by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
I am a snoop for ultra-vires acts by the US Congress. As soon as The Legislature does something for which Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution did not give it a grant of power, my hackles get raised. But now I have found one such deviation that does not bother me as an act of ultra vires, per se. Rather it is a shocker unto itself. It has to do with federal involvement in the vote count.
Well, not federal, sensu stricto. Rather, there is a self-proclaimed body — to be exact it is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. It is private, not governmental, yet it has allocated an important assignment to itself. Please be patient, I will describe it below, if God spares me.
The Collier Brothers
You may recall that my 2011 book “Prosecution for Treason” discussed the work done by Jim and Ken Collier, which is presented in their 1992 book “VoteScam.” I said:
“The Collier brothers revealed in the early 1990s that the reason the TV networks are able to announce the national vote as soon as the polls are closed is that they knew those figures even before the polls opened! Elections involving computers can be rigged. … The main surprise Jim and Ken found was that the announcement made by the media was based on a private group’s count of the vote. …”
Hello? What? How is this possible? Back in 1992, it was a consortium of the three major networks, plus CNN, and AP. They were called NES — News Election Service. (Think about it! The unmitigated cheek! The colossal gall!)
The Collier brothers noted, in VoteScam, that a meeting on November 26, 1985 was attended by: Katherine Graham of Washington Post, Lawrence Grossman of NBC, Roone Arledge of ABC, Robert Tisch of Loews, William Leonard of CBS, and Hamilton Jordan of CNN.
Not to mention, also, Lane Kirkland, president of AFL-CIO, the chairmen of both the Republican and Democrat national committees, Sen Wendell Ford, Rep Tony Coelho, and New Hampshire Governor John Sununu… [not the current governor, but his father, born 1939, whose other son, John E Sununu, born 1964, is with the WEF]. Quite a meeting of the minds.
I can hear the TV voice of Walter Cronkite now, solemnly calling out the names of the winners as early as 8pm on election night — back in the 1960s. Maybe he was not apprised of the reality of “the News Election Service” — but most likely he was.
By digging around, Jim Collier found that a private group did the calling in of the numbers to headquarters. That was — wait for it — The League of Women Voters. Collier had noticed that some polling booths were housed in schools and fire stations, and in the 1980s these did not have computers, so he realized the “vote counts” must have been phone in.
In 2003, the News Election Service (“service” meaning, you know, they kindly help society on vote night) changed its name. Instead of NES we now had the slightly more opaque acronym, NEP, for National Election Pool.
Lawsuit of Dr Shiva, Candidate for US Senate in 2018 and 2020
I digress for a moment to tell you about a Discovery in a court case. Dr Shiva filed a lawsuit about his having been defeated in the 2020 race for the US Senate seat of Massachusetts of which Elizabeth Warren was the incumbent.
He is not a medical doctor but a techie man from MIT, full name: Vellayappa Ayyadurai Shiva, PhD, born 1963. He discovered irregularities that eventually led him to learn that the work done by League Voters and by the NEP is now connected to another organization — the NASED. That’s the National Association of States’ Election Directors.
Per its website, NASED is a: “nonpartisan 501 (c)(3) professional organization that disseminates election administration best practices and information across the states.”
Professional organization? Best practice? Disseminates information? Are you thinking AMA? ABA? that sort of thing? I am guessing it is similar thereto, but where folks all know about the American Medical Association, and the American Bar Association, the NASED is hush hush city. As I noted, Dr Shiva learned of it as part of Discovery.
Still, his find wouldn’t have jumped out at me but for my having read the Colliers’ labor of love. And I must tell you that Jim went to every law enforcement person he could find and every journalist in town (Washington DC) with his story. None would listen. Robert Mueller at the DoJ — or should I say the Do”J” — chased him off. Jim then died of cancer age 60.
The Tie-in to Congressional Legislation
Recall my disgust with ultra vires (i.e., “beyond power”) actions of Congress. I have not yet researched to see if legislation has come about to give the NASED a formal role in vote-counting. The AMA effectively “nationalized” medicine by getting each state’s legislature to give it control over doctors, for instance by approving medical licenses and disciplining any member who does not follow ‘best practice.’
