by Dee McLachlan
As we reported last week, the Australian Federal Police carried out “Operation Noetic.” They swooped on two persons – Patrick O’Dea and Dr Russell Pridgeon – whom they called kidnappers of children, plus an 83 year-old man. The authorities upped the ante by calling the two arrestees “part of a kidnapping syndicate.”
The Kidnapping Syndicate
Gumshoe now believes there is indeed a syndicate — and it is one that YOU, the taxpayer, pay for. We are not engaging in sensationalism but only plain reporting when we tell you the system is set up to act AGAINST a protective parent. Some kids get “taken” by government, and these kids then end up in the home of a pedophile, or in a third-party environment from which they may be trafficked for child prostitution, and child pornography, etc.
The mainstream media wrote that some of the kidnappers (they mean O’Dea et al) have in mind “to travel by yacht to New Zealand,” and make the child, or children disappear. In reality, children who are “taken” by court order, get sent into the guardianship system — and may disappear from Mum’s (or Dad’s) view forever.
What would you do if it were your kid? From our perspective, these two persons are sincere activists tying to help children caught up in desperate situation by “the system.” In trying to help rescue children from pedophilia, and sex crimes, these two men are charged with “conspiring to defeat justice,” and “proceeds-of-crime” offenses.
- Who is Conspiring to Defeat Justice?
Judges and magistrates should be impartial. The oath that Australian judicial officers take before appointment includes a promise: “[to] do right to all manner of people according to law without fear or favour, affection or ill will”.
This appropriate quote from a former High Court judge, the Hon Sir Gerard Brennan, sums it up:
“A judge’s role is to serve the community in the pivotal role of administering justice according to law. Your office gives you that opportunity and that is a privilege. Your office requires you so to serve, and that is a duty… Freedom, peace, order and good government — the essentials of the society we treasure — depend in the ultimate analysis on the faithful performance of judicial duty. It is only when the community has confidence in the integrity and capacity of the judiciary that the community is governed by the rule of law.” [Emphasis added]
I am following the case of “Darlene” – a mother whose experience at the hands of courts has been shocking – and there is now a major loss of confidence in the courts, at least the Family Court. Justice has truly been defeated.
Gumshoe writer Mary W Maxwell says Justice has been replaced by lawlessness of the courts themselves. (Mainly she refers to American courts, but to Oz Family Court as well.)
In all the accounts I have heard, the protective parent tried their best to get reasonable arrangement via the court and the system. What options are available when the child is NOT believed and is at great risk? In the cases I have looked into, and after speaking to many informed people, I see a pattern – let’s call it The Pattern – whereby:
- EVIDENCE of sexual injury or abuse was deliberately suppressed, ignored, withheld or tampered with,
- interview transcripts (that are not recorded) were likely changed — against the child’s interests,
- the pedophile was/is possibly being protected by people in powerful positions
- the children were not only NOT believed, but they were typically reprimanded by officials or officers for “telling lies”,
- the safety of the child was ignored, and may have had to be escorted/taken by excessive force to comply with court orders,
- the court and officials most likely threatened the protective parent — that any further accusations would be held against them, and could lead to them losing their child forever. Wow.
- there is also high probability that children were coached — but not by the protective parent; rather, by the social workers and child safety officers.
In the cases I have heard, I would suggest that there’s a type of “syndicate” with social workers, officers, officials and the judge, and that they have conspired AGAINST the child, or children and any protective parent/s. If investigated, they could be found to have acted with “ill will” AGAINST the best interests of the child.
If Pridgeon and O’Dea’s cases followed The Pattern, then all of the the above would most likely have occurred. If so, then who is conspiring to defeat justice?
Who Is Doing the Kidnapping?
The definition (Cambridge) of abduction is: the act of making a person go somewhere with you, especially using threats or violence.
I would wager my right arm that any children that were “abducted” (as the AFP and mainstream media describes), did not “go somewhere” because of threats and violence. They were most escaping from criminal negligence/breach of duty/threats and violence, whatever.
