by Dee McLachlan
Gumshoe was purged from the internet early Monday morning — for a photo of a woman grieving at a wall in Pakistan. One of the posters on the wall was a Sandy Hook victim. The article was posted in 2015. One could debate endlessly the reasons for this, but it is clear that we are now a target — and other attempts will be made to take us down.
In trying to get Gumshoe back up, I was speaking to support staff in the Philippines. There’s no way you can speak to ‘compliance’ department staff or ‘legal’ in the US. No way. Apparently they don’t have phones. You have to wait — and wait — until they answer your email, which they don’t. But if you want to speak to ‘sales’ — they have phones and are ready to take your $.
However, in conversation with the young man from Manilla, he was saying, “Lucky Google didn’t delete your domain name”. It seems for a small infraction Google can just delete your domain. He described how he had helped one customer get back his domain. It took a year because, apparently, Google has no phones either.
So today I post a video sent to me by Ned.
The video is a recording of David Goldberg’s final video — before his death.
Goldberg reveals two classified projects underway – Project Pogo & Project Zyphr – to stifle American free speech and the chilling plans scheduled for 2020/2021 — in a plan to exterminate tens of millions of Americans. He specifically talks about a virus — and this was recorded around May/June 2019. (He died on June 8th, 2019 in his Brooklyn apartment.)
Veterans Today, in their article “Murdered for Speaking Out”, write,
“If Goldberg had a real White House source, and we believe he did, then the horrific things he warns of in his tedious but excusable monotone, things VT has confirmations of, explains what really began at 9/11 and why Israel has trained so many of our police, why they control all social media and press, why they control the DHS and why our own military is now an occupation army that, we learned yesterday, just created 200,000 fake people to gather the data Goldberg warns of.”
I had to do a search on the ‘net and finally found the photo you referred to. The whole ‘Sandy Hook’ thing is a mess. I don’t know what happened there (I have my own rough theory), but I do know there is plenty of bad information floating around. Whether it is intentional disinformation to set people up or just idiots with confirmation bias, I couldn’t tell you. However, with the way it has been played (Gumshoes just got a hit), I expect there was intentional disinformation sown into the drama.
Just stay away from the Sandy Hook issue, it is a minefield of dis or misinformation. There are plenty of other issues that can be discussed.
Completely agree.
I imagine you are “on watch” now. This won’t be the end of it.
Oh my goodness, so glad you are here again! I’ve had a video on my laptop monitor since July 4th on Child Abduction Video 1, and just had the chance to watch it last night. Was then about to share it on social media, and the video disappeared from my screen and so did your website from the internet.
Whew. I’m sharing everything on Facebook, and lots of people are looking into this.
Thank you so much.
Suzanne Barnes
Brendon O’Connell is certainly over the target re Adam Green and much more.
Sandra, good to see that you’re in Brendon’s corner.
He’s a good man who’s suffered much and deserves our support.
I’m not sure that Adam Green is as Brendan might paint. Adam has posted alot of content on the zio question. It would be no surprise to see him come under such attack. The “alt-right” movement is filled with zio puppets and one must be careful of this when going down the rabbit hole.
From this video I understand that AG has been to Israel, but no context was given. He has also assosciated with GDL , which I hadn’t heard of before of which, one founder who is israeli (HT iirc)
Brendon O’Connell Joins the Ranks at Exposing Adam Green-berg
Brendan O’Connell is the only one to promote the israels-operationtalpiot-the-greatest-spy-machine-of-all-time/ line (as pointed out in the above video), which I have linked to before. The link I have provided in the past is now dead, although I found a compilation of related articles on The Millenium Report (I have not dug into who owns TMR)
In short, I wouldn’t be quick to judge Adam Green as guilty, because he would be a terrible resource to lose if he is innocent.
Agreed Justin.
I’ve seen quite a bit of Adam Green and find little disagreement with him. Much as I like Brendon O’Connell, he does have a tendency to turn on former friends if they don’t pursue his line of investigation and analysis.
Witness this performance of Brendon’s towards the great Dr Kevin Barrett :
Especially, watch from 1:15 to 4:00 to see that Kevin Barrett is amongst the leaders of the 9/11 and False Flag truth movement on planet Earth.
Then, watch from 15:45 to about 24:00 to see how Brendon is less than respectful towards this great man.
(The whole video is worth watching in its entirety in my opinion).
