Home Trump What Happened To “Lock her up”

What Happened To “Lock her up”


Robert De Niro will no longer be honored at the National Association of Broadcasters award ceremony following his anti-Trump rant outside the former president’s criminal trial. “…he doesn’t belong in city” he said to reporters.

by G5

The People not only cannot handle the truth, they are not entitled to it.

What happened to ‘lock her up (HRC)’. Beyond the histories of getting; Clinton, Obama, and GWB allegedly elected; 2018, 2020, and 2022 were monstrous frauds. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Printing Digital Money

Forget about the top left corner (link infra), politically advertised. Look at the unfunded liabilities bottom right. The real number of bankrupt America. 

Ask why The Fed manufactures digital money to buy government bonds and treasury notes, that no one wants. To allegedly keep the government operating.

A government that did not once have the confiscatory taxation and punitive regulations; including the insanities of civil forfeiture, and expat taxation.

IRS filing is the ultimate monitoring. Not social media.

But then again; America, England, Australia, Germany, Russia, Iran, and Gaza, have notoriously forged the currencies of others.

Iran with the famous Superbills (I shouldn’t need to advise not to believe the Internet). The Palestinian Authority under Arafat, accepted US dollars in aid, kept them, and distributed forged renditions to his charges. Exposed when his fakes began circulating in Israel.


As it caused the American Great Depression aided and abetted by the economic moron and war monger FDR: idiot Wilson’s privately owned Federal Reserve in concert with the privately owned IRS, has printed, lied and manipulated America to their desired position of Third World bankruptcy. 

An operating Third World religion of law is a big signal of a failed nation.

As well as dragging the sycophant, vassal Americanised world sector with it.

As Scandinavia has just discovered; it doesn’t matter how polite a version of centralism is worked to the position of control; the now introduced sane and conservative medicine, is very unpalatable indeed.

As Canada will discover when it finally expunges cross-dressing fascist pigs from its front line. And America and the Australian uniparty to follow.

America has well passed its Beyond Stupidity date, and now must take its Trump medicine and like it.

Otherwise this:


Not this:


The true ultimate value of DEI:


Orange Man Bad

For America to survive: it needs a populist CEO, not any career public servant. Despite the idiotic Pelosi narrative at The Oxford Union: Populism IS Democracy.

Pelosi has many clones including ABC (AOC). Whenever there is an attempt to posture as intelligent; even just as normal; the effort falls flat. Dumb Dumb and the hidden Karen emerge.

The history of The Icelandic Feminese Revolt is hilarious. Even better than Greenham Common. A pity America sucked it in.

Let’s form another TEAM. You know what that is: the hiding of its components of seasoned and long career experts attempting a collective of a double digit IQ. And of course the person supposedly responsible, can advertise that they took the recommendation of THE TEAM.

The questioning by Gomert of token AG Loretta Lynch (Elizabeth Carlisle) concerning her inaction against HRC in ……pick one…….

Lynch not familiar with The Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby cases, was hardly surprising. A more recent token headed for a bench job, had no idea not only of The Constitution, but how law is interpreted and how The Senate is composed.

We note that black girl Brown thrust onto SCOTUS by the warlock of stupidity and insurrection (doorsteps of SCOTUS and homes of justices), Schumer; has been refrained by Thomas in attempting to express her lacking in opinions.

We also note that it was Biden who blocked the appointment of a black woman to SCOTUS proposed by GHWB.

Much as epsteinite Roberts has been pushed to second place. 

You don’t posture smart and think you convinced anyone beyond buffoons of the same class.

The Democrat Party is an unparallelled imbecile magnet. A sheltered workshop for delusional and disengaged. The original Artificial Intelligence. 

The factory of thieving and deceiving.

Dem. Reps. Enrique Henry Cueller and wait for it….Veronica Escobar, have just been exposed for taking the coin from cartels concerning The Border Disorder. Cueller has also accepted largesse from Azerbaijan concerning Oil and Gas interests.

The same Azerbaijan crew who shot down Raisi. No doubt some expert mush brain thought it would aid the Anti-Jew Syndrome of The Fourth Reich. 

