
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Jahar Tsarnaev, the Boston non-bomber, has been in prison for 5 years, and Martin Bryant, the Port Arthur non-shooter, has done over 22 years. Many people have tried to get them out of jail by using “popular” means.
Popular Means for Martin
For Martin, there was a change.org petition to the Premier of Tasmania, organized by Cherri Bonney — who also composed a marvelous song for Martin entitled “Wish I Knew How To be Free.” A rap artist, David Greeley, also produced a rap on video, entitled “Question of Guilt.”
Even before 2000, the Inverness Forum and the Conservative Speakers Club in Tassie brought together many people to question the official story. Citizens turned up much data through research and published it. SoutheastAsianews.com and LoveOfLife.com were two of the early venues for such articles.
Mainstream media journalist Paul Tapp did his best to oppose the lies. Stewart Beatie wrote a huge book. Barrister Terry Shulze caught the significance of the massacre for John Howard’s gun-control legislation.
Mary Maxwell presented two shows at the Adelaide Fringe, one describing the torturing of Martin at Glenside Hospital in Adelaide when he was 21, and another that was a more-or-less serious moot court trial for him. Dee McLachlan has compiled a 10-minute movie about his innocence.
Popular Means for Jahar
For Jahar Tsarnaev, the popular methods have included a Free Jahar club on Facebook, and a signature-collecting effort by Elena Teyer that included both the US and in the Russian Federation. She got a total of 7,000 signatures and sent them to a United Nations Human Rights group.
Montse Alarcon Flix pushes for his ex-carceration, on European social media. Various photos have been posted to the Internet aimed at showing Jahar as a nice guy. Tom Fontaine runs a comprehensive collection of Marathon items.
A woman in Florida sends Jahar make-believe letters, which often have biblical reference and always have zing — these can be viewed at her website WritingTheWrongFor Jahar.com.
A lady in Switzerland sends books to Jahar at Supermax Prison, Colorado, via Amazon. (That is permitted as long as the books are, you know, safe. For example, nothing about the law or the res publica.)
There are many other contributors to the cause of justice for the two men.
But What Can Be Done by Government, for Martin?
- Mal Hughes, Dee McLachlan, and myself wrote jointly to the Governor, Professor Kate Warner, asking her for royal pardon for Martin. No reply.
(Cherri Bonney also got no reply for her gift she delivered to the Governor’s mansion — a CD recording of her song.)
- Theoretically, help could come via the Guardianship Board or the Official Prison Visitor to Risdon, but I have hit brick walls when attempting to deal with them.
An approach to medical licensing boards calling for the removal of certain doctors would be a good idea and I encourage any Australian, or even non-Australian to write to the relevant board. For my money, Paul Mullen of Victoria is in need of such attention, as is Professor Ivor Jones of Tassie and Ian Sales of Tassie.
The medial license thing is not strictly a way to get “government” to break the case open. The point is that it would call attention to the things that were done to Martin, and that may (or may not) arouse the public from their slumber.
- Keith Noble sent a “show cause” letter to Senator Steven Parry as regards Parry’s statement in the Port Arthur 1997 Seminar Papers that embalming equipment was collected in advance of the massacre. No reply.
We were hoping that the Sue Neil Fraser case, the first one to attempt relief via the new state law on “fresh and compelling evidence,” would set a precedent for Martin. But there is yet no decision on Sue’s appeal.
The death of state Attorney General Vanessa Goodwin at age 48 was a great blow, as she was a person who extended herself to sad prisoners. I speculate that her successful attempt to get Tasmanian parliament to pass the “fresh and compelling evidence” law was with Port Arthur in mind.
If an attorney is willing to do the “fresh and compelling” thing for Bryant, that could well succeed.
- I tried a similar tactic on 2015 — namely, a petition for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis. The Court wrote back saying Tasmania does not recognize that writ. I later found that this was an error – “corm nobis” is still on the books as part of common law.
As discussed in a Gumshoe article, Mrs Carleen Bryant could sue lawyer John Avery for harm done to herself by him. The problem there is that none of us can get through to Carleen to suggest that. She has a minder.
