By Phil Hingston
Never heard of Q Anon, or “Q” Clearance, or just plain Q?
Don’t feel bad because if you’re over 50 and not exactly au fait with “message boards”, Reddit forums, and 4Chan, it’s not surprising. We old guys need to get up to speed. This is how crucial information is spread today, given our totally controlled mainstream media.
4chan is a type of online, free-thinking forum where users can engage with each other on various issues ranging from cat videos to world shaking current geo-political machinations. Anything goes on chat rooms.
Enter Q
The designation”Q” usually signifies a person with extremely high level security clearance. (E.g. Like Q, the fictional character in the James Bond films.) Enough said. If he/she is what he purports to be, then he /she is a person extremely close to the President of the United States (POTUS). He even seems to have dropped clues to verify his credentials by posting on 4Chan aerial photos purported to be taken from inside Air Force One during Trumps’ recent trip to Asia.
Q frames his “intel drops” as questions designed to lead readers in the direction he wishes them to focus their thinking on, whilst simultaneously drip-feeding gems of intriguing covert and clandestine intelligence.
William Carr’s Revelations on the Elite
I was sent the PDF, “The Book of Q“. This is from the forward:
“All of Q’s messages were posted on a thread called Calm Before The Storm (CBTS), which at this point, has been archived over 430 times – making it the longest thread on 4chan ever.
“As all of this evolves, it is clear that whoever Q may be, his statements, questions and/or insinuations paint a compelling picture: a world about to be set free from the grip of a global cabal that includes CIA, FBI, banker families and royal dynasties.”
You little beauty! End the Fed (Rothschilds and Rockefellers) and their iron-grip on central banking and the criminal banking system generally.
It’s starting to look like President Trump, President Putin and President Xi (of China) have just about had enough of this garbage from the Rothschild Cabal and they’re putting an end to it.
Also, ISIS (CIA, Obama, Clinton et al) has been smashed in Syria by the Russians. The Chinese have been quietly pushing forward with their “One Belt One Road” initiative, which is, by the way, the biggest infrastructure development in the history of humankind.. Not that we’ve heard anything about it from our Cabal-controlled media. Think “Same Sex Marriage” (much more important).
And Donald Trump is trolling the world and putting a flame-thrower up the arse of the satanic Cabal and their minions. (More power to him).
“Q” is somehow connected to Donald Trump. Q may even be Donald Trump. Q has linked Saudi arms purchases with BAE Systems, which links Prince Charles to Saudi arms purchases under the Al Yamamah “dodgy deal”. Never heard of Al Yamamah? Check this here!
It gets murkier.
Princess Diana’s assassination is mentioned. Page 45 of “The Book of Q” starts off with characteristic questions.
“Who is the Queen of England? How long in power? With power comes corruption.
“What happened to Diana? What did she find out? Why was she running? Who did she trust to help her flee? What was the cover? Why is this relevant? Why now? Old. Connection. News. Bad actor. London Mayor. Background? Affiliation? Connection to the Queen? British MI6 agents dead. When? How? What was reported? What really happened? Why is this relevant?
“Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil. Germany. Merkel. Migrants. Why are migrants important. Assets. What are assets? Define assets. Why are migrants so important. What are assets? Why are migrants so important? Assets. Why are migrants so important?
“Operations. Satan. Who follows? What political leaders follow Satan? Who wears openly? Why? Who is she connected to/ Why is this relevant? Spirit cooking. What does Spirit Cooking represent? Cult. What is a cult. Who is worshipped? Why is this relevant? Snow White. Godfather III. Speed. Q.”
Cryptic and intriguing to say the least. Any readers of Gumshoe must have joined a few dots and perhaps are suspecting by now that, whoever Agent Q is, he/she seems to have a deep understanding of the way the world really works. He/she has found an interesting means and method of disseminating copious amounts of background information, hitherto suspected but as yet not common knowledge amongst the public.
Who Really Killed JFK?
Here again is the link to the book. If getting to the bottom of some very dark deeds is your thing, then “The Book of Q” might just be what the doctor ordered.
Topics hinted at include Pizzagate, elite child sex trafficking, Satanism and The Occult, bribery, money laundering through charities and foundations (think The Clinton Foundation), Benghazi weapons trans-shipments and the Syrian war, corruption of Obama, Clinton, Bush, Podesta, etc, 2000+ sealed indictments, Saudis and links to Israel (Mossad), Las Vegas shooting and links to Saudi and Bill Gates’, ownership of the Mandalay Bay, (Four Seasons Resorts), false flags, attempted assassination of MBS (the new King of Saudi Arabia) and possibly Trump in Vegas on the 1st Oct, 9/11, and much more.
