Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Above, a very disturbing report from Stew Peters.
This article also reflects on the PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE: Short-Term Efficacy & Safety Data, published and sourced from Physicians for Informed Consent.
I cannot determine the date of publication of this PDF, but at the top is “This vaccine has not been approved or licensed, and is still under investigation.” (link)
Below is from their consent flyer:
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2) is made from synthetic genetic material that is immersed in fatty substances…
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine obtained emergency use authorization (EUA) on Dec. 11, 2020, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is currently investigational. The vaccine was studied through nonclinical data from rats and nonhuman primates, and clinical data from humans. [We are told all the animals in the trials died] The EUA was based on a human clinical trial comparing approximately 22,000 subjects who received the vaccine with 22,000 subjects who did not receive the vaccine. …The FDA states that due to the length of the clinical trial’s observation period, “it is not possible to assess sustained efficacy over a period longer than 2 months.”
[NOTE: The intention to mass vaccinate the world’s population in this minute set of data reflects the level of insanity in this global program.]
Since only two hospitalized cases of COVID-19 were observed, the clinical trial did not have enough statistical power to measure the vaccine’s ability to prevent hospitalizations from COVID-19. The FDA states, “A larger number of individuals at high risk of COVID-19 and higher attack rates would be needed to confirm efficacy of the vaccine against mortality.”
Vaccine effectiveness was calculated by observing the vaccination status of 178 COVID-19 cases, where a COVID-19 case was defined as the presence of at least one COVID-19 symptom and a positive SARS-CoV-2 test at least seven days after the second dose. In subjects 18 to 64 years old, the vaccine was 89%–98% effective over a two-month observation period.
However, since there were only 15 COVID-19 cases observed in subjects 65 to 74 years old and only five cases in subjects 75 years or older, the clinical trial did not have enough statistical power to accurately measure the vaccine’s effectiveness in those age groups.
The vaccine’s EUA was expanded for use in children 12 to 15 years of age on May 10, 2021, “although limited scientific information is available,” per Pfizer. In subjects 12 to 15 years of age, the vaccine was 75%–100% effective over a two-month observation period. However, the FDA states, “There were no reports of severe COVID-19 cases.” As such, similar to other age groups, the ability of the vaccine to prevent hospitalizations or deaths from COVID-19 is not known. And, since there was only one case of COVID-19 in subjects 16 to 17 years old, the study did not have enough statistical power to measure effectiveness in that age group.
For subjects 16 years or older, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial found the overall incidence of severe adverse events during the two-month observation period to be 1.1%, or 1 in 91, in the vaccinated group and 0.6% in the unvaccinated group, resulting in a vaccine risk of 0.5% or 1 in 200 vaccinated subjects.
[NOTE: I presume they are referring to a general medical problem and that about 50% can be attributed to vaccines? Does this include death? According to the TGA only 9 or the 500 plus death is attributed to the vaccine.]
Of real concern is this:
For children 12 to 15 years of age, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial found the overall incidence of severe adverse events during the two-month observation period to be 10.7%, or 1 in 9, in the vaccinated group and 1.9% in the unvaccinated group, resulting in a vaccine risk of 8.8% or 1 in 11 vaccinated children. Consequently, children who received the vaccine had nearly six times the risk of a severe adverse event occurring in the two-month observation period compared to children who did not receive the vaccine.
And what is the risk of Covid in children?
Click to access Pfizer-COVID-19-Vaccine-Risk-Statement-PDF.pdf
Some entertainment
Somebody, please explain!
Paul Barry of (untrustworthy) ABC MEDIA WATCH shows these 3 people and then says Altmedia outed it as fake and got 800,00 views.
I don’t get it. Is he saying the altmedia was wrong? Why is he on this case at all? He says ABC used it. Does that mean ABC will apologize?
This shows how low the politicians, health department officials and hospital administrators are. For money and power these people will do anything vile. Murder has become an every day event.
ABC apologize? Yeah right.
No, Mal. I mean I don’t know who is spoofing whom. That phone call from Khoury was not answered by a genuine hospital staffer. The whole thing is a play on a play on a play. blah blah.
Yes murder today is what going to the hairdresser used to be. Ordinary.
ABC must be getting a ton of flak, well deserved
I may be a bit dumb, but how is there any adverse effect, no matter how low in un-vaccined groups?
Sorry about incorrect word. Should have been unvaccinated.
When Stew says this appears to be murder, how right he is. Well we were warned that this is a depopulation program. It can’t be any more blatant than this.