As I have said before: why did the Royal Commission believe all of the historical abuse cases, but the Family Court does not believe the children now? Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in his apology, “…we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children, to work together to keep children safe, to trust them and, most of all, to respect their innocence.”
Please sir, keep your promise with regard to these children.
Operation Noetic and the mainstream media name Pridgeon and O’Dea as kidnappers. They have been painted a ‘bad people’ — and this is terrible. They should be praised for operating on the side of right and decency. Is this a case of the government acting criminally?
If so we need to “swoop” on the government personnel who are actually – and “officially” doing the kidnapping of children. Just ask Darlene!
Recall from our previous articles that the Family Law Act section 121 prevents litigants in court from identifying to the outside world what is going on. That section of the law allegedly serves the value of privacy, but since when do we owe privacy to law breakers? They need to be brought into the light.
It is pitiful to hear Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Debbie Platz say that activists Dr Pridgeon and Mr O’Dea have “demonstrated a ‘complete disregard’ for the rule of law in this country and the decision of the courts.”
As I said, I am applying “The Pattern” here. And I want the public to know that this is indeed an ongoing pattern, and that it most likely applies in this case. It is cruel and surely UNLAWFUL.
Who Is Profiting from This Crime?
It would have been smarter for Operation Noetic not to bring in any charges of profiteering as this calls our attention to the amazing amounts of money that are changing hands, over children landing up in the Family Court system. And you can be sure the money is not being paid to the likes of Pridgeon or O’Dea.
I assume those two men are very much out-of-pocket. Gumshoe is getting very out-of-pocket in trying to help research this, and publicize it. And as for Darlene (all the Darlene’s in Australia) the financial burden is life-destroying. One loses one’s savings, one’s house, and one’s job over all this.
There is also the issue of the profiteering in the foster care business, and the money-go-round of a system that profits from breaking up families. And then there’s Auscript Australasia — a private company that has the monopoly for recording transcripts. It’s an offense to personally record what you say in court to protect your legal rights, yet it is prohibitively expensive to purchase a record. But all this is for another article.
Meanwhile this kiddy-porn business alone is worth billions, worldwide.
Medical Malfeasance
I have heard a number of accounts where the court refused the request of a parent to seek medical assistance for their child (remember the ‘neck case‘).
So with one of the men being a doctor, this alarmed me. I guess Dr Russell Pridgeon was following his Hippocratic Oath. So is he being charged and punished for caring for distressed and harmed children? I’m sure the various authorities will attempt to punish this good doctor in whichever way possible. That’s what they do.
What has Australia become?
Public Awareness
I believe if all the evidence were made public, presented in an honest hearing, and “without fear or favour”, there would be a national OUTCRY. The cries would be much louder than those heard over the recent Royal Commission.
I hope that the High Court would be gobsmacked, and similarly all professors of law — but I know the public would be appalled. As I relate these stories to people I know and don’t know, they physically and emotionally go into shock and DISBELIEF — then ANGER.
There’s nothing like hiding under the guise of secrecy and privacy. But in this instance the AFP — and their arrests of Pridgeon and O’Dea — has intentionally or unintentionally opened the can of Family Court worms… and there’s no way they can close the lid on this now. These men, in defending themselves, will bring, as evidence, all the injustices of the Family Court system — and expose them. These accounts are a bloody stain on Australia — like the bloody stain on “Ellen’s” panties… evidence that was washed, discarded and ignored by the court before she was abducted from her loving mother.
In the many cases I’ve heard, the court has fulfilled the Cambridge description of “abduction” perfectly: making a person go somewhere, especially using threats or violence.
Now to arrange the meeting between Pridgeon, O’Dea and Morrison.
This is a very well written article!!! This is exactly what is going on! Since when should it be a crime to protect children from deliberate harm! There is usually plenty of evidence that is being deliberately ignored by government departments that could have put an end to this in the early stages, but apparently there are too many people who can profit from the protective parent. YES!!! Bring on a meeting with Pridgeon, O’Dea & Morrison!!! The people of Australia will be absolutely OUTRAGED when they discover what really is going on!!!