Does it mention the lie about Germans having gassed millions of Jews in homicidal gas chambers? That topic is big daddy of them all.
Read it yourself, Fred and let us know.
Taking this forum to inject your idiotic holocaust denial seems like a reach. But let me say this…all deniers lost all their cases, not one ever won, some were heavily fined some went to prison for years and some were deported and then arrested in their native land. Holocaust denial is a crime in 20 countries, you cretin and this is why.
Deniers tend to present opinions as facts, they do this through bogus and falsified documents, discredited criminals who sell themselves as pseudo scientists and re created photos that they alter. They come to the table with lies backed up by more lies and wrapped in a very cynical blanket
Denying the Holocaust is an antisemitic ploy for losers who do not have a life but have a lot of hate that needs to be unloaded. so voila a movment is born, Denying such a factual events that are backed up by thousands of live testimonies, films, photos and factual interviews not to speack of the fact that no one of the Nazi Dreck in the Nuremberg trials denies it because they knew and went hanging without an argument..
Denying such a tragic event speaks more of your character or lack of then anything else
Tom, I fail to understand why many people — serious historians — would risk their liberty over “bogus and falsified documents”. What a terrible crime to genocide entire groups of people, including gypsies. And we should recognise that. But I favour the ability to be able to discuss and research and understand what happened — as opposed to being denied the discussion. The problem with the Holocaust: We are not allowed to question a statistic, when even the museum offers a different number as the scripted narrative. Is it not wrong that people are jailed for questioning history? I cannot think of any other example. Is digging to a truthful outcome not better for all involved? I cannot comment on whether the official story is correct or not as I am unable to source the factual documents — that many historians have found.
We are buried in DECEPTION from JFK (If you still believe Oswald assassinated JFK — go and live your life in retirement), 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin, Port Arthur. The list of lies are so long, they can circumvent the world a 1000 times.
It’s people like you that bought into and enabled Adolph Hitler’s grand scheme to “Make Germany Great Again” and take over the world….of course NAZI Germany didn’t exist…right?
..for God’s sake or whatever higher consciousness (“I.Q”…pun intended) you might subscribe to…please wake up! My uncle(s) witnessed first hand the etrocities committed by the Nazis upon liberating the camps while serving in the US 3rd army….
Dee McLachlan…… Very well written and I gave to get behind you on that 100%. To imagine one’s “facts” are so immoveable amid the misinformation we are drowning in is just Folly to me. So much I go.. So many agendas.
Fact is there never was a holocaust,just jews lying and jew power that makes us slaves
When I was a kid, the Fuller Brush lady had a tattooed number on her arm, it happened, it is real. Watch the French Documentary “Night and Fog”, see for yourself. It cannot be denied.
This BS is still pushed b/c it gets a reaction.
Everybody knows it’s untrue except for poor Palestinians and others like them who are raised in a world of propaganda and lies.
I pity them.
Losing your case in an Israeli court doesn’t prove justice since there is only Jew justice which is always in favor of the Jew. You cannot reason with a Jew no matter what documents he is shows or what people say. They will take it and twist it around in their mind to be a Jewish point. Therefore, you lose! Communism does that and Israel can say they are a democracy to fool the outside world and some Jews inside Israel but they know they are communists.
Justice needs no qualifiers.
“Jew justice”?
Give me a break.
This is the kind of blind hatred that results from a life of lies and propaganda.
You’re obviously not American.
My God you younger people are getting stupider by the hour .
Boomer Virus required here
“Evil people cannot reason, because they are demented”!
He said stupider!? More stupid more dumb a characteristic of an aged brain.
He can’t speak?
Now, who’s more stupid?
..Actually, “stupider” is considered acceptable by most dictionaries.
..Actually, “Stupider” is considered perfectly acceptable by most dictionaries.
Thanks Richard V for the “younger” comment. Really!
Now I know how Obama got Elected….American Youth is really F— Stupid now. [edited]
Sadly so.
