Home Trump Who Owns America Owns Trump

Who Owns America Owns Trump


Homeless lighting fires under the boardwalk

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Disgusting, dirty, so many people smoking dope on the boardwalk, homeless people laying on the boardwalk at night, panhandling is ridiculous and the boardwalk is extremely filthy. The sand on the beach looks black with cigarette butts and trash all over the beach. Homeless people living under the boardwalk. The people who live here need to be eradicated. Boardwalk is NOT safe at night. I do not recommend this place to anyone who is considering spending time or vacationing here.

Atlantic City review from 2021

Springmeier’s review of the Kennedy family includes such a massive pastiche of interwoven power and influence, and post-war triumphalist indulgence, that it becomes hard to believe anything, from the heroic adventures PT-109 boat up to the public execution, itself the subject of so many differing explanations, but the example of the execution proves at least that nobody is too big to be taught a lesson in staying in line. Springmeier’s collections of US focussed documents β€œBloodlines of the Illuminati” is very peculiarly available for download at cia.gov.

Jack Dorsey was bullied out of Twitter by US government censorship agencies originating from the Dept. of Defense and similar, subsequently picked up by Musk who seemingly has acquired some insurance against the Deep State by virtue of controlling some of their key infrastructure. Musk seems to be addicted to power, and to have enough backers to maintain his position.

In Australia, James Packer was presumably bullied, perhaps coerced, perhaps swindled, out of Channel 9 by CBS, allegedly owned in some significant part through Rothschilds.

Without Channel 9’s protection, he was bullied out of Barangaroo by local government and interests, and we now find him surviving south of the border:


Mike Pence is not the bad guy Trump makes him out to be, he simply didn’t want to die for America.

Surrounded by FBI with their β€œinsurrection” infrastructure in place on January 6, 2020, Pence probably had little choice but to confirm the disputed election.

Who knows how the alternative story was strategised, since it was never required. Instead the legacy media was given β€œTrump’s Insurrection” to run with for the next few years. In fact Trump was down at the Washington Monument (12) the entire time, several bus stops from the Capitol (15), or quite a long walk along the National Mall.

Multiple bus stops between US Capitol Building and Washington Monument

By now Trump would be acutely aware the Secret Service waved through the assassination attempt on him. The eyewitnesses were spilling the story on the television news, the Secret Service saw the shooter on the roof and their snipers waited until the visible, supposed assassin was in position. The Secret Service chief was paraded out of office and we the public heard no more. Trump is clearly playing for much higher stakes than Pence was.

Wilbur Ross, a Rothschild employee of 20 years, met Trump in the 80’s and famously saved Trump from his Atlantic City casino bankruptcy issues.

What is a casino but a money laundry. And who is allowed to own a money laundry?

One must be shown great favour by the state.

Wilbur Ross was head of Rothschilds bankruptcy advisory team but reportedly saw throngs of people surrounding Trump’s limousine and realised his celebrity status could be useful. What followed was more brand building, and a TV show where Trump hired and fired interns. The brand has been in the building for more than 40 years.

Wilbur Ross also advised NY mayor Rudy Giuliani who quit his job with Rothschilds when he was put in the White House in 2016.

Wilbur Ross eventually became Trump’s commerce secretary:

β€œRoss ran the bankruptcy restructuring practice at N M Rothschild & Sons in New York beginning in the late 1970s. In the 1990s, Ross was an adviser to New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani on privatisation, and was appointed by U.S. president Bill Clinton to the board of The U.S. Russia Investment Fund. In 2000, he left Rothschild to found WL Ross & Co. Ross was a banker known for acquiring and restructuring failed companies in industries such as steel, coal, telecommunications and textiles, later selling them for a profit after operations improved, a record that had earned him the moniker “King of Bankruptcy”. Ross has been chairman or lead director of more than 100 companies operating in more than 20 countries. In 2017, Ross became commerce secretary in the Donald Trump administration; at age 79, Ross was the oldest first-time Cabinet appointee in U.S. history.