Reminds me of the idiot meeting between Billy Boy and Loretta Lynch at Phoenix airport. It concerned Billy Boy as emissary for his de facto president HRC, and the promise of the murdered Scalia’s SCOTUS seat to Lynch for doing her part in hoding the HRC elephant under the carpet.

And of course HRC (Goldmans) and Billy Boy (Sperbank) took the Russian oligarch coin as did Joe Boy (including China). Which is what prompted them, and party boy Obama (Soetoro), to chase Orange Man Bad for Russian collusion and bookend impeachments, raids, and felonies by the score.

Even with Obama’s plant Vindman (the secret whistle-blower in The NSC), token counsels, investigators, judges, juries, media, and street windbags, still nothing. As the penny drops with deafening noise, at every accusation.

Orange Man Bad, is the AVERAGE  AMERICAN. Totally not recognised by permanent DC.

I should add here; after the secret meeting between The Secret Service and the New York dept. of prisons, concerning cooperation with Trump; there was another secret meeting between Trump’s SS detail and The FBI concerning the planned Mar-a-Lago raid.

Trump will be found guilty in the New York rig, but should not see prison.  To avoid a REAL INSURRECTION, with Dems dragged to the street. 

The other three trials have been delayed till after Nov. 2024. Trump will appeal the current rig. And of course Tulsi as VP while Trump is having a medical exam, will clear the slate and institute an investigation of The Swamp. The Dem. Third World grip, must be broken.

The FBI was under (Intel Files) executive protection (Biden – Obama) to kill Trump for resisting at Mar-a-Lago.

The arrangement settled by his SS was that he and his family not to be present at the time. Albeit Trump uses six external security companies.

There have been several shooting and poisoning attempts and one aircraft incident.

Two young SS personnel died in Scotland, when Hayden, Brennan, and Clapper had orchestrated to poison Melania with Methyl Iodide.

An American intel favourite from before Estes Kefauver.

In return: not advised to Trump; Hayden was delivered a dose of his own. He now enjoys the stroke intended for Melania.

Brennan, Clapper, and Hayden; orchestrated the fake ’17 American Intel Agencies’ agreeing that Trump colluded with Russia. As well as the monstrous lie of 51 intel professionals agree that The Hunter Biden Laptop Affair is Russian disinformation.

I have written how Trump saved the entire Dem Rep side of The House from.a shoot down in Jan. 2019. When on their way to Europe to rejoice the monstrous fraud.

We saved him in 2015 and 2016, before he switched off. He is his own worst enemy. Jokingly he once commented that he should be included at Mt. Rushmore. After the attacks of Third World Fourth Reich America, he has earned that.

Someone forgot to tell the dumb dumbs, that a convicted felon cannot vote, but he can be president. 

Each May in US election cycles, there are domestic social unrests and foreign distractions. Incapable of management by short attention span and profoundly ignorant uneducated minds, voting as lemmings. As they rush to their destruction.

The current project of Anti-Jew Syndrome is not gripping as well as hoped. Someone wrote the script in the air of inherent ignorance. Must be American Experts.

To oppose the Trump vigil opposite the theatre of the idiotic Trump in court circus: the dumb dumbs decided that a media rig with De Niro, Michael Fanone, and Harry Dunn, as a secret pro-insanity affair would be appropriate. They confirmed that the circus was a Third World political event. As de Niro further drove his once acting career further into the sewer.

The other two being cops thinking they can convince the sane that J6 was not a Ray Epps FBI orchestrated stupidity.

Then we had Shannon Bream trying to twist an interview with Alina Habba to match Bream’s mental disengagement.

At this point in time, no one believes; The American Government, its Legislature, its Judiciary, its Administration, its religion of law, its medical and scientific industry, zero.



    • THE LINK

      “Technocracy.news writer Yudi Sherman warned back in January that the only way to stop these “genetic maniacs” from destroying the human race with their mystery chemical injections is to “take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground.”

      “If it sounds extreme, consider the fact that a company called ArkeaBio just raised $26.5 million in Series A seed funding to begin developing climate jabs for the human masses. You can be sure that once these injections are ready to go, there will be another “pandemic” or “emergency” to predicate their forced use. “If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation,” warns the Technocracy.news editor.

