Home Health What Your Newborn Would Say about Vaccinations

What Your Newborn Would Say about Vaccinations

right after birth, baby is holding father’s finger

by Laura Hayes

This is reprinted with permission of AgeofAutism.com. The author has three vaccine-injured children born in the 1990s. She recalls “dismissing under duress her maternal instinct which had immediately gone into alarm mode the first time she was coerced into permitting vaccines.”

Imagine this is the baby talking:

  • Please don’t poke me with sharp needles! Those hurt! You wouldn’t let anyone pinch or hit me, so why are you letting someone in a white coat pierce my skin, multiple times, in a very painful way? I am trusting you to protect me and not let others hurt me.
  • Please don’t trust others over your own common sense and God-given maternal and paternal instincts. I am yours. No one knows me like you know me. No one will protect me like you will. No one loves me like you do. You are, and will continue to be, the one responsible for me.
  • Please don’t ever leave me unattended at a hospital or in a doctor’s office. I need your eyes on me at all times…to ensure that your directives are being followed to a tee, to prevent procedures and treatments from being implemented on me to which you have not consented and/or to which you have made clear that you do not want for me, to ward off mistakes, and to protect me at every turn.
  • Please don’t think that someone wearing a white coat is smarter than you are. Turns out that they can be some of the most inexcusably uninformed, pompous, close-minded, resistant to truth, and unethically coercive people around! I am not kidding you! I want you to take responsibility for me and my health. Please do not delegate your responsibility to some self-appointed “expert” who was taught using a curriculum designed by those who make their money (we are talking trillions) when others become chronically ill and permanently disabled.
  • Please don’t let me be injected with things you wouldn’t even consider feeding me! They won’t have an escape route, and they will be left inside me where they will hurt and harm me both now and in the future.
  • Please don’t ever permit me to be injected with metals of any sort! We know that lead is bad for children, but guess what? Mercury and aluminum are far worse, and are in the syringes that doctors are sticking into babies and children. Mercury and aluminum cause severe damage inside the body, to all parts and to all systems, and this damage will hurt and haunt me for the rest of my life! As if those two metals weren’t health-destroying enough, there are others in vaccines: lead, stainless steel, tungsten, a gold-zinc aggregate, platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, and chromium. One flu vaccine for children tested as having 11 metals and aggregates of metals, which are similar to those prevalent in cases of leukemia. Please don’t let the pediatrician cause me to develop cancer!
  • Please don’t mess around with my immune system, it’s the only one I have…and it has to last me a lifetime! Things that mess with and harm my immune system include nearly every ingredient in vaccines. Again, I am not kidding! Please tell me which one of these ingredients will induce good health in me: mercury, aluminum, lead, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (which enables other ingredients to enter my brain and cells), MSG, phenol, anti-freeze, human fetal tissue material from aborted babies, viruses cultured in the body parts of various animals including African green monkeys, chickens, and dogs, viruses from other humans, viruses from animals, retroviruses that are just beginning to be understood of both human and animal origin, nanoparticles of many different metals that are not listed on the ingredients lists, dangerous bacteria, glass shards, food proteins that don’t belong anywhere other than in my stomach, glyphosate (designed to kill things), insect parts and viruses, DNA from other humans and from animals, squalene (I hear it caused Gulf War Syndrome in our soldiers), and who knows what else, Mom and Dad, because all ingredients are not required to be listed under the guise of “trade secrets”, and there is little to no oversight of the vaccine manufacturing process!
  • Please don’t permit anything to be injected into me that you are not willing to inject into yourself.
  • Please don’t permit anything to be injected into me that the nurses and doctors administering it, those approving and recommending it, the legislators mandating it, and the manufacturers making it have not injected into themselves, their children, and their grandchildren, without your own eyes witnessing it. If they aren’t willing to personally demonstrate for you how “safe” it is (which should be required to mean won’t cause harm) and personally demonstrate their trust in it, then please don’t trust in it, either! (Ask yourself when the last time was that you saw any state legislator rolling up their shirt sleeves and dropping their drawers to show those whom they supposedly represent how safe the scores of vaccines that they just mandated for babies, children, and teens are? If they are virtually harmless, as claimed and constantly touted, then they should be willing to get the whole lot of them at once, publicly.)