β€œIn July 2019, Politico reported that the Commerce Department under Wilbur Ross reached “new heights of distraction”

β€œRoss allegedly left his department leaderless due to the large amounts of time spent in the White House trying to win support from President Trump [speculation]. Also, Ross allegedly tended to fall asleep in meetings to the extent that senior staffers avoided putting him in critical meetings where he could fall asleep.

β€œRoss owns an art collection valued at $150 million that includes pieces ranging from Western surrealists to contemporary Eastern sculptures. 

This story from Temple University suggests Ross was the architect of some innovative accounting done to save Trump’s skin and plunder the government coffers. No illegal conduct is implied.


Trump receives favours, how many favours does Trump owe?

Is he just another liar in the queue for the top job, and what value to the establishment is yet another liar, there is a great host of them available, but the marketable difference is charisma. The purported concept of re-separating the USA from Britain and Europe is a proposition of unmatched vastness. Who knows how the next few years will play out, but some of the signs are woeful.

(Allegedly) one of Trump’s unfiltered, pussy-grabbing moments

Doddering Biden of the stolen election was traded out with all the dirty laundry and Kamala in with clean sheets. Kamala was the only choice, to transfer the party donations across without refunding them, for which she was credited with having earned them all in one day.

Kamala charisma is being pumped to the maximum, even in backwaters like Australia, where it is bordering on the totally irrelevant.

The Defense of Zion looks like a choice but you don’t get a choice, Trump is all the way with Bibi Netanyahu. Kamala, it is claimed, will β€œwork towards” the two state solution, by now we should all understand this means to β€œdo nothing”.

So, who owns the Zion project, one may be expected to wonder. The Balfour declaration is no indication.

The answer is, you will never know who owns any of all this. There are enough companies and trusts to keep anyone guessing forever. There are large numbers of tax havens all over the world, of all shapes and sizes, the largest number formed by the British long ago and the biggest among them all is Switzerland. Remember that money attracts money and huge energies are devoted to maintaining and growing wealth. Notice how multinational companies and Global chain-stores proliferate in your town.

Photo=montage from internet

Trump’s commendable anti-war sentiments are instantly cast aside when it comes to the defence of Israel, with which the US appears to have no formal treaty, but supplies billions of dollars of military aid and unequivocal moral support, on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding. Contrast this with the NATO members who he regularly rails at, for their embarrassingly minimal contributions. AUKUS is different again, with Australia dutifully throwing Macron under the bus and buying expensive US built nuclear submarines.


Greater Zion extends strategically from at least Aden, the ancient sea port of Yemen, up to Turkiye, and from the Suez canal across to Persia, now Iran. It is an extension of Europe, which, led by Great Britain with its Empire styled Union Jack flag, intends to expand forever.

Other essays have covered the presumed migration of Ptolemy’s descendants, experts in statecraft, from their destroyed empire in Alexandria up to the silk road opportunities of Khazaria and then westward to Hungary, Frankfurt and such places, in the service of the Vatican and Royal Houses of Europe, these various essays can be site searched using the keyword j.g.

From the notorious Eye of Horus on the pyramid to the Cleopatra’s Needles, of which the Washington Monument is the world’s largest, the Ptolemic empire evidently still lives. The post-Roman empire bloodlines of north Italy and Venice live on, the Merovingians with their fleur-de-lys stylised bee symbol live on, in partnership and conflict alike with the Khazarian products such as Soros.

Egypt was formed from the two civilisations of the Nile who used red and white as their heraldic colours, which were eventually combined into a red and white head-dress. They used blue as the colour for their war helmets, whence we get the United Nations armed forces’ blue helmet soldiers.

Washington Monument, a useless thing in the middle of nowhere. 

Construction stalled for decades due to donations running out then the Civil War.

Washington State was relegated to the farthest back corner of Oregon territory, but Washington himself was redeemed and manipulated by the vested interests to instill patriotism.