Thank you Dee M. for reporting this information. I lost my 2 children to a sexually sadistic pedophile, psychopath with antisocial personality disorder (diagnosed by a psychiatrist), and violent/abusive ex husband, 10 years ago. Gave him all the money at the divorce 3 years prior in exchange for child custody, but when he began sexually abusing our 8 yr. old daughter he renigged on our divorce agreement and filed for sole custody. The courts immediately gave my kids to him, denied me from contact for 2 years, and my now 18 yr. old daughter is completely disabled. Like the child you mention who had blood on her panties, my daughter had blood, semen, and poopy on her panties and Easter dress. The chief of police threatened to arrest me if I took further action. Two police departments, child protective services, the judge, children’s lawyer, opposing counsel, and 3 of my own personal lawyers were involved in the coverup, suppression of evidence, and they committed me to a psych ward to establish the defense that I was crazy! I also had hundreds of images of child porn, snuff films, and torture of women and children on my exes computer that I had possession of, and I reported this to every US agency, the UN, and the Illinois Attorney General and their High Internet Crimes Bureau, all of whom protected my ex. They sacrificed my child’s childhood and future in favor of an evil, inhuman POS. How can we get the word out? US has known about this for many years.
I went into shock when I first heard Darlene’s story… but as the weeks go by the accounts ONLY GET WORSE AND WORSE.
I feel like I’m in a war, with shell shock. So I cannot imagine what protective parents are feeling. It must be like a living hell… worse than a SIBERIAN GULAG.
Welcome, to the lucky country.
Thank you Dee for speaking out on behalf of all of the children.
Dee, Our dr in Botswana was.Dr John Pridgeon – he is the younger brother of the Australian dr you wrote about . All 3 a Pridgeon boys become Drs and are from Zimbabwe and very honourable men. Completely devastated after having fled corruption in Zimbabwe this dr Pridgeon must now question the fairness and corruption of a 1st world police force…what will happen – African justice vs Australian justice – the System God help us and the innnocent children that will pay with their lives for this – I weep my dearest Dee I weep ! Love Evy
Thanks Evy… they need the support of wonderful people everywhere
The Judges, Lawyers, Report writers, Government and Attorney Generals past and present want to sweep everything under the rug of “Amalgamation”; Criminalise innocents at this juncture is to sanitise decades of corrupt intentional harm on the most vulnerable and innocent people.
Many but not enough would be thinking establishment or the covert part that deals with this activity, too many disappearances forthe average person to manage, only organized crime can work this type of crime.
Yes, that’s why Dee calls it a syndicate.
May I as a horrified reader of the Pedo outrages being aired in the U.S. thank Dee M. for her bravery and in releasing this Australian update. In the U.S. details of Pedivore , Pizzagate are now coming to light because President Trump initiated an inquiry in February, 2017.One can only hope of a similar purge of Australian officials one day
Dr Pridgeons licence to practice medicine was taken away today by doing this they are telling men… stand with these women and children and we will f… With your livelihoods.
Isolating as they have done with those in the Family Court child removal system. Isolate and financially destroy.
How can it be considered LEGAL taking away a Doctor’s license to practice, BEFORE A COURT has even heard the case ????????? What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ??????????????
‘Dr Pridgeon’s licence to practice medicine was taken away today”
Who told you that?
Where a Court has failed to protect a mother and her children in such circumstances i.e. she reasonably believes that she and her children are at risk of harm, then she has the right to act in Self-Defence of herself and her children. There is established Case Law regarding acting in self-defence and it is a fundamental right of everyone.
Thank you for alerting us to this Charles.
And I believe it is NOT an offense for a child to runaway.
Parentlink — a government information site says: “When a child or young person runs away it is often a genuine cry for help. You need to take it seriously.”
Thank you, Charles Pragnell. And it is not only the protective parent who has a right to self-defense, the activists do also. The legal concept of self defense means I can get off the hook if I committed a murder to save my life, and/or to save the life of others close by.