  • Please don’t “go along to get along”. I know at some point I will hear you ask me, “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you, too?” I put a similar question forth to you, “If everyone else chooses to permit the poisoning and harming of their baby, would you follow suit just to fit in?” Please be strong and stand firmly, saying boldly and with conviction, “I will not permit you, or anyone, to inject poisons, toxins, and heinous ingredients into my baby…ever!”

  • Please learn why it is important for me to be breastfed for at least one year, hopefully longer, with Mom eating a nutrient-dense, non-toxic diet. If Mom is unable to breastfeed me, please source breastmilk from another healthy, lactating mom who is willing to share.
  • Please learn why it is important for me to contract certain infections naturally, during childhood.
  • Please learn how to treat infections naturally, without pharmaceuticals (with the rarest of exceptions), should I contract them during infancy (as Mom’s ability to transfer her immunity to me in the womb and via breastfeeding may have been messed up by her vaccines).
  • Please realize that you have been taught to fear that for which there is a vaccine. Please know that vaccines target short-term, mostly-benign, immunity-building infections, and often leave in their wake chronic, painful, debilitating, immunity-destroying diseases that are often lifelong.
  • Please know that you have been lied to about the safety, efficacy, success, and necessity of vaccines.
  • Please know that I would much rather have a fever, rash, and/or diarrhea for a few days, or even a bad cough, than a lifetime of: permanent and catastrophic brain damage; finger pricks, glucose monitors, insulin, and the possibility of going into a diabetic coma; asthma, inhalers, and the constant threat of death by asphyxiation; life-threatening food allergies and the never-ending fear that the EpiPen won’t save my life one day; body-wracking seizures and the health-destroying medicines prescribed for them; permanent infertility and never being able to bear my own children; mind-controlling OCD and anxiety and how those would negatively impact my life; learning disabilities landing me in special education classes throughout my school years and precluding certain opportunities for me in my future; or, the unthinkable, dying in my crib after you’ve lovingly tucked me in for the night and having it wrongfully and unethically attributed to SIDS.
  • Please know that God gave me an intricately-designed, finely-tuned, hand-crafted-by-Him immune system that works best and remains intact when not invaded, tainted, derailed, and permanently damaged by manmade vaccines.
  • Please read the lists of ingredients in vaccines and the vaccine package inserts. Please research how vaccines are concocted, and also the many rules, regulations, and instructions for how they are to be transported, stored, used, not used, administered, and discarded. Then, utilizing common sense, basic science, and your God-given parental instincts, ask yourself why anyone of sound mind and basic decency would ever inject another human being, much less their own child, with these heinous products made in heinous ways, which are most likely rarely, if ever, handled and administered as required and instructed from start to finish.

I have no doubt that the above is what my three young-adult children would have said to me back in the 90s when they were born, if they could have talked.

This is a gift I am giving to anyone willing to read and act on the above information…the gift of not having to live with the unimaginable regret of permitting your baby, your precious child, to be roughly jabbed time and again by some propaganda-fed, brainwashed, liability-free, monetarily incentivized, often callous, coercive, perhaps corrupt ignoramus, wielding syringe after syringe, month after month, year after year, aimed at your child…syringes filled with ingredients that have no business inside the human body, ever. This gift does not come without cost. Quite the opposite. It is being offered to you only because others have paid an astronomical price…with their health, their development, their ability to speak, their ability to learn, their independence, their fertility, their never feeling well, and for some, with their lives.

I urge you to accept and act on this gift.

For more by Laura Hayes, go to Age of Autism’s home page, and click on the Special Reports tab at the top.  For Laura’s most comprehensive vaccine-related presentation to date, click here for both the video and the transcript.




  1. The leaders without sin, who rule also want to murder 90% of people in the world today.
    All of it is printed on the Georgia guidestones. It is set in masonry by freemasonry.
    The system is way beyond redemption or re-set. The satanists have all the guns. We don’t even have pitchforks, cause monsanto grows all the food. The plan is to herd us into cities, so we are totally dependant to their products on the shelves. Look at how large this land is, yet half the population lives in two cities. Today, in this global dystopia, everyone and everything is imported at minimum cost for maximum profit. With their machinations and abominations, we are becoming useless eaters and a drag on their economy. How some can make thirty three thousand million dollars as individuals, in this fair country, and the majority live from week to week if they’re lucky to have a job? The reptilian race is in control here, in all spheres of domination.