A very good way to help Martin would be to file criminal complaints with the police in Tassie, regarding the real massacre-ists, including the Tasmania police. (Look, if you don’t try, you can’t expect to win.)
This last one could prove to be a biggie. Dee McLachlan recently interviewed retired High Court Justice Michael Kirby and asked him about the Port Arthur case. He dropped a hint that there may be treasure in section 75(v.) of the Australian Constitution. The text is:
“75. In all matters…
(v.) In which a writ of Mandamus or prohibition or an injunction is sought against an officer of the Commonwealth [,] the High Court shall have original jurisdiction”
Thus we could skip the Tasmanian Court and go to the High Court, for example, to demand something from Federal Police who were at the scene in 1996.
Right after Dee’s interview with Kirby, Gumshoe came under unexpected pressure to deal with the urgent issue of child-stealing, so we have not attended to 75(v.) – but you can!
What Can Be Done by Government, for Jahar?
Here is the range of government institutions that could play a role in freeing Jahar Tsarnaev.
- The governor of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, could act by indicting Jahar for a crime – any crime, how about loitering — in order to get Jahar back to the state. (He’s in Colorado, in federal prison.)
The Attorney General of Massachusetts, Maura Healy, could prosecute the FBI for various crimes related to the Marathon.
On a smaller scale, the AG could “get justice” under Massachusetts General Law for the mistreatment that was meted out to an elderly relative of Jahar. She came overseas to attend his trial and was put in leg irons. (OK, it was only an ankle bracelet – same difference.)
The President of the United States could right this minute issue a pardon to Jahar. Dr Cesar Baruja, MD, has asked Trump to do that on the basis that the amputations belonged to crisis actors who already had lost their legs.
The totally amazing US Attorney’s Office, within the Department of Justice, could fess up to the sins they committed at trial, for example providing false witnesses, suborning perjury, and tampering with evidence such as destroying Sean Collier’s cruise car.
The Boston Police could arrest the FBI for the criminal assault on Jahar when he was still in the boat. They could also arrest Massachusetts state troopers for engaging in the same assault. A crime’s a crime, boys. A badge does not have the effect of vaporizing a crime.
The widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev could sue the authorities under 42 USC 1983 for wrongful death of her husband.
Congress could impeach Judge O’Toole for suppressing the amazing affidavit of Maret Tsarnaeva.
The Defense (humor, humor) could subpoena all the surveillance videos of MIT and fill in the “Rosemary Woods” gap at 10.24pm on April 18, 2013, when Officer Collier was allegedly shot.
The crisis actors, if there are any, could sue Homeland Security for getting them into a criminal operation without warning them what the whole thing was going to turn into.
If any minors were made to lie for the official narrative, their parents should sue for child abuse of that child and/or seek prosecution.
Regarding any doctors or nurses who lied about the events at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, or Spaulding Rehabilitation Center, the state should revoke their licence to practice. And if they “lied to the FBI” they need the Matanov routine.
Citizens could go to the Foreman of the Grand Jury that is currently sitting in Boston and recommend indictments of anybody you can think of. (Deval Patrick pops to my mind.)
There are more. I am saving the best for Thanksgiving, November 22, 2018. Or the day after Thanksgiving (known as Black Friday, something like Boxing Day when people allegedly stampede one another at department store sales).
Stay tuned.
–Mary W Maxwell says everything is in place and nothing can stop us now.
There is no way any government department or individual in any parliament or in the msm, including the ABC and SBS will enable or support any impartial investigation into the mass murders or the subsequent cover-up, of the possibility that Bryant is completely innocent and/or that he had guidance and assistance.
Just like 911.
Criminals and their consorts run the show for their own material agendas……….
Hitler dreamed of a thousand year Reich……. boom!
The criminals exist only for about 100 years in this material world in the eons of time of the universe.
They will have plenty of time and explerience, being subjected to a universal justice in due course.
One cannot fix stupid.
Ned you nailed it, unfortunately.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
the rest at:
May I add: To expose the bastards as much as possible………….even here at GS, as a start.
So what are you ‘bastards’ waiting for?
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
It is the ‘I’ that is important here. I may not be able to make the change happen alone but with a mass of other ‘I’ we can make changes.