Finally, the pyramid on top of the world’s tallest Egyptian style obelisk, made of aluminium, an expensive cutting-edge material in those times.

Washington Monument is 20m higher than Great Pyramid of Giza.

So who owns the USA? 

The size of β€œgreater” Europe, its age and wealth are all superior to that of the young United States of America. The constitutional basis of the USA is changed at will by European forces, in the War of 1812, the Civil War with the replacement of the β€œno princes” 13th amendment, the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the consequent abandonment of the gold standard in 1971 and subsequent rampaging inflation, all go to prove America’s helplessness in the face of the will of European powers, who use America as their military base, in order to protect their fragile ancient cities, relics, institutions, infrastructure and wealth.

A recent example of the helplessness of the USA is in the celebrated journalist Bob Woodward who was resurrected a few months ago, originally made world famous for his Watergate exposure of President Nixon. In hindsight it is easy to see the massive whitewash provided by the legacy media of that era such as Time magazine. The real objective was of course to install VP Ford, allegedly a controlled paedophile, as president with his newly minted Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, who had previously worked for Eisenhower on cold war policy, and as Governor of New York. 

Hiring and firing of course included George H.W. Bush and his family and colleagues of Kuwait war through to 9-11 fame. We still hear from Bolton, who started out as an intern for Nixon’s first VP Spiro Agnew, who himself was ushered out in favour of Gerald Ford. Rockefellers allegedly go back to William I, the Elector of Hesse, along with Rothschilds, Epsteins and Rodhams. During Washington’s War of Independence, 30,000 Hessian mercenaries reportedly supported England. The infamous Jeffrey Epstein should be thought of as a financier.

It’s much easier to control people with money and only send in the troops when essential, and the most efficient strategy is to control the ruling clique with fiat currency. The public is manipulated by a system of lies so extensive that their entire lives are a delusion of useless pseudo-education, bogus politics, nonsensical public investments, diet and medications designed to turn them into permanent clients of a dysfunctional medical system, externally controlled militaries infected with absurdities like the glory of war and β€œsacrifice”, and an elite class that practises β€œdo as thou wilt” without anything more than the vaguest and most transient attention from the authorities or media.



  1. Spooky:

    β€œTrump is now the publicly initiated high priest.
    Leviticus 8:23 KJV β€” β€œAnd he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.”
    That’s why Trump took his shoe off. The fireman was the sacrifice. A β€œlamb without blemish” – a role model citizen, a patriot, and a family man”
    I don’t think most on this side of the world have any idea what could be coming.
    History has been censored.
    Yet again they rinse and repeat.
    Might be in for some rough times.
    Buckle up”.

  2. I think we are entering strange times. I’ve had many discussions with Ned. I don’t think any ‘white hats’ are coming to rescue us.
    And anyone in power has been compromised in one way or other.

    • I’m concerned about nominative determinism.
      The new political leader in Darwin is called Lia Finnochiar
      ( Liar Pinnochio ? )
      Newsreader is called RosChilds.

    • Think so ?

      Don’t know how accurate Benjamin Fulford is , but he claims many countries have already eradicated the globalists from their shores , and western nations , particularly Canada and America are trailing behind .

      Michael Flynn has been doing some things that make people nervous .

      Those illuminati symbols at day 1 of the Republican convention seemed like they were sending out a message that a new post Trump world had (almost) arrived .

      You are right it can be easy to get down in the dumps over it all .

      But then I remember , Kamunism brings joy and the world seems a little brighter , the sky seems a little bluer, and I don’t feel like jumping off bridges that are no longer there .