Congress has insinuated itself into elections by “Right To Vote” Acts, and by criminalizing certain behaviors. In 1993, it passed a law that is codified at 52 USC 20511 as follows:
“A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office—
(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, … any person for—(A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote; (B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote … (C) exercising any right under this chapter; or (2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false … or (B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held, shall be fined … or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
I suppose that suggests that someone would be in charge of catching the perpetrators of any of those crimes: the “procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false.” Maybe the DoJ has appropriated that duty, although of course that’s not proper. There is no federal role for guarding the polling booths.
Note: The Constitution does make it possible for the federal government to overcome bad state actions in the election of Senators and Representatives. Namely, in Article I, Section 5, it says “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members.”
Inspecting the NASED
Let me know if you DON’T agree that the National Association of States’ Election Directors — and its hush-hushness — makes a complete mockery of the election system, and for that matter of democracy, and for that matter of the United States and its people, K?
According to its website, NASED.org was founded in 1989, and “is a nonpartisan, nonprofit professional association for state election directors in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five US territories.”
Ah, so I see that while it is not governmental (its website is dot.org not dot.gov) the participants are members of state government, perhaps such as Secretaries of State. They are meeting like the Teachers Union, say. To continue:
“In each of their states, election directors are responsible for implementing election laws and policies, maintaining the voter registration database, working with local election officials to ensure a successful voting experience for all voters [Dear God], and more.”
In 2002, Congress passed “HAVA” — the “Help America Vote Act.” Per Nased.org:
“HAVA created new mandatory minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration, including provisional voting, voter registration, voter identification, and voting technology and equipment. These requirements increased the importance of strong communication and coordination among state election directors.”
Sorry but I find this frightening. Government officials are meeting under private auspices. That means that the minutes of their meeting, if such there be, are not open for inspection. I know you are wanting to know what action NASED took about the stolen 2020 presidential election, right? I wonder if you approach your state’s Director, will he or she share with you the group’s thinking on that subject. And does he/she feel greater loyalty to the NASED entity than to you?
The Hot Dirt from Italy
To buttress my attack on election cheating, I now add three testimonies that contain major accusations. One is from Italy, concerning the November 2020 presidential election, another is from a military man in the US concerning the 2022 midterm elections. One is a quote from Paul Craig Roberts on the suspicious hold-up of votes at Maricopa County, Arizona, today.
Arturo D’Elia is the former head of the IT Department of a company called Leonardo SpA. He was recently arrested in Italy about a matter that has nothing to do with elections, but he gave out some information and offers to sing a bit more, in exchange for the protection of his family and himself. I think his lawyer wrote the following:
“[O]n 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy of Rome, [they?] undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.
“Defendant states he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonardo SpA and utilised military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fusion Tower to Frankfurt Germany. The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered.
“…. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court in this matter.” [Emphasis added]
That’s from the website Filmon.com, with the heading “from Testimony of Senior Italian Judge Alfio D’Urso – Italian Tax Court and Supreme Court Public Defender.” I hoe you can put it to use in some way. Writing about elections is not my usual job.
The 2020 Election Manipulations
Here is Paul Craig Roberts on Maricopa County, as from his website parulcraigroberts.org on November 11, 2022:
“Roughly a half-million day-of-voting ballots, which are believed to be largely Republican, are sitting uncounted while Democrats continue to bring in unexplained tranches of votes after the deadline. Where these tranches are coming from and why so late and why they, but not the day-of-voting half million, are being counted is unexplained.
“It naturally raises suspicion that the incoming tranches are fraudulent votes to boost the Democrat candidates, and the day of voting ballots, largely Republican, are sitting there awaiting accidental deletion or some other way of disposing of them.”
Finally, but I have no way to authenticate this, a video has been posted at rumble.com by “We the People News” on Veterans Day. November 11, 2022, with the title “Situation Update, Resurrection Day.” I direct you only to the talk starting at 42 minutes, and ending at 55 minutes. The man says he was allowed to view the screens of a software company’s fiddling with the midterm votes.
Well I am not going to ‘direct’ anyone to only listen to any part, but I ‘recommend’ that people listen to all of it and follow up on future reports using common sense and discernment, that most adults are capable of utilising.
In the meantime duck back to developments in the comments in the last article as people’s lives depend on being informed and the discussion will continue.
Today’s situation update goes into more detail to describe the election fix exposures.