Brendon could do with some lessons in diplomacy.
I listened to the first 17 minutes of the Goldberg video. It’s garbage.
JUNE 2019 (if this a a true recording), and Goldberg is talking about 2020/2021.
“… there’s a progression in the timeline as projects change… project zypher has changed. In the beginning they were talking a lot about, okay… we’re going to infect these people with a virus that is imitates the flu virus. They’re going to eliminate them in various ways that it not suspicious. It is too many we are talking about millions of Americans, and this is where we see their plans are changing. They are going to initiate something devastating…”
He got that right — lets hope the “purge” he talks about is garbage. But it is interesting to note. Are 78% of US citizens now tracked?
Glad to see you back!
“get knocked down 7 times, get up eight!” 🙂
Sandy Hook was reason for suspension? yet plenty other sites still up with info/disinfo/misinfo about that whole episode?
““Lucky Google didn’t delete your domain name”. It seems for a small infraction Google can just delete your domain. He described how he had helped one customer get back his domain. It took a year because, apparently, Google has no phones either.”
Years ago, when Google first started with the byline – Dont Be Evil – you could find a lot of useful info on just about anything.. using their useful “search within results” tool…
then Google went to the Dark Side, and began a campaign of censorship… made it impossible to find info that you could easily find before using their search engine.
I dont believe google can “delete” your domain name, as that is usually registered through a separate third party.. but they can however decide not to show your website in their search results, no infraction necessary…
Wasnt google that took your website down, was your hosting company.. Bluehost… maybe should choose another that is not so easily scared of truth – of any topic… Sandy Hook or otherwise…
anyway, thats much more than my unqualified 2 cents worth.. but…
I was reading something today from
“The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China by the American CIA to serve as a biological weapon meant to decouple the US-China economies; and to separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world including closing of borders, severing supply chains and rerouting trade to bypass China with the purpose of weakening China from within and causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord and also as a prelude to a US initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea. The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony (including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan
and China’s Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia) and to collapse the Chinese government, to cut off China from global trade and international commerce and to force a regime change of China’s government after defeating China in a devastating physical war.”
seems the whole world, not just some ‘mericans, is a target, if this is right…
might be a lot harder to get back up.
Brendon O’Connell in recent vid proposes the virus (Chinese/American GOF research) was released by the CCP and Israel.
Thanks sandra…
I didnt meant to suggest my post was any sort of gospel..
just thought it mull-worthy 🙂
if Brendon O’Connell has any evidence to back up his propositions..
i think the whole world would be interested in such enlightenment.
one thing i feel sure of though, in my gut… the official account, as always.. is bovine excrement
Brendon, to the best of my knowledge, is only partly right in what he claims. He assumes, with grandiose proclamations, that, somehow, some Israeli technocrats can do all the nasties all by themselves. I have tried to converse with him, in private, to suggest that the farkn Israelis would have no influence in ‘Straya without the compliance of an abject secretocracy within our own system that has been inherent from before the beginning of our nation. Our real grievances and opposition should be directed at the traitors close at hand.
Judaeo-Masonic “British Israel” pre-dates the conquest of Palestine by at least a hundred years that I know of. That’s long before Federation.
Brendon still seems to think that Freemasonry is some sort of benign club of enthusiasts of mathematical esoterica. Perhaps his dad was a Mason. He was a policeman, as I recall.
Anyhow, complaining about some remote villain will not protect you from the invader in your house.
Sandra / Ol’ Dave / Dinkum , no disagreements from me on your statements.
Much as Brendon is doing good work in certain areas, he still has a pro-USA bias and refuses to entertain the thought that the U.S perpetrated the Covid bioweapon attack on China and on itself ( doing it on itself ensures ‘plausible deniability’ whilst also culling a few useless eaters).
Brendon also believes that there are white hats in the upper echelons of the U.S military that are working with Trump in opposition the cabal (he always spoke highly of the Butcher of Fallujah – Mad Dog Mattis).
He will be quite surprised when the reality dawns on him.
It takes a looong time for Brendon to recognise anything beyond his perception. For him everything is “Israeli” without recognising where Israel came from and how Israeli technocrats insinuate themselves. That insinuation would be entirely impossible without traitors within who promote and protect these hostile predators.
“Are 78% of US citizens now tracked?”