      • Hans,
        You appear to be a good sport.so besides Fulford have a bat with Mary at her situationupdate at beforeitsnews.com. People powered news.
        There is plenty of giggle at the opening and after all the MKU stuff, that only a couple here bother to consider with Congressional hearings confirming, you will get to about 21 minutes for some real fun.
        At about 22 Nancy says she is a lizard and Kamy wants the nuclear codes.
        I think Kamy thinks the nuclear codes are encrypted with the winning world lotto numbers. She wants to go off with her best big bang ever🀣
        Bet she wants one of Albanesies masters to go bush.
        I think I will come back after intermission for the rest….. the bloody butcher bird tried to nick one of my lamb chops THAWing on the BBQ grill.
        Let me know when the black swan is landing on Lake Burnley Griffin.
        I have never to my knowledge had a β€˜prophetic’ dream, but things are a bit mad, last night I witnessed army dressed fellows banging on a door and ready to smash it in if the resident did not come out. The scenario was very detailed and he was taken away.
        Before we are safe under the Kamy Black Rock sponsors I feel uneasy and must get some more cash and candles.

        • Thanks Ned , is this where you want me to be ?


          Mrs Pelosi sounded like she did have a pint too many , while propagandist , er , I mean reporter Judy Woodruff looks on approvingly .

          Judy works for the Public Broadcasting System , America’s equivalent to your ABC .

          A taxpayer funded , all leftist all the time organization that does play a lot of good music and concerts during Pledge Week .


          Here is the latest prophecy I could find regarding Australia , from March 2 of this year :

          β€œAustralia Fair, you are My Southland β€” decreed and anointed since before time.

          My land of milk and honey. My land of plenty and of blessing.

          Woe to the apostate and rebellious leaders who have led you into the wilderness of lack, waste, and unholy living.

          I AM sending My Passover Angel to once again wreak havoc among you.

          Only those who welcome My Holy Spirit will be β€˜passed over’ while the rest reap the harvest of their foolish and/ or sinful ways!

          The resulting anger and frustration will oust the rebellious and corrupt leaders in favour of those I AM anointing for the coming season.

          Stay awake, Australia, be alert to the signs and wonders My Remnant Church shall demonstrate for you in order that you too may repent and believe!” says God.

          In fear and trembling, and not a little excitement.

          • Hans,
            Keep listening and considering to the end. I trust that you will take some interest in the MKULTRA EXPOSURES AND JUST GET TO THE END ESPECIALY FROM ONE HOUR FOR A BIT…. Stuff we do not hear from our mass media fascist running dogs.
            Note earlier some opinion as to Trump’s cabinet.
            If you be distracted by Joe’s uncle, commander Thaw, do not be, some read our press here and just site an astrology forecast and claim that the sports scores must be rubbish…. deficiency of intellectual discernment have someπŸ™€πŸ’πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£

          • As for the rumble link, I find it easier each day at beforeitsnews.com
            http://whatreallyhappened.com – new.
            Pick from the headlines matters of interest…. After a week you will be so far ahead of US fake mass media and many here, you will hardly be believe anything the globalist politicians can even dream of.
            Then again do not forget Dee’s gumshoenews.com here and join us, we have fun here…… censorship is almost unknown here…. If it exists.
            MAGA! Make Australia Great AgainπŸ’
            PS: what if we are not the only life forms in the billions of years of the universe’s existence.
            Further, how many civilizations on our planet once existed?
            As per form, probably within 10000 years we will not be known, but our planet will still be here.

      • Haaaa!
        28 mins, now who thinks Trump has nothing to offer to a Kennedy, then those naughty failed assassins.
        So we have T and K … brothers in armsπŸ’πŸ™€πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
        Be patient Joe, I am sure thaw will come up for your detailed attention.

  3. J.G. Olsen states: “Who owns America owns Trump.


    After all the attempted murders on Trump and his family’s lives since 2015, I would suggest, that even the village idiot could comprehend that whoever, ‘owns’ America, is only interested in being rid of the Trumps.

    • The Patent “Peoples Magazine” invention says it all.
      So what day in 1998 exactly ?