Off topic, but very relevant to our continued existence. So, people in Europe are going to go cold without natural gas, like, who could have predicted that?
I have a wood stove that cooks both on top and in the oven, it also heats the house. If the electricity goes out, I have lots of good quality candles (look it up) and also kerosene lanterns.
I’m loosing confidence in the human race to even be able to provide for their basic necessities, let alone their actual survival. – Not my problem, deal with it…
Terry, my heart bleeds for your predicament. 😂💁🏼
Electricity! Why’s that?
Gas . What’s that?
Town water. Whats that?
Telalievision? What’s that?
Occasional Sat night pictures and stipend for minties.
Hurricane lamps, kerosene lamps, car battery being charged to feed a radio,
Chip heater for warm bath water, wood stove, tank water, pumped up to backyard water tank on a high wooden tower to provide pressure. (single handle pump… my job)
Frosty early mornings, dressing before the kitchen wood stove warming toes on the oven handles.
Our backyard windmill provided garden bore water. Dear Greta et.al, you lot are too late.
Long walk to school, longer miles to a railway line pushing the FJ through the mud fighting floods, to pick up sibling from boarding school and return each term.
What is bitumen?
Painting chook roosts with old sump oil to fight lice.
Occasional Sunday chook dinner plucked and dressed by the neighbour police sgt. he got one.
Enjoying the sgt’s lock up in pitch dark.
Burning cow pats to fight invading mosquitos squeezing through the wire mesh.
A annual circus across the road with lions and monkeys. ( Wirths?)
The visiting snake pit following the circus and then the man with the donkeys and rides for sixpence.
Hot bore water a bit out of town for a community bath. ( been updated now)
The local store with generator thumping and learning to read from Donald Duck and Co comics in the magazine stand.
Getting the Women’s weekly mid week and desperate to see Mandrake and catch up on Prince Valiant.
Regular entertaining stone fights with other urchins.
Kites up in outer space.
The ABC argonauts sharp at 5. (when the ABC was the ABC)
Home made clothes.
Dragged off to a picture show to see something about a coronation. Must have been 1952?
Transported to see the Queen, sitting for hours with thousands of other urchins and her land rover skipped our line.
Seeing Charles in photographs in the Women’s Weekly driving a snazzy vehicle.
I was stuck learning to pedal a man’s Malvern Star reaching the pedals through the top bar.
Saving for a back reflector ‘cats eye’ to be trendy.
What’s that sign say Dad? No answer: ( in due course I found out….. conscription. For a Banker’s war in Korea. Almost the same now)
Weekly crime mystery on radio when the atmosphere was cooperating.
Iodine being seeded in the clouds to make it rain? Now thinking it was to deal with nuclear fallout drifting over from SA Pommie tests at Maralinga causing cancer.
Almost a hundred miles to get a doctor to extract a oliander chip from my inner elbow.
Listening to the PMG telephone girls over the fence listening via their board of connections to all the town phone calls. Now expanded to the globalist octagon.
Sibling holiday piano recitals (rag time?) attracting a few with listening from the street for entertainment.
Sibling’s magical entreaties and mysterious ways to guide me to lost balls. (A catholic secret that now guarantees a parking spot in need 🙏)
Terry, so you have it hard?
Try being 5 to 8 years in the Pilliga scrub. 😩😩😩💁🏼
Could have been worse. I could have been recently conceived, survived and be a melting f’n snowflake begging to be injected by medical globalist genocidal murdering ignorant tyrants and stuck; being hypnotised, brainwashed and conditioned by lying politicians, mass media and injected by medical incompetent puppets with concocted unknown ingredients.
If I had only known how much gas was beneath my feet, it would now be different Australia.
Hey cc, I think I may have out ‘worded’ you., sorry to tip over your barrow.
Gratulatio loquendi pro fluentia
I am not not going to look it up but I get the message.
I was told when I was 17 that I would Never be conscripted (or serve)
I never understate those who were.
Thank you.
I forgot, when the SMH was useful.
A Penney a pound for the butcher to wrap up the lamb chops.
Not to mention the annual show, with a home made billy cart to collect all the empty bottles. Three pence for small, sixpence for large and a penny for beer long necks.
Greta, in my time if you were smart, you would not now appear as a globalist idiot with our snow flake political Teals IN CAHOOTS with our GLOBALIST Schrab WEF/ABC GLOBALIST CORPORATE GENOCIDAL, POLITICAL, PSYCHOS CONTROLLERS F’ng the world.