      • I can just imagine the Kabal discussing this ‘vax’. “Let’s call it a CLIMATE VAX”. “Oh come on, you don’t think the dummies would swallow that do you?” “Oh Hell yes, it is a double whammy, the morons fell for global warming/climate change and then the Covid vax, this will hit all the right triggers for them.” “Yeah, you could be right, they don’t have any critical thinking skills, they are just motivated by quick sound bites of emotion, like ‘do the right thing’. “I like it! It’s even a bigger hook, ‘save the world'”

  1. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=”https://rumble.com/embedJS/uq9acw”+(arguments[1].video?’.’+arguments[1].video:”)+”/?url=”+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+”&args=”+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, “script”, “Rumble”);

    Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”v4wgson”,”div”:”rumble_v4wgson”});

    TUCKER and JNR

  2. “Much as epsteinite Roberts has been pushed to second place.”

    Who is in first place? Who did the pushing?

    • Roberts is on Epstein’s list of visitors to his island. He, Roberts, is now complying with what the ‘white hats’ require of him.

    • “Lillian Scott Troy (1882-1964). Journalist, investigator, writer,
      suffragette, entrepreneur, Congressional advisor, American patriot. One of the
      first to expose the Pilgrims Society’s 24-point plan in 1912 for a “new world
      order” and the British re-absorption of America back into the British Empire.
      (Actually, she first came into possession of the plan in 1909. The 24-point
      Pilgrims Plan for re-absorption of America is linked below.”

      • Great video MM will love it covers all the bases
        Also could provide Mr Plodgers with a brain upgrade if desired
        Yes we already saw this move here very clear in Western Australia, the blue party herded us towards the red party, and the red party can now do anything they want, unhindered. Next Baron Hacca installed Teals Party to ensure the blue party could not win in Canberra and we got coast to coast red party.
        When the people need a hero we will provide one.
        Now they are setting up Trump to win with both houses, I guess the maxim “watch what they do not what they say” and especially watch what they do in Zion.
        According to G5 the other day our side is ripping into Yemen not the other way around as we are told, and what does Yemen have, only a breeding program, not even enough water for that. The Suez canal may as well be full of blood all the fighting in history around it.
        They had a similar thing in Denmark 1000 years ago, you had to pay to go through the straits. I guess the Danes did quite well out of that, but according to other sources, their foray into England 1066 was also backed by Venetian Byzantines …

        • Sandra and Joe – you two are so far off the mark of what is now occurring all around you. Both of you would rather choose to believe the validity of just another attempt in smearing Trump – than what the FACT’s will present to you, and for anyone who can actually do the looking, will find.

          I’ve seen some doozies put up from Trump’s detractors, even on beforeitsnews.com but honestly, you two take the cake for believing another attempt at smearing the person that your emotional stance refuses to allow you to appreciate, and that Il Donaldo Trumpo, truly is.

          Tough times ahead for you two.

          • Your problem is that you can’t accept a fence sitter, but the view is better from here. I know you are in denial about everything but you should know Trump is compromised by BigPharma and the MIC, they are too big for him to go against. It’s not because “there is a double” running around saying certain things, it’s because of the power of major vested interests who also have a huge number of voters on their payrolls.
            I listened to a long talk with Ben Fulford and Jim Willie and the main takeaway was that they were saying the ( real ) large numbers of retired generals and admirals were ( supposedly ) trying to work out a payments system to keep everyone going.
            You would say they have been working on this Free America project since 1963, and also that there have been 100’s of planeloads of gold going from the Vatican to … ?
            How does this match up with funding issues at this late stage.
            You see you cannot accept skepticism, you compulsively want to be on the winning side as you see it, so you gullibly swallow anything that comes your way, so long as it has the “official” branding. You are a bit like a gambler putting it all on red. Red is not a foregone conclusion and if it was indeed a movie it would be duller for that.
            You are not a critical thinker, you are a mindless propagandiser. You give yourself away with your excessive hubris. You are an empty vessel.

          • Joe – I could care less where you position yourself, that is your choice, but when it comes down to someone who chooses to avoid questions as to his bona fides – then I become very interested.

