Home Australia What Has Changed? Police Allow a Peaceful Protest in Melbourne

What Has Changed? Police Allow a Peaceful Protest in Melbourne


I (Dee McLachlan) captured some footage from yesterday’s protest in Melbourne. In the video, I make some additional comments about the Covid-positive persons at the Tea Gardens in Sydney. Ten people were allegedly infected, but only double-vaxxed can enter.

And here, some additional commentary (via email) from G5:

The history of the world in broad and round terms has some 80 percent possessed, owned, addicted, compliant, submissive, believing, and trusting to authority. However, that is postured or articulated.

Throughout history, the 20 percent have been correct. Nothing has ever changed. No matter how much that 80 as collaborators have turned to destroy the 20.

There is no point in history where this broad ratio has been wrong. It’s to do with non-surrender of innate rational and critical thought.

Public Servant Lemmings must be consumed by The Nuremberg Defence. They are owned. Change the narrator and they walk to their doom. Nothing ever changes. The 80 percent are equally owned, possessed, and addicted.

From civil and human rights abused by totalitarian dictates of Apatheird now to causing the problems. The possessed government-owned are the problem.

Pushed to demonstrate beyond filtration and propaganda that they are the issue due to the damaged natural immune system. Being susceptible to, contracting and spreading infections.

The truth of this pushed to build a foundation to block the next phase. Being to blame the sane for causing the problems of the insane compliant. There is a natural logic line of the deception that must be blocked.

The insane need to be isolated for the benefit of all. Not the sane. These trails will naturally lead back to the origins of the politically induced deceptions.

The NSW government swinging three ads with crisis actors says a great deal. Should be countered by a coffin or people in ICUs tagged; you can’t unvax.




    • Thanks MM, I have removed the Youtube and replaced with Bitchute (to prevent a fourth strike)

      This another offering

  1. I have finally observed the evidence that G5 does not understand the pivotal issue.

    His outlook is pure Machiavelian; “a percentage of people are stupid. Another percentage are intelligent”.

    That is not how it is. We are herd animals, with well-defined social links. These include trust in the herd.

    Hierarchists have long sought to control all information extant, which ultimately means controlling all minds. In contemporay terms, this means controlling all media, including “social media”. This enables effortless brainwashing, therefore a compliant population.

    This does not mean the brainwashed are stupid. They are perfectly normal. In fact it is people like me, endemically (or pathologically if you prefer) non-conformist who dig away to expose hidden truths, because we are malcontents and certainly not “normal”. Philosophically, ‘horses for courses’, because right now we serve a very useful purpose.

    If the media was in the hands of the people, there would be no massive frauds, Or wars. Or AGW hysteria. Or spandemic.

    So, in essence, this is a war about the free flow of information, not silly sheeples.

    In Darwin, all information is controlled by Murdoch, including the ABC. The NT News and ABC are fortress-like. You cannot phycisally enter their domains. You cannot access a journalist. Which is why I have advertised in China and India for strategic investors to establish a TV station and newspaper in Darwin to end the media blockade.

    Once we free up information flow, the covid jab mandate will collapse in a few weeks, if not days. Once Darwin breaks free, the Territory will be free. The other states will follow suit and the whole insane debacle wil be over, bare the executions.

    Meanwhile, I have been collecting evidence of historical revisionism to protect Murdoch’s reputation. Not that we need it, but in Thursday the Parliamentary library exposed some of the lies, and was immediately closed down to everybody, incuding staff. Dangerous mould, they said. Ha ha. The enemy is panicking.

    I mention this so you know how precarious is the media barricade. Anybody like to help? Research “Key in the ignition” as evidence of drink drivng, even if the driver is asleep in the back..Discover the sacking of NT News editor Jim Bowditch. Trace the career of magistrate David McCann, from university law school, to now. Trace his girlfriend of 1974 (discreetly). WA Gumshoeers will be perfect for this task.

    And send me the data, preceded by a message via protonmail, to a location I will then pass on.

    • You know what I don’t get Tony. Is how bloody efficient ‘they’ are at placing their ‘people’ in key positions. Just imagine the organisation in getting hospital directors, government political heads, police chiefs, news and media operation chiefs, corrupting elections, etc, etc. all around the world to all play their deceptive crafty game ???
      There has to be a key to that.
      It makes you wonder the extent to which mind manipulation is involved.