The current authority in Australia (“authority ” in the sense to a High Court precedent) is
the 1987 case of Zecevic v DPP: The High Court said:
“The question to be asked in the end is simple. It is whether the accused believed upon reasonable grounds that it was necessary in self-defence to do what he did. If he had that belief and there were reasonable grounds for it, or if the jury is left in reasonable doubt about the matter, then he is entitled to an acquittal.”
The word “acquittal” means you would probably have been arrested when you performed the deed, but you are entitled to go free.
This is indeed the defense O’Dea and Pridgeon should, must, use.
Also Dr Pridgeon can sue the state right now for “loss of livelihood.”‘
Hooray for such a booboo having been made by the AFP. Hooraaaay.
What “case law”, exactly, upholds the right to countermand a court order ?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that there’s no such “right”, but it’s an innate condition, not something that can be conferred by a faux “authority”
Berry, are you addressing me? I did not mean that the case law (Zecevic 1987) says “Go ahead, break the law.” The fact is the person who breaks the law will get arrested and charged. But he can use self-defense as a defense, to get an acquittal.
Yes I agree it is an innate condition, and that’s also what is meant by the law maxim: “Necessitas non habet legem.” Necessity has no law. A mother cat will protect her kittens and nothing can stop her.
What needs to be remembered is that an entity that “acts criminally” is not a “government”, a person who employs physical force to violate the rights of another is not an “authority”, an officer who acts corruptly is not a “policeman”:
Thank you Dee for this article. I was also horrified to hear that these things are still happening today. I was truly heartened by Scott Morrisson’s apology. I think the ‘syndicate’ is scared and trying to use this particular case to ‘send a message’. The message has been received. But what this ‘syndicate’ doesn’t realise is that decent people always choose love/the right thing/truth over money, wealth or status. They cannot use bribery or black mail to shut up all the good people in Australia. We have the numbers. We have the right motivation. Scott Morrison’s apology makes it clear that we are now winning the fight to bring these crimes into the consciousness of the nation.
Jeepers, Rachel Vaughan, coming from you that has ten times the impact.
Danielle, I have tried 3x to sign this Change.org petition to stop the persecution of Dr P.
Does not seem to accept.
Dr Pridgeon is a liar and a destroyer of lives. He is no hero. He creates paedophilia claims against innocent men. My close friends life was destroyed by this man. There is so so much more to this story than this article is making out. Dont be fooled by his ‘doctor’ status. He is a very sick man and seems to be fooling alot of people. So sad.
[Did not approve Jacqui’s other comment — section 121.]
I have done some checking. And believe the account Jacqui is referring to is incorrect. And the claims against Dr Pridgeon FALSE. I have sufficient background and research to state that I am confident we are reporting correctly.
Petition signed & shared….5439 signatures to date….
Pls sign the petition above
Waiting for SA Atty Gen Viki Chapman to find her spine…
I Have listened to it all.
Sorry; Dee, not Lee.
Things wont change until we force politicians to support the introduction of international ‘sting teams” of subject matter expert volunteers drawn on a totally random basis from jurisdictions around the world.
These people would come in, research reports of abuse, investigate them, compel suspects to answer questions, issue a public report, naming names, recommend charges, if any and then go home.
Your article has made me feel sick to my stomach. I hated reading it but realise it is necessary to expose this incredibly evil issue. This is truly brain-frying stuff. Justice cannot come swiftly enough and it better arrive with the most severe punishment.
“It would be better if they (these vile perpetrators) were not born”
Thanks Dee for your courage.
I think an immediate investigation into the “investigators” of Op Noetic is required.
The Sting idea is excellent.
Ah, Dee, something to think about: Who is the boss of the Federal Police? Would be nice it if be Apology Man Morrison. I mean it would help us that the person who uttered the phrase “ritual abuse” in Parliament is the boss of the AFP.
But even if Morrison had never done an apology, it would be nice to think that Oz’s PM, RATHER THAN A FOREIGN ENTITY, is the boss of the AFP. Dee, here in your series of articles, plus Comments flowing in from abroad, we see that the racket of curial child-stealing is global.
