by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
As I woke up this morning, this phrase went through my mind: “Colder and colder blew the wind, a gale from the Northeast….” But here in New Hampshire the skies are clear and the temperature is pleasant with no wind, much less a gale.
The colder-and-colder theme is from Longfellow’s poem, The Wreck of the Hesperus, in which a sea captain is too arrogant to listen to the advice of an old sailor — “I pray thee, put into yonder port, for I fear a hurricane.” Eventually, the captain’s overconfidence leads to death — “a whooping billow swept the crew like icicles from her deck.”
As I said, all is calm here in New Hampshire, so most likely my musing about a shipwreck, or a fatal storm, stems from unconscious awareness of this week’s news. That news is two-track – the drive toward World Government by means of a fake health crisis, and the unexpected “siege” of the Capitol, leading to emergency legislation.
I have been particularly struck by the lack of public outrage at the fact that someone could cut off the president’s means of communication. Please believe me when I say that, in past decades, if such a thing had happened, all eyes would be trained on the person who had done it — and he would be shaking in his boots.
I’m not referring to citizens’ lack of shock that technology enables huge censorship – we have gradually accepted that a person with remote control can effect a big outcome. I’m only expressing my worry that people aren’t jumping at the wrongness of blocking dialogue between a president and the people.
It also strikes me that even if Trump’s social media channels went dead, he should be able to find other ways to communicate, yet he has not done so. Yesterday I visited; there was nothing on the home page. Today there is a bright photo of WarpSpeed with the outdated message: “FDA authorizes safe, effective coronavirus vaccines.”
What Is Really Going On Behind the Scenes?
I am now about to float a suggestion for which I do not have enough evidence to state as a fact. It’s only a maybe, a fairly thin maybe. Namely this: that Donald Trump has been “in on” his own persecution from Day One. That would include his letting the “Russian collusion” mania of the media take up the nation’s time for most of 2017 and 2018. It also would include the January 6, 2021 fiasco.
I’ll support that argument below. But first let me offer a poem by Walt Whitman (1819-1892) about the death of President Abraham Lincoln. The “ship” in this poem is the ship of state, the Union, which had won the Civil War.
O Captain! My Captain!
O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up — for you the flag is flung — for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths — for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
With Whitman, you don’t have to labor to discern the parties. The ship is the United States. The captain is the president. The people are cheering for the ship and they admire Lincoln. They thank him for keeping the nation together. “From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won.”
When will we see something like that again? Not until we get rid of mind control, I ween.
Leadership, with rationality, of an American president has been unknown for some time. Possibly it has been missing for two whole generations, so that only we oldies can recognize its absence, and only we know how valuable it was.
I attempted, albeit in a very small way, to run for federal office – Representative in 2006, Senator in 2017, and President in 2020. I can say for sure that the process of running has naught to do with rationality. It doesn’t even have to do with the candidate himself! “Forces” pick who will run, and make sure the wrong type, such as a rational person, doesn’t get in there by mistake.
If you have watched our Congresspersons, you have seen them perform irrationally on “Russian collusion” and the first Impeachment, and, last week, on the Electoral College issue. I am talking about procedure, not content. Both Parties’ members acted as if there were no procedure to follow except the procedure of obeying a Party leader. Loyalty was their best boast. Imagine it!
Upfront announcement: I’m Republican. But I’m referring to the awful behavior of both parties. I especially chided my Party colleagues when they decided, in the 2020 Impeachment to vote ‘No’ to hearing any evidence of the Russian collusion — as the Senate had enough Republicans to kill the impeachment anyway. As if that was all that mattered.
Mind Control
To repeat, I propose that Donald Trump has been “in on” his own persecution from Day One. For this to be possible, he would have had to be subjected to mind control at some point before he took office. I can’t say that it happened, but I do know that Britain’s Tavistock program had access to the minds of many leaders outside of Britain in the 20th century.
Without doubt, the parents of Poppy Bush (President #41) subjected him to mind control, and without doubt he subjected his son (President #44) to the same. You can find this in Barbara Bush’s 1994 Memoir, or ask me about it later.
You can also just look at the lack of intelligence in Congress in 2001 immediately following Nine Eleven to know that some members’ brains were AWOL. The Patriot Act glided through without a bump and the Authorization for the Use of Military Force had only one bump, from California Rep Barbara Lee.
Again, last Wednesday, following the “storming of the Bastille,” all members of the House went along with the idea that Representatives should not entertain discussion. Why? Because there has been violence. Fantastic logic, eh?