Ned, I baked my first loaf of bread while sailing to Hawaii from California. – The stations out West enjoyed my wife and I coming out for a visit. We would put on a feed that they couldn’t get out in the bush.
A fresh loaf of real bread cooked in the camp oven the day before, a ‘smoked chicken’ on the day with toasted potatoes and gravy, ‘garlic yabbies’ that they quickly learned to duplicate, carrot salad, coleslaw, potato salad, fresh fruit from Sydney with custard and an egg custard with nutmeg on top to finish off.
We used a candle to light the cabin, heat a couple of pots of water on the wood stove to take a bath, you get the idea. – It was great to get out of Sydney and into the bush.
And as a kid, I had a paper route – no matter the weather. A penny a newspaper, which added up so I could build my own radio. After the paper route, I’d have breakfast and walk to school – in the snow, up hill both ways….
Test the water’s, check,
look left and right, check,
look up and down, check,
ask your ancestors their opinion, check.
What are you waiting for…, yourself, at a guess.
Thanks Mary
Some terms that the lawyers and barristers who post here may remember –
“Ultra Vires” brought to mind this excerpt of poetry by C.J.Dennis – The Glugs of Gosh
10 The Debate ……………
Sir Stodge is a sling off at Sir George Reid, a politician of the time.
……….Said Sym: “Kind friends, and fellow Glugs;
My trade is mending pots and mugs.
I tinker kettles, and I rhyme
To please myself and pass the time,
Just as my fancy wandereth.”
(“He’s mine!” quoth Stodge, below his breath.)
Said Sym: “Why I am here to-day
I know not; tho’ I’ve heard them say
That strife and hatred play some part
In this great meeting at the Mart.
Nay, brothers, why should hatred lodge . . .
“That’s ultra vires!” thundered Stodge.
“’Tis ultra vires!” cried the Knight.
“Besides, it isn’t half polite.
And e’en the dullest Glug should know,
’Tis not pro bono publico.
Nay, Glugs, this fellow is no class.
Remember! Vincit veritas!”
With sidelong looks and sheepish grins,
Like men found out in secret sins,
Glug gazed at Glug in nervous dread;
Till one with claims to learning said,
“Sir Stodge is talking Greek, you know.
He may be bad, but never low.”
Then those who had no word of Greek
Felt lifted up to hear him speak.
“Ah, learning, learning,” others said.
’Tis fine to have a clever head.”
And here and there a nervous cheer
Was heard, and someone growled, “Hear, hear.”
“Kind friends,” said Sym . . . But, at a glance,
The ’cute Sir Stodge had seen his chance.
“Quid nunc!” he cried. “O noble Glugs,
This fellow takes you all for mugs.
I ask him, where’s his quid pro quo?
I ask again, quo warranto?
“Shall this man filch our wits from us
With his furor poeticus?
Nay!” cried Sir Stodge. “You must agree,
If you will hark a while to me
And at the Glugs’ collective head
He flung strange language, ages dead.
With mystic phrases from the Law,
With many an old and rusty saw,
With well-worn mottoes, which he took
Haphazard from the copy-book,
For half an hour the learned Knight
Belaboured them with all his might.
And, as they wakened from their daze,
Their murmurs grew to shouts of praise.
Glugs who’d reviled him overnight
All in a moment saw the light.
“O learned man! O seer!” cried they. . . .
And education won the day.
Then, quickly to Sir Stodge’s side
There bounded, in a single stride,
His Nibs of Quog; and flinging wide
His arms, “O victory!” he cried.
“I’m with Sir Stodge, O Glugs of Gosh!
And we have won! Long live King Splosh!”
Then pointing angrily at Sym,
Cried Quog, “This is the end of him!
For months I’ve marked his crafty dodge,
To bring dishonour to Sir Stodge.
I’ve lured him here, the traitrous dog,
And shamed him!” quoth his Nibs of Quog.
Hoots for the Tinker tore the air,
As Sym went, wisely, otherwhere.
Cheers for Sir Stodge were long and loud;
And, as amid his Swanks he bowed,
To mark his thanks and honest pride,
His Nibs of Quog bowed by his side……………..”