The difficulty is to find the other ‘I’.
What we all can do is gang up and be constantly in the faces of our governments. They will eventually react as no government likes to be buried under a massive amount of citizen letters on the same subject. I know this for a fact as I used to be a correspondence officer and the only time the department reacted is when we received more than 50 letters on the same subject.
…but it takes time and this is the reason we need to be constant.
God grant me the serenity not to whack Ned.
Request Granted, dear child Mary.
Thankyou for saying it as it is .
The black hand . The hidden deep state .
But What Can Be Done by Government, for Martin?
Answer; A lot if they want to but they are either willingly or forcibly committed to an external agenda.
I tried to raise Covering Clause 5 of the Australian Constitution (application of the constitution) in my parking fine case and was threatened with contempt of court if I brought it up a second time.
The point is what does Martin want?
You can’t assume anything and there really is no way of knowing.
Let’s say Martin wants to be tortured. Should we oblige?
As you are no doubt aware, you can’t act as an advocate for anyone without their consent
Berry. I have openly confessed this before: i really am not advocating for Jahar or Martin. I am advocating for me, and maybe for what is called “the public.”
No, that’s not quite it either. Fact is, I am pissed off that lug-heads get away with so much destruction of God’s incredibly marvelous creation. And even more pissed off about, or at least baffled by, the fact that others of my generation have watched the deterioration and don’t appear to think they should do something about it..
Berry, do you suggest we take Martin’s silence to mean he prefers the status quo? I received a letter to that effect from a reader and I see the point of it. Maybe he is “un-rehabilitatable” in the outside world.
Virtually the only thing we have heard him say is that he’d like some of Mum’s rabbit stew and that he would miss the cops who came to interrogate him.
As for Jahar, he is young and maybe he is having a blast in jail for all we know.
Regarding “not allowed to advocate without consent,” that is not always the case. A “next friend” can of course advocate for a person in a coma, or a baby.
Jahar’s elderly rellie flew in from Russia to attend his sentencing but was “not allowed” to hug him or talk to him. That was no based on a rejection by Jahar.
Yes, Josee Lepine, numbers are everything. Look at this short video. I am told (by Caepnews.net) that it took only one day to film, in Falmouth, Massachusetts:
Thanks Mary.
Prompted me to share this from Warumpi Band.
Warumpi Papunya NT.
Stand up? What does that mean? If they all piled on the bully and beat the crap out of him, that may have made an impression on the guy. – and next time “we’ll hurt you”
And people like you Terry are what’s wrong with the world!!
Deni, if the video had said “Stand up AND DO SOMETHING!” I might have been more impressed.
So what happens when the bully, in front of the crowd, walks up and pushes the little boy again. Do they all stand around and pontificate that “violence is not the answer”, do they wag their fingers and say “shame”?
This may come as a surprise, but there are a lot of people on this earth that VIOLENCE is the only currency that they know. Many of them actually enjoy hurting people (bullies?). We have had discussions about child sexual abuse, do you think those people will respond to a call for empathy of feel shame?
This thread refers to the Port Arthur Massacre, do you really believe that the people responsible for that massacre will respond to a bunch of people out in a field “standing up”? – More likely they will enjoy the spectacle of a bunch of impotent people with indignant looks on their faces. Just a bigger tally of people that they can piss off.
Since you know that a person like me is what is wrong with the world, that implies that you know what is RIGHT for the world.
We look forward to your explanation of how a right person should conduct themselves in situations like Port Arthur, child sexual abuse or bullies.
Nope, i’ll hold my hands up, fair call mate!!
What branches of government could help the framed innocent ?
Pilate tried to free Jesus from the false accusations of the Pharisees . He asked the people to decide,but their eyes could not see , so they betrayed him one week after welcoming him to Jerusalem .
Today , as in the past , some good men have tried to awaken the brainwashed but they are silenced for speaking the truth .With the leaders we have things can only get worse.
John Dalberg – Acton (1834 – 1902) .
“ Power tends to corrupt , and absolute power corrupts absolutely . Great men are almost always bad men…”
My error above .
The people betrayed Jesus just four days after welcoming him , for they were expecting a man of power but they saw a Man of peace .