      Good on you for taking them on mate –

      • Nelson Rockerfella was VPOTUS for only 2 years, HWBush was CIA director for only one year, enough time to install all their friends in the Demonrats and CIA. Then HWBush was VP in the GOP for 8 years and 4 years as president then the son 8 more years !!! Clinton, a Rockerfella !!! Obama probably one too, can’t remember.
        And people think the Rockerfella Foundation is about philanthropy.
        Wonderful American Philanthropy.

      • Peter and W3… I think I may have stumbled onto how it was done. On that Friday, not only was the parliamentary library closed down, but somebody loosened my front wheelnuts. Had I not heard a slight ticking sound, I would have crashed right next to a road victim memorial. I wonder who that poor bastard offended LOL.

        Now. I even check my starter motor for funny new wiring.

    • “His outlook is pure Machiavelian”

      Have you even read Machiaveli ?
      He doesn’t do anything more than advise a contemporary ruler how to gain & maintain control over a population.
      Notwithstanding the current relevance, I fail to see how the likes of G5 could possibly be touted as fulfilling such a bill

    • Tony, I agree — your comment “This does not mean the brainwashed are stupid.”
      It just means they are brainwashed. At the protest I met a woman who was mentioning her partner could not seem to “wake” even though she informed him. You find taxi drivers can be awake, and professors asleep. The range of those using critical thought are across the broad spectrum, and unrelated to intelligence. But this woman made an interesting comment: She said, maybe it has something to do with early childhood. That got me thinking. Maybe something in the brain locks into a position in the first 1 – 3 years of life. Allowing that person to be stirred into critical thought when necessary. It would be totally unrelated to IQ.

      • I. Q. isn’t a factor re alcoholism and drug addiction either
        Moreover attributing such a condition to one’s circumstances or anyone else does nothing but bind one to it(poor me, poor me, pour me a drink)

        • Whereas substance addictions are an obvious form of demonic possession there’s a veritable host of other much more subtle ways of falling prey:

          “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
          And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
          Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
          And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
          That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
          2 TIMOTHY 2: 7 – 12

      • Dee… I agee.

        But the first in a series of cons was in 1934.

        When the Eugenics Society started the American Association of Psychiartrists, their first move was to hijack Alfred Binet’s IQ tests, which he used to measure mental retardation.

        Although Binet condemned the move, saying intelligence cannot be measured because it is not linear, they went ahead anyway. They created a scale that featured their cerebral profile at the top of the scale, and practical and high-achieving people in the middle.

        Thus, some very stupid people are classed as intelliigent (which inspired the comedy about Shelden). Doubt this? just read up a list of PhD thesises.

        Now we have an intelligensia that is stupid and lacking in socio-emotional interaction, many of whom became doctors. Children plainly see that the emperor has no clothes but as they grow up they accept that they must be wearing clothes after all.

        Since 1965, school teachers have been trained to sever the intergenerational transfer of values and instead impose new age values… globalisation.

        ie brainwashed.

  2. I tried to visit my brother in a nursing home in SE Qld the otherday and was refused because I couldn’t prove I had had a flu shot !!!
    The girl said it was “mandatory”.

  3. The 80/20 rule is known as the Pareto Principle. Here is an introduction to it, it is a fascinating subject to look into.


    Going back to the title of the article, WHY did the police in Melbourne allow a peaceful protest in Melbourne. I’d like to know what has changed. Maybe the cops are starting to get a clue, did Andrews get the riot act read to him. what happened? We need an investigative journalist to find out.

    • It might be simply because we are now out of lockdown and the “stay at home” orders are now lifted. I’m not aware of any legislation that bans protests (yet), so there is no justification for breaking them up. Of course the new bill currently before the Victorian Parliament would change all of that.

  4. Dear Tony,
    “Meanwhile, I have been collecting evidence of historical revisionism to protect Murdoch’s reputation. Not that we need it, but in Thursday the Parliamentary library exposed some of the lies, and was immediately closed down to everybody, incuding staff. Dangerous mould, they said. Ha ha. The enemy is panicking.”

    If you can say more about that, please do.
    If you can’t receive mail, at a given mment, the person can send it to me: MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. Remember, surname first.

    I hope our readers will help you. They, too, can use me as a go-between if needed.