            It is no secret on this site that you studiously avoid any questions that may give away any information at all concerning just who Joe Bogan truly represents.

            And just like Truth Vigilante played the game. So does Joe Bogan play the same game.

            We know nothing about you at all Joe – except that you choose to butter up those commenters who may share some of your own perceptions, while questioning others, indeed, sometimes going as far as to attack them personally because they share a different perspective.

            That tends to show your intolerance, don’t you think?

            You know more about Ned and I, than you have ever divulged about yourself – I wonder what it could be that you are hiding.

            And for the record – all that gold is being used – where do you think the white hats and the military alliance get their money from? They do not use the now valueless U.S. INC. Dollars or the CIA Bitcoin.

            Just like criticism without a reason for it, the use of skepticism is by those who really have no foundational or informed opinion in which to provide a provable argument against – that is why I tend to ignore skepticism.

            Ben Fulford hides out in Japan – good luck to him as he considers himself a target of the Cabal.

            But, Fulford does not know everything, and having listened to him a few times, his opinions and answers have contained what I know to be pure conjecture – as in – all those supposed retired admirals and generals, who, if they were still in the loop, would already know how GESARA and NESARA are working.

            I have never knowingly put up any misinformation or disinformation on any blog site I have visited – unlike you Joe – but you call me the mindless propagandist? Really?

          • Go back to your RealRawNews if you think it is not mis/dis information, personally I think there may be some DeepState funding being directed into that

    • Whilst I have not access to a whiteboard, nevertheless, I Loved at about 39 mins. (and a few before) to the end.
      So we would be better off, it seems, with Caligula🤣💁🏼🙀🤷🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😱
      I keep in mind that in some official organisation in Europe (forgotten which) they are waiting for the head honcho to take his/her/its seat which has been vacant since inception of the organisation.
      The seat is reported to be number 666.
      No such thing as a boring swamp.

          • A new what? Kate?
            Be interesting to know how she treats Sarah and the boys
            As above.
            Then again the message on something is apparent when The Quee waived Trump ahead of her for the troop inspection.
            T was on a world tour, from reports, with folders of personal details on the top swingers,,, including the Pope.
            Remember when the Saudis let him dance with their sword.
            All fun and intrigue💁🤪

          • They wouldn’t want her doing a runner like Princess Di, I guess the Kate they had walking down the local street a while ago is getting more intensive training. They got Elbow up and running after a week off for “covid” but rolling over princesses takes longer than rehabbing a crap Elbow.

      • I cannot stop giggling, now where is Putin in all this?
        Now I understand why he has thought of nuking London.💁🏼🤷🤣

        • Does anyone think that Tony or Peter were elected to head our two but really one party brother hood? Selected for sure, elected no chance. Most politicians are Freemasons bound by an oath of secrecy that is “unity or death”.
          Our elections a joke, voting with pencils finished off with a sausage sizzle Bunnings style as we exit and shut up for another 3 or 4 years, and let them play their roles reading the Doherty scribe. Oz is a SERCO state, with sister/brother hood bio-weapon labs in 6 eyes and beyond.
          With 5G AI CBDC we are handed to CCP next month ffs, as no one says a word glued to screens like zombies in tranceformation.

        • Indeed ant – we haven’t had an honest election in any state or federal ‘election’ for some decades.

          Probably all the way back to 1975.

          But don’t tell Sandra or Joe because they will probably blame Trump for that.

          • More proof you can’t think properly and you even put a hex on me in your last comment, you are an idol worshipper, a peasant.

          • A hex? Joe what are you referring to?

            Idol worshipper? Really? Why has putting out the Truth concerning anyone, now become idol worshipping?

            Only in your mind, Joe.

          • “Tough times ahead for you …” said Q-spoonfed oracle Plodgers, I would ask why but I’m not interested, I am honestly not interested, don’t bother me with it

  3. Ned – they’ve joined a very long list of those whose appreciation for what Trump has achieved thus far, gets scant attention because they just cannot allow their own emotional firewall to be lowered just enough, so that a little bit of Truth can assert itself into their jumbled thinking.

    Their restricted view of this world is about to collapse to the very real obvious changes about to be unleashed upon them, and they only have themselves to blame for the headaches that what is coming, will cause within them.

