by G5
Careful. I have warned of this many times before.
The files I sight and read and the cross-referenced advice I receive, have not been faulted in over the six decades, that I have been in the trade. Apart from my being third generation in the trade. I have a unique system of access, back to my early days of analysing and consulting.
ORANGE HAS BEEN BOUGHT. He is being used as a gathering point in herd management. He was never fully the free spirit believed. Correctly trace the history.
In his recent Alabama speech: he pronounced he had been vaccinated. Not true. And which lost him ground. We are aware that his hospital stay concerning his alleged contracting of the indeterminate, was a hoax as were the confinements of other profiles as Johnson and Black Spider.
Orange also; at that delivery; protectively skidded through defenses for Barr and Fauci. He knows all the realities. (Please spare me from frogshit legal arguments.) He cannot also deny he had read the Executive Orders he had signed which established the Emergency Use Authorisations, Legal Immunities (for the allowance of human clinical trials that had even previously failed), and attempted to hide the true histories of the current genocidal totalitarian WEF-UN Reset. The final vengeful malevolent gasps of suicided and vanquished American Colonialism.
The C Test is flawed, delivering false positives, as required, of that which it cannot identify. Follow the Science. The medical industry is a protected species, due to being a visible reference point and retail sales representatives for BigPharma.
A common virus was run through The WH at that time. CIASARS2 has evolved herd natural immunity. As it would. And contrary to the best efforts of the criminal eugenicist totalitarian protagonists at issue.
Where are the bodies daily in the streets of a genuine pandemic? If you don’t learn from history, nothing can save you. Reality and Facts are not matters of opinion or perspective. The Risks far outweighed any postured benefits.
You do not need to run across the road in the traffic to prove you are authoritarian obedient. Delivering the regurgitated government and allied propaganda addiction, that instructs you to do so. Note those not required to participate in the legally protected human clinical trials, grasped by the deluded, submissive and compliant.
Natural immunity being denied those government addicted who have compromised their systems. They were warned and fought back as they were possessed to do so.
In the current clip infra: Orange speaks of his posture pressing Regeneron as a therapeutic. Specifically, this is not true. I have written of this matter and the removal of the correct therapeutics, including Ivermectin (the irrefutable Indian tests with over 230 million people) and HCQ.
Link — Beforeitsnews.
Beyond the above: I further reiterate here that: Gorbachev was an American asset, and HRC was a Russian asset.
The current final acts of American Colonial bastardry have exposed government ownership of the elected, as well as the controllers of peak bodies as; trade unions, medical and legal, and media and tech platforms.
In addition: the final false notions concerning, Left-Right Political Paradigms, and Two-Party Systems, can be finally put to rest.
The messages delivered ad nauseam by the demonized, victimized, criminalized, and murdered messengers.
Conspiracy Theories becoming Irrefutable Facts, based on the lengths of time the deluded stand behind the reality curve.
Natural Immunity [Email 2 November 2021]
We now also know that the CIASARS2 bioweapon has been defeated by natural immunity. As it would. And the eugenicsvacc and blocking of effective therapeutics has and is causing all the deaths and Injuries, in the world that has been subjected to the totalitarian psychopathic and sociopathic dictatorships. That Covidnot being able to be isolated; as indeed known from the first three rigorous papers on the matter; in fact does not exist.
We also know that the general reports and studies by Dr David Martin; where not hidden or propagandized away; are excellently studied on the long-planned bioweapon genocide.
So: Follow The Science. Know that The Risks Far Outweigh Any Deceptions Concerning The Non Existent Benefits.
And that the current Globalist-WEF-UN War Against The Western People has laid bare the truths that: There is no political Left-Right Paradigm. And there is No Two-Party System.
The criminals have nowhere to stand. The numbers are in and mounting for; The US, The UK, Scandinavia, Israel, Ireland, India etc. What causes death and injury, and what prevents.
Bought or just under threat ?
Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura gave up on him long ago, Sean Hross says he is “one of them” but the “Great Awakening” would just be “The Small Awakening” without Trump’s many interventions.
w3: you are the epitome of the Trump sycophant. See my video down below for reference.
Not sycophant unless you just like bickering. Evidence based optimist is a different thing. I have no issue with being wrong if I’m eventually proved wrong, I don’t really care. I do bow to those 3 I mentioned above as being wiser than me but who knows how this will end. I also reference Isaac Newton who I read somewhere said the shit won’t hit the fan until after 2060.