  5. “What Has Changed? Police Allow a Peaceful Protest in Melbourne”

    Maybe the police realise they are just as much in the firing line as teachers, doctors, nurses… everyone else.. ( ohhh except politicians )

    • What has changed ?
      They have all found out the cops have been recording the phone calls of Gulag Gladys, the cops have 2 years worth of recordings !!!
      They all can’t think straight now, it has switched to damage control / survival mode.
      Look what the WA premier has decreed yesterday: inbound travellers from NSW & VIC have to be quaxxinated and from QLD it’s not necessary. As we have seen all along the war is on useless eaters in Sydney and Melbourne, there are obviously too many there. At present there is no war on average bogans in Western Australia, they have legit jobs working for globalist mining companies. The cull is required in Sydney and Melbourne. It could be as simple as electric cars, once everyone has one they will be driving around all day for free, the whole place will be a traffic jam, so inconvenient. You already can’t get out of 2nd gear in Sydney. Surplus useless eaters need to “go” first.
      The publisher’s next question about quarantine stations being built even though the bat-flu virus has gone benign by now, is pertinent, the NWO plan rolls on. The decrees flip and flop all over the place as our elected officials try to guess the path that will best please their masters. Dicktator Dan thinking, I will be the best fully-owned premier in the land, bashing people, old ladies included, lock them up breaking all records, rip huge fines out of them for doing nothing, I will show the masters, I am their best servant ever, I just want a small house on Lake Geneva and my regular coke and adrenochrome. Haha, Dicktator Dan, sellouts like you are ten a penny, on your own you are worthless !!! And you’re on your own now !!!
      Federal Senator Mathias Cormann already slipped away and now selling the climate change bullshit in his home, Euroland. Nobody ever seems to wonder how ice-ages happened. Everyone thinks the sun is an absolute constant. The scientists are all silent or owned !!! When are some scientists going to come out and call the politicians bullshit for what it is, another NWO plot / diversion. The scientists are all living on handouts of one sort or another. All owned. All slaves to the printed money. In Australia bitcoin was banned, because we have no bill of rights. Australia will never be free, it’s just a developing country where you are free to get a job. Without a job you become a useless eater.

      • Quote, “t present there is no war on average bogans in Western Australia, they have legit jobs working for globalist mining companies. ” Unquote. It would seem you are not half as well informed as you pretend to be. I’m West Australian, living in Perth, my son works for a mining company FIFO, and he has been informed every employee working with the company he works for, MUST be vaccinated by December this year, IF they wish to remain employed by said company. Therefore to claim there is no war on average bogans in W.A. is inaccurate.

        • Yes that’s quite true, it’s an omission, but what I have heard from one of these actual victims is that there’s plenty of work in Perth anyway and I think that’s true, the next boom may be around the corner, so it’s not much of a war at this stage.
          As for being half as informed as I pretend to be, I don’t pretend to be anything, I’m a consumer of the wider media, I just provide reviews of things and my opinion. In fact it’s you who are uninformed because I’m stuck here in Perth too. If you’re just distressed about your son, tell him get another job. Like nobody ever had to get another job. Start something up, I did. You ignore the entire point of what I’m writing and weaponise a fragment against me. Why is that. Please explain exactly how I “pretend” to be informed twice as much as I am.

          • Well he’s changed his tune again already so we’ll have to call him Mark McFlipflop, we are locked up indefinitely for their big hoax.

    • IMO what’s changed is the Cup. then there’ll be the cricket, then the Open. i’m guessing Dan will be trying to smooth over his image a bit for a few months while he plays sportsy Dan, but when the international attention is over & by then the pandemic legislation will have passed, i think around March they’ll hit us hard.

    • I recently returned a damaged oven. While discussing the issue, the clerk made a comment about the damage from shipping, “We’re seeing damage from shipping all across the country”.

      I said, “It must be Brandon, he’s screwing everything up.”

      The customer behind me said, “Let’s go Brandon!”

      Next thing I know, there are several of us saying it and laughing.

      EVERYONE in my small Tennessee town KNOWS.

  6. The leading bio-war labs are in US,UK, Israel, Canada and Australia. Nano-chip injections are for personal data and digital money. Agenda ID2020 is using vaccinations as a platform, launching digital slavery worldwide, mark of the beast.

