by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Why didn’t I think of this? For those who won’t take the vax, it is still possible to invade their body. Just create a batch of PCR “tests” for Covid that contain the goods.
By “the goods” I mean, of course, the bads.
Please hark back to my interview with Dr Erik Enby, a microbiologically inclined physician in Sweden. He was given a vial of Pfizer and slid its contents under the microscope. Was he ever surprised! There were unnamed particles (I have given them the name “Enby particles”) that looked very familiar to him.
Dr Erik Enby has for 50 years been finding these active, replicating particles in chronically sick or terminally ill humans, as well as in plants that are on the way out. In old age, they are a normal process by which we all get recycled to earth (I deduce). But you don’t want to find them in young people.
I made the leap, as I am somewhat of a leap artist, to the idea of the Enby particles being seeded deliberately into Covid vaccines. (I mean why not? everything else is.)
Granted, I don’t know that for sure, and Enby does not claim it, as he himself has never been able to chase down the nature of the particles — he is only saying “they look familiar.”
A Gargling Test for School Kids
Today I received a new short video of a PCR test packaged into a gargle. By putting the contents under the microscope, Dr Enby again recognized the old “EP’s”.
This new invention, the gargle test, led me to gargle for — oops, I mean google for — the phrase “use gargle to test for Covid.” There I found a YouTube video from Vancouver, BC, that show how school kids are being given this test. They can even take the stuff home and do it there.
(I guess they didn’t read my ominous-sounding GumshoeNews article of October 28, 2021, or the December 19, 2021 article about a similar South Korean discovery of moving critters in the soup. That group is called the Korean Veritas group, which tells me that they know something’s up.)
Note: I hate to call people “brave” just for telling the truth. On the other hand, the Swedish filmmaker who produced the October video of Enby’s particles, Börje
Peratt, died shortly thereafter, unexpectedly. Peratt was a devoted environmentalist and we are sorry that he will not continue to produce good work.
Below, I ask you to watch this brief film made by EIRA in Gothesberg, who gave us permission to display it here. And under that is the video about the children in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, an area of the world that has had (cough, cough) some issues.
Not that Barbecuaria is entirely free of issues, but, so far, we — the leaders — are not using gargle to test for Covid.
Canada. the Children’s Hospital offers a gargle test since 2020:
It occurs to me that we should not just be yakking about the things we know, rather we should try to imagine what else they are lkely to be doing.
I am waiting to receive info that the swabs also have a “naughty” in them.
Of course, talking even about our wildest imaginings is no real help. We need to DO SOMETHING about it.
This is seeeeerious business, Guys.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny was doing that and finding moving fibers etc
Wow, w3, thanks for that lead. I found it at WaPo. What a disgrace.
Moving fibers video, re-attaching & twitching (2 mins)
and another one, fibers moving by body heat (4 mins)
They seem to be woven into all sorts of medical materials such as swabs
Is the suggestion in that link that all is innocent?
It’s likely that everything is contaminated, but if I have the story right, Enby has been seeing these particular little cuties (photo at top of today’s article) for decades and always in connection with illness or, in olants, over-ripeness.
Quite the opposite but I am not drawing any long bow about self assembling robots. Was he saying there are a lot of gall bladders and appendixes coming out lately, I think I heard it there. My latest chiropractor is quite young and in excellent health, cancelled my last appointment and had his appendix out instead.
Exactly Mary, we are looking into the rear view mirror while not looking through the windscreen. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s the locomotive coming to run us flicking over. Let me tell you something –
I’m logistics supply for urgent medical, essential worker, and in contact with truck drivers, couriers and warehouse, countless others in my work. We all know that it is a scam but what for? Why did they lockdown LGAs such as Parramatta, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Penrith etc? Because we are mostly sons and daughters of immigrants that had escaped totalitarian regimes, war torn civil disputes, oppression and downright evil. Our parents taught us well to look for the signs. They knew about us knowing this and implemented the no jab no job malarkey, forcing people like myself to get the jab or starve. They knew we were cynical. The corporate suckholes of the North Shore were willing to get the killshot to appease their pay packet masters and work from home.
Now back to the original point – what is in store for us? There is something in the jab.
That’s why the push to have us all jabbed.
I think the answer is beyond most people’s comprehension.
i just want to say ken, for whats its worth 🙂 – that I enjoyed a previous comment of yours about , i think, “godzillacrom” – anyway.. beer came out my nose and you owe me a new keyboard..
regardless.. re what is in store, i think most people here know the plan, or have an inckling at least,, but good news! – if you do die,, you can claim compo here..
is that a subtle admission that the jabs actually kill people? /rhetorical
‘We’re an empire and when we act, we create our own reality’
Scheherazade in the White House
How George Bush’s wartime administration used a magician, Hollywood designers and Karl Rove telling 1,001 stories to sell the invasion of Iraq.
by Christian Salmon
‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors.. and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’ ” – Karl Rove
On the other hand, who does not have time for a laugh?
