Introduction by DM
Where are the missing 300,000 missing children in the US?
The size and scale of the child trafficking business is unimaginable.
A video from Redacted “Guatemala is GROUND ZERO for child trafficking into the United States, Biden trying to hide it” with an interview with Ryan Matta. In the video description: “Antony Blinken and the US state department have been caught red handed in a regime change operation that involves blackmail, extortion, money laundering rigged elections and a massive child trafficking operation. Yes your US state department.”
Ryan descibes what he has uncovered, and says, “I’m a bit over my head” and worries about being ‘knocked-off’.
So why does anyone listen to them or support their advertisers?
Amazing report from Redacted, hope they are operating somewhere safe like a bunker in Mexico
From G666gle
“In 2022, there were a total of 102,090 kidney transplants worldwide”
It’s easy to save your kidneys, just do the liver cleaning with Epsom salt, grapefruit juice and olive oil, if someone wants me to write it out they will have to ask
Yep, please write it out… that would be great
Here is the timeline, you can shift it by an hour or two forward if you like to sleep late.
Friday pm don’t eat a lot of fatty or oily food.
Saturday am you can have an apple, porridge with honey, but no milk eggs meat or anything fatty or oily at all. Don’t eat anything after lunch.
6pm mix a spoonful of Epsom Salts into a glass of water, size depends on your body size, be a little bit generous, drink that.
8pm same again, you may have to visit the toilet by then.
10pm you should have prepared a half glass of olive oil mixed with a half glass of grapefruit juice, you should be ready for bed, drink the stuff and lay down on your back don’t move for half an hour, you should go to sleep.
Sunday 8am another glass of Epsom Salt drink.
10am your last glass of Epsom Salt.
When you look in the toilet you will see a lot of small green lumps, these were blocking up your liver, stopping it from working, so the liver was offloading to your kidneys which can’t handle that.
If you got a whole lot of green lumps you need to do it again, maybe a month later. It will take a while for the liver to recover ( weeks at least I would think ) and then you should notice you start to function better.
The Epsom Salts dilates the liver tubes. The oil drink forces the bile out through the tubes, and makes the gall bladder discharge everything in there.
Make sure you get enough vitamin D and stuff like that. There is some powder in Chemist Warehouse called RoseHip Vital which might fill in a few gaps for you, if they say you got iron deficiency it might be copper, if they say you got bad teeth it might be phosphorous, etc.
I love the way AI GPT changed oily to Italy, it’s so screwed up with its constant interference and no off switch, intensely irritating as are the update demands on the new phone I was forced to buy after they lied about needing to shut down 3G. It’s not shut down in Thailand and they have a much bigger population.
Quantum computing AI
ChatGPT’s New Model Shows Terrifying Willingness To Lie and Scheme To Its Controllers
Infowars hype but interesting content
Guess how many million. 2,917 per day.
As a sample of other reports just go to Real Mary at 33 mins plus at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news and take it all in at Mary’s WTPN situation update
EARLIER MEL GIBSON HAS A SAY AT MAR A LAGO. It detail not shown. I suppose it will be on our ABC OR SBS IN DUE COURSE.🙀💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
C 4.43 pm
I have listened to all of real Mary’s report.
But there is so much following that you will NOT FIND ON OUR ABC ET.al – to the end.
Just two matters of note; Lavrov meeting the knights of Malta at 🤷♂️🤪
Toward the end Mary summarises Ben Fulford’s weekly report ….. world boundaries will be CHANGED TO SEVEN ENTITIES. (I have read other reports that we will be in the Asian department)
Anyway ignore at will and go get a beer and watch tell-a-lie- vision. And if bored go to kangaroocourtofAustralia.com. to get some idea of your currents politicians. ( I certainly remember the alpine press fire and what was not exposed)
C 6.14 pm
Gibson turns up on RMN AT MAR A LAGO FOR A MINUTE OR SO,
Seems that he addressed over 700 people, but did not say much, other than letting all know where he stands.
Rumormillnews.com reading room on 11/12 at 19.27.11.
If Mel Gibson reads this and is planning to go back to Altona Beach for a nostalgia trip, don’t bother it’s been absorbed into Werribee sewage farm
Very interesting analysis on the rapid takeover of Syria.
🔴 Did Russia Just Set a HUGE Trap in Syria? | Alex Krainer
Back to the jersey drones for ten minutes.
Mike king – full situation update- Q/T INTEL……. (Video) at
http://beforeitsnews.com. people powered news.
Do not miss it and giggle out for the evening💁🤷♂️🤪🙀
Have to love a circus for normies.