  7. Excellent ‘offerings’ Dee. Thank You!
    it is no wonder people are confused – everywhere there are muddied waters.
    TWT (The Weekly Times) our local ‘rag’ made me ask “Where’s the sense?”
    TWT 27 October 2021 p3 “Good News for Covid-19 compared with infuenza” points out the BS fear-mongering of the covid stats.
    On p6 “Post-lockdown gatherings” planned for 13/14 Nov weekend look encouraging, UNTIL the fine-print: Along with QR-Code check-in, attendees must provide proof of vaccination. Social division visible to the blind, surely?!
    Isn’t it comforting that the council is willing to sponsor such events using funds garnered from all rate-payers, to be enjoyed only by some? Still paying rates??

    From the nsw government website, updated 20 October, we’ll be “free” from 1 November. But just who, is the question.
    The stay safe/rules/not fully vaccinated, under “Travel and transport”, Holidays and holiday homes or recreational activities, is laughable:
    “If you are not fully vaccinated you can use a holiday home…with people..from your household”
    “If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot take a holiday or undertake recreation outside the local government area you live in.”
    So, how many people have a holiday home in the same LGA where they live?

    Since the local government is so clearly planning “vax-conditioned” gatherings already for mid-November, my instinct tells me that 1 November “freedoms” will likely also be conditional.

    • Diane,
      Thank you always, gatherings for truth always inspire better days ahead.
      National anthem, though well played with feeling heartfelt, needs to go with current criminals in control. I suggest ‘Waktzing Matilda’ as the true anthem of settlers here, or maybe we should ask the original locals for their recommendation. Keep the faith, all believers of traditional arts and crafts.

  8. Tucker: Biden is ‘crushing’ these people (19m)
    Details the shipping container crisis off the coast of California, and the flow on effects, and who is affected.

    Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history (8m)

    Illegal immigrants deported during the Trump administration may be able to claim compensaion of $450,000 or more!

    I’d really hate to think that the two might be connected, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
    Don’t think about the 200,000 illegal immigrants coming into the US via the Mexican border every month (and they don’t have to get vaccinated)
    Don’t think about the 300,000 first time unemployment benefits seekers being added every week
    Our hospitals that are being overwhelmed (short staffed though they are), and we want to sack them if they refuse the jab.
    Brandon wants the IRS to snoop on your bank accounts, meanwhile the Federal Reserve prints $120b a month buying assets in the repurchasing market.
    Vacuum the carpet…change the bedsheets…pick up the kids…
    Need to find out more on those unsolicited packets of seeds thousands of people received in the post last year. Crickets there.

    Meanwhile on more important matters, The MARS Family is not wanting to be outdone by Gillette
    ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSW6x6tsauc (2m)

    Net Zero Sells Out Australia’s Sovereignty – Craig Kelly MP (13m)

    Reducing Land Use and Zoning Restrictions – From The White House (1h15)

    Essentially they want to get rid of detached dwellings on their own block of land, whilst empowering disadvantaged POC etc, making housing more “affordable” get rid of gas make everything electric, reduce car usage anything that allows them to pack them in like sardines and achieve Not Zero. Maybe they need to do something about the southern border. As usual, the comments are negative. Sorry for length.

    • Craig Kelly naming UN globalists (Zurich & Glasgow) as architects of economic disaster.
      It must be interesting for globalists to look around at Glasgow, isn’t that a place where the locals have been driven into the ground ? Their plans taken to fruition. Don’t worry cops and privileged classes, you think you will retain your positions after all this, not much chance of that. You’ll be reduced to insects too.

    • They’re laying it on thick. Always used to bother me the way runway models were more and more becoming waifs. Obvious now. Billie Eilish and the black goo in her film clips. Makes sense in light (sic) of graphene oxide.

  9. just saying if they ok foreign police and troops to come here that is enemy action i read a lot of sites they think their voting their way out of this i live in a country where i can’t even go home

  10. My greatest problem is that Covid-19 has never been isolated to this day. Even though supposedly millions have been tested positive to such a virus/disease no organisation can provide a sample for investigation. However the doctors who are supposed to be on our side of the argument continue to talk of Covid. My concern is are they meaning Covid-19 or are they now calling the flu Covid, as per Coronavirus Sars-2? If the latter no wonder there is confusion among the ordinary people. Why not call a spade a spade as in the flu?

    • Well, I heard on the Japanese news today they had lots of children dying “of Covid-19”. Meanwhile elsewhere ( previous story I think ) commenter foffa found the Japanese have quit giving injections, this follows stuff from weeks ago via NHK news saying the Japanese found all sorts of stuff in the va666ines, as you know the Japanese are very fastidious about things. As we all remember perfectly well from statistics right at the outset, kids are not troubled by the Wuhan Flu. So now we have a wave of Japanese children dying from “Covid-19” I think you have all you need to know. For anyone else, the blood clots in the lungs resemble some type of pneumonia, from a diagnostic perspective. The va666ine produces a blood disease which resembles an airways disease. Pure genius if you’re a mad scientist, which Gates appears to be.