Democrats were already prepared to condemn discussion. For weeks, the media had said Trump’s complaints were either treasonous or were just a symptom of his egocentricity. (And his niece Mary Trump explains it all as Donald’s childhood mistreatment by his Dad). But Republicans, too, said “Let’s shut up” even if, on the preceding day, “dozens” of them were promising to open up the fraud.
Most of all, the President did not step before a mic to say that he had in no way encouraged, or expected, violence.
People, including, allegedly, other heads of state, think Trump tried to deal with allegations of fraud by 1. inviting a horde of Republicans to be there, 2. instructing Vice President Pence to overturn the election, and 3. if Pence didn’t play ball, then to order what Giuliani strangely called “trial by combat.”
That can’t have been the real sequence of events, however, as Pence didn’t get the opportunity to ask Congress to bring forth objections to the November 3rd voter fraud. Or should I say, Pence did make that statement, but the intruders arrived a minute later and gummed up the works.
Surely Trump could have made a better job of it. Which is partly why I think he was in on it. That is, in on the fiasco that now holds us in despair, not knowing what it’s all about, and being told we have no rational leaders. Every official is just somebody’s pawn.
The Purveyors of Mind Control
Some say the great advances of technology are the necessary basis for a takeover of nations by hidden forces. I say all the technology in the world would not succeed at enabling that, as human beings are rational. Societies would, as a body, reject a new style of oppression.
Maybe we couldn’t reject it when we were all peasants – a peasant can’t do much more than bow to the lash. But we have not been peasants since at least 1776, when some smart blokes signed the Declaration of Independence. It basically says “Drop dead, you ugly oppressors.” It argues for freedom — and the Revolutionary War of 1775-1783 secured that freedom.
But now we have mind control. So goodbye, Freedom. Our fate is to endure a crackdown by “law and order.” A slate of new “domestic terrorists” will be identified. If mind control has been massively implanted in the United States, we can indeed kiss Freedom goodbye.
The title of this article is “Where is my Captain? Where is my ship? Is there any hope?” I should have mentioned that I am a registered, card-carrying, Cockeyed Optimist. I see the activities of the last 30 years as a sick joke, and thus realize we do not have to continue on this track – not by a long shot.
Many people are on this same wavelength. They see what has been publicly pronounced as being very far off of reality. In a word, they are conspiracy theorists. They (like myself) are aware that a certain clique of men have directed events, especially wars, especially education, especially the economy.
Those very men “give us” the government we now have. I’m afraid they also give us the society we now have. On January 7th I found myself singing “535 wimps on the wall, 535 wimps on the wall… Take one down, pass it all around, 534 wimps on the wall.” — etc.
But human nature is not composed of a totality of wimps, and probably not even a majority of wimps. In the Homo sapiens species, leadership arises naturally. Followership of good leaders also arises naturally – after all, it’s in your interest to do what a smart leader recommends and its natural to get all fluttery in the heart about that person.
“O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up — for you the flag is flung — for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths — for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning…”
Some Particulars of the Control
It is a crying shame that Senator Rand Paul doesn’t say – perhaps does not even believe – that the neighbor who broke his ribs was on a mission and was mind-controlled. It would take Senator Paul only an afternoon to check the literature on the subject.
It would also be nice if any senator would come forth to say that the 2017 shooting spree at a baseball game played by Congresspersons was done by a man on a mission who was acting under mind control. The purpose of the whole thing, like the hit on Rand, was to send a message to all of our duly elected (plus some not-so-duly-elected?) reps: “You are vulnerable to us and we watch your every move.”
The other day, Jon Rappoport (he of the Matrix insight) reviewed past invasions of the Capitol building. He found one from 1954 that featured four Puerto Rican nationalists. They sat themselves in the gallery, with hand guns, unfurled a Puerto Rican flag and shot randomly into the House, wounding five Representatives.
It is possible that this was harbinger of the aforementioned baseball game (at which Rep Scaliese was seriously hurt). That is, it may have had nothing to do with Puerto Rico. It was a hint to Congress (who already had hints, such as when Rep McFadden died for his sin of trying to fight the Federal Reserve Act).
On the other hand, if the four shooters were acting on instructions, it may be that the instructor did not have Puerto Rico on his mind. Rather the episode could have been planned to give people a worry about violence. More likely it was intended to besmirch all Puerto Ricans, just like we besmirch all Muslims every chance we get.
Is there hope? You bet. All’s you need to do is be rational when looking at evidence, motives, and so forth. There are whole books on how to do that but don’t spend money buying them – you already know instinctively how to proceed.