Fredrick Toban, may I ask you, “What level of Junior High or Elementary School have you actually completed? Better yet, “What Planet are you from?” I guess you have never seen actu photos of men lined u, behind bobbed-wire fences, shirtless, so thin from starvation that their cheekbones, ribs, shoulders, etc. are protruding out and beyond their skin. They stand there with smiles on their faces, moments before they are marched into gas chambers that are disguised as showers. The women, little children and men were told that they could all have nice showers and that they were being released. My father fought the Japanese [allies of Germany during WWII]. As a child, I would here my dad having horrible nightmares about how the Germans tortured the German Jews. Hitler’s girlfriend and other affluent Germans as well as high-ranking politicians would cut the tattoos off of the Jews and make lampshades out of their stretched out, tattooed skin. My uncles were tortured to death by the Germans. I am German. My great-great-great grandparents came here from Germany during the late 1800’s. How dare you speak so foolishly and so ignorantly.
For your uneducated infirmation, those pictures are propaganda photos of murdered Russians in the Bolshevik revolution. See how that works to fool all of the lazy little school kids that have no Critical thinking skills.
“uneducated infirmation”
I’m wondering if the pictures of Auschwitz were from Russia as well? The horror of the information the Nazis left behind….they just sat around and described experiments they wanted to do all b/c they hated the Jews? The trials at Nuremberg was all propaganda….Believe me, I would not want this as my heritage…! Fredrick, I’m hoping this verse does not fall on deaf ears….It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Heb 10:31
COG. the living God? Hailie Salassie is the living God, is he not?
flowerchild7, you are obviously Jewish and have been trained from birth to wail and moan and feel perpetually victimized by the Holocaust. Well, some bad things did happen to the Jews, but just as bad things have happened to many people groups over the history of mankind. How awful the Holocaust was, well let’s say it was awful. But the thing is, Jewishness would not exist if it weren’t for this book called the Torah. The whole claim to something called “Judaism” originates from there. Without it, there is no such thing as a Jew, unless you are referring to someone directly from the particular location of Jerusalem. So, if you do not believe in and adhere to Torah, you are not a Jew. Its like me saying I’m an American but I don’t believe America really exists. So, you and others like you who do not believe in and follow the Torah are not Jews and you have no claim to this never ending self pity. Now, if you do believe and follow Torah, you are Jewish, AND you also know that a Jew who rejects the Law of Torah is to be “cut off from his people.” Which supports the point I just made. And if you do follow Torah, you also know that because the Jewish people were given everything by Adonai, yet repeatedly disobeyed His commands and committed many sins and atrocities, you were told that the price for that was to have everything taken away from you, to be persecuted by your enemies and be scattered all over the world. And as any true Jewish person knows, the Jews are in exile still. So all these things that have happened to you are by decree of G-d, Who made you and Who you disobeyed. Until He restores the nation (and this Israel has been falsely restored by fake Jews) you are still under the decree of punishment and need to look to yourself to become what Adonai commands you to be-a holy people to serve Him. If you do not care for any of that, then take it up with the One and the Law that created Judaism, or stop referring to yourself as Jewish. Other people have suffered at least as much as the Jews, but none of them have attained the wealth, power and influence that Jewish “victims” have attained. So lets have an end to hypocrisy.
I suppose you are talking about 0,01% of ‘the Jews’. The other 99,99% are innocent people who were the real victims without any hypocrisy, but only with immeasurable pain, sorrow and losses.
Actually you are wrong there – sorry. When the IDF was illegally shelling the Gaza strip, israelis were literally standing on hills overlooking the devastation and jumping up and down in glee – acting like cheerleaders – as the IDF used illegal White Phosphorus shells and intentionally targeted schools and hospitals – killing over 300 children and wounding over 1400 more. Not to mention the random adult murdered by those psychopaths.
The Gaza strip is kept out of power for over 20 hours per day. Medicines and foods are kept out of Gaza as much as possible. Legitimate, lawful relief efforts from the sea have been blocked by israel.
The illegal invasion of Palestine has so far resulted in israeli zionists holocausting over 5,400,000 Palestinian LEGAL LAND OWNERS (unlike the invading illegal settlers and country of israel) in the last 70 years. The entire UN – including the US – supported UN resolution 242 which stated that it is not lawful for lands taken by war to be retained by the invading country. israel in a fit of insanity and legal contortions of the most obviously bullshit variety – lies, and says the resolution means they have to leave “when the borders are stabilized”. That wording is not existent in the resolution – anywhere, in any of the languages translated. And you won’t get “stabilized borders” when you keep invading other countries illegally – so every Jew or zionist who lives in the Golan Heights and steals that SYRIAN land, Syrian water, and now Syrian crud oil that israel is right now stealing from Syria – those are evil people.