        • I wouldn’t like my response to be misconstrued as a contradiction, but alongside that, there is a lot of material floating around which many have referenced and a very big theme, that this was a tweaked-up flu, a bio-weapon, and possibly the end of the story might be that it doesn’t LEGALLY exist, well if all the governing bodies were corrupted and they didn’t want to expose themselves, who knows, they might not want to certify it.

      • I was at a party and all the rest of the participants were waffling along about poor Gladys and how she was being maligned because she was bonking a jerk. I tried to interject about her receiving bribes by the vaccine manufacturers to put in lock-downs and mandates. – I swear all I got was a bunch of blank stares. Apparently, (I don’t know as I don’t watch TV) the media is trying to spin it so that she is a poor VICTIM of the ICAC looking into her private life.

        • The MSM coverage was by 24 hour news cycles with gaps between
          One cycle was all Gulag’s friends came out saying how lovely she was
          One cycle was the boyfriend was so dodgy
          One cycle was ICAC bad, boring place, nothing to see
          Then there was the cops phone recordings played back to Gulag in the dock !!!
          This went hard for one day only.
          The $65m is basically Clive talking as far as I know but why wear it out now, when a campaign is coming up.

  11. i live in north sydney i come from the darling downs i love the to and fro of your site and i have put money to it because of my life i’ve never believed anything they say about anything at all not one to talk but feel it needs to be said there are australians that know what needs to be done and are willing and able to do it

  12. What has Changed ? Probably nothing. Let the ‘anti-vaxxer’, super-spreading minority gather,(so they can all be photographed) then (((they))) can put their media to work claiming yet another ‘outbreak’ and resume (((their))) profitable killing spree of useless eaters.
    That will make perfect sense to the majority.

    • As in Israel, the UK, Japan, and now (finally) the US, the death jabs cannot be ignored. Too many people know someone who has been damaged (and/or killed) by these injections. I know quite a few no longer with us, and none of their family believe the death to be coincidental.

      Even many of those who took the jab are regretful and now very worried (including quite a few that have given me hell for my stance).

      The tide will turn for the citizenry. Will it stop the attack?

  13. in northern new south wales the police and army are going into aborigiinal reserves and strong arming people to take the poison $700 these folk there don’t know what the hell is going on most people here are not aware of whats going on in this country they are scared anyway cause of whats happened in the past and now this this is not ok my grandfather lost his legs in france for what

  14. i was pissing in the urinal in the trade unions club surry hills john cooper clarke was pissing beside me chris bailey from belfast was playing on the 3rd floor that was what it was like no problems i don’t know what you lot like but they are not taking that from me they are not destroying my country

  15. i’ve been abused bashed and shit on ever since i was a little kid all it did was make me hard i wish was like this when i was young i knew a girl at bondi she cut her wrists n the bath her own family were pimping her out fuck me if i could kill those barstards i’m crying its 40 years ago

  16. Nothing will change until the secret government in Australia are put in Serco camps they have prepared for anti-vaxxxers. Josh with Krown Kabal handlers have devolved this place into a oligarchy of government chosen favourites, now the snoops and goons dystopian digital feudal hell.
    Aldi Bunnings Coles Liqourland Dan Murphys Woolworths have been given total monopoly by the black hand in power. Simultaneously, destroying ‘fair go’ and the middle way, formerly enjoyed by many now sidelined shackled and broke.
    They are profiting from the death of Oz family businesses!
    The new owners, of digital slavery, Amazon Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter, have become billionaires and trillionaires in the pocket with corp’s above.
    Moderna’s share price has grown 1000% in twelve months. Only winner here is CCP as the globe adopts their system of humane harvesting. Interestingly, past year China posted 20% economic growth. The United Nations World Health Organisation have empowered global criminals.
    It is our duty not to comply with demonic mandates, spewed on all msm.

    • For the price of two coffees, one can buy a wooden chair.
      All it is, is slavetrade by slavemasons where ‘freedom’ coming is only slavery extended with on going top up boosters.