“The people betrayed Jesus just four days after welcoming him”
That was one of my biggest problems BETRAYAL. There were oh, so many, people that just NEEDED my help – and even as I was working my butt off they would be screwing me behind my back.
I can’t count the times I was betrayed, how many times I was compromised by the very people I was trying to help. It became a sick joke, something I began to laugh about, f–k not again! I ended up going it alone, I couldn’t trust anyone.
It was bad enough with all the spooks trying to block my efforts, but it was the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE that proved to be my biggest hurdle.
People are more aware now, maybe now that the hand-writing is on the wall, they will grow a pair. However, I learned the hard way that you can give people information, but you can’t give them courage.
Terry ,
It must have been very difficult , being a lone crusader , in a sea of sharks that is the “legal” system .
Our experiences , although in varied fields , have led many of us to the same conclusions that corruption and greed are ingrained , at the core , in all systems and governments .
Would be nice to gain insight by reading and hearsay rather than having to live through and ,by hindsight, realise the bitter truth .
Yet , there is always hope and ultimately faith in realising that we are all essentially coming from the same source .
When I was fifteen my great grandmother said to me that ,
“knowledge and understanding comes late and goes early .”
Per Ned above: “There is no way any government department or individual in any parliament or in the msm, including the ABC and SBS will enable or support any impartial investigation into the mass murders or the subsequent cover-up, of the possibility that Bryant is completely innocent”
Years ago, I wasted a lot of time and energy approaching various government bodies, legal entities, the MSM, the Greens, the Democrats, the alternative media (Wilshire and Jones), The Council of Civil Liberties, etc. – I was lucky to even get an acknowledgement of my correspondence in a standard generic form letter.
Perhaps there are new personalities in something like The Council of Civil Liberties. Those new personalities may actually give a shit about a real injustice (unlike the previous PC clowns) and want to take on something of substance.
Maybe they could be contacted about Martin Bryant’s case and see if they could get involved. Go ahead, someone do it and IF you get any response from them, please print it in full.
The travesty of Martin Bryant unjust treatment and sentencing is a stain on all of our Justice’s. This could of been any one’s son or daughter. Denied the right to a fair trial and to have legal representation of his own choice. We have imprisoned a person who by his own intellect that was forced into a guilty plea. The truth is that the authorities cocked up the whole investigation into the Port Arthur event . This is why we have a justice system to stop popular opinion from being a conviction . Truth is they knew he would never go to jail on the evidence they had on him. Disgusting abuse of power.
Its not so much to write a philosophy of “Wish I Knew How To Be Free” directed too two individuals? its a question of many know how to be free, are incarcerated by the rules and regulations that confine and imprison us by a ruthless cult manipulating the brain and mind of all who inhabit the planet, for the worst.
Cheri’s song:
Correction? to above statement about advocacy. As shown at the bottom of this Buzzfeed article Jahar filed a motion in January 2015 to have US Marshals not allow outrageous conspiracy theorists to intrude on witnesses’ rights, etc outside the Moakley courthouse:
In order that we find out what Martin wants, maybe an armed guard from Risdon could take MB to the beach for an afternoon and see if he hates it.
The guy could be, as you maintain, a completely unwitting victim , a hired actor, or a bit of both. As the one and only yardstick is that camp Po interview I’m inclined to go with the latter.
“Jahar’s elderly rellie flew in from Russia to attend his sentencing but was “not allowed” to hug him or talk to him.” Mary, his relatives were not at the sentencing, but were in court towards the end of the trial before Dzhokhar was convicted. They begged just to be able to speak to or kiss or touch Dzhokhar but were told, “absolutely not”. I found that one of the most cruel saddest things I ever heard of. Also Maret’s affidavit was received by the judge on May 29th just before his conviction.
Fiona Barnett says the Montagus’s are helping the Capulets hurt the Montagu’s — or somethiing like that.
Absolutely remarkable, but to be expected.
Re Martin Bryant….Yes Carleen, his mother does have a ‘minder’ but I do know someone who meets with Carleen occasionally.