      “Despite People’s comprehensive online content archive, we found no interview or profile on Donald Trump in 1998 (or any other time) that quoted his saying anything that even vaguely resembled the statement “Republicans are the dumbest group of voters.” Trump appeared somewhat regularly in the magazine’s pages before he came to star on The Apprentice, but the bulk of the magazine’s celebrity-driven coverage of him back then centered on his marriages to, and divorces from, Ivana Trump and Marla Maples.

      Trump’s political endeavors (or the absence of them) did rate some space on the magazine’s pages, though. For example, a December 1987 profile titled “Too Darn Rich” chronicled Trump’s later claims that he had been courted by both Democrats and Republicans”

      The nature his(Olsen’s) “Financial Expositor” claim-to-fame is known accordingly
      A bit of good old-fashioned jealousy perhaps ?

    • “After all the attempts on Trump’s life”. Yes all the attempts, what if the latest shooting was not meant to kill, but to convince the public. Are American sharp-shooters not as good as our own killer in the Port Arthur Massacre. Our bloke hit the first target with a killer shot and then went on to not only wound but to mostly kill another 33 (I think) before he butted out, in a very short time.

  4. Conspiracy theorist with box cutter flips out
    “He kept on threatening to kill himself,” Mr Pike said.
    “He was even saying ‘I’ve seen my grave this morning, I need to die so you can live’.”
    Ms Pike added that he was yelling “weird stuff”.
    “Like ‘freedom, you all need to open your eyes’ and then he’d swear and say ‘you need to open your eyes’,” she said.

    • β€œHe was even saying β€˜I’ve seen my grave this morning, I need to die so you can live’.”

      CULTS– Some interesting dot collecting for me here Joe.

      All part of the Grand Plan –the agenda– starts 2019—– then this controlled 2024 “media update”–appalling “reporting”–
      NB: Role and current situation of 7News–ABC new role Ah Divine Authority-

      Surprise Surprise: World Headquarters based in Melbourne: Sounds very similar to the infamous Melbourne based Cult of the Family. Focusing on the Guru as the evil one.

      Map– around 5.26— No Tavistock Nodes—-

      The Good News International Church:
      You tube sponsored “A Voice in the Desert”.
      Orphans adopted –home schooling- coercive control–

      The dark reality of the Kidney Cult | 7NEWS Spotlight

      168,979 views Jun 11, 2024
      Liam Bartlett investigates Australia’s most dangerous doomsday cult and how it is connected to the worst mass suicide since Jonestown. Praying on vulnerable Aussie teenagers, this cult encourages its followers to donate their kidneys for God. Subscribe to 7NEWS Spotlight for the latest video Β»

  5. SYDNEY, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Australia on Monday raised its terror threat level to β€œprobable” from β€œpossibleβ€œ, citing an increase in extremist views in the country leading to a more than 50% chance of the planning of an onshore attack in the next 12 months. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he had raised the country’s threat level following advice from security services, but said there was no imminent threat of an attack. β€œThe advice that we have received is that more Australians are embracing a more diverse range of extreme ideologies and it is our responsibility to be vigilant,” he told a news conference. Australia lowered the threat level to β€œpossible” in 2022, following eight years at β€œprobable”.

    Who’s getting extreme here ?

    This doesn’t sound much like a security measure , but rather a crackdown .

    • Hans – a federal government ‘elected’ by less than 30% of those foolish Australians who still believe that voting actually counts, gets to hit the road running when it comes down to what the Globalists demand of them as payback for levering them into their pretend position of power.

      Did you know that ‘Reuters’ is a Rothschild owned media?

      The real ‘terrorists’ are those who pretend to have legitimate power, but are in reality, all part of a belligerent occupation masquerading as government.

    • Hans your last sentence says it all. How can the fact that Australians are at last awaking to the abysmal performance of our governments, and other criminal enterprises be classed as reason to upgrade our “threat” level?

      I suppose it is China’s fault that we Aussies are starting to think for ourselves.

  6. If we search the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies we see a smashing photo of Warp Speed Donny The Vax Man with Princess Camilla and family on a visit to Mar-a-Lago.
    No sign of Prince Pedro on this occasion who must have had to stay home and attend to his Order of Malta business.