Those settling the West Bank – are evil people. Those legislating that if a Palestinian protests agains the violation of their most basic human rights can get an israeli death sentence imposed upon them by israel – who by no rights has authority over the legitimate owners of those lands…
Well – israel is a bunch of spiritually retarded, ethically blank, morally defunct morons, with VERY few exceptions.
I assume that you are either a “Torah following Jew” or a Jewish theologen. Otherwise one might perceive your assertive tirade as audacious, and haightily supercilious. Your entire essay equates to nothing more than an opinionated diatribe. Furthermore, your analogy about America is so nonsensical, I actually laughed out loud. You are in no authoritative position to dictate the qualifications of a persons religion. Especially because the Jewish people are ethnoreligious, which means their ethnic background is jewish as well as their religion being Judaism.
So since I, myself am not Jewish, I find your foolish notions quite comical. But your cultural prejudice and ignorance have probably offended most others, which was probably your intent. I pray that you will someday graduate from your elementary mind set and join the real world. Until then I look forward to your angry, beligerant reply.
My favorite part of these discussions is always the picking and choosing of what is included in a justification. Example : Jews have taken over Palestine, and not returned land after war. Let’s go back a bit, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander… Why weren’t land’s and property given back to Jewish residents across all of Nazi occupied territories inside and outside of Germany proper? Or a bit further back, WW1 properties seized by Russia? Or your personal property here in the USA given to American Indians? And on and on… Point is, you can’t pick and choose when in history to begin applying a law unless uniformly applied to all of history.
Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle, three Axis leaders of WW II all wrote books about the war…..there was no mention of gas chambers……
Ok who was on the moon in 68 to verify the moon landing didnt happen?
Axis Leaders? Dolt.
What delusion and deception some of you ate under. You must be anti-semetic. There was no cover-up. WWII soilders saw the camps first hand. There were too many witnesses to count and to have agreed to participate in such a complicated cover-up. The Holocaust happened. If you want to look at cover-ups, look at JFK assination and the Clinton Cabal.
Thank you! It seems that so many in the Patriot movement are into this lie. Yes,the Holocaust is real! But don’t waste your time on these fools. You cant change their minds! The Muslims were the first to perpetrated the lie that the Holocaust was a lie. I heard that it was Yasser Arafats Uncle who started this lie. He was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time. He was also one of the first to claim that Jerusalem was a Muslim holy city.
They know the Holocaust happened! They just won’t face the truths! You can lead A horse to water as the saying goes! It happened. And this COULD HAPPEN AGAIN! Three year ago I would have said no it couldn’t ever happen again. Today my mind stands corrected, ’ It COULD HAPPEN AGAIN! They want to get rid of old people and Christians! This could happen here!! I would put nothing away when it comes to the far Left!
Holohoax, when the 45th devision liberated Decau, the first thing they encountered was a train that was on a siding with dead and dying on board. The train had been straift by allied forces. The inmates were in drier condition food and supplies had been cut off, typhus was rampant. Prior to the decline of infrastructure from the bombing campaign the inmates were fead, a were used as labor’s. No gas chamber’s for murder were noted. The soldiers of the 45th murdered about 75 SS guards thinking that what they came into was normal conditions. The facts of the cause of the immediate conditions of these labor incarceration facilities became know upon chronology of events as Germany ability to service and provide for the inmates declined as war progressed to termination. The real holocaust occurred upon German civilians in large cities like Dresden. Many deaths occurred in the labour camps mainly due to typhus, lack medicine ,and food supply chain deterioration cause by war. A figure of six million gased Jews is a myth of politics by Zionist to further thier aims to garner support by sympathy on world stage to occupy Plalistine. With this said six hundred fifty thousand jews were murdered by Himmlers death squads. The Germans kept excellent records of their progress on the final solution of communist Jews. Stalin is by far the greatest mass murderer of the seacond world war. History is rewritten by the victors.
Thank you, Michael Thomas for speaking the truth,
And Eisenhower killed tens of thousands of surrendered German soldiers after the war ended. He had fields full of soldiers and made sure they got inadequate food, many times – no shelter, and the only water in most of these hell-holes was in a ditch running along the bottom of the field. That meant the only water available had run down the hill, past and through the fecal matter of the confined prisoners.
Food brought the soldiers was stolen by American soldiers and stepped on, thrown away, or eaten by the Americans.