Northern Territory is under unvaxxxed lockdown since Thursday.The offenders have 3 reasons to leave home detention, essential shopping. medical treatment or care giving. No work no play. 23 people are in hospital with vaxxx flu and 2 are in ICU.
Fully vaxxxed have no restrictions, with facts proving they are spreading the virus.
BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold
BOMBSHELL: HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any “covid-19 virus” … PCR tests nothing but instrument NOISE … the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling
The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic, Just Before COVID-19: Dr. Kary Mullis, the Inventor of the PCR Technique
May 23, 2021
by Greg Reese
Dr. Kary Mullis had been a constant thorn in Big Pharma‘s side – then he suddenly died in 2019, just months before the plandemic started.
The late Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR “test,” has been blowing the whistle on Fauci and Big Pharma for 30 years.
Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dr Kary Mullis, About Anthony Fauci: He’s Not a Scientist and Doesn’t Understand Medicine.
The PCR Testing Scam: According to Its Inventor, Dr Kary Mullis, the Technique CANNOT Be Used to Detect Viruses.
And Here’s Exactly How the PCR is Being Misused in Detecting the Supposed Sars-Cov-2 Cases.
Watch below:
Dear Readers, today’s article, with info from the Swedish camp, is a Gumshoe Exclusive at the moment. We are lucky to have it. I think Dr Enby would be pleased and encouraged if you would concentrate on the gargle business.
How about no symphonies (unless you are desperate), and no Protocols. I realize I started it with babakiuarea. That was thougtless of me.
I’ll GARGLE it and see what comes up.
thanks Mary, i did see that one in passing earlier today, saved me from tracking it down again..
ive been watching a few good videos lately, first Julius’ pyramids.. (phew!)
and these two..
I am having some misgivings about that pyramids video – some very awkward sections. Admittedly they did put a disclaimer on the ‘Gosford Glyphs’ but they still did use it …
What a load of crap. I heard about the Gosford Glyphs and I had some rough instructions of where the ‘cave’ was that contained the glyphs. I eventually found the cave and broke out laughing. It wasn’t a cave it was a crack in a rock you walk through with writing on both walls.
The big thing to note was the figures were carved in SANDSTONE that was open to the elements. If you want to see them you may want to do it before Mother Nature erases them.
Apparently it was done one summer by some college students. The writing doesn’t mean anything, it is just random Egyptian symbols that looked ‘cool’.
That seals it – thanks Terry 🙂
You win a tune …
Spring of Heatsukhan Magia
Changing the subject (getting a little too warm in here). I’ve been listening to Manly P Hall talking about the Pythagorean symbolism of numbers – you know, 7 = law, 4 = the blue dog, 9 = not quite 10 and something has been revealed to me …
If you add up all the digits in 2022, you get 6, which is the exact number of letters in the name DONALD:
What does “Globalist Asset Fugu” add up to.
Good luck re-opening Auschwitz, or even getting a worthwhile payment from whatever globalist foundation keeps your inbox full
Trust the ‘Bee’ to tell the truth again. I took a look at the video of the board game, hilarious, in your face truth.
Sacramento Bee is funny too
Q. How many starving North Koreans could USD 1.4 billion feed
A. All of them
im still going to make a big lens to boil my yabbies.. thanks all 🙂
With all those ‘big lens’ that had to have been produced in Egypt and South America, you would think there would be some evidence of them, say, just some broken glass?
i hadnt considered that 😐
actually.. now you say that, a recreation and live demo wouldve been nice.. instead of just pictures..
To crack glass you just need a scratch and then it snaps along the line.
The pyramids are full of rubble so those would be all the ones that didn’t work out.
Above, there is a quote from Karl Rove. That led to a long piece by Karel van Wolferen which you will be pleased to read here:
Not my fault. Not my fault. Crisscross mentioned Scheheresade. This is NOT my fault:
Conspiracy Cafes latest 3 blog posts.. Also for those who are not aware of it , you should have a look at the video ‘Sound of Silence by Disturbed. The official version.
Death rate of working age people up 40% ( US )
“Silence like a cancer grows”
Bugger-w3–I keep saying I am not commenting any more on gum gum–but after a couple of wines -you post this doppledanger of Crowley and fish –mentions randomly something about child abuse–God save us all-lets stick with sacred geometry-and the holographic universe
An Alistair Crowley Clone: Crowley’s father had been born a Quaker, but had converted to the Exclusive Brethren, a faction of a Christian fundamentalist group known as the Plymouth Brethren, with Emily joining him upon marriage.