      • The globalists are getting ahead of the game again, they are banging on and on about climate change. The smallest amount of thought &/or investigation reveals that the sun is responsible for warming, ice-ages, the whole lot. Second biggest contributor to environment destruction is environment destruction, ie, globalist plastic and deforestation. CO2 probably does not even enter the equation. Too many lefties have bought this and swallowed it hook line & sinker. We are being presented with a huge distraction, a smokescreen, Mathias Cormann former federal senator is right in amongst it, he is presumably the liaison now between globalists and locals, telling the local clowns what to do to get their payouts. Climate change = globallist emi$$ions trading, that’s it.

        • Just marvel at how successful the bogus CO2 threat has been. the brainwashing and collaboration is nothing less than an absolute marvel. Now consider how many OTHER beliefs you, reader, might be wedded to, and should any of these be revised ? ? ? ? ? What else has Swissy (Mr. Global) created for effective control of the masses. Hm ?

  17. The Occidental Observer

    2030 Vision: Conclusion
    October 30, 2021/9 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Scott Howard

    Fortunately, the World Economic Forum is obsessed with digitization, so their entire website features linkages and graphics outlining the various networks and how they intersect (for instance, that of COVID-19). This is highly useful for many reasons and shows in stark visual detail how exactly they are trying to shoehorn humanity into programmable “realities.” Strategic planning and war gaming scenarios allow the ruling class to try to predict outcomes, aided in their endeavors by evermore powerful artificial intelligence and algorithms. They then craft a narrative to pre-plan our behavior and focus it where they need it to go………….”


    Jewish Leaders of the Covid Cabal


    • Q. Where did “jewish” money come from ?
      A. Banking
      Q. Who gave the Jews their banking license ?
      A. The Vatikan
      Q. Where is the Vatikan money now ?
      A. Confederation Helvetika.

      • The “jews thesis” seems to run on conviction only, there is no money trail, it goes back to a red shield hung on a door and then seems to leap through multiple centuries over to Armenia or Jordan or Babylon who knows where, it’s incoherent and improbable, where was the jew army through all this.