It’s a bit random to be all about death, for example they could just put something in the coca-cola to reduce the population, but just think of the quaxxine passport, track and trace all roaring in, this is going to be our social credit system, and the quaxxines are how you get selected for worthy minion or useless eater or re-education facility. We have to be graded and gradually have our commodity value extracted until there’s nothing left. For some useless eaters this will be simply by becoming chronic hospital customers, notice the income tax rates going down this week means medicare levy has room to go up, probably double. Quaxxinated hospital staff need a big pay rise, the hospital system will dominate our entire culture. We will get the e-monitor strapped to our arm transmitting our statistics through the phone to the government department e-monitoring system. By 2030 the medical treatments should be on a daily basis for everyone, a range of pills, monthly injections, 24 hour monitoring, computers issuing individual mandates to clients, and regular trips to the hospital which like the airlines will have places sold up to just over 100% so as to maintain full capacity at all times. There will be little alternative but to own nothing and there will be mandated substances similar to oxycontin to make us happy.
w3 – Its MUCH MORE than that.
It is a ‘Weaponised 5G Wireless Nanotube Coronavirus Delivery System’.(See Anonymous Patriots, Mar 21, 2020 article which spells it out.)
I agree the potential is just about unlimited but I don’t like to jump at shadows, I have some faith that this plan won’t work out and we will wriggle free before the mass death scenario takes place. Put my faith at about 80% for now.
Bogan power
Jacqui I don’t have ‘Covid’, please explain how I can transmit a disease I don’t have to a person that is immunized against that disease. – What an airhead.
More politicians making threats ( first 2 minutes )
“Babies are born alive at 5-6 months old with beating hearts and having their hearts cut out without any anethesia and sacrificed for use in vaccines.” – RFK Jr.
How many vaccines can one dead baby culture?
Get your head around this, researchers are doing child sacrifice in order to get system cells ingredients for vaccines. These injections come from people WHO cut out living babies beating hearts in the name of science! Realise, taking a beating heart from a living child, in the name of medical progress and saving lives!
Be happy.
Covid vaccination is the mark of the beast, authority shown in the digital passport is permission to buy or sell. People believe the lie and are proud to wear the mark, a stupids badge of honour.
Now they’re calling for a third dose, as ‘anti vaxxxers’ are called crazy and evil.
Who or what is the beast?
Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
More questions – Who wears the Crown? –
When people say that the Vatican controls everything just remember that the Vaticans Pope is no longer coronated with a Crown. The void has been filled by Rothschid’s Crown City of London.
It apparent to me that Romes papal authority over the world, symbolised by the Popes 3 tiered crown has moved its from Vatican Hill to Capitoline Hill, Washington, D.C.
“In 1968 after touring the United States, the crown was presented by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, to Msgr. William McDonough, the Vatican shrine’s director.”
Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the Crown City of London.
Documents relating to registration with the SEC of the Australian Government as a privately owned American company
30 June 2017
Attached are documents released under a Freedom of Information request seeking access to all documents that confirm the following: registration with the SEC of the Australian Government (Commonwealth of Australia) as a privately owned American company, file number:333-163307 CIK:0000805157.
Egypt – Rome – Venice – Zurich
Underworld goddess Vatika = Vatican = Confederation Helvetica (Switzerland)
Follow the money.
Pyramid capstone originally looks like it was meant to show the sun god in his boat or chariot but probably later morphed into an eye. These things reportedly were made out of gold in old Egypt. Where did they go ?!?!? Probably melted down into ingots as enemy forces advanced. Original “tomb raiders” were probably the pharaohs themselves. cleaning out the bank.
Money – moneye – Horus
MSM on Ivermectin, the truth is leaking out
HOSPITAL SCAM – some straight language
Another whistle-blower, this one a pop star of some sort (full details)
this from the Evening Standard, London:
Boris Johnson will give a security statement alongside the leaders of the US and Australia on Wednesday night, No 10 said.
A Downing Street spokeswoman said: “At 2200 BST tonight the Prime Minister will make an on-camera address, alongside US President Biden and Australian Prime Minister Morrison, on a strategic national security announcement.”
…It is believed the pact between the UK, US and Australia will be known as AUKUS and will involve Australia scrapping a multi-billion dollar program to build French-designed submarines and build a nuclear-powered fleet with U.S. and British technology instead.
I don’t know if we can believe google but this is what they say:
21 May 1916
The Summer Time Act of 1916 was quickly passed by Parliament and the first day of British Summer Time, 21 May 1916, was widely reported in the press.