I’d say 100% 24/7
Ditto everyone else on the planet:
No question as to which of the two sorts of surveillance is the more daunting
This one will knock your socks off!!! A must watch interview from 1994 with Dr Robert E. Willner (mirrored)
“knock your socks off!!!”
and where, exactly, is that headed ?
But if the same Dr.’s 1990 Deadly Deception Lecture is any thing to go by I’d say it’s some worthwhile place: As he so correctly points out, there’s no such thing as “safe sex”. There’s an element of risk in all human relationships, we’re not mere lab-rats.
Irrespective of whether Goldberg is “talking garbage” or not, the focus should be on the intention behind the publication: Is it the desire to see people personally empowered or something else?
I’ll mind my P’s and Q’s. I’ll also keep away from precedent entangled, conspiracy theodolite
Will watch the video now, thanks.
Have not read VT for many a year. The video may be considered shocking in some circle’s I suppose.
The video itself alludes to be sourced for a safe in the alleged, narrator, David Goldberg’s home.
Where can I purchase such a safe. The implicated agencies would seem to have all safe’s crackable. Even with little time frame to work within.
Were the classified documents in the safe as well?
Given that we can not see even rudimentary US government documentation of current mainstream reported events, the classified report of some 17 odd years ago also come to mind, this all seems odd to me.
Horse walks into a bar, bartender ask’s why the longface.
Horse reply’s, well glad you asked, I have a theory.
I’m not sceptical about Goldberg’s accounts; they match pretty well as a continuation of the themes alluded to in a great pile of books I read way back in the mid ’70’s. Not just by “outsiders” lamenting and warning about the activities of the worldwide secretocracy but also from “insiders” boasting of their intentions… bods like Prof Carroll Quigley and his tome “Tragedy and Hope” (which, like so many books from my library, I loaned out, forgot where it went, and it vanished).
Anyhow, even way back then the secretocracy had the “establishment” so securely in the hands of craven idiots and ideologues that a fairly nationwide campaign of letter writing trying to awaken some patriotic integrity in “influential people” was totally ignored or viciously attacked.
The calamity has had a long gestation.
I’m not going to argue with you friend. Its the little things, less than 10%, that seem like a garden path. I’ll have a look, see if I have your book. Did read these things back in the day. So lucid now, I can see too.
o, the 10% being some 26 miles from France, never mentioned, like wacky Jones(who defiantly exists above cohorts. Just saying, no offence intended to Alex
Don’t worry about “Tragedy and Hope” Simon, it’s old hat now; being set in the ’60’s, I think.
The take away message is that the “tragedy” is that Christian civilisation is farkt but the “hope” is that an elite is poised to create a “new order” of humanness.
Horse continues, seems like a-lot of bot flies in the ointment. Dark valley of death, you say, next to that other pathway. Glad we are going to try.
I suspect that this video could be a tool released by the “deep state”, but then again we know some of this information has been carried out. As in the “virus release” although not the danger that it was supposed to pose.
We also know of the Youtube closures and the internet non-truthers or deliberate liars.
Just wanted to welcome you back with a Million Roses 🙂
I think it remarkable how quickly and thoroughly those Asians adopted and incorporated diatonic scales and harmonies into their own. And it’s beautiful.
Long ago when many of my peers were waxing lyrical about Indian Sitars and degenerate “atonal” music in European “avant-garde” I reckoned that diatonic music was a gift from Heaven, and it seems that many of our Asian siblings agree.
It also appears from early accounts of Christians in China (C16) that the Chinese also readily accepted the Christian view of science, logic and all that until the Europeans began to insist that China must adopt European customs or be forever “backward” and “uncivilised”, culminating in the attempted rape and pillage of Asia by Judaeo-Masonic entrepreneurs and their “opium wars” proceeding to the Communist takeover.
Very informative – thank you oldavid.
And there is something very special about the harmony of siblings – triplets no less
I can’t work out what you mean by: “the harmony of siblings – triplets no less” but I’ll make my own assumptions.
The “harmony of siblings” is what you get if we all “Honour thy father and mother” which is a big part of the Chinese notion of culture. It is the very first of the 10 Commandments after the first three that define honour due to the Creator…. which was also embedded in Chinese culture.
“Triplets no less” could bring us back to the music business. Well placed triplets in any time signature are enthralling, in my opinion. Triple time (where beats are rhythmically divided into thirds) is captivating. My personal favourite is 9/8 time signature.