        • Quo Vadis Vatican? Jewish involvement in the radical changes of the Second Vatican Council
          “…………….Back to the Council, where — as per the biography of Cardinal Bea — an important character comes to the stage. He is Nahum Goldmann (1885–1982), a Polish Jew, President of the World Jewish Congress (1951–1978) and editor of the “Encyclopedia Judaica” from 1932 to 1934. Later he was the Representative of the Judean Nation at the United Nations from 1935 to 1940, in Geneva and the US.
          From 1939 to 1945 he was the director of the Jewish Spying Service, at a time when the Israel didn’t yet exist, though the Organization was recognized by the US Administration — evidence that the US already considered the state of Israel a fait accompli. In his autobiography, Goldmann writes of having been the first, in 1942, to launch the idea of the Nuremberg Trials. And he is also associated with the notorious Morgenthau Plan which called for the dismantling of all German industrial concerns, mass transfer of all remaining machinery and industrial tools to England as war reparations, prohibition of any industrial activity, the reduction of Germany to the level of a pre-industrial, medieval agricultural society which would have resulted in millions of deaths.
          In his memoirs, Goldmann writes that the Second Vatican Council would not have occurred, but for three events,
          — the Shoah
          — the Nuremberg Trials
          — the foundation of the state of Israel.
          Nathan Ben Horin, Israel’s Ambassador to the Vatican, writes in his memoirs, that on February 27, 1962 the draft of the Encyclical “Nostra Aetate” (Our Age) produced by the International Judaic Congress, was delivered to Cardinal Bea, for transmittal to John XXIII.
          In 1960, John XXIII through his right-hand Cardinal Bea, had invited Nahum Goldmann for a meeting with the Pope. In the meeting (so Goldmann writes), John XXIII said he wanted to propose, at the forthcoming Council, a revision of the relations between Jewry and Catholicism. To do so, the Pope needed for the Jewish Congress to send him a formal request for the reconsideration of Jewish-Catholic relations.
          That is, John XXIII wanted a change, but he needed the Jewish Congress to ask for it.
          Then, with another important step, John XXIII excluded the Holy Office from making any input on such an important matter as the relationship between the Catholic Church and other religions — which was the essence of the “Nostra Aetate” Encyclical.
          This raised a bitter internal feud, for the Holy Office had been for centuries the official organ of analysis and deliberations regarding dogmas and general matters of faith. John XXIII simply ordered Cardinal Ottaviani, head of the Holy Office, to shut up.
          John XXIII had several meetings with another influential Rabbi, Abraham Heschel, who also contributed to the writing of the Encyclical — so writes the secretary of Cardinal Bea.
          And finally, in an issue of the French Jewish weekly Tribune Juive, Lazare Landau, a Jewish historian, writes,
          In a glacial night of the winter 62–63, I was invited to an extraordinary meeting of the “Communitarian Center for Peace,” held at the Synagogue of Strasbourg. At the end of the Shabbat, the Directors received in secret, in a cellar of the building, an envoy of John XXIII, Yves Congar, [a Dominican friar who had a critical influence on the ‘progressive’ measures taken by the Council as a whole.]
          There were ten of us. Congar, in name of John XXIII, asked us what we expected from the Catholic Church, as regards the millenarian “Jewish Question.” We said that we wanted the complete re-habilitation of the Jews, as regards the death of Christ. “Nostra Aetate” was a total revolution, as Congar later said to me, in the doctrine of the Church, as regards the Jews.
          In fact — so I am told by current practicing Catholics who attend Masses and functions in their churches — some priests praise the greatness of Hebraism, assert that Abraham is our common ancestor and that the Jews are our ‘elder brothers’ of the Bible. Forgetting the polygamy of the patriarchs, the gallantries of David, the seraglio of Solomon, the incest in the Leviticus, and a general Old Testament undertone of hyper-ethnocentrism, fear and loathing of gentiles, the desire to dominate gentiles, and revenge against their enemies.
          The same priests sermonize on the rights of Jews to the ancestral land of Israel. On the wars in the Middle East, fought for Israel, and on the slaughter of Palestinians, the word is mum. Though various Popes have at times deplored, and generally lamented that war causes death and suffering, which almost equates to saying that a great cause of the night is lack of sunshine.2
          In summary, there is sufficient evidence as to who took the initiative and who were the authors of the Encyclical “Nostra Aetate.”
          Nevertheless, the debates at the Council on the issue of the Jews’ involvement in the death of Christ were contentious and combative. After all, according to the Gospels, the Jews had asked for the blood of Christ to fall “on their head and that of their children.” The Gospel of St. John made this clear, and St. Paul had declared that adopting alternative Gospels would be anathema.
          The bishops of the Arab world, in particular, objected to the appeasement of the Jews because appeared to be an indirect Catholic endorsement of the rape of Palestine. A de-facto endorsement of Israel occurred in 1965, though formal recognition and exchange of embassies had to wait for John Paul II, in 1993.
          In the end there was a compromise. The encyclical “Nostra Aetate” would state that only “some,” not “all,” Jews were responsible for the death of Christ.
          This did not prevent the (Catholic) University of Notre Dame, in Indiana, from freeing all Jews of any responsibility related to the issue.
          Furthermore, as I hear from Professor E. Michael-Jones, the University hired a Jewish psychologist to teach a seminar on “togetherness” and similar topics, to priests and nuns. This had the foreseeable consequence that a number of priests left the ministry and nuns the convent…. to get married. If there is life after death, Boccaccio will laugh his head off.
          To conclude, the Second Vatican Council has puzzled many Catholics. Perhaps John XXIII believed that the stream of time was running in favor of the Jews, with the result that he was forced away from the ancient paths by the rough torrent of occasion.3
          But some Catholics would like to know where the Vatican is headed. For, when a revolutionary change of religious belief is imposed from above, strength of conviction is weakened and judgment confounded. Resistance shrinks from revolution of beliefs, even if the prime mover of the insurgency keeps wearing the robes of the Prime Minister of God.
          At times, the truth may appear grey, but isn’t. It is black and white, at least in patches. And even the blackness and the whiteness of the patches are often debated and debatable. For nothing is black or white, but thinking makes it so.4

          • The jews got framed up for a show trial against Jesus but really there was only one possible outcome, Jesus declared war on Roman hegemony when he attacked their temple foreign exchange bank branches. But the Romans were smart enough to make it look like the jews passed the sentence. Vilified by the mighty Egyptian empire they have been used as a scapegoat many times since. What doesn’t kill them seems to make them stronger.

          • I got all that when I was very small, I have to be quite boring and say I wasn’t there at the time. Divine origins seem irrelevant. If astrologers turned up I don’t know. It all appears somewhat extraneous to me. I am skeptical about water into wine and can’t see the point of this, maybe the story is told wrongly. But on the other hand I think the Shroud of Turin is very interesting. So there you go. Note that Turin is roughly on the Knights Templars’ track from near Genoa up to Geneva where they apparently had a secret trade route.