I think with the injections, his followers won’t take them and he is trying to capture a few remorseful stoopids and injected potential voters (Biden refugees), he wants to have a massive win in all states and after that !!! Who knows, maybe he will step aside for the antiChrist himself, or be hit by a drone, or make America great again, I mean who can say they know. Throw him under the bus if you want and ignore all the good things he has already done. I don’t know how I could be his sycophant when I have never even been to the US and have no plan to go.
It is the standard lesser of two evils argument that has no validity anymore. Anyone who cannot see what Trump is and who he is pacifying, is a sycophant.
His entire life has been a con. I’m not surprised that you fell for it.
Obviously you enjoy bickering, do you have anything of substance ?
w3, this might interest you
• ACH (1638) Mischa Popoff – What World War 2 Leaders Didn’t Say…
Plenty of references to ‘evidence based’ stuff by Wiesel and cohorts – and far more comfortable and fulfilling than neutrally sitting on a sharp picket fence aggravating your haemorrhoids.
Watch the video and check out the LONG list of jewish controllers the man has had just in his administration (rivaling, if not actually more, than Joe’s). Trump’s entire life is and was controlled by jews. Even his latest bloating suggests that even more jewish control is needed.
Seriously, if someone is too blind to see the obvious, they are beyond any help.
Hence, the problem with America right now. Citizens so blinded by jew lies that they cannot see the nose on their own face.
YAWN !!! Who is the jew that controls BIS in Switzerland
Protocol 21 “……Reduced to impotence the nations bow before the Law not of Moses, even, but of the Jews’ Bank ‘always united and always devoted to our (Jewish) cause’.”
These were the seven men aboard that railroad car who were at Jekyll Island. Amazing as it may seem, they represented approximately 1/4 of the wealth of the entire world. These are the men that sat around the table and created the Federal Reserve System.
Consider the composition of this group. Here we had the Morgans, the Rockefellers , Kuhn, Loeb & Company, the Rothschils and the Warburgs . Anything strange about that mixture? These were competitors. They were the major competitors in the field of investment and banking in those days; these were the giants. Prior to this period they were beating their heads against each other, blood all over the battlefield fighting for dominance in the financial markets of the world. Not only in New York but London, Paris and everywhere. And here they are sitting around a table coming to an agreement of some kind.
A cartel is a group of independently owned businesses which come together for the purpose of reducing or eliminating competition between themselves to enhance their profit margin or to secure their positions in the market. They do this by various means one of which is price fixing – i.e. no competition on price. There are other means.
The Federal Reserve is about as Federal as Federal Express, and it holds no reserves for its fiat currency.
We have already noted the similar key components that appear in both the Rothschild coat of arms and the coat of arms of the RBNZ: The presence of the red shield, the Roman eagle and the reference to Admiralty law.
These are all carried across into the logo of the RBNZ, although being black and white, the shield is not red. Flashings of red are still present in the weird line device on the left however. Below is a close up of the logo.
In 1995 John Key became Merrill Lynch’s Head of Asian foreign exchange in Singapore, where later in that same year he was promoted to the Head of Foreign Exchange of Merrill Lynch Global in London.
He was also Head of Bonds and Derivatives, Merill Lynch (around 2001 – according to his own website).
Key was a Member of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the New York Federal Reserve Bank from 1999 to 2001. Membership is by appointment only.
They were all new money that got rich as the US industrialised but they were no doubt all descendants of slave plantation owners, so I would guess they signed on with Swissy and the pyramid with the eye put on the Federal Reserve note at that point
So w3 you are only guessing.
So, you won’t look at the long list in the video. You then misdirect by saying something about BIS.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think you are actively covering for (((them))).
Its ok. You aren’t the first, and it is good to know the ones that aren’t just ignorant, but are actively protecting the very criminal element.
Here are BIS directors which I published the other day.
When I say I am guessing, I might equally have said I am compiling.
That’s far more reasonable than running all my calculations on a paranoid mania about indeterminate jews.
Please if you want to pour energies into refuting me, please please can you try to supply SUBSTANCE and QUALITY not boring discredited cut & pastes from the Junior Woodchuck’s Manual or the silly extreme paranoid stuff. Some of this is really low grade copy. Ad hominem junk and nonsense songs will not assist the cause. I suggest focus closely on the ancient bloodlines and forget about the personal aspect of “me”.
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
Judah married a Canaanite woman and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods – Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite/Edomite – Amalek] was allowed as an antecedent in the line of those chosen to precede the birth of Jesus Christ.
Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC
In the BabylonianTalmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
But Christianity is Spiritual, belonging to Christ is a Fatherly thing –
Isaiah 54:5 “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.”
John 3:29 – He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
Matthew 23:9 (NKJV). 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
Jesus had no children of the flesh but Judaists are worshipers of the flesh
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) .
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
Galatians 3:16
Protocol 21 “……Reduced to impotence the nations bow before the Law not of Moses, even, but of the Jews’ Bank ‘always united and always devoted to our (Jewish) cause’.”
The mystery is; who is controlling whom and what will the result be?
Elon Musk is gaslighting us more than anyone (excluding perhaps Trump, but Trump might be double-gaslighting everyone). Elon does virtue signalling while sucking up to his business interests but look at Gates starting 40 years ago he was touted as a genius. His boring “ms-dos” (micro-soft disc operating system) filled up the shop windows in main st all over the world. Later it was said he copied his program from unix. More recently it turns out his daddy was the boss of Costco, international distribution network, still later we find out (by guesswork) that Gates’s and Rockerfellas have been collaborating for more than 100 years, apparently launched Rockerfellas Foundation together !!! SO people still think Musk came from nowhere. Well maybe Rockerfellas own the entire USA by now and just need to clear everyone off.
Let’s just hope they don’t destroy Area 51 before the tea leaves provide full disclosure …
• Next-Gen Stealth Drone Spotted Over Area 51 Airspace
Very interesting Dee.
I read an interesting piece a while back, that claimed that Orange was financially bailed out by the string pullers.
Apparently after one of his worst collapses, they helped him out , so now they own him.
And a prime site in Manhattan for a million dollars I believe
“Let’s go Dran-Don”.
Oops, did I mean.
“Let’s go Brandon” or ‘f biden’💁💁
I hear, ‘London Bridge is Down’ or will
close soon or was it already closed?
Lots of things happening now seem to be related to Ghizlene Maxwell ratting on her mates
An interesting video by Mike Adams on the future of the ‘stoopids’ and who survives.
So… no flu season in Russia, either: COVID BS rules the ignorant.
Way back when I was in Primary School we were told that the old Romans were obliged to “worship Caesar” (as in being the source and standard of truth and virtue). We, semi feral bush urchins, could laugh at how fark’n styoopud could they be. No wonder that those early Christians chose to be gladiator’s target practice or lion food rather than accept such a proposition.
The trouble is that Caesar has not vanished; he has taken on new clothes, new rhetoric and sales-pitch. The new Caesar is now called “democracy” which is presumed to be the author and standard of truth and virtue… after the slogan of the French Revolution that promised that “every man will be his own king, his own priest, and his own god”. Some of us can see how that has worked out and is working out.
We reap our own rewards when we effectively say: “you piss off Mister God; we don’t like the way You order things; good and true is whatever we say it is and because we say it”.
Piss off God🙏
Now WHO has replaced her?
You, and all your mates, I suppose, in your fancies.
You are too obtuse for me…..
To many ‘you’, your with more your.
Have we ever met? So who is Mr/Mrs you and those yours?
And who is Mr/mrs fancy?
Strange comment, Ned. If I was suspicious of your motives I would suspect that you are being deliberately evasive, “confusive” and trying to divert attention away from a fairly ubiquitous organised bunch of idiots trying to pretend that they’re smarter than God.
I presume you are aware of the English language.
Try it and speak fairdinkum. I do no respond to uninformed speculative judgement of me whom I presume you do not know or of my faith.🙏
I’m not intimidated, Neddy.
Of course not, on what basis you claim that?
And neither will I be,
Here we have bigger problems, zero policy being a forever plandemic lockdown, with no end in sight.
Now, we have crown concentration camps coming.
Near Toowoomba, Wellcamp is a dedicated regional quarantine facility (barbed wire fence) agreement between Palaszczuk government and Wagner corp.
In lies the tragedy, some Aussies actually cheering the government building internment camps!
This place has absolutely no resemblance to the one we grew up in. Sure there were Masonic halls, but this is many levels below, black handed in treachery, deception and murder. To think people turn on the 📺 swallow Doherty report 24/7 and then line up for jabs masked!
Truly, there seems to be no hope in these utterly dismal states.