As for the fear that you will be outnumbered, let me flash you back to the Roman Empire. Seneca wrote that there was a move by slave-owners to get all slaves to wear a particular costume. “No, no,” said the mind controller of the day, “don’t do that. The slaves will see each other and suddenly know their strength-in-numbers.”
And you might recall that Plato observed that if all members of a small society, rich and poor, were relocated to an isolated place, the rich people’s myths as to why they had privileges would be “seen through” by the poor rather quickly.
And it wouldn’t go well for the rich.
Trump has played his role on the Cabal stage(Jacob Rothschild-Kissinger-Soros et al)and now it is time to pass the baton to Biden for the next act with Israel directing from behind the curtain.
The Bunting Cloverleaf map with Israel at its centre.Greater Israel and the BRI with China,Iran and Russia with the restructuring of the Americas to invoke Cold War 2.0-Americas vs Eurasia and the enabling of the GREAT RESET made possible by the global dominance of Israeli technology(stolen from America with AMD now replacing INTEL ).
Brendon O’Connell has been screaming this scenario for years.
Thank you Sandra, I am beginning to get the feeling that they are all on the same side, just not our side. So much drama to occupy our time.
You are the Captain Mary, you always have been. You just need other Captains for when you sleep.
You are a perplexing Captain however, thought you had “twigged” years ago to the actor’s on stage.
For me, part of the “impossible meter” is the neat stitching job.(and blood line history, disturbing also as I have some).
I’m not going to “told you so” about Q etc, Q peeps. That just hit my impossible meter years ago. I have no extraordinary powers except a long history of being wrong.(Q is a card to play, still, if big enough push back).
I will be very humble too, should the Clintons be jailed l in the next 7 days, or any other issues of substance.
Sorry about your blood, dear.
On Dec 5, 2020, I wrote about the 20-year sentencing for sedition. Here ’tis:
Why sorry about my happenstance. Did you cause it?. Very condescending ,Captain, sleep well with all those answers kicked to the gutter.
Maybe medical privacy is worthwhile, what’s yours or is that private.
Looking good in a survival of the fittest, aren’t y’all.
Law, US or other is a joke, bring Whitman to the table all you want and I’ll “joke those losses of yesteryear”, as well.
Sorry to you for such “short thought”.
Censored twice even with a few XXXX’s in the link with comment that your Captain is in the engine room
censored 4th time. Just go to X@@
“,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What Makes a Good Movie………….”
(Ned asked to post this)
Ta Dee, really worth a listen and to be noted.
Mary, the crew are down there bailing out the leaked engine sump oil.
“until we get rid of mind control”?
How about “until we radically revise our way of thinking”
Better still “until I radically revise MY way of thinking” i.e. welcome the challenges of the hour & quit allowing nebulous ideals to get in the way
This is usually applied to marital fidelity:
“Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.”
But as I take it, the current paucity thereof is merely symptomatic of a much broader/all-consuming condition
Notwithstanding, the Trump situation is indubitably commensurate to his philandering.
Sooner or later we all get to reap the full consequences of our choices; Tavistock be damned!
Want to see something disgusting? Trump attended West Point commencement on a hot day, maybe June or July. There were 1200 grads. They approached the podium in pairs, saluted the prez and he saluted back. So that’s 600 times, while wearing a suit and tie in the hot sun.
Then he leaves the stage on what was no doubt a temporary ramp, maybe made of canvas. No handrails, so he walks cautiously
Then we have the bluebirds saying this:
They really should be made to give 600 salutes in a sauna. See how they hold up.
Oops. Sorry if it’s unavailable in Oz. It took it from:
“President Trump’s West Point walk sparks questions about his health”
Jun 15, 2020, CNN.
We are aware of West Point.
Your finest officers must have these unique attributes installed here(right am I), battlefield commission possible later.
Ours is Duntroon, like in Sandhurst UK, it a royal thing ‘y’ all hate so much right. Just saying.
Kay Griggs has a slightly different view, Simon. All is not cricket at elite boot camp.
That reminds me that i sent a FOIA request to the Pentagon re dates of Gen Boykin’s visits to Oz, but never got an answer.
Its hot down there in the engine room
For the record: Pence has just said he will NOT initiate the 25th amendment thing.
For the record, I don’t know if California has yet announced a special election to fill the senate seat now held by Kamala.
As I understand it, the current senate s 50-50 each party, with the vice pres (Kamala) being the casting vote.
But if her seat in Cal goes Repub, the balance will be 51-49.