  7. Is Donald Trump Set to Become the Scapegoat for the Economic Collapse, If Re-Elected?
    In this episode of Daniel Estulin’s Conceptual Intelligence Series, we explore potential scenarios surrounding Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential bid and discuss the future of global financial trends. This analysis is based on publicly available information and expert opinions, offering a speculative look at possible developments

    • Hmm, latitude -25 runs right through the middle of Australia. If we get heavy rains on that latitude, it is going to do wonders for the continent.

  8. I’m still listening to our crooked ABC-TV re: the NT election train wreck for the ALP, crooked ABC-TV minions are keeping their chins up though, they are rejoicing in the Teal Wave, it appears Teals party picked up one seat on the back of ABC-TV’s relentless CarbonicClimateChange fraud promotion, or perhaps it was just some local personality fundraising some dollars from Simon Holmes-a-Court

    • “I’m still listening to our crooked ABC-TV” – Thanks for the update, I haven’t watched that crap in over 25 years. I wish I could get a rebate on my taxes for something I never use.

      • Lots of sunspots today generating some unseasonal heat they are feeling in Queensland
        Fake news totally silent as always about this.
        If anyone looks at the column on the left you can see the solar cycle going back to 2006 which corresponds exactly to the climate.
        “ClimateChange” is actually their new word for weather, which is multiplied by civil engineering disasters being videoed and broadcasted.

  9. More IPCC lies
    Albedo effect/TSI
    Ship tracks and bunker fuels
    Natural Climate Variability – Climate Cycles – It Was Much Warmer In The Past Based On New Data

  10. β€œWhile the earth remains,
    Seedtime and harvest,
    Cold and heat,
    Winter and summer,
    And day and night
    Shall not cease.”

    Genesis 8:22

    Not ever going to get so warm that we don’t have winter anymore.

    Just saw somewhere that we are cycling into a cold current that may last awhile and even threaten Al Gore’s income stream .

    Maybe even wipe out his “frozen” assets .

  11. Yesterday the next door neighbor dropped off a dozen eggs. It’s that time of year that the hens start laying again! – I already had two dozen eggs in the ‘fridge from other people, but I wasn’t going to knock the eggs back. I’ll have another cheese omelet for breakfast tomorrow.

    Then today another neighbor dropped off two heads of cabbage. One red and the other green. I sliced up the green head and I’m turning it into sauerkraut. I gave the red cabbage to another neighbor that has some friends that are doing it a bit hard. Trying to keep growing kids well fed is becoming more difficult with the inflation.

  12. From about 25 mins and earlier on MK-Utra etc from Mary at situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Who are we to let these people control and run your lives and OUR GOVERNMENTS, ABC and complicit MASS MEDIA.
    Are there only a few Hunan beings who care here and are raising this DREADFUL DISGUSTING REALITY ?
    From the comment records here at GS for many years, we can identify those who do not care OR merely close their minds and are mere purposeful distractors.
    NO WAY WILL THESE MATTERS BE COVERED UP AND HIDDEN…… there will be retribution.βš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈπŸ™πŸ‘»

  13. nobody owes nobody nothing. The only credit is time. explains the distractions. You all spend it wisely, and realize the box office. sometimes we get caught up in an excelent movie and throw popcorn at the screen(u know where I point and I will point out I said we).
    Trump is imposible and the believers are hurting the children and by extension alll of us “the me”. Nothing wrong with the me and it has time credit. Who owns you is the credit provider, and as I said nobody owes nobody nothing.
    Airey fairey crap I know, I could write a movie. I thought the “the telegram” ((spin off show))incident would be on topic here(wink Joe}.

    “dirty discusting” homeless peaple” are causing a lot of suffering and they tend to have multiple worldwide mansions. I don’t care if by hook or crook because they can always come in from the cold, an offer given not extended, eh gov

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