A simple search for “does the EUA outweigh human rights in Australia” took me to
It’s from 2 March 2021! [the brackets are my additions]
From that site: EUA must meet 4 statutory criteria:
1. there must be a serious or life-threatening illness caused by a specified chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agent. [check the stats. How serious? and to whom?]
2. must be reasonable to believe the product covered by the EUA is going to be effective for the intended use – diagnosing, treating or preventing the illness/condition caused by the specific agent, or illness/condition caused by approved/authorized medical countermeasure deployed against the agent. [the PCR test is questionable at best – why else withdraw it?; the efficacy of the injection seems abysmal, with boosters -infinite- needed]
3. the known & potential benefits need to outweigh the known & potential risks [nothing is KNOWN. Adverse events are off the charts -and censored; informed consent seems non-existent]
4. there must be no adequate approved, alternative medical countermeasures available for the situation. [HCQ & Ivermectin… suddenly unapproved, despite anecdotal successes]
This is empowering info and needs to be shared.
All I wanted to know was: can they stop me getting groceries because my immune system is intact and I choose to trust it!
Last para.
They can and will. Look up Israel …..
Need papers to shop. Strange simple people, considering their history.
“Look at Israel” – Which one?
Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules,
Yes bu that’s NY, everyone is kicking up now in NY
I hope I haven’t shared this video before, but it IS appropriate. He was, is and always be, their ‘Inside Man’.
an adelaide nurse telling it like it is…
FD… that nurse would make a great Prime Minister.
Definitely one for Schulze, everyone in Adelaide, and especially for some of our lying crooked politicians who need to be quickly tried and then locked up permanently. I guess we’ll get there eventually, we just need a few more people to wake up. Sounds pretty bad there.
A good interview that unfortunately will never be seen on the MSM. – I was at a health food store and they had a poster that said “Imagine a pandemic so bad that they fired health care providers.” I had a chuckle at the blatant absurdity that the poster illustrated, however, I expect a stoopid wouldn’t get it, perhaps just walk away with puzzled look on their face.
If the ERs are full of vaxxed people now, just imagine what it is going to be like by the end of the year.
Some good news and some bad news …
The good news:
Great links to Putin’s Valdai speech 2021. I happened to have posted that passage on Gumshoe just a few days ago and will repeat it here.
“The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags as we say, go right ahead. The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones – all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.”
… President Putin, Valdai 2021
He made some profound comments that utterly rejected globalism, yet while providing some quite ‘weak’ points and anecdotes (building walls), he really did put history in the spotlight as far as the Jewish-led Bolshevik coup was concerned. As Solzhenitsyn said, “they hated Russia”.
Here is the full transcript.
• Vladimir Putin Meets with Members of the Valdai Discussion Club. Transcript of the Plenary Session of the 18th Annual Meeting
I guess what Putin is trying to warn us is that the Bolsheviks are running the COVID scam to destroy humanity.
Too many to link here but I note on various sites that some die-hard lounge chair Marxists modern day Bolsheviks that are just going literally rabid over Putin’s latest speech.
By the way, in 2013 at the same venue, Putin said this …
“Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”
• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.
The bad news in a separate post:
… The bad news
It seems that Russia has not broken the yoke of this antihuman horde after all …
On this site Edward Slavsquat embeds the bad news in satire …
• Special blood test will reveal which Russians are lying about their vaccination status, Sputnik’s Papa Bear promises
and some recent posts including
• BASED RUSSIA: Beloved statesman Dmitry Medvedev calls for “segregation” against unclean “COVID dissidents” as lawmakers say refusing voluntary vaccination should probably be illegal
and more concern and resistance expressed on this site …
• Russia Is Rapidly Adopting QR Codes. How Does This End?
• Russian Church Not Going To Close Temples During Lockdown
“putin may not be good for Russia but he is good for the russian jews”
This speech given by a ten (nearly eleven) year old is absolutely brilliant:
Brilliant – shared
I had an experience today in a café with a random stranger with a profoundly positive response and reaction – I ended with “turn off your TV, turn off your radio, execute the politicians who are promoting global genocide and murdering your relatives … and there IS NO VIRUS” (ivermectin or not) – no one will get sick – no one will get ‘symptoms’ …
And this is from a 10-year-old!!! – it is that obvious. Pity highly educated “medical and legal practitioners” can’t get past their short term egos and imagined careers.