C 10.10 pm
Has Spam gotten any cheaper lately? The Islanders call people long pig, so I assume we taste the same as pork. . .so I hear. I dunno. It’s been lifetimes since I partook in the Mesoamerican diet, and I can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
Really Mr censor where is my comment citing Mike king at BIN logged nearly a hour ago… about 1010.from recollection.
Well everyone after the silly news reports about Chin mother ship sending the Jersey drones just keep going and stuff the scaredy cats.
I am still on to Mike king
10.55 pm
You lot are pathetic, now you log my comment above from 10.10.
Now my last two replies have not happened.
11.01 pm
Now it is four. PATHETIC
Dragged on nearly 2 years
Well worth the listen. Also mentioned by radio this morning.
100,000 settlement offer not even acknowledged and now with the win will cost him …. ? Over a million?
He belongs in the Dan club.
There was also 0 msm coverage of Russell Pridgeon’s crptic win
But his 2018 arrest naturally made headlines
So I got up this morning and checked out different websites. What a clown world, absurdity after absurdity. Oh really! an Iranian mothership is releasing drones off the coast of New Jersey. Crikey, the normies will actually believe that shit.
Sometimes it is just painful to try and read through the latest absurdity.
Where is a giant asteroid impact when you need one. The human race is such a disappointment. As George Carlin stated in a serious moment, “I gave up on my species.”
Some further reading led me to further information about the Deagel Report. They state that the 2025 prediction of 34% reduction in the Australian population will NOT be a result of a nuclear war or pandemic. It is likely the result of the effects of economic collapse, reactions to the jabs and famine.
I suppose that is the GOOD news for the day.
I dried some more tomatoes and I’m getting ready to go out to the shed and get my latest batch of jerky. There wasn’t any roo available, so I used some very lean beef. Although the storm flattened my corn and then I was able to get it upright again, the yield of thick ears appears to have been decreased. Oh well, at least I won’t go hungry.
Ned decided to torture me and sent me another article about another absurdity. – https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/wauwatosa-christmas/
Come on Aliens, land the gawd damn craft, introduce yourself and scare the shit out of the normies. Let’s get some real news going…
The Australian economy could never support all the old age pensions and NDIS etc that was designed in, without debt, and the Globalist objective was always to get rid of useless eaters.
Gates promised us the next pandemic will get noticed, the wild card could be just how bad can our owned governments get.
So sorry Terry, but you need to ‘liight’-en up your Nimbi neighbours🤷♂️🤪
11.39 am
Matt Hoh : US Unleashes Anarchy in Syria.
Lisa Haven has a ‘scoop’ 🙀 at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news. Short detailed report.
It is all BS m, Santa’s reindeers went on strike so Santa is now testing his new robotic delivery system for Chrissy.
Klaus Schrub is behind all this, – reindeer farts in the atmosphere endanger the climate.
C 9.55
What is going on?
My drone comment logged about half an hour ago has disappeared.
I referred to beforeitsnews.com and the reports on bug momma drone.
The article is nearly at the top of BUN AND IS A FEPKRT BY LISA HAVEN.
Title: to the efffect that they know about the drones and it is a message for T
Perhaps the censor did not like my disclosure on what it is all about:
Simply Santa’s Rudolph and his gang went on strike for more hay. So Santa is trying out his new Chrisssy delivery system.
A Rudolph insider suggests that Klaus is behind the strike and a truck load of hay arrived for the heard when the strike commenced.
The source said it was something to do with reindeer farts heating up Greenland.
The government is covering it all up because it will not be able to explain to the kiddies as to why there are no reindeer sleighs and those bloody robots are hideous.
10.39 am.
Now the censor just pulled his finger out💁
Magnetic Pole Shift – News & Timelines
Recent Clif High article on humanity coming in contact with the Space Aliens.
The last thing we need is more self-serving authorities getting involved – “Let me handle this!”
Startling admission from a Democrat Mayor :
Building a base of adrenochrome junkies
( from 2017 )
The Joe Rogan-Marc Andreesen podcast reveals breathtaking information on the US government plan to control…everything
Revealed: “The UK has spent £350-million promoting regime change in Syria” by Mark Curtis
“A controversial Whitehall body — the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund — has used large amounts of money from the British aid budget to support the opposition in Syria.”
Well done gumshoenews.com (Dee)
Your report has been logged by M Rivero at:
For a wider world audience who do not watch our ABC AND SBS.
Just a scroll down the headlines covers many matters our mass media hide from Australia.
0ne matter of interest these days:
Also at 5.50 on 12/12, Candace Owen’s on the USS LIBERTY KILLINGS IN 1967 in international waters, the attempt to sink it and massacre the whole crew to expand a war.
107 🤪 PM
Sent comment at 107. We await💁
Note next article here at GSNs
Fancy that.
Watch for the desperate lies.
4.22 PM