My sartorial advice to CrissCross:
Semper ubi sub ubi.
The Pharisees control the USA.
Identify and innculate?
Judah rejected the money changing priests and went for Rabbis. Genuine Jews.
It’s a cop-out to blame everything on the Jews. Gets you nowhere.
Julius, come in please. Ant 56, too. And our other vets Mal and Eddy.
Can’t remember the acronym that Andrew Macgregor unearthed re Port Arthur. Something like POG-GYN (“the federalization of what should not be federalized.”)
Sorry, Fair, I meant to spell federalise.
Goodbye, separate nations.
Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Well blow me down, I’ve found out that Ned warms his toes on the stove handles. I guess that explains a lot….
Come on, Aussies, you can see that if Seppo elections are a crock, the same must be true in Oz.
Who will vote for Dictator Dan? Dee, your “falling off the step” article was very important.
Warm toes says a lot……
Indeed, one learns and adapts.
Warm toes, warm socks, warm shoes for a frosty walk:
Want to know about two hard boiled eggs in each coat pocket when I was 21, each early winters morning off to the station and a working day on the stock exchange trading floor?
No need for a luncheon backpack💁🏼
Professor, ‘no rain’, Flannery would not have thought!
Goodonya, Eggman.
Your Mum must have raised chooks in the garden to keep you stockd for the stock exchange. Who would have thought where your career would take you…
Paging Tony Ryan.
Northern Territory, come in please.
The most stupid and incompetent rise in politics because they are tools that never reveal the hidden hand feeding them. Despite the misery they enforce, people still hope that somehow these traitors will protect them.
The fact is, our selected leaders are mostly criminal sociopaths protecting the plutocrats sucking us dry. They don’t care how much damage they do destroying most Australians.
After all we’ve witnessed, many still think there’s nothing wrong with government, media tell the truth, politicians are trustworthy, the legal system works and all is for our best interests. So let’s piss on, watch the game and celebrate freedom.
These politicians have no problem sending our youth to killing fields, defending Oz overseas, in every war since Gallipoli.
All so that multinationals can move into whatever country they want to crush by stealing their resources.
Oz will never be free as long as we have a private reserve central bank, that is now enforcing CBDC with the smart metaverse about to be switched on.
Realise it or not, the government is communist and perpetraitors are on all bases loaded.
The intensity that gum by DNA has defended all of us(and them), is a given. Tony, Fish et al are here with us, its a given.
Psychologically this is a “requirement” or wanted aspiration at the least. I can assure you they are here.
Rabbi Simon(blame Berry((wink u)) if I’ve profaned).
Dearest Rabbi, where do you stand on this holy issue: It says in today’s Haaretz.com that the far right, having helped netanyahoo form a new goverment, want to halt soccor on the Sabbath.
SImon, start at 1.16.00. It’s interesting.
Jesus the Way to the Father
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know[a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Which means you need to quit defaming and start exhibiting something worthy of jealousy:
“Today the Gentile Christians who claim of holy right have been led in the wrong path. We, of the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god, we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake…Christianity will be abolished.” (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949
Christian Book Burning
Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament (“uncanonical books,” see footnote #9) will have no portion in the world to come.
Shabbath 116a (p. 569). Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.
Dr. Israel Shahak reports that the Zionists burned hundreds of New Testament books in Occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. “Jewish History, Jewish Religion,” Pluto Press, p. 21).
Having considered a grammerly course thats ” Net and Yahoo.(be very scared, the personna is back), style wink
Cast your eye back to military school circa late 70’s on… get this “English and German football soldier/position guy, (kick the ball), because a holy day, kick the kid skin, for tomorrow I kill u>
We get back to this Mary, you have phased shifted sister. Thats a good thing for yourself and you have always given/gifted (special accolade here, now, previously never given by this commenter)((not even too, Eustace))
Nutrition is very important people, and not being suckered by classic propaganda(then we can move onto, the things).
Paul Craig Roberts adds more to his analysis of stolen election.
OK, what’s up with this? Jeff Bezos gives 124 billion away to freaking ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’?
I assume that Bezos must know that ‘Climate Change’ is bulldust. He at least has the money to employ people to do the research for him, so what’s up? Do the Kabal have something on him? – Either go with the agenda or we will crush you?
they wear green and gold much better in brazil
Protest Vids