Anyhow, I guess that no one is interested in this sort of stuff but I’m glad that you gave me a little soap box in a completely disinterested crowd.
Silly cryptic me – I meant the harmonies produced by the voices of siblings – they have a special resonance. (‘The Veronicas’ also comes to mind.) In this case the three girls in Infinity of Sounds are actually triplets.
But I am so glad you shared those insights – excellent, thank you.
Ah ha! Now I getcha! Thanks for that.
cause our time may be short
must be consorting, son of a preacher man(i believe).
Play’s one handed from about 5 minutes.
Died NYC watch house.
Sorry, just a different tea.
k, no more from me till…
Talking about being “wiped” — Dan Dicks (Press for truth) has been DELETED. 14 years work, 250,000 subscribers, 35 million views — deleted without even a warning or email.
evil google owns youtube…..
he didnt have backups of his lifes work? he trusted evil google??
I do like though how he is talking about how youtube deleted his everything… “this isnt youtube anymore, its themtube” all on youtube…
“No One Has Died from the Coronavirus”
Good one, Cherri.
However, if anyone is foolish enough to listen to the abject motormouth tools in the media hardly anyone has died of anything else. “Coronavirus” appears to have saved everyone from dying of heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia, cancer, hopelessness misery and abandonment etc.
Delivery systems of BigPharma™ are sacred elements of the establishment.
For blasphemy, tongues were pulled out using red hot pincers, if my recollection is correct.
No big deal, bgsy,
Lots of people were hung drawn and quartered, fed to lions, lost their heads to Mme Guillotine, were burned to death, starved, etc. if they refused to acknowledge a temporal ruler as over the Creator and Redeemer.
Caesar, Luther, Henry, Marx and myriad others could only wish they had the technological advantages available to the Enemy’s sycophants these days. Tongues can be “pulled out” by just “switching off” a contact medium. It’s much more economical on wood fuel to burn someone at the stake of a media fuelled “public opinion” pyre than all the bother of a physical incineration.
The main thing that seems to be missing in the present argument is “who’s telling the truth?”
That’s easy, the ones with no tongues, Seth Rich and Julian Assange spring to mind, along with lots in Hong Kong and other places.
At about 17:25 of Goldberg’s video, he says : ‘ Donald Trump’s allegiance is to Israel . He’s not only a Jew, he’s a Freemason ‘ and ‘ …. that is why he’s so dedicated to following the script…. everything he’s done was scripted from the beginning… ‘ .
Well, that certainly fits in with the facts on the ground.
Untruth Veggie,
Please refresh us, disclose your fanaticism for the 3rd Reich, do you have all the memorabilia at home? You never talk about Tibetans, Uighirs, Rohingas, West Papuans, even the Australian aboriginal underclass. Sadly for your 3rd Reich even the Deutsch Bank has now been converted to junk bond status and thrown into the black hole of the US Fed, we hear.
The 3rd Reich has been unfairly demonised.
For all its shortcomings, in relative terms it was by far the lesser of two evils in comparison to the war crimes perpetrated by the Anglo-American-Zionist empire in World War II.
Any objective analysis would confirm that and a good many Gumshoe readers who have done the extensive historical research (ie: not you ‘bg’) would concur with me on that.
Dr Fredrick Toben would certainly have sided with me on that issue.
You often hear the Russians saying they had 20 million dead or something like that but the Russians were allies, how did they die then, did they all get the flu
Do not confuse Russia of today under Putin with the Stalinist Soviet Union.
Although the Soviets ended up on the Allied side, this was an alliance brought about by circumstance (Operation Barbarossa), not by choice based upon shared ideology.
The regime of the Soviets needed to be wiped clean from the face of the Earth. This is not to imply that the ordinary peoples that inhabited this land mass were also to be disposed of.
These good folk were coerced and terrorised into supporting Stalin’s agenda and bear no responsibility for the recklessness and depravity of their leader.
Your query “did they all get the flu?” is actually quite significant, especially in the current climate when (and not restricted to) anyone that dies in a nursing home is recorded as having died from/with (whatever) The Virus ™
“Secondhand Time – The Last of the Soviets” by Svetlana Alexievich gives us some clues based on first hand testimonies of people who suffered through the Soviet era.