Let’s see, who could run for Repub senate n Cal?
I’ve seen them light the candles
I’ve heard them bang the drum
And I’ve cried Mama, I’m cold as ice!
And I got no place to run
So I’m paying for protection
Smoking out the truth
Chasing recollections
Nailing down the proof
You don’t have to play me backwards
To get the meaning of my verse
You don’t have to die and go to hell
To feel the devil’s curse
I’ll stand before your altar
And tell everything I know
I’ve come to claim my childhood
At the chapel of baby Rose
So that GS has its first!!!!!!!!!
Is this a HOAX????
Let this not be bullshit.
Anyone know anything. TRUTH. MATE ANY IDEA?
All quiet on the Western front, Ned.
See how Trump has squandered his chances to talk to us all.
As for Ms Powell, her cases before the Supreme Court (hello? anybody home?) have been rejected for Fast-track. But they can be heard later in 2021. Did not deserve a fast track, i guess.
Now see what you’ve gone and done, Ned. You have made me feel sad.
so sorry if you are sad………Never waste a opportunity, you may as well have a ‘GOOD’ cry.
Via the Fox.
Has some tall guy fed this guy BS. We will see.
Ned, I haven’t heard of arrests of anyone high profile.
I certainly don’t expect Pelosi, Biden, Kamala or a Tony Blair to be arrested (ohhhh God how I wish they’d take ‘Miranda’ down).
In fact, there’s NO chance in hell that’ll be happening for this lot (much as we’d all like to see it).
These four, and countless more loyal servants of the cabal, will be rewarded for their contributions to the global mischief making.
Until the U.S gets a leader with the intestinal fortitude of a JFK or a Ron Paul, don’t expect anything of substance to happen on the U.S domestic front.
Fortunately, there are great statesmen in the world (notably Vladimir Putin), and the chess masters that advise him on foreign policy (they are the best in the world – with Xi Jinpings people in second place), have wisely told him to play the ‘long game’, be patient and ignore U.S provocations, and just wait while the U.S implodes from its own arrogance and avarice.
As the Sino-Russian pact becomes the only acknowledged hegemon of substance (they ALREADY are but, for some within the western sphere the penny hasn’t dropped yet), the internal machinations of the failed U.S empire will only be of significance for its inhabitants, who will be subject to its oppressive Police State jackboot.
The rest of us can put our feet up and enjoy the fruits of the Belt and Road Initiative after we’ve signed on to it – which we surely will eventually, rather than risk being left behind.
Pay, very funny Ned. Took me a second too.(your engine room comment)
Cheers regardless of your ear size.
Yea, a ancestor way back was probably a Indian elephant.
Yes Mary, my sense is that there has been some thing synthetic / orchestrated / false / unreal about the political scene since the 2016 election. Time will show. It is as though the necessity to muddy the waters as much as possible to make the masses loose clarity of thought. Only nature holds the truth.
Yes, yes, yes, ddave.
“the necessity to muddy the waters as much as possible to make the masses loose clarity of thought”. OMG.
Yes. and all those poor li’l news readers don’t realize that this is what they are doing.
Match this from the 10th Jan with my comment/question at 2.27 above re reported arrests.
Stuffed if anyone knows anything. (Excepting TV)
One thing we need to learn early in life is that nothing is simple, but every now and then the exception that makes the rule comes along…
Trump became President because he had the money to do so and nobody had a strategy ready to prevent it. It was not considered possible that an actor would appear on the stage from neither right nor left (at the end of the day, both are the same).
Trump visualised Presidency as making noble speeches before a worshipping crowd, and he anticipated a global recognition of his absolute genius. He is, after all, an ignorant narcisist.
That he might have to learn anything new or pesky (geopolitics, macroeconomics, strategies) never dawned on him. His one asset was his understanding of marketing, which told him 60% of Americans were furious with free trade and the 100 million full time jobs free trade thus destroyed.
He has spent four years dodging the political bullets ever since, his one achievment being partial detente with North Korea, but only because Israel had no loud policy on this.
The true rulers of USA/planet earth were appalled and told the left/right what they had to do to return to globalist sanity. The left/right are just nasty people: paedophiles, child trafficers, drug pushers and traders, war machine peddlers, and sundry assassins, etc, and have no idea whats going on either. Biden wants to start a war of attrition in Colombia and Venezuela and Harris wants to anihilate Iran; as do all previous VPs; and they all want war against China and Russia, because ‘they know they will win’.(they will lose, very badly).