    • Like algebra, aphorisms can be switched around, eg “The one eyed man can be king if he believes he lives in the land of the blind”

    • ALSO
      “Let’s not forget, Donald Trump, now a proven agent of the British Pilgrims Society as evidenced by the entities which finance Trump Media & Technology Group, pushed the vaccine depopulation operation by using his popularity and bully pulpit to encourage Americans to take the deadly jab. He even called himself “The Father of Vaccines” and despite the overwhelming evidence that vaccines will kill millions of people, the Pilgrims Society agent Donald Trump still runs his vaccine con. He has never retracted his support of vaccines.”

      • Sandra – what is proven?

        The only thing that I see as ‘proven’ is the constant attempt to be rid of

        Why have you never asked the most obvious question about Trump of yourself, and that is, why is Trump always under constant attack from the lying media, and an illegitimate Biden admin?

        The most graphic example of how desperate the Deep State truly is, is the non-compus reasoning, as witness the recent attempt to jail Trump, by an obviously corrupt judge and jury, I guess, that also, has never crossed your mind?

        So why would those who you so willingly grasp at the choice to believe, use Trump as an agent and for what purpose, as they attempt to kill him off?

        So, as I explained to you some time back, and received no recognition for the time spent putting that explanation together, I now ask you to return the favor and explain to me why you believe you have proof that Il Donaldo Trump is a ‘crown agent’?

        And in your thoughts and words, please explain.

        • Well, I have just finished Situation update with Mary and had in mind my response to Sandra here and was going to make one word comment, here it is:
          I note that T.O. has beaten me., I suppose we have court experience that reflects on our experiences and considered conclusions.
          As a matter of interest for cultists, note situation update at least from about 29 mins for seven🤪🍿
          The rest is a matter of consideration for observers as well.
          Fun is ongoing.

          • What many miss when attempting to gain knowledge – the onus of proof! In all honesty, I don’t expect a reply from Sandra. Seems she is like many who choose to rely on what others tell her to believe, and not what she has actually proven to herself as having any Truth attached to it. The source she quotes from is, ‘Anonymous Patriots’ – how convenient – not to be able to check the validity of the source by those seeking real knowledge.

            However, she sure got Joe hooked!

          • I’m not hooked, if there is any break of 51%+ control in the 17 tiers then it fails, but you are the one in denial, many times I posted short videos of Trump saying he had the va666ine, it was great, everyone should get into it and all we had from you was DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL You are not PanAm coffee, you are TWA tea

          • Joe – you must suffer from a little dyslexia because I have never denied that Trump promoted a ‘vaccine’.

            What I attempted to alert you to, and some others on this site, is that Trump while promoting a ‘vaccine’ had already shown in previous examples during 2020, that his version of a ‘vaccine’ was HCQ or Ivermectin, and that his version of a ‘vaccine’ came under heavy attack from the lying media and the Biden admin, the FDA and the CDC, and any one else who had a vested interest in promoting the jab. You, and some others, have either missed, or have chosen to ignore.

            If you can be a little more open minded, and with hindsight, you will appreciate why Trump came under attack at that time.

            Yes, when pressed about the jab by someone in the audience, he did say, get the shot, but what you miss are the examples he previously set for why no one needed the jab, and the fact that he never actively promoted the jab.

            In life we all have choices to make – you seem to ignore that simple fact of life.

            And you also seem to hang off his every word if you believe it may be used as ammunition against him.

            You also ignore, that Trump is the most heavily attacked individual of modern history, while you choose to ignore the why.

          • HCQ is not a vaccine you numnut, I’m not going to engage any more with someone who is basically deranged

          • HCQ not a ‘vaccine’? Really Joe? You need to enlighten yourself as to the many benefits of HCQ, especially when used as a precaution against imaginary viruses or bio-weapons.

            And putting out FACT that you just cannot handle, does not make me the one who is deranged.

          • Sorry for calling you deranged, if you don’t know the difference between vaccine and prophylactic, you aren’t deranged, only stoopid, hint: stop it

          • Joe – you are either deliberately obfuscating or completely ignorant that the meaning of the word, ‘vaccine’ is simply prepping the body against whatever the individual is being protected against.