The Noetic contingent does indeed deserve a very close look.
Where will Viki Chapman’s spine come from? Preselection takes care of this!
Viki is old enough and prestigious enough to tell Pre-selection to go to hell.
At 1.12 hours in her ITNJ video, when asked what to do, Rachel Vaughan says “We need to change the culture of fear and silence.”
Over to you, Viki. What are you scared of? You fear they will hurt you, but they probably won’t. Did they hurt Senators Jeannie Ferris and Janine Haynes? Yes they did, fatally — you should have spoken up when that happened.
If they have threatened to do such-and-such to your loved ones, just spit it all out. We are here to protect you.
P.S. Darlene is waiting for you to rescue her precious child. Might as well do it this afternoon and get it over with. Then it will be easier to do the rest. Nothing succeeds like success.
Great research and intelligent article. Thank you for exposing the evil family court players. Same thing in USA. And God bless the “kidnappers” Pridgeon and O’Dea who are actually RESCUERS.
Many new people are making comments.
Congratulations, you must be sounding the right note.
May they all pass on this link……….. to their political representatives and msm, after all, they are our servants, we pay for their salaries and the media expects us to buy msm advertised products. Maybe we will black ball your advertisers…….. then what? Have wallet, walk away.
The Mouth’; you still asleep.
Ray Hadly of Fairfax 2gb. We are waiting!
ABC Media watch, that is on the public teet, we are watching you; Paul Barry and crew
[…] Who is Trying To Help Children, and Who is “Conspiring to Defeat Justice”? […]
[…] I publish, below, a letter that Dr Russell Pridgeon wrote to his medical colleagues to explain his recent arrest. Please see Gumshoe’s coverage of that arrest here, and a response to its unfairness here. […]
Honourable men trying to do good.. what they are doing to Dr Pridgeon , Patrick O Dee and others is disgusting. ..
These are additional synonyms of disgusting from thesaurus:
abominable, hateful, outrageous, repugnant, scandalous, shameless
My children were abducted kidnapped stolen from there school based on lies false reports and man hating case workers. How a judge can make the decision to make my boys wards of the state until 18. With no substantial or physical evidence. It was more the dislike they had toward myself. My questioning and disagreeing with there suggestion of me being a danger to my children. I love my kids, they are my world. Then to make my heart break even more, fueling my anguish, I live in despair with my two sons put into the organization known as Catholic Care. My stomach turns to think of what I know of the systematic abuse the Catholics are well known.
Last time I seen my boys was over twelve months ago. My eldest son had a scar on he’s cheek. Asking him about it he seemed very worried and concerned about telling me. Then I asked the area manager he told me something different to what my son had told me. Then I asked the case worker and she give me another story. Raising these concerns with them they twisted them into threats and cut all my contact with my boys.
When I asked how they could do this the response I got was we don’t need any evidence we can do what ever we want. You have no rights to question us or my son as all my rights have been removed as a parent. I do not acknowledge this court order. I will remain my childrens father for ever no matter what.
Where can I find someone or the help to get my children out of this putrid organized pedophile ring that seems to be excepted world wide. I want my children home were they are safe. They have been put in clear & present danger.
Those responsible should be made accountable and my boys will tell you how much they wish to return home. The system is taking children whom are loved cherished & missed everyday. The void it’s created in my life and my immediate family is unrepairable. The damage that has been done is going to take years. An immediate change is needed with an independent inquiry that cannot be influenced by any government organisation needs to be done on each & every case. I can only dream of the day that starts. Please help return my boys to where it is they wish to be.
Every story I hear Richard — is that they seem to default to a harmful decision. [I qualify this statement — as people who are desperate, and worried about the children are the ones that have contacted me — not the good decisions]
Yes you are very much right. I am aware of three cases where this pattern was followed. One of them ended up seeking help from Dr Pridgeon who I took my children to. He is the most kind and gentle doctor I have ever met. A true hero.