    • No offense, 56, but instead of telling us your gloom and doom all the time why don’t you do something about it.

      If you are clever enough to work out the Monsanto-pitchfork equation you must be clever enough to think up some ways to get people interested in finding a way out.

      I ask: is it your purpose in the above comment to make readers feel they should do nothing?

  2. My three children, two sons and a daughter often thank me for not having them vaccinated with the toxic and contaminated vaccines that have caused autism and other serious lifeline health issues with their relatives and friends. Death is another result that is not mentioned from these poisonous cocktail of substances to the natural “Innate” immune system.

    I have taught them to teach others that bypassing the natural muscosal system is detrimental to the human organism and creates significant change in the body’s natural immune system for life causing many serious diseases like cancer.

    Here is more material that is never discussed or exposed to the public.
    Other examples of evidence of contamination and lack of safety are:
    44. The ‘innate natural’ immunity does not work with antibodies but works mostly with killer cells which are Vit. D dependent. Innate immunity is the first line of defence and most important.
    45. A known fact is that people with antibody/ies to disease will still succumb to those diseases.
    46. When there is a community acquired infection i.e. measles or mumps this will engage both sides of the immune system which is the Parotid gland, Sublingual gland and the Submaxillary gland which is TH2 which creates the antibody and the TH1 engages the self immunity automatically. It identifies you and it identifies the foreign antibodies.
    47. No studies to show that because you have an antibody that you are immune. No tests either. This is quackery at its worse!
    48. The injections can lead and has led to auto-immunity deficiencies.
    49. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime whereas the immune response is only temporary and with high risks.
    50. No one can claim that vaccines are safe with a combination of antigens or combination of vaccines or a combination of the adjuvants and toxic substances and no one can claim or predict what the auto-immune response is going to do with each individual baby or child or adult that has had no genetic testing or any other tests.
    51. The rational or the reasoning of how the drug companies and the FDA conclude that something is safe or not safe is not based in rational science. It is based in a pre-biased setup. A bogus study or no study which is simply a cosmetic study
    52. The human organism DNA is being manipulated and altered which is weakening the original innate immune system
    53. The vaccine adjuvants containing mercury and aluminium are far above what the EPA says is safe. A blanket cover one size fits all is not safe or scientific. There is the SS Principle to consider. Some are going to be more Susceptible to whatever substance and some are going to be more Sensitive to whatever substance. How can anyone say anything is or has a safe level for various individual with various genetic backgrounds, different cultures, different environments, different nutrition, different ages, different metabolisms, different stages of health etc., etc. They can’t! It is the same with the RDA, same principle
    54. The flu vaccine has mercury in it so every year that they continue to get the flu injection more mercury levels is going to the brain neurons shrinking them. We know have an epidemic of dementia which is neural degeneration. It is in the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination. There are still traces of it in other vaccines liken to the homeopathic concept.
    55. The pharmaceuticals have taken most of the mercury out and say see it wasn’t the mercury. We know that it is a combination of all of the substances together and not just the mercury. It is list of 62 types of chemicals foreign to the human organism plus the various combinations of them and the number of vaccines babies and children are forced to get.
    56. Known neuro-toxins are readily used to vaccinate newborns, children and adults.
    57. Aluminium adjuvant is absorbed 100% in the body however when in-jesting aluminium it is only 25% absorption. “The elimination of half-life aluminium is 7 years, this can result in cumulative damage. Aluminium Toxicity Medscape”
    58. The mitochondria is damaged by vaccines which creates autism
    59. There is no dosage to weight in the vaccination process in which studies confirm that higher dosages in monkeys confirm severe neurological reactions
    60. Producing vaccines is manipulating nature and its highest creation of future mankind creating weakened hybrids which will end in disaster as the last 5-6 decades have clearly shown.
    61. The medium of Bovine serum cannot be tested for everything apparently. They only can test for what they know to test for….. We know there is much they do not know!