Looks like Australia is officially going nucular so the regional arms race is on and the CCP will be begging the Russians for advanced technology. Australia will be the 7th country in the world to get nucular subs. All the other nucular stuff goes along with it. This plan obviously evolving since ww2 and finally getting a big push along, thanks to the CCP’s ambitions.
WHO’s the enemy, China and Russia? How can this be, when the money people have put they’re investments in CCP, for OWG cyber insanity via Tel Aviv and Beijing. They’re doing this to drain what’s left of people’s taxes here, and then hand the hardware to the occupiers. Ditto as just handed to Taliban. ‘Money for murder’ is good business for some bloodsuckers.
China and Russia are effectively nationalising everything, they have ditched USD as much as possible, we should call USD the “petrodollar” or what x22 calls it, “the Federal Reserve Note” is a much better name for it. Saddam and Gaddafi were both trying this, also Venezuela is pushing their luck currently, and getting some treatment. Proof that you need a big army to back a currency, known since 2000 years ago and more. This is what got Jesus crucified, when he stopped the exchange banks operating in front of the temple. The jews got fitted up with making the judgement but no other judgement would be allowed, the crime was there for anyone to see. Do not challenge the hegemony of the ruling power. The Federal Reserve goes back to … Swissyland
Quote, “Looks like Australia is officially going nucular so the regional arms race is on” Unquote. L.O.L. C’mon people, how gullible can you get ? I realise most people have swallowed the fairy story of Covid, but seriously, to now include the Theory of become nuclear, is so ridiculous, it’s pathetic. How many nuclear courses does Australia have at it’s universities ? How does one become proficient in running and maintaining a nuclear reactor on a submarine ? How many nuclear engineers do we have in Australia, capable of maintaining nuclear reactors ? How many Navy personel does Australia have, capable and qualified to operate such equipment ? Keep in mind we can’t even get enough Navy personel to operate our diesel subs. The whole idea is absoluetly ridiculous. For Australia to become proficient in building/operating/maintaining a nuclear submarine will take at least 20 years, IF we can ever even afford such an extravagance.
Turnbull, Downer and Bishop were our nuclear marketing board but their plan didn’t work out. Downer is still hanging in there up to his tricks, to refresh your memory:
Mary, considering the Alleged British technology supposedly being fitted to the claimed nuclear subs, consider that they can’t even build a warship capable of operating in tropical waters, requiring a tug boat to accompany it whenever it enters such waters, due to it’s propensity to break down unable to deal with the higher operating temperatures, how will such alleged British technology be relied upon to build and maintain a nuclear sub for Australia which exists in a very high temperate Zone ????? Who exactly is going to PAY for this extravagance in the first instance ? The Brits are broke, can’t afford to stock their brand spanking new Air craft carrier, gotta BORROW U.S. equipment, L.O.L. so it won’t be British pounds covering the build. Australia ???? W.O.W. from where did Australia all of a sudden obtain all these funds for this massive military expenditure ??? Also, from where will Australia obtain the manpower to man these grandous ideas ? We can’t even find enough personel today, to man our existing diesel subs ? Can I smell CONSCRIPTION here ???
They can afford plenty if they lose 15% of useless eaters and they will just import skilled labour for whatever they want, like they already do.
But this population is so small, less than half of England and less than 1/10 of the US, the people here hardly matter, it’s the continent itself that has value, and lots of it.
Check out Scotty’s Australian accent, he lapses into pure ‘strine like Crocodile Dundee.
It lost me after a couple of minutes, still yawning now.
todays lesson is about ethics – its just wrong – its the vibe.
Under Pol Pot she would have gone straight into the pit.
Sacha Stone interview- focus David Steel demise–mmm—recent–worth a watch IMO —full of surprises -if not interested or no time–there is a short video –of the last 6 minutes -called stop it essential advice for all
Part 1
Part 2
Stop IT
40 mins.. but its a goodun! 🙂
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an experienced trial lawyer licensed in Germany and California (USA) and co-founder of the ➥ Corona Investigative Committee, summarizes the Committee’s findings to date and reviews the current status.
“If I had been told this a year ago, I would not have considered it to be possible. Now, after questioning hundreds of experts, it is clear beyond doubt and provable: at no time was it about health.”
Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die
by Brian-Admin
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
It should be obvious to most people today that the medical system in the United States, incorrectly labeled the “healthcare” system, is radically being transformed where political agendas now rule hospital policies, with hospitals becoming the distribution centers for Big Pharma products and services, including drugs, vaccines, and other medical procedures, where patient outcomes only matter in terms of how much financial revenue hospitals can make, and not health outcomes.
In fact, the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from patients’ deaths than they do from healing them.
A video from a frustrated nurse has been making the rounds on the Internet recently, where she explains that her co-worker doctors and nurses now openly state that they want unvaccinated people to die, including herself.
This is from our Bitchute channel.
Rabbi Trachtenberg writes that since the 1200’s AD, Christians have feared:
“A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it.
“Not the J-walkers” – G.I.R.U.E.H. channel ( EPSTEIN )
G.I.U.R.E.H. = Group for International United Rescue of Earth & Humanity
Bureau 26/CL F-Sec.G.I.U.R.E.H.
When not at home, redirect location:
Join in our absence for further Intel:
J-walkers = red sea pedestrians if anyone missed that
Toad face Skerritt (TGA) has threatened Craig Kelly with legal action
Clive Palmer puts all his resources behind Craig Kelly
United Australia Party behind Craig Kelly piling on members like nothing ever before
Clive Palmer press conference from yesterday (16 min) includes dirt on how Gladys is controlled (why she flipped)
Anyone wanting to know how and why Gladys is controlled need only to check out Clive Palmer’s conference, it’s as easy as that.
New Normal Gladys
Easiest recipe ever, homemade natural HCQ (actually quinine)
Just don’t boil it or tale the lid off and you don’t really need to make six month’s supply.
Don’t forget your zinc pills !!!
You know they used to say HCQ one dose a FORTNIGHT for preventative (with a zinc pill of course), don’t drink all your quinine in one go, you might feel sick or worse who knows.
When Toad Face Skerritt goes about banning the patent medicine we are left to our own resources.
Thanks Toad Face, hope you get what you deserve 10 times over and soon.
Orban offers Pope copy of 1250 letter in which a Hungarian king pleads for help against Tartar invasion
During his visit to Budapest on Sunday to celebrate mass, Pope Francis met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose anti-migration policy in Hungary he does not share. The Pope received a copy of a letter reminding him why he should be more circumspect in his views.
The letter is a copy of a 1250 letter from Hungarian King Bela IV to Pope Innocent IV pleading for support in resisting the Mongol invasion of Hungary and Europe. After various Turkic nomadic groups became part of the armies of the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan in the early 13th century, these Turkic armies raided Russia and Hungary and became known to Europeans as Tartars.
Pope Francis on Sunday, at the end of a flash visit to Budapest during the closing open-air Mass of the International Eucharistic Congress, had urged Hungarians to be more “open” after meeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
The Pope’s remarks were aimed at Orban’s sovereignist policies:
“Religious sentiment has been the lifeblood of this nation, so attached to its roots. Yet the cross, planted in the ground, not only invites us to be well-rooted, it also raises and extends its arms towards everyone.”
Orban, who has spoken out against “the Muslim invasion,” offered Francis a copy of a letter from 1250 from a Hungarian king sent to the pope at the time, pleading for aid from the West against the Tartar warriors threatening Christian Hungary.
Orban responded to the Pope’s challenge: “I asked the Pope not to let the Christians of Hungary perish.” The Prime Minister reported on the meeting with Francis on his Facebook account, where he also posted a photo of his meeting with the leader of the 1.3 billion Catholics. The copy of the letter he handed over is also an historical reminder that ordinary people secured the victory over the Golden Horde and the threat of the Mongolian Empire.
Never in Vatican memory has such a “diplomatic affront” to a pope from a regularly elected head of government been witnessed, reported French daily Le Figaro……………..
12 September 2021, Bratislava, Ecumenical Meeting, Pope Francis
Pope Francis suggests people have moral obligation to take coronavirus vaccine
by Joshua J. McElwee – Vatican
The pope, who said he has already made an appointment with the Vatican’s health service for his own inoculation, also lamented that some people are saying they will not take a vaccine………..
And the Pope is infallible, correct?
Well, yes. In this case, however, he is expressing his personal opinion.
But that opinion couldn’t contradict God’s wishes.
True. How can I help you, sir?
I plan to receive the vaccine. I know all vaccines carry a risk. Suppose, after I get the shot, I die? How should my family interpret my death?
That’s a complex matter………………
Arizona audit done, results due maybe when Biden takes a break from destroying himself, now Pennsylvania shitfight is underway …