Actually Toben is wrong about the pics of skeletal bodies being from Russia. Those are malnourished POWs in concentration camps whose immune systems were so destroyed by lack of food, that they became very susceptible to infectious diseases. Mostly cholera and the like.
Those bodies were autopsied. There were no poisoned gas deaths in those bodies – and in fact – none have been found in any German concentration camp, in any nearby graves – and additionally the theoretical mass bone graves of the allegedly cremated Jews has never been found anywhere.
We have the Nazi records of exactly how much coke (cooked coal – impurities burned out – an inefficient fuel) was brought to Auschwitz. There is barely enough to keep the barracks and prison compounds heated, and to cook food for the camps. The amount makes it impossible to have cremated even a tiny fraction of what was falsely attributed to Auschwitz.
i say falsely attributed – because when the HOLOCAUST indoctrination first popped out after the war – the big points were 1) Gas Chambers killing thousands per day, and 2) cremation of those bodies. Auschwitz was accused of killing 3,000,000 of the supposed 6,000,000 Jews said to be killed. Later – the Auschwitz number was changed to ONE million killed – but did anyone now say the Holocaust was of 4,000,000 Jews? No – that would not match the zionist prophecy demanding 6,000,000 burned jews. So the propaganda wouldn’t work.
And let’s not forget that the International Red Cross stated that the TOTAL number of concentration camp deaths during WWII in all German camps (ALL of them) was 272,301 people. Total. The 1933 census shows a total of 9,000,000 plus Jews in all of Europe. Fifteen years later, there was a decrease of about 270,000 Jews in Europe. When you figure that millions or so Jews fled to the middle east, the Americas and elsewhere – how come the population of European Jews was not at least six million and a couple hundred thousand?
brad you try to hard to convince. Once the statement is proven false the onus is not on us Nazis to accommodate anything but a small cell for containment. Honey bucket?
REDPILL yourself. Closed minded people are the reason we are in this state of flux, for lack of a better term. https://www.youtube.com/verify_controversy?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3DU1Qt6a-vaNM%26feature%3Dyoutu.be%26list%3DPLektjgV_YX_63Kpc-k0VRuDSEXrWcJ_rN%26bpctr%3D1514917503
It is absolutely amazing how fkg dumb you are. There are thousands of pictures/videos of German gas chambers, ovens, stacks of bones and belongings. Eye witnesses including GIs who were the unfortunate ones to discover these camps and you fkg say it never happened? You are the stupidest moron to ever comment on a subject in the world. You don’t even rate maggot status.
Source? There are no pictures/videos that aren’t Hollywood fan fiction. Sorry.
Thanks Richard you’re correct my father served in the Rainbow Division during WWII credited for liberating the Dachau concentration camp. The evidence can be viewed today and verified by the surrounding German citizens.
My father also served 8 yrs. in World War I & II, who let it be known what was true & what was a lie. He served 8 yrs. in the 1st battalion of the Navy Sea Bee’s, that at that time, had just been created. Rothschild’s Rockefeller’s JP Moran & about 15 other families, control the news media our USDA, FDA, BLM, CIA, FBI, etc. & our education standards. Do these people commenting think that they can’t control & distribute some phony made up photos on a Zoner Studio Photo enhanced program, (home version, is what I use & I can do it). They killed President JFK. David Rothschild made a speech that these closed minded liberals need to read (BELOW)or watch on YouTube. They also need to research events like this before blurting out their opinion & make rude name calling the main topic in their comment. Start at least watching Fox News instead of the main frame corrupt others (ABC, CBS, NBC,) The library of congress, good place to get true records for a start, or try the Red Cross. Research Research. http://www.rense.com click here.
David Rockefeller’s 1991 Bilderberg
Quote…Ten Years Later
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”
He went on to explain:
“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle
Further info:https:
Correct link.
It’s people like you that bought into and enabled Adolph Hitler’s grand scheme to “Make Germany Great Again” and take over the world….of course NAZI Germany didn’t exhist…right?
..for God’s sake or whatever higher consciuosness (“I.Q”…pun intended) you might suscribe to…please wake up! https://history.duke.edu/book/democracy-chains
Link to 4 Chan up to 26th Nov.2017
Re Q: from a recent Cathy fox blog:
A numerical code on the second and most significant release from November 1st, 2017, as we will see, was “4, 10, 20.”