    The question of oncogenes or cancer causing agents is not clear. Remember the 7-8 alternative health practitioners who were by reports to have either been murdered close together last year or all apparently dying of mysterious circumstances. Some of them found out that there was indeed a cancer protein and they were exposing it to the public in certain vaccines and the others had cancer cure. http://www.naturalhealth365.com/GcMAF-holistic-doctors-1508.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsiTnCLvP-Q
    There is cellular debris from in the vaccines. It is not pure if cellular debris from the dead birds and they actually admit they cannot filter it out so it is in the vaccine that is promoted to be safe in so many ways. They cannot filter out viruses and they also admit that it is only mimimally purified…The Uk representative said if the public knew about this process they would immediately stop it!
    Prions cannot be tested! It is in the medium of bovine serum or mad cow disease! They cannot guarantee they say lesser chance…. Science or Frankin-science?

    A prion is composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions, with two of the most notable being Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) seen in cattle and livestock and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) seen in humans. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead, they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.
    These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins, leading to an exponential accumulation of prions in the tissue of the central nervous system. These abnormally folded proteins form plaques which are thought to cause “entanglement” of neurofibrils and interfere with synapse function. The nerve cells are eventually damaged and lost, which causes tiny vacuoles to form in the brain. These give the brain a sponge-like appearance under the microscope, hence the term spongiform disease arose.

    This leads to brain damage and the symptoms of prion disease, which include impaired brain function; changes in personality, memory and behavior; intellectual decline and movement abnormalities, particularly ataxia. These symptoms usually develop during adulthood and worsen over time, eventually causing death within several years or even a few months..

    The egg medium can contain campylobacter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogenic_bacteria which is a pathogenic bacteria which causes Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio. It is the number one besides vaccinations that cause this disease. It can look very similar to the myelin sheath which destroys
    Manufacturers are required to screen chicken eggs for a number of contaminants in which campylobacter Jejeuni is potential contaminant in vaccines and lead to the same Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio or death. They can go into full paralysis from vaccines and be unable to breathe.
    The Polio vaccine SV40 had a cancer virus that affected 1/3 rd of the population that was inadvertently found out. It took another 30 years for the medical community to embrace this and write about it in the medical literature! It causes tumours and brain tumours. 40-60% of children had these tumours! It was believed that the virus was only in monkeys and not humans! Belief is not science! Monkeys carry lethal diseases! They used tens of thousands of monkeys!
    Dr. Maurice Hillman who worked at Merck said in taped conversation, and was asked by medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.” “We had wild virus in those days.” “The yellow fever vaccine had leukaemia virus in it.” “This virus has cancer.” Vaccines are made on very crude material.” We have managed to keep from the public many other similar instances.”
    There guess was at least 26 different monkey viruses in those SV4 Polio vaccine.


  3. The medical system is naught but a reflection of the bigger picture: It might appear to be set up in a way that rewards those who fail to make informed choices but nothing could be further from the truth.

    Any panic or fear-based action re raising kids should be avoided at all costs

  4. A brilliant piece of logic.

    Unfortunately knowledge that came too late for the writer and her unsuspecting children.

  5. A friend says that if you smoke something, or drink something, something can usually be done about it. but if you inject something that is wrong, you’re f*****d. This was more talking about illicit drugs, but given that we are ruled by nefarious people…

    I remember having to put down a cat back in the day. It was done by injection, of course. As soon as the vet squeezed the injection, my cat was dead. It was instantaneous. That sight has never left me. there are no second chances with injections.

  6. I the many wholistic health clinics that I have developed over the past 36 years in South Australia and NSW, I instill in parents that are planning children to both seek and research thoroughly and investigate the vaccine issue before having children to familiarise themselves with the dangers that are listed on the ‘Vaccine Package Inserts’ which doctors do not ‘fully inform’ the parents of the possible and very real consequences of life long health issues or death.

    Unfortunately many do not do this and act out of fear or the constant and perpetual fear campaigns by the government or they do not want to lose their childhood benefits. There is a very high price to pay for not checking before hand to make oneself knowledge of the poisonous toxic and contaminated substances that come from vaccines with their ‘false advertising’ and ‘false claims’. All three are criminal offences and not acted upon.

  7. Berry the other hidden issue is asthma from vaccines
    Vaccines and Asthma

    Research Shows Vaccinations Are Causing Surge Of Asthma In Children

    Earlier Vaccination Causes Asthma

    Vaccination and the Risk of Atopy and Asthma


    Virus In Babies May Cause Asthma Later On

    Vaccination Information Service

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