  18. Distractions, distraction, distractions, distraction yes the conspiracy`s are real but more distractions, facades within facades, tick tok tick tok what are they really hiding.

  19. Mark McGowan (current WA premier) covers for his predecessor Colin Barnett (developer).
    For reasons unknown to me Clive was prevented from selling his mining interest in WA, I think to the Chinese about 5 years ago and he is saying this was probably illegal. I am really on the fence with this one. There should be a big shitfight coming up and we’ll see. Since Clive (+ Craig Kelly) is really the leader of the opposition it’s interesting to know. Clive says 3000 have defected from the Greens party to join his party. This 2 min video is about the legal case against the state of WA. And if he can pull off a win what will he do with the money ? Spend it I would guess and that could be even more interesting. Well we live in interesting times.

    • Shell corporations can be used to disguise the real entity.

      A shell corporation can: Open bank accounts and move funds. Engage in financial transactions. Buy real estate. Own copyrights and collect royalties. How Are Shell Corporations Used? The most common use for a shell company is to avoid taxes. This is known as tax avoidance or wealth defense. Companies offshore, or move part of their operations to another country, to take advantage of lower taxes

  20. EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data
    By The Exposé on October 31, 2021 • ( 38 Comments )

    100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced, according to official government data –Pfizer – unusually high AE from lots that went to 13-50 states –‘Deadly’ lots were distributed widely across the United States whilst other ‘benign’ lots were sent to just a few locations. [I wonder who got the ‘benign’ batches?] | 31 Oct 2021 | An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified. But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the “deadly” lots were distributed widely across the United States whilst other “benign” lots were sent to just a few locations… The reports pulled from the database were ones that had been submitted up to October 15, 2021, and they included all adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections, as well as all adverse reactions reported against the influenza vaccines; which were used to generate a control dataset.


      • Newly elected Japanese PM now says the virus response will include “oral treatments” (as translated) so there you go, it’s pretty low key as you would expect but the Japanese are not keen on the injections, in a semi-isolated culture like that, with super-fastidious xenophobic people everywhere, all the horror stories of injections ingredients must have ripped through the place. Reference NHK today. Now half the “QUAD” members are on Ivermectin, when’s it our turn. Are we going to be last ??? I guess that increases the chances of a hanging for Skerritt & Hunt anyway.

    • w3 excellent hopeful news – I pray it is true!
      I’ve shared with family who’ve had the jab, suggesting that they’ve already played Russian Roulette, so not to push their luck. I’m hearing that the booster is the clincher. Of course, ‘tptb’/msm are abusing the fear arising from the growing warning, that the jabbed need to protect themselves over winter when the seasonal ‘flu could cause even worse sickness.
      Do you perchance know if the same percentage was in the UK?

  21. c&p from Japanese friend’s email received today:
    “Australia and New Zealand are reported to be successful countries in the fight against Corona. I was surprised to hear about the situation in Australia from you.

    Japan has also been experiencing many problems and my distrust of the government has become very strong. Now the situation has improved greatly and life has become much calmer. The number of infected people and positive rates have improved rapidly in October. There are some reports that this may be due to the effect of vaccines and masks, but we do not know the clear evidence.
    In Japan, the state of emergency was declared many times, but it was not very binding. Japan’s current laws do not allow for any kind of lockdown-like enforcement on the people. Vaccines are also not currently mandated, but about 70% of the population is currently vaccinated. Now that the emergency declaration is over, most people are living with masks even though there are no fines. Japanese people often use masks to prevent colds and pollen allergies, so I guess they are not too resistant to masks.

    In times like a pandemic, the strong-arming of a government like China’s may have some success, but it is a very scary thing. When the outbreak was spreading in Japan, there was an argument that the government should take a stronger stance to restrict the behavior of the people, but I am concerned about giving such authority to the current Japanese government. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has been very strong in Japan for many years, especially in recent years, and its politics are not considered democratic. The number of tyrannical states seems to be increasing worldwide.

    As for ivermectin, we don’t hear much about it in the news. I think we are still in the middle of a debate about its use. I think we should still be cautious about its use. I don’t think it is used much in Japan yet. I will let you know if I find out more information.”

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