Various sleuths have since pointed out that if this is an alphanumeric code, where the numbers correspond to letters of the alphabet, it would be:
4=D, 10=J, 20=T…
As in DJT.
Donald J. Trump.
I have no idea if “Q Anon” is really the President of the United States, but considering how he has already used Twitter to leak intel, it is entirely possible.”
Interestingly my father taught me this code when I was a child- and how the enigma code was a variation on this -he worked in intelligence ww2 and considered himself a top code breaker-and I believe he was – when I last saw him in 2012 – he tested me to see if I remembered who 18 was.. of course I did—and then we spoke of alpha beta gamma delta theta omega– and programming amongst other things. Lord Haw Haw comes to mind
Until now had not heard of the Book of Q–personally been more focussed on members of the Order of the Garter such as Dr Rawlings Rees and how it has impacted on Australia —-
Of course it is all connected
Thanks for this post. Seems like we all have a common goal /task –to raise consciousness/awareness — and shine a spotlight on the parts of the story that we know well–and to support those who have been aware of this evil corruption and secret hidden agenda and have spoken out.
well at least life is not boring
For the record: I interviewed Diane in early 2017 for about eleven hours and she came up very consistent as to her recall of Tavistock-related stuff.
“Seems like we all have a common goal /task –to raise consciousness/awareness”.
Gumshoe just doing its’ part.
You can spend hours trying to piecetogether the threads on 4 Chan. Forget about the indecipherable codes. They’re obviously meant for someone in particular.
Thanks for raising this Phill,
I have noted references to these mystery ‘Q’ ‘codes’ and have no idea. Just very cautious of the messages etc.
The only thoughts I have on this is; either someone has a lot of time and a mischievous imagination or if genuine, I can only wait and discern any progress.
Wonder if ‘Q’ will put some of his old gadgets on E-Bay, i would like the brief case used in ‘From Russia with love’, with the sovereigns. Even the electra would be a fun curio for my desk.
I suppose Lotte Lenya is unattainable now, even for ‘Q’?
Just teesing!. Hey, it was about 55 years back.
Daniela Bianchi!!!! (The spectre without the poisoned flick dagger shoe)
The radio program ABC, Phillip Adams, Monday 27th and 28th November, Adams is interviewing Luke Harding and his book Russia and US collusion, as I understood the KGB, of interest are those who are addicted to sex and power and money, Trump seems to be the perfect candidate for this job description, if he Trump was infiltrated as being someone who could be used by the KGB, and also put into power by Russia, it would seem to me, if these allegations are true he would be charged with treason.
Not only if he has been involved with compromising position with prostitutes, the photographic evidence the KGB may have, would entail him being open or at least compromised as a President? not only is the possibility of he becoming party to issues such as Russian interference in Syria and Georgia, also compromising our political system Democracy, if the morals of a Nation such as America, having now been lost, we are in deep trouble.
Don, becoming a party in what sense, please.
“not only is the possibility of he becoming party to issues such as Russian interference in Syria and Georgia,…”
I recommend -The Labyrinth -as an example of “art” that comes from a place that is not in the realm of life and death–rather the dialogue between man/woman/child and insanity–that which is unspeakable
again problems with links– my deficit- hope this opens
What? John Rawlings Rees in the Order of the Garter — WHAT?
Bat shit crazy bull crap
Just thoughts. . . The letter Q, in the most ancient languages, represents the number 100, which also represents a whole, essentially the same as 1. In Hebrew, the letter Quph means, circle, time, condense. The original pictograph is a horizon (that could indicate time) or as above, so below. In Middle Hebrew the pictograph/writing looked more like a g or 6 sideways. Just information that may or may not be relevant.
all Q is, is a conspiracy theory made up by a nutter who wrote a book about who Q is and now the other nutters are buying it
Those of you who are Jew Haters. I suppose you have your reasoning’s. But to disclaim the Holocaust or Death Camps? You IDIOTS forget.. there were OTHERS in those camps, besides Jews!
Jehovah’s Witnesses were in those camps as well. THEY wore the ‘Purple Triangles’. I’m not sure why, but these quiet, polite, non-political group of people are ignored. Google -Purple Triangles, and your denial is flushed!
I don’t know figures but I’ve read somewhere that historians estimate around 25% of all European Roma GYPSYS were killed by various governments including Germany. About 1 million … means around 220,000 died.
15% of Russians died.