When they met in June this year they discussed Martin & Carleen mentioned that until new evidence is presented in the case that she’ll ‘go with the flow’. She also said that if Maurice, Martin’s father had been alive at the time that ‘things would have been different’ or that if she had ‘received more help from everyone’.
Carleen also said that she ‘believed Martin was guilty after the event (blame Avery for that) & it was not until later when things did not add up that she looked at it differently. Then it was too late.’
This travesty would never occurred if Maurice Bryant was alive . This whole event has a darker and more sinister under tones . I am of an opinion that the missing link is linked to pedophilia . Martin Bryant as a younger person showed signs of inappropriate “game playing with younger children ” . I am a ware the press has portrayed Martin Bryant with various allegations . My believe is Martin Bryant was a victim and was acting out – as he got older he got bolder and threaten that he was going to expose the people who were involved – why not he inherited enough money to be a threat . I also believe ardently he had exposure to the ” The Family ” . Anne Hamilton . Maurice death was never investigated properly . Like this whole travesty . Just like every thing that is associated to this event . The event happened – no body has investigated why it happened or the roots from where it stemmed from.
Tasmania a Tavistock Node?- Gambling Tattersalls connection ? all dots connected.
I wrote a novel about a plausible alternative. It is selling well, with minimal advertising so the word is getting out. Less than 25% of many survey respondents believe the official story
What branch of government after playing along with, and covering up countless ‘staged events’ and false flags is going to do anything for any Patsy ?
Just one week ago we had another performance in Bourke St. Did anyone notice that after being shot in the chest how slowly ;Terrorist / Actor fell to the ground ?, looked unrealistic to me.
At the hearings of Lindt Cafe Inquest, two cops gave conflicting stories of how Monis fell when shot, and the ballistics expert contradicted himself majorly about the bullets that killed Ms Dawson.
I shall ask Dee to run my letter to the Coroner about this. It is called “99 things that don’t add up.”
In reply to Gary, can any Mal types out there (or better, Mal himself) comment on how fast a person should fall if shot in chest?
I am suspect to this event . The lindt cafe instigator Man Haron Monis, had a security license . It was twice suspended . Why ? Was this event all about Man Haron Monis, . Our was it more sinister . Look at who the victims were . One a high profile barrister . We are naive . There have been many incidences where innocent people have been killed as collateral damage just to kill one high profile victim. We are lead by our noses in the direction for the powers to be who wish us to travel. We see everything on face value – the media does the rest.
Usually when someone is shot, gravity takes over and they go straight down like ‘a bag of spuds’, not like the B grade TV show as seen in Bourke St.
Not really, I’ve seen guys keep going like they never got hit. It depends on a lot of things, such as energy transfer of the round, but for a low velocity pistol round, shot placement is primary. If hit through the spine, they go down quick. If hit through the heart, they still have 10 seconds or more oxygen in their brain to remain conscious. If their adrenaline is up, they can keep going and you wonder if they actually got hit.
I gave you a clue long while back. Miss Harvey’s house in Clare st Newtown Tasmania next door neighbour was the Tasmanian Institute For Mental Health. It has been changed to a youth mental health department. Being pretty much com illiterate at the time I didn’t know about screen shots.
There is history I read and old photos that I looked at but don’t exist any more on the internet.
Take it as a comment or a fact.
Thanks Dave this information connects some dots–I also believe Miss Harvey her sister the old house and her family connections have significance-tattersalls?? also of course the Dr Dax connection experiments–“the Tasmanian Institute For Mental Health. It has been changed to a youth mental health department.”
Records lost shredded
Hey Terry, after very careful observation, do you think the victims of the Flinders St. car ramming Dec. 2017 got up because their adrenalin kicked in or was it a staged event?
Check the 7 News video before they hide it.
Ivé seen a guy that set himself on fire, walk out to the curb from his shed, sit down, all the while on fire, then fall down and die minutes later, adrenalin is a fickle thing!!
Check out video of Israeli sniper rifle in Iraq, that will show you how quickly you drop when shot.
I don’t know if a complaint has been filed to the UNHRC, but a precisely structured application may be an option. It was done in the case of Corinna Horvath and took 20 years for her to receive justice! https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/TBPetitions/Pages/IndividualCommunications.aspx#proceduregenerale