Home Health Will China Be The Only Country With a Vaccine Scandal?

Will China Be The Only Country With a Vaccine Scandal?

The bad vaccine, and the rabid dog (photos – Richmond News and News24)

by Dee McLachlan

A week ago, Chinese authorities realized something was wrong with the Rabies Vaccine. China’s regulator said that vaccine manufacturer Changsheng Biotechnology had violated standards in the production of a rabies vaccine. They fabricated production records, and were found to have sold more than 250,000 ineffective DPT vaccines.

Allegedly, they were also fined over sub-standard diphtheria, whooping and tetanus vaccines. The ABC reported that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said the company had crossed a moral red line and urged severe punishment for the companies and people implicated.

“We will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that endanger the safety of peoples’ lives.”

15 people have now been arrested. Back in 2016, more than 200 people were arrested after authorities discovered that tens of millions of dollars worth of expired vaccines had been sold around the country. Interestingly, this is all being blamed on “cutthroat capitalism.

A China Daily editorial wrote:

“The government needs to act as soon as possible to let the public know it is resolved to address the issue and will punish any wrongdoers without mercy. [You can guess what that might mean.] …need to receive the heaviest penalties according to the law.”

WHO claims China goes through more rabies vaccine than any other country (12-15 million doses), and has the second highest number of reported rabies cases in the world — with over 2,000 deaths on average reported each year for the past 10 years.


There have only been 2 reported rabies deaths in Australia, and they were infected overseas. And don’t worry — substandard vaccines are only “Made in China.” Really?

We import so many things from China: clothes, kitchen supplies, plastics, vehicles, nick-nacks, food, and — wait for it — pharmaceuticals. I couldn’t find anything about Chinese vaccines being imported into Australia — yet.

So, is it possible that there are absolutely no sub-standard vaccines in Australia?

Victoria Leads the nation when it comes to vaccination rates, and a government website proudly states:

“Five-year-olds in Victoria are now better protected against diseases prevented by vaccination than in any other state in Australia, new data shows. According to new figures from the Australian Immunisation Register, 95.7 per cent of kids aged five are now fully immunised…

“The Andrews Labor Government’s ‘No Jab, No Play’ laws have seen a steady increase in immunisation rates for Victorian children.”

And to quote Minister for Health Jill Hennessy:

“Immunisation is safe, effective and it saves lives… We’re so glad that more parents than ever before are taking heed of the message and keeping their kids safe.”

But what does “safe” mean? Safe for that day, that week… or for life? Especially now that so much evidence points to vaccines also causing HARM.

The US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out $106.5 million in the last year, and even though only a minuscule proportion of those vaccinated make a successful claim, approximately $3.7 billion has been paid out since 1988.

Murdoch and ‘No Jab, No Pay’

Who is persuading us to (over) vaccinate our children? Has Murdoch’s News Corp influenced the Federal Government’s coercive No Jab, No Pay policy through media campaigns in its newspapers?

Elizabeth Hart writes in the Australian national Review (19 July):

“…I strongly believe the Murdoch family has a conflict of interest… i.e. the Murdoch family’s association with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in industry-funded vaccine research and development.

“For years your media group [News Corp] has run the extraordinarily biased No Jab, No Play vaccination campaign, and has been a major party in creating a polarised ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ vaccination climate, with hyperbolic articles such as ‘Anti-vaxers, you are baby killers’ (Claire Harvey, The Sunday Telegraph, 21 March 2015).

“Former Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Chair Terry Nolan is now a Group Leader in vaccination and immunisation research (VIRGo) with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, with involvement in projects funded by GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Novartis, Sanofi Pasteur and Novavax, as recorded in Terry Nolan’s presentation titled ‘The National Immunisation Program in the modern era – providing, nudging, and cajoling’, presented at the PHAA National Immunisation Conference 2016.

“The bloated and conflicted vaccination schedule is out of control, we have no idea of the long-term cumulative consequences of all these vaccine interventions.”


Surely the Chinese can’t be the only sloppy vaccine manufacturers? And one has to ask: could the entire vaccine industry be driven by “cutthroat capitalism“? Or is there another agenda?