That song is courtesy of Kevin Woodman
I just pasted it up for him, A. Crowley is before my time
Why give up posting on gum gum, I think a broad range of stuff is what the publisher would probably want, people should put more effort, personally I put in a couple of hours most days to resistance activities
Ah w3 —“time management” – is the reason—believe me I greatly value gumshoe and the information shared—and now I have to focus my time and stop being tempted by my fellow travellers wonderful contributions–love the song btw
the gargle video … … so child abuse is now called “care giving”?
when i was whipped at school, they told me it hurt them more than it hurt me.
frankly what hurt most, wasnt the sting of the cane…
it was the smile on his face as he took his run up.
Serves you right
me: dad, they hit me at school!
Dad: you probably deserved it.
note to self/ stop replying to julius.
*** DOH!
When I want a spanking I go over to an echo chamber of neo-Bolsheviks and suggest that the uprising in Kazakhstan has similarities to the 1905 uprising in Russia – rouse the masses into thinking they are protesting for equality and workers’ rights [or anti COVID/QR draconian totalitarianism) while the organisers had another agenda in mind … say regime change (i.e. me in control not you). Standard Marxist/Lenin tactics
Nobody can recall that this was about The Virus™
I quote Putin and Pepe Escobar but I don’t dare go here …
i bought my wife a whip, to serve me lashes as deserved.. she refused,
so sadistic
still, i can throw myself in front of the tractors in the vineyard, but well.. you.. youre just sick!
Tom Lehrer did a fab job. Thank you to all our spankettes today. U r great.
Belated thanks to Diane for two links, the one to Kane’s funeral which was incredibly uplifting (seriously) and the link to the free-download book by Wendy Hoffman which for me is the all-time Rosetta stone.
Go, Rosetta! Go! And hurry! There’s no time to waste.
The game is rigged, Scott and Josh both have a virus that does not exist in air. The marketing illuminating, Luciferase patent ‘the thing’ with aborted babies cells, a few of many abominations, in vaxxxines made in bio security weapons laboratories ! Please wake up, toss the gadgets and problem becomes solution overnight, no BS. Coming from a seaside village in the Adriatic, where living was constant for millennias, bar the ever changing flag rotation. 1965, in seaside village of birth, with one thousand people, there was one motor car. Before then every family had a timber boat maintained, working the fields producing the fruits of their labour. Then came ww1, followed by communism, wake up good friends, conspicuous consumption is global slavery by oligarchs hellbent on genocide. Embrace your families and reject the ‘reset’ with non compliance. Simple, easier said than done. Good luck friends, keep the Faith if you can.
Short video but starting 2:40 – 3:30
Wayne Glew police officer quotes Australian Constitution, no such thing as emergency powers, “if an authority is not granted in the Constitution it is denied to the parliament so it remains with YOU”.
Also Section 51 subsection 20 an Australian State can form a company but thereafter it is governed by the Federal legislation so a mandate is not legislation (as we know by the definition of the word), sounds like directly via the constitution, all the “Emergency Powers” and Corporate Health Officer stuff is not legit, this is a similar argument by the sounds to the argument saying local councils are not legit. The state governments can create entities but they then have no power over them. Hopefully everyone will vote for Craig Kelly and we will have some hope of fixing things up, otherwise if Bill Shorten wins (he always thinks he’s going to) we will go straight to the knackery, with full communo-fascism implemented at top speed. “You will own nothing”, means, you will be paying rent all your life.
Wayne Glew apparently believes that, with enough prayer, certain mechanisms that used to restrain dictatorial power can be re-established, quote,
“Humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, we the people of the Commonwealth do formally petition this Honorable establishment known as the House of Lords to seek a remedy in the form of the re-establishment of the Lawful Government of Our Commonwealth pursuant to the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK and the Commonwealth Constitution 1901 as accepted by referendum by the people as Our Lawful Constitution”,_Kurt.pdf
That position is at cross purposes with the fact that the lawlessness of the Age is being driven by the hoi polloi who “receive not the love of the truth” and that said sector is being sent “a strong delusion” by Mr. G himself as an integral part of a divine Judgement process
REF: 2 Thessalonians 2
Asking G to hold back an incoming tide so you can restore a few sand castles is obviously futile
Make sure you sign on with Craig Kelly’s UAP so they can get ads on crooked ABC TV before the election, someone must know how many ads you get for how many party members or whatever, otherwise just watch out they are going to do lots of attack ads and the fights need to be on every level, we need to see lots of scalps, red, blue, green, a bit less of this getting them off the hook for propriety’s sake, as with Gladys, Cuomo, many others could be mentioned who have been given the full kid-gloves treatment in “retirement” only the rabble, the peasants, get the slammer. The elite get a handshake, a hug, a bit of sympathy and best wishes as they depart.