1984 Apple’s Macintosh Commercial
Hello Ned, I thought you might be interested in this
Hitler versus the Rothschilds – The Barnes Review, September/October 2021
Some of the other table of contents:
• Hitler Against the Rothschilds
• The Spanish Holocaust and Its Parallels for Today
• Josef Stalin: Israel’s Founding Father
• The Forces Pushing for WWII
• ‘Big Zionist Jews’ vs. ‘Little Jews’
• Silencing Historian David Irving
• Rascher’s Medical Experiments
• The Horrors of Okinawa
I drafted a long reply but it was lost.
Generally I appreciate all the historic events you would base your opinion upon.
To sum up, it was the bankers…… and still is. PRESENTLY….. FOLLOW X22 and Mike Rivero at
Also note Kennedy on his secret societies speech.
Also major general Smedly Butler.
Sorry, I do not have a month to summarise all the evil.
I am worrying about the present.
On Monday evening I watched/listened to the Crawford Oration (in memory of James Crawford) delivered by Professor Phillipe Sands QC.
I am trying to track down a shareable link to a podcast of the event but here is some background:
“In 1964, America approached Britain about leasing a tiny dot in the India Ocean.”
There was just one problem. The 3,000 Chagosians who lived on the islands … “
• “Stealing a Nation – How the UK/US Stole the Diego Garcia Island” – John Pilger
Nevertheless, I could not help but wonder how these most learned legal scholars and intellects cannot see the same sense of injustice in what is happening to the Palestinians (yet mourn the manufactured plight of the Rohingyas or the Uyghurs), and how they get caught up with ‘Climate Change/Environmental Law’.
What a relief, it doesn’t appear to be one of your songs
Relax …
Too funny.
What the world needs now….
I don’t sample your songs, there are limits to my free time, but I have useful advice for your haemorrhoids, since they seem to be bothering you.
I did get a haemorrhoid about 5+ years ago and I worked out it was from the coffee so I stopped coffee and after a couple of weeks it went away. So I went back on the coffee and the haemorrhoid came back, so I quit coffee permanently. Now if I went to the doctor they would give me Abbott repositories, cream, painkillers, operation etc. This is how the Rockerfellas system operates. You can go and get a 6th opinion as I did about blood sugar levels, they come back with absolutely nothing of any use, and you have to figure it out yourself. They are slaves to their master.
The Statue of ‘Liberty’
Rev.17:17 “For God gave it into their hearts to do his mind – to act in one mind – and to give their kingdom to the beast. And the woman whom you saw is the great city [New York = 666 in english gematria] having a kingdom over the kings of the Earth [Canaanite owned Banks/UN]
From, “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77
“……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”
“I sit as a queen and am not a widow”. “She is the express image of the beast that had the wound by the sword and did live”. See page 63 of “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop. “Before 72 judges in Egypt, he, Nimrod was found guilty and put to death. His dead body was cut into pieces and different parts were sent to different cities around the country. This was done to be a terror to any who might after tread in his steps. From then paganism had to operate in secret, thus the “Mystery Babylon” under seal of secrecy and oath was born”.
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”
More analysis of Putin’s Valdai speech
The Great Game with Matthew Ehret & V- Putin’s Valdai Truth Bombs and the Bolshevik Color Revolution
At around 46:00 he talks about the [Cultural Warfare 101:] The Frankfurt School
and mentions the key role of …
Karl Radek (Jew)
Radek was born in Lemberg, Austria-Hungary (now Lviv in Ukraine), as Karol Sobelsohn, to a Jewish Litvak family; his father, Bernhard, worked in the post office and died whilst Karl was young.[2]: 2 He took the name Radek from a favourite character, Andrzej Radek, in Syzyfowe prace (‘The Labors of Sisyphus’, 1897) by Stefan Żeromski.[2]: 5
Georg Lukacs (Jew)
Lukács was born Löwinger György Bernát in Budapest, Austria-Hungary, to the investment banker József Löwinger (later Szegedi Lukács József; 1855–1928) and his wife Adele Wertheimer (Wertheimer Adél; 1860–1917), who were a wealthy Jewish family
Will Munsenberg (Communist- Comintern collaborator)
Herbert Marcuse (Jew)
Theodor Adorno (father assimilated Jew)
Walter Benjamin (Ashkenazi Jew)
Max Horkheimer (Jew)
Kurt Lewin (Jew)
Paul Lazarsfeld (Jew)
Erich Fromm (Jew)
I think I have it figured out – who is in control …
It took you long enough.