            It is a general term used to promote a treatment derived from antibodies or other sources, to protect the individual from becoming infected, and generally administered via inoculation.

            The word, ‘vaccine’, like ‘inoculation. is on its way out as there are no provable effective vaccines.

            That has now become a proven FACT. Maybe you should be making yourself aware of that?

            The only effective ‘vaccine’ is preparing the body with a treatment of HCQ or Ivermectin. But, and what you choose to ignore, is that HCQ and Ivermectin may also be administered after an infection but, with lesser effectiveness for the individual.

            And as the record over many decades, show – it works!

          • You boring, lying numskull
            A “vaccine” is something which is supposed to inoculate you by giving you a milder form of the disease
            STOP LYING
            Trump said he took the va666ine and that’s what he meant
            YOU BORING LIAR

          • Boring am I? I must be so boring that you just cannot help yourself to another visit. 🙂

          • Yeah boring like taking the garbage out but it needs to be done. I want to make sure you know you’re a liar and I will call you out.

          • Calm down Joe – now lets get to the nitty gritty, shall we.

            The term ‘vaccination’ is to prepare the body against something that may be detrimental to the individual’s health.

            Regardless of where the ‘preparation’ comes from.

            A ‘vaccine’ is not only given via inoculation, but can be ingested, like the polio ‘vaccine’ became something given orally as a preventative against a perceived ‘disease’ or ‘viral’ infection. And please note, that antibiotics have no effect whatsoever on so called, ‘viral’ infections.

            Would that be due to the fact that there is no such thing as a ‘virus’ on the loose, such as, C19 because viruses cannot survive outside of the body for any length of time. Some, ‘experts’ will tell you, less than a minute.

            And of note, is that no one has isolated any virus that may be identified as C19 – in over four years!

            Are you with me so far, or have you just flown off the handle again?

            So, anything that can used as a preventative for a perceived disease becomes a ‘vaccine’ simply due to the preventative measure used.

            Are you still with me?

            So, are you now aware of what Trump was telling anyone who would listen about HCQ and Ivermectin?

            He promoted, ‘Take the ‘vaccine’. He did not promote, ‘Take the jab’.

            Are you now aware of the difference? Or, are you still being obtuse and refuse to look at the all the evidence for why you are wrong?

          • Stop telling lies, a vaccine is not a preventative / prophylactic, they are different words for different things, as to the rest of your commentary is irrelevant

          • Sorry Joe, but you’ve just raised a point of contention due to your flying off the handle, and not explaining yourself properly.

            I do not tell lies Joe, on the other hand, I’ve caught you out on a few!


            Is my comment irrelevant due to your own bias in not accepting that a ‘vaccine’ can also be termed as preventative medication, which I believe it to be?

            Or is it due to your non-acceptance that what I have written is actually true?

            And please try to be pleasant, if you choose to respond.

          • Being a former cop is not a liicense to tell lies
            A “vaccine” is something which is supposed to inoculate you by giving you a milder form of the disease
            STOP LYING
            Trump said he took the va666ine and that’s what he meant
            YOU BORING LIAR

          • Joe, you have the hide to still call me a liar, while you studiously avoid reflecting as to the actual context of the word, ‘vaccine’.

            I have pointed out to you that it has now been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that Big Pharma termed, ‘vaccines’ as prepping the body against perceived diseases, via needle or oral ingestion, of their poisons, does not work, and has never worked!

            How could Big Pharma’s ‘C19 vaccine’ against a never isolated virus be effective, if what was in the ‘vaccine’ was not part of the disease of a virus that has never been isolated?????

            Their meaning of the word, ‘vaccine’ has always been fraudulent – and you cannot seem to grasp that concept, and that could be due to your continual smearing of Trump, and that appears to be a blind spot for you.

            The fraud of their ‘vaccines’ is what Trump was pointing out, to anyone with ears to hear, by Trump using HCQ and Ivermectin as the term, ‘vaccine’, and that your unwillingness to comprehend, keeps you from seeing.

            Your anger toward myself, belies your unwillingness to learn from others, unless their perceptions matches your own.

            We all need to expand our thinking if we are to be mentally capable of handling what is coming at us all over the next few weeks.