How will future generations remember this if it’s all sanitised beyond recognition.
How nice. Someone has emailed me to thank me for being humorous in today’s article.
Oh yeah? Wait till you see this:
Djokovitch seems to be claiming he got the now benign and harmless mutated version of the bio-weapon and after one month he is ready to win the Australian Open tennis game in the full heat of a Melbourne summer.
A very bad look for the injectors if he is allowed to play then goes on to win.
But it’s a bad look anyway, should wake up a few tennis fans, it’s even woken up Kyrgios
I call for a million strong crowd outside the Djokovitch detention cell
Australian Open – All players must be qvaxxed – Now called Pfizer Open
The shots will leave you breathless.
Tomorrow in NSW, ‘they’ the serpents will start injecting 5 year olds, with second shot in eight weeks time. If you have children or grandchildren, please do not accept murder of innocents, this is the moment when compliance must stop. Humane reptiles on all bases loaded.
Kazakhstan now arresting officials for treason, back story I don’t have sorry.
Lying Australian ABC TV keeps saying the uprising is because of LPG prices, these are basically irate taxi-drivers, according to the ABC, torching government buildings and attacking lines of riot-pigs, if you believe the words coming out of the obnoxious cretins in the ABC then you’re totally lost.
ABC TV specialising in multiple clips of 5-year-olds being injected, some wearing the dust-mask, the repetition is there for a reason, it’s “monkey see monkey do” for the Useless Eaters.
James O’Neill was right.
I can’t remember that discussion, there are a lot of -stans, maybe Uighurstan or do they call it Turkmenistan, can’t remember, but Kazakhstan is virtually Russian territory, I remember them being discussed in the old Dostoyevsky books or somewhere like that, they have become very oil-rich since the days of Globalist minion Sacha Baron Cohen mocking them. It’s probably not far off where Aussie Cossack comes from, they are a spirited bunch !!! Showing a lot of initiative, probably all descended from Ghenghis.
BitChute: # operatiionradiation 2.0 (Logic Before Authority)
Great resource Kevin – I finally got around to watching it (just starting)
• Operation Radiation 2.0 “Past Becomes Present” – Logicbeforeauthority
This came to mind for some reason …
• 2003: Australia Threatens to Fine Retailers Who Exaggerate the Benefit of Masks vs SARS Up to AU$110,000
at risk of repeating ourselves …
• COVID-19 — is it really about a virus? – Sayer Ji
for Dee
I guess farmers know all about how animals are treated like animals and they like to keep themselves apart from that treatment, townies are less in touch with distasteful rural realities
You’ll love this – almost as good as Elie Wiesel, Irene Zisblatt, Rachel Hanan or a Steven Spewburger movie
• Nazi Creatures (WWII Documentary HD)
… banning animal cruelty – now THAT’s sinister !!
Nero’s zoo was on the site of the present-day Colosseum, and the sphinx is some pharaoh guy’s head put on a lion, the British Royals like to go on their fox-hunts when nobody’s looking, so everyone who thinks they are a cut above is interested in certain types of animals for their image management etc.
But your story of how the dead Nazi prisoners were ground up in a mincing machine and fed to dogs was more interesting. Any species that can’t find a big enough food source is likely to be in for some depopulation.
So as for your video, it seems to be an effort to rehabilitate Nazis, which is the other side of your ongoing mission to dehumanise anyone somehow connected to the label of “jew”. The obsessiveness reminds me somewhat of Kevin Spacey’s friend in “American Beauty”. So much stuff is available on spewtube and elsewhere it’s easy to become distracted. Why try to spin free speech and “Alt-News” into “Eradicate Jews”. It’s a waste of time.
That video is NOT presenting the whole truth. That is how subtle the JEW WORLD ORDER uses jewtube to deceive the world by manipulating nobility and uprightness of the National Socialists German Third Reich policies into insinuations of false sinister narrations.
“We see from [history] how much the Jews were at all times and by all nations loathed and despised. This may be partly due to the fact that they were the only people on earth who did not credit man with any existence beyond this life and were, therefore, regarded as beasts… Scum of humanity—but great master of lies.” Arthur Schopenhauer, 1851
All the races take turns hating each other, very primitive
[…] in the war-up Pfizer vaccine. And now Sweden has found “Enby particles” in the Covid gargle test that is given to children. This is horrendous and must stop […]
Dr Michael Yeadon.