25% of Belarus (next to Poland) 2,290,000 people killed
12% Germany
~2% USA
2% UK
17% Poland
It appears the Jews had a very poor ratio (can’t find an accurate figure)
It’s clear who were least affected
The correct number for Russia is 16%. The error occurs here and in most others because: Example on the first day of the start of the Barbarosia The SS had 800,000 Russians in their number.
Does anyone have the lastest compilation of answered questions to QAnon posts ? New here . My head is spinning. Thank you .
Q is a bunch of Obama era interns.
But fun enough until the DEFCON thing.
If you want exciting info, mega anon reddit.
Reddit has a list of her posts.
You won’t be disappointed.
“Q is from Obama’s people?”
WHAT? Am I missing something?
You push us to MEGA anon? Ok, there’s NOTHING now?
Just sayin..
Q – CONTINUES to offer.. DEEP drops!
This new ‘Tarmac’, and ‘A’. College.. and What was/is “E” Gate, all about?
Seems, you are a problem, Rachel!
Did Q ever address the whole Jerusalem is the capital of Israel thing? Or Jared Kushner? I can’t find anything on those two holes in this plot/storyline… How can you call out the Rothschilds, and not mention the controversy around Israel?
I’ll tell you who Q is… It is likely STEVE QUAYLE. His fingerprints are all over this.
If you were an insider who wanted to inform humanity, would you communicate in cryptic, unclear statements or would you speak plainly and to the point to avoid misinterpretation? We have been lied to about everything, why make it worse? If Trump were trying to help humanity would he surround himself with the very banksters and corporate Aholes who instituted globalism via trickle down economics? Oh right, he’s playing 3 dimensional chess and keeping his friends close but his enemies closer…the same justification Obama’s supporters had for his embrace of the status quo. Trump is a doormat for Israel…never a bad word about their policies. Anybody who has gone down significant rabbit holes for years could hint around at the same riddles Q provides. It looks like a psyop to manipulate right wingers into supporting Trump’s faction of the Freemasons.
Yep, the cryptic stuff is driving me crazy
[…] internal team noted recently that some have started to substitute the insider information given by Q-anon for the prophecies I no longer give…and that perhaps that is not healthy, for our job is to be […]
Q Anon is an Anonymous sting to bring down the alt right.
Q’s posts are about as revealing as newspaper horoscopes.
They are meaningless fluff designed to play on the imagination of the conspiracy minded schizo’s of the world today. These schizo’s feed off tabloid trash like this like old single ladies read the National Inquirer.
The believes of this smut are the true sheep. Being played like devoted religious fanatics.
That means there are two sides of the mutt-fanatics-sheeple game. The Q follows vs the MSM sheeple that are believers in Oswald theory, to the fire collapse of Building 7… and we could go on and on…
yes… especially look at the ‘secret life of bill clinton’ by ambrose-evans pritchard on ebay or amazon for a few dollars..exc.. also look at youtube video of barr mcclellan’s interview on how LBJ KILLED JFK… EXC INFO
Wow Jew haters and conspiracy nuts. I’ve been listening to this stuff for almost 30 years and the crap has yet to come true. Not single bit. Except more people hating Jews of course.
Do I think there are globalist? Yes. But not every thing that happens is by their hands. I think Trump winning really has messed up the established political class. And now they convinced you that he’s part of the Jewish/Freemason plot.
Agree Robert Williams. Ordinary working folk have few moments in their day to sort thru all this, as you say, crap.
However, they DO realize America’s LIBERTY is under attack! We realize AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK by democrats disguised as lib-socialists and communists… using mass invasions of unskilled aliens, draining our entitlement systems, crowding and tainting our education systems, causing civil unrest in minorities, revitalizing the VICTIM syndrome, over taxing our law enforcement agencies and military with the NWO globalist oligarch owned main stream media as their Propaganda Dogs. The swamp is bigger than AMERICANS knew and it stinks to high heaven.
We see PRESIDENT DJT and all his imperfections but sense his sincerity somehow. The biggest mistake the NWO globalists make is they UNDERESTIMATE THE AMERICAN SPIRIT and our LOVE OF LIBERTY.
WADING THRU ALL THE INFORMATION and PROPAGANDA THROWN AT U.S. IS OVERWHELMING. Americans know this is part of their attack. “Life, LIBERTY and Levin” is one spot of solace on cable. One of a few worthwhile commentator, yet factual, programs on cable. FACTUAL NEWS IS MOSTLY NON-EXISTENT. This will come back on the left and bite them horribly.