          • At this point I have to consider everything you say as disinformation with nothing to be gained from reading it

          • I have proven my point Joe – the least you could do is to acknowledge it. But you don’t have that in you, do you?

            You just cannot admit when you are wrong – that is a very Human failing.

            So, instead of an acknowledgment, you once again choose to counter the obvious.

            You have a mind like a steel trap – that is your choice.

            Your displayed bias against Trump is what is keeping you sitting on that fence – but you won’t be sitting there for much longer.

            I can guarantee that!

  4. The world has gone insane. As far as American politics, it is like which crazy person do you support?

    It’s all absurdity…

      • Yeah, whatever. I just ate the last of my Mexican omelet (carnitas and cheese) and put an unusual shaped log on the fire. I was pleased the way I got it fixed in the fire. Time for bed now. – My concerns in life are of little importance compared to the big issues that others devote their attention to.

  5. Dear Normies,
    Just listen to today’s X22report.com episode 3368B. Also at RMN and BIN.
    If you do not get what is happening, you could have a psychiatric breakdown. If you are informed, you will be able to cope, otherwise get another ‘booster’ flu shot and watch the msm and ABC.
    It is no matter to me, but I have an ethical humane duty to try. My friends at least are being prepared .
    What do you have to lose if you are just knowledgeable and prepared?
    I wash my hands.

    • Great it all makes sense now, false flag Biden takeout, November armed insurrection anarchy, CCP moves on the west coast, Australia under military rule bio-attack, 1984 style media blackout with fog-of-war, full Mark-of-Beast with all the trimmings, Milky Rain weapon … hang on that’s later

  6. 48 mins to about 60 plus
    Want to know about gold etc and some old truth on Ben Laden’s funeral in Pakistan press.
    (As we ‘abnormals’ have known for decades)
    Note in between that the msm is getting to open up 0n reality and EBS may not be necessary.
    Where, none other than Dr Jim Willie at beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
    For other boring world finance start at the beginning.

    • Having gone over some of the comments on articles in the Daily Mail today – I read it from time to time in the hope that at least some Truth will be put out on that site – the EBS will be necessary, unless there is another plan in place to use, that I am not familiar with.

  7. Paul Craig Roberts: The West Has Gone Insane & Is Provoking Nuclear Armageddon!
    “Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the ever widening war and the insanity of the West which seems to be provoking nuclear armageddon from which we might not recover. America is enabling genocide in Gaza which is destroying its international reputation and on top of that, Israel has been trying to get Washington attack Iran. It’s strange that only dissident politicians get assassinated or die under mysterious circumstances (e.g. Raisi, Fico) and it’s amazing Viktor Orbán is still alive. Washington is opening another front for Russia in Georgia. The migration agenda is deliberate to create Babel. Trump might end up getting assassinated. If they install the digital control system it will be total tyranny. The middle class is being wiped out and the dollar’s days seem to be numbered.”

  8. For the ‘abnormal cultists’, listen to the Fauci Congressional grilling for a couple of minutes at the opening at situation update from Mary (not the Mikado M) at beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
    If you can manage 7 minutes, then go For a additional five from 0ne hour for a edited thoughtful analysis from Simon Parks to the end.
    The in between part is the usual fun with some updated news snippets.
    I have JUST been informed that some msm is reporting the Fauci part.
    HMMM, OUR PELICANS IN CANBERRA HAVE SOME EXPLAING💁🏼🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀👹⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️ particularly Senator Gallagher…. From the ACT🤣? Et.Al.

      No mention of his admitted useless masks, his 6 foot separation, bubbles for kids and his EVIL CRUEL BEAGLE EXPERIMENT.

      GO BROKE

      • Yeah they have been doing the “Home Affairs” Dept for a week and now they did Fauci and Hunter Biden for a few seconds even giving Marjorie Taylor Green a decent few seconds so who knows maybe more boiling out of Hunter’s trial “discovery” etc., everyone will resign boo-hoo and we will get new Dr. Evils in all portfolios, if we are lucky, if not nothing will happen as usual. There is a long queue of aspiring junior Dr. Evils and they are cheaper just need the compromising video on file and they’re ready to go

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