Trump is silent because with the social media chop, he is voiceless. And he has no idea what is going on or why.
it is as simple as that,
Crazy narcisist Trump out, mindless psychopath Biden in.
Same ‘ol same ‘ol. No deeper meaning here.
Perhaps we will find deeper meaning in OZ. The Great South Land.
Trump Biden groomed from birth along with the rest. Neither have any idea what is going on or why-they are puppets-Marionette Syndrome–there are plenty more waiting on the side lines.
The great distraction part of the Master Plan.
There was a song years ago ’ ‘just a puppet on a string’.
Can you hum a few bars Ned? 🙂
I thought someone would come in with a ‘inane’ comment to tease cc.
Actually, I was thinking of a frustrated old song.
Julios you have the Gs weekly award.
Loved it.
made my day
I haven’t watched many movies, nor am I a military strategist, but I thought the very FIRST thing you would do in a situation like this is seize control of the communication channels – not LOSE control absolutely.
But take heart …
[…] Mary Maxwell’s most recent article, “Where Is My Captain? Where Is My Ship? Is There Any Hope?” she proposed the very […]
‘I propose that Donald Trump has been “in on” his own persecution from Day One. For this to be possible, he would have had to be subjected to mind control at some point before he took office.’
Yes Mary, I suspect you’re right.
Not sure about the ‘mind control’, although I don’t discount the possibility.
You see, certain individuals are more predisposed to mind control, more malleable – like a Sirhan Sirhan who had been described as a perfect candidate.
Mary, in my opinion it’s something much simpler.
Trump, from his earliest days demonstrated a lack of ethics, an unscrupulousness to prostrate himself to anyone if the price was right (note his long term’ relationship with Mob lawyer Roy Cohn) and for any purpose (front man for the money laundering of the REAL Mob, the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate), by way of a casino and hotel empire which was only Trump’s on the surface (just like Jeffrey Epstein was supposedly a billionaire hedge fund manager – he wasn’t, he was a non-entity in the Hedge Fund world).
Trump has always been a soldier of fortune, the opportunist, whose loyalty could be bought.
And so it proved to be.
Today is a sad day for Trump (and for ‘w3’ and Nemesis).
That man which has purchased Trump’s loyalty more than any other, Sheldon Adelson, has died :
There will be many days of mourning in the synagogues that ‘w3’ and Nemesis attend.
My heartfelt condolences go out to you both – this must be shattering news.
The ‘Lion of Israel’, the ‘Champion of Milking-the-Golden-Calf’ (aka the U.S), has now departed the mortal world.
That said, I’ve seen exhumed corpses that exhibited better vital signs than the ‘living’ Adelson :
Marionette Syndrome
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master (“Handler” in Monarch parlance).
Monarch Mind Control
“A Brief History of Control
The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning “hidden knowledge.”
One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate.[1]
These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.
During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various esoteric groups.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning “Enlightened Ones.” This was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a “New World Order.”
The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.”
For those not familiar with Sheldon Adelson and unaware of his undeniable ownership of Donald J Chump, please do take the time to read every word of the NY Post article in the link I’ve posted above.
The NY Post is owned by Murdoch’s NewsCorp empire, a pivotal entity in the Zio-cabal owned western MSM, and therefore working on the same side as Adelson was, so it’s not as though they’re going to put out a smear piece on this hideous fellow.
Even so, as flattering as they tried to make the article, it paints a picture of one manipulative agent for a foreign nation, someone whose only purpose in life was the advancement of his beloved Apartheid Israeli State.
God I love you GS’ers, it’s a treat reading your comments every night! X
Lick your wounds, have a few 2 many and see that ANYONE significant who is elected is controlled. Satan’s minions ALWAYS control both sides. The plan is TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO DISTRACT YOU – to give you something to hope for – to buy time to implement the REAL plan.
It’s always the same.
Truth like God however is of a completely different nature and you will recognise them from and by their ‘fruit’.
If you want to change the situation here on Earth forget trying to change, or be involved in the existing – make BRAND NEW systems – and ignore the current one. Get together in reality – not just comments on a page and create BRAND NEW systems.
YES you will be infiltrated, but you will be prepared for that. Learn to protect what you have created.
Change the systems you use. MAKE NEW ONES which circumvent the existing ones.based upon honesty, decency and fair exchange.
Here are some just for a start.
Child Daycare. – Aged Support.- Physical and mental Health – Ladies cosmetics, Good food and its distribution – Weapons training and retooling – work training and apprenticeships – New small business finance – Education AND Understanding Gods Plan.