In short, the Russian men who were sent into battle were used as mere fodder by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks/Marxists/Communists/Soviets (let’s just call them Reds) under the Stalin regime. There was a saying, quoted more than once in that book of testimonials that under Stalin they “counted the bullets but didn’t bother to count the men”.
Another anecdote describes how the Russian men were sent forcibly into battle even without weapons (likely explaining the relatively high mortality rate); they were told by Stalin that they had to “earn their weapons in battle by taking them off the enemy”. Most of those Russian men who died in WWII were merely used as human shields by the Bolsheviks. The Reds were only too happy to use ‘White’ Russians for battle fodder.
We also read about the “Antiretreat Detachments” who were placed behind troops to prevent desertion, by immediately executing any deserters, and of ‘SMERSH’, a counterespionage instrument of terror within the Red army.
In other testimonials we read how badly the (non-Communist) veterans were treated post-war. One of them asks – “What Victory?!”. Another chapter describes how a veteran throws himself under a train out of desperation for his plight and sense of worthlessness as a veteran. This is no different from the veterans in any other country – US, the UK, Canada, Australia et cetera – once their military purpose has been exhausted (what was it that Kissinger said?) they become a ‘social inconvenience’, many destined for homelessness and suicide.
Thanks again for sharing your comments.
I take it you a rabid Marxist/Communist, bg
Well Fish, ‘bg’ is obviously left-of-centre (seeing as he’s aligned with the Socialist Trump).
So, not much of a stretch to being a card carrying Marxist.
And, as always Fish, thanks for furnishing the incontrovertible evidence above highlighting the depths of depravity towards his own people that Stalin ruthlessly employed to defeat Germany.
Likewise TV – actually as I learn more I like to separate Socialism (eg National Socialism) from Marxism (eg Bolshevism) and try not to imply that they are synonymous but more as topics and time permit.
I’m a bit mystified by this tangent, I think it’s likely many of the 20m Russians were killed by efficient germans. As for all the -isms and which subgroup I belong to, I am in the 99% of have-nots with little to gain from one -ism or another.
In any case there are two types of Russians, the Slavs and those descended from the Swedish vikings, the “Rus”, so what you’re talking about may have been a bit of ethnic cleansing, sanitised by some clever names.
Just going on human nature in general there.
This guy David Goldberg says Trump will be “King of Israel” and a Freemason, OK.
Obama had a lot of people fooled just by reading off the autocue and many still are fooled it seems.
The Democrat party has been a Trojan horse probably since 1963 I guess.
However, Trump has been blabbering all sorts of stuff for years, very un-masonic.
The Bushs and Arkansaw crowd hate him and he does no favours to the drug and arms dealers. He disparages the MSM on a daily basis, and disrupts implementation of Covid-19™ “operation lockstep” with a very good “look over there” ploy (CCP). He seems to have found some common ground there with Pompeo so he is covering his back which is what the Zio/bankster element is all about. He is making various deals with the power people to move on his agendas.
If this is an act it’s a good one, previous acts have all been more clumsy, W could not even handle the autocue and had to get Ari Fleischer to do everything for him post 9-11.
If this is an act, the contrarianism is so sophisticated I don’t see how it could have been strategised to even work, of course the backup is the Democrat party so it’s a win-win either way.
The stories of FEMA coffins, megabunkers etc will drive more Americans to the gun shop.
We hear from Harry Vox they have a vaccine ready for “the ebola plan” but I thought you only catch ebola by touching dead people (and maybe cats).
I heard a Washington Post presstitute call Covid-19™ “the Trump virus” which goes to show how shameless people can be in presenting outright lies and abusing their position by weaving them into the “news”.
I don’t see how the Covid-19™ hoax assists Trump with his all-important re-election bid.
Why is this video almost buried on youtube
‘bg’ , in relation to this statement of yours above referencing Trump : ” He disparages the MSM on a daily basis, and disrupts implementation of Covid-19™ “operation lockstep” with a very good “look over there” ploy (CCP) ” , you’re in for a massive surprise.
I suggest you read the comments (from the undisputed legendary truth teller Jon Rappoport) on this matter that I will posting very shortly in the article titled ‘Prosecuting COVID-19 Treason’ .
Deplorable Untruth Veggie,
Trump has been calling out 9-11 as bogus SINCE THE DAY IT HAPPENED
As a hi-rise developer he would know if it would spontaneously pancake or not.