As far as what anyone thinks of my opinion, tell someone who cares. We MSA (MAIN STREAM AMERICANS) are AMERICA FIRST AMERICANS and we see thru the bull shit. We will NEVER give up our AMERICAN LIBERTY AND WE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO PROTECT IT. We aren’t as tame and stupid as the Social-communists obviously believe- so crawl down your own swampy little rabbit whole
The righteous will prevail.
I couldn’t agree with you more. America WAS under attack. But no more. DJT is a patriot and a Christian. His actions so far, as well as his words prove it.
We Aussies are also under attack but few realise it.
Previously, I never cared about America or its future. I thought it was their problem. I didn’t realise the truth in the expression “as goes America, so goes the rest of the world”.
I am now an ardent fan of the struggle you MAIN STREAM AMERICANS are fighting. If you guys don’t win this battle, we’re all stuffed.
I love this video clip.
Not fooled by Double Pysops (Anonymous) & (Qanon) First, off we must be aware of people who appoint themselves as witnesses of real truth Info & r/conspiracy was overrun by controlled shills for some years now. I would say 4-6 years ago this was not the case. #8chn #QAnon #Anonymous killing real #truther movement Sad some folks like to point to the Rothschild banking dynasty as proof that ‘the Jews’ run international banking; however, one of the titles of the Rothschilds, according to author F. Tupper Saussy, is ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’ and Rulers Of Evil both books are a must read to understand power structure in my opinion and do your own research Some folks would argue that the Rothschilds should be labeled as ‘Hofjuden Court Jews’ of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome.
Btw Jesuits are NOT Jews Bs popaganda I have the proof in their own decrees.
Some would also argue that the Knights Templar Order was the first international banking cabal. It is worth noting that when the Knights Templar Order was suppressed (i.e., it was officially dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312), the Knights of Malta (a Roman Catholic order controlled today by the Jesuit Order) ‘absorbed’ some of the great wealth of the Knights Templar. Many of the world’s richest bankers have been Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta.
The Jesuit-controlled All international banksters have fomented and orchestrated – and helped to finance – many of the revolutions and all wars of the last three to four centuries (including two world wars) – and have profited nicely from the maiming and murder of millions of people.” Which is the best system/antichrist Warned in revelation
What happened when Hansel and Gretel dropped crumbs in the forest? Where did the crumbs lead? Where is Q leading? Why? Look at the crumbs being dropped (drops). Read between the lines / research. 17 / 8
Many patriots have been misled by a QAnon narrative, which proposes that this COVID19 crisis has been manufactured or hijacked in order 4 President Trump to use the military to take down the cabal, the deep state. Ppl have been misled by a false narrative so that they do nothing. The COVID-19 Trojan Horse Is Pushing Us Towards A One World Government Trump is not fighting the cabal or Deep state using the COVID-19 pandemic to take down the deep state! That is a grand deception, so that people will stand down and not oppose this martial law. Which they are setting up right now
Trump is just a puppet of his boss in Rome. Trump, Pelosi, Biden, Pence, they all work for the same team. CFR /Georgetown runs DC for Rome This is a worldwide takeover by the evil ones who own & control the Federal Reserve Bank, and they know it.
Trump and Congress secretly passed the “5G and Beyond Act 2020” on 03/23/20, the first day of the mass lock downs in the US. 5G is harmful to the human body and to animals. They will use it to control people’s minds and to track their every movement.
Trump is putting American’s into more debt with the two trillion dollar stimulus package, which gives money to the rich corporations like Vatican own Boeing.
Trump is allowing the Federal Reserve Bank to infuse one trillion dollars a day into the market. Every dollar means more debt and interest for the American people, which enslaves us. This will lead to the collapse of the Dollar, as you can’t just print trillions of dollars a day out of thin air.
And you think that Trump is going to save us? People have been misled by Psyop with Q
I hope that you reread all these articles, and Laws being pass Trump administration because it outlines the real agenda, which is the enslavement of mankind in a One World Government. A solution It’s not feasible. They have infiltrated all governments religious institutions and educational systems separating all of us in different groups where we can never be cohesive banding together as one to rise up and fight them they are one we are many scattered in their psyOPs manipulations & illusions aka beast system
Lord, I have never seen so much conspiracy theorists in one place in my life. It doesn’t matter who does what, if you are in Gods arms you don’t have to worry about all this, because GOD has it. Be blessed 🙏🏻