Various wise people have been saying this for some time, including G5, he is just repeating material for people who missed it the first time. Meanwhile, I see the US senate republicans are doing a plan to stop Biden’s quaxxine mandate, they seem to be waking up faster in the US than other places. I think it’s a tragedy how people get some idea stuck in their head and it becomes nearly impossible to shake it, without their going into the “first stage of grief” I think they call it.
Gumshoe friends, better if we don’t argue, our oppressors are gloating on petty
bickering. Divide and conquer the tools they use. We know WHO are enforcing the jabs to slavery, programmed on the idiot box daily. BS is overflowing, because our world has become artificial totally fake and insane. The real world is still here, all glory and honour to the Almighty.
Essentially the same, with skin hue variations, bodies within all miraculous creations.
‘They’ will not win, ‘feet are made of clay’, pull the plug from the wall queer codes are useless.
Plandemic is murder using syringes with impunity, leaving the 🌍 🌎 🌏 only for them and theirs.
Resist, do not comply, let’s take off the masks and see.
China tells its people to stock up on food for the winter
A statement from China’s government urging local authorities to ensure there was adequate food supply during the winter and encouraging people to stock up on some essentials prompted concerned talk online, with people linking it with the widening coronavirus outbreak, a forecast cold snap, or even rising tensions with Taiwan.
The Ministry of Commerce urged local authorities to stabilize prices and ensure supplies of daily necessities including vegetables this winter and next spring, according to a statement Monday evening. Chinese households were also encouraged to stock up on a certain amount of daily necessities in preparation for the winter months or emergencies.
The notice was similar to one released in September before the week of holidays at the start of October, which told local governments to ensure food supplies and stable prices during the break….
The call to stock up on food comes less than two weeks after a different government department told companies not to hoard food.
America is having problems with supply chains, but China is preparing for an actual food shortage after all the bad weather that has destroyed crops. This announcement caused panic buying, which cleared grocery shelves in a single day.
In late September, the CCP instructed energy companies to do everything in their power to stock up on coal and other supplies, anticipating a shortage.
This is a fab article G5, thank you.
The Republican who won the governor’s mansion in Virginia today had distanced himself from Trump. We need some new blood.
Off topic: Please go easy on Her Bossness re scheduling of articles. She works three jobs. The stealing of children continues apace. I never saw anyone work harder at court cases than our Dee.
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are battling it out for 2nd place, one has to wonder about Ted Cruz
His wife was a member of the CFR
“Natural Immunity [Email 2 November 2021]”
Check this informed and very brave Adelaide nurse speaking. (Channel 10 and 7 were there, asking questions – did anyone report her answers??)
“The criminals have nowhere to stand. The numbers are in and mounting for; The US, The UK, Scandinavia, Israel, Ireland, India etc. What causes death and injury, and what prevents.” (From Natural Immunity)
Unrelated: Has anyone tied the present breakout in the UK of “The worst cold ever experienced”, to destroyed immune systems, due the poisoned jab? (UK jab rate approx 75%)
MSM journalists all have mortgages, and people’s health has been deliberately wrecked by the chain stores for decades. Food and money are all stitched up. Nurses could all walk out and the government would bring in internationals. Such is the level of corruption in our governments.
The word virus comes from the Latin root meaning “snake’s venom.”
“Virus: [L(atin) ‘slimy liquid, poison…] 1. venom such as emitted by a poisonous animal.”
Poisoned fangs – the Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast
by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
The “Mark of the Beast” Who or what is the beast? Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal. “Mark“ Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point.
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
When the ghost claims that “the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown.”
Australia Threatening Seizure Of Homes & Bank Accounts Over Covid Violations
Multiple reports out of Australia over the past days have confirmed that state and territory governments are threatening to seize the homes and bank accounts of citizens over unpaid “COVID violation” fines. This as much of the country’s population are now living under vaccine mandates linked to employment: take the jab or face termination, many Aussies are being told.
For example, a new report in the Daily Mail has reviewed fresh government data compiled by the Queensland health authority. It found that “Queenslanders who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments.”…………….
Revelation 13:17 “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”.
Neither coffee nor caffeinated beverages will cause hemorrhoids, but for those who already have piles, the effects of coffee could make matters worse. Dehydration is known to lead to constipation. It was long believed that caffeine causes dehydration for its diuretic effect, but recent studies cast a shadow of a doubt on this.
This post meant to be in response to w3 haemorrhoid problem above
Baitfish seems to have a haemorrhoid problem, mine was very short lived thanks to stopping coffee, your advisor above is a quack, probably working for BigCoffee