self assembly nanotechnology and the assault on every other aspect of our life.

    Remember General Michael A. Aquino was a career officer with the US army specializing in psychological warfare. He was in the Vietnam War and came to the rank of Lieutenant colonel. He founded the Satanic Temple of Seth and was involved in the covered up Presidio Child Molestation case. Let that sink in, a known Satanist who openly served in the US military AS A GENERAL in psychological warfare.”

    • “Here is the famous text he wrote that was applied on the US population – make the victim believe they are winning so they will not fight – hence “get the popcorn” attitude that left millions of Americans sitting on their rear end while they thought someone else should fight this war for them. It worked:

      From Psyop to Mind War
      The Psychology of Victory

      by Col. Paul E Valley
      Major Michael A Aquino
      PSYOP Alalysis and Research Tema Leader


        • The floods are being played down by our lying fake news M$M rubbishcasters who of course will be blaming miniscule amounts of carbon dioxide even though nobody even believes them anymore, they are the “Norwegian Blue Parrot” of the Deep State establishment CBS and ABC-TV who control most of our media along with Kerry Stokes and secret globalists who go their hooks into SBS years ago when Mary Kostakidis quit. The dirty globalists want us to give $10 a month to UNHCR so they can keep doing their rackets in undeveloped countries with extra funding, what a shemozzle, God will have to come down and smite the whole lot of them they are beyond help.

          • It is a bit beyond the ABC ‘wokist’ staff to understand Joe’s inspirational
            reference to the ‘Norwegian blue parrot’.
            I am not sure that I should disclose it to them as they might take offence and be offended because it is not a green Antarctic parrot.
            So I will merely provide a clue for Simon as a payback and duck Colonel Klink, our moderator.
            ‘The pet shop scene’ (AKA …… about a parrot argument) by that old and dated unwise ‘unwoke’ offensive Clease.
            Well ABC …. Do not worry, you lot will not get it anyway.
            So you cannot claim being offended as being a lot of……. Artists and as depicted by a mere bogan.

  15. Well Sandra, you have exposed a bogan.
    Nevertheless, the ABC BRIGADE WILL NOT GET IT
    Joe, just relax your secret is held by us.
    We know that you had in mind THE SCHRUB GREEN TEAL FEATHERED ABC WFERs.
    AFTER ALL, the UN, as explained by Tenpenny, via Mary at her situation update will have all of us ‘ticked’ before we can say ‘banker warmonger bastard abc psycho climate disaster controlling freaks.’.

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