However, if people or politicians are found to be colluding with corporations in Australia to increase the sales, and/or over use of vaccines (through mandatory schemes), or distributing potentially harmful products, we should “punish any wrongdoers without mercy.”



  1. I always suspected Victorians were the most stupid people in Australia, and now I know for sure.

    The great thing about vaccines is that this is nature at work… eliminating the stupid and ignorant.

    Also eliminating dummies is the use of electronic games and mobile phones. Latest figures show more than one hour per day is brain damaging. For under twos, the rule is no use at all.

    Happily, all the brain-damaged kids of lazy and ignorant parents will be too stupid to understand their parent’s neglect and so will not litigate. Now ain’t that poetic justice turned on its head.

  2. We need to punish governments who are creating sub standard food such as the hamburger industry, I will not mention what propriety brands come to mind, and the government are behind the vaccine trade to poison people, if you think the governments are looking out for your health you are either conditioned to believe it or having become stupid enough as a result of propaganda and have become all part of a voting public to have governments that are oppresive and furthermore you deserve bad health and suffering as a result of being a party of collusion to a criminal organization commonly known as the elite, bankers, and those posturing as part of your welfare, whom? Trump, Blair, Turnbull and the common household names that are all part of a repressive, what is misunderstood is the ruling elite is very much like the lower working class, arrogant and self satisfied with being ignorant and in the main violent, when you come across the criminal class who also have insanity and violence in your life, as happened to me of recent, you are in big trouble especially if they become fixated upon you.

    • So sorry Don, your subscription has some glitch, and I have to moderate each comment. Will try work on that.

  3. Vaccinations are modern day witchcraft.

    Nature does not vaccinate but provides biological immunity from the undamaged soil that grows our food organically. ie without poisoning the soil with fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides.

    All of our immune systems are compromised to one degree or another and the population is ripe for a pandemic.

    We must hurry to repair our soils. Restore the life in our soil. Jesus (Geosus) = my soil

  4. They inject us with poison so that when we get poisoned our bodies will be able to fight the poison.
    Now don’t you love that for Darwinian logic.
    The stench is entrenched in all corridors of power worldwide.

    “Doctors pills give you brand new ills, the bills bury you like an avalanche.” – Joni Mitchell

  5. Hep B vaccination the moment a baby is born!
    We all know how promiscuous neonates can be.
    The beginning of the vaccination assault on the child’s immune and neurological system.
    Bill Gates won’t vaccinate his children?

  6. “punish any wrongdoers without mercy.” – Yep, pubic executions. The Chinese use a bullet in the back of the head, I’d prefer some public hangings.

    You won’t change a psychopath’s psychological make up, they’ll never have empathy, but they just might notice that a certain path ain’t gonna help them in the long run. – Besides, it will start culling the bastards from the herd.

    • Quoting DFAT
      “Australia and Saudi Arabia enjoy a friendly relationship.”

      Quoting the Guardian
      “Saudi Arabia has executed 48 people in the past four months, half of them on non-violent drug charges, Human Rights Watch has said.”

      “It is usually carried out publicly by beheading with a sword.”

  7. Dee, where did you get the photo of the rabid dog?

    I am quoting dogsnaturallymagazine.com:

    “Let me give you an example of Pinellas County, FL where my Affinity Clinic is located. I secured information from Pinellas Animal Control through the Freedom of Information Act. The record of animal control starts in 1964. From 1964 to 1978 there were zero cases of dog rabies in the county. Magically in 1978 rabies vaccine was mandated to be given every year and all dogs tagged and licensed. WHY? Well it seems four veterinarians, with animal control bureaucrats, pushed the county board of supervisors to pass a law mandating rabies vaccination every year.”

    • I was brought up in Africa and we were warned when as kids. I remember people saying. Don’t mess with stray dogs — otherwise its injections in the stomach.

  8. In 1999 I got diagnosed with tuberculosis. Six weeks later sputum cultures determined I had contracted a rare form of atypical TB called Kansasii. The Kansasii bacteria was only identified in recent times and, like tuberculosis, is a mycobacterial disease that causes the same illness and symptoms. Before current day microscopes TB and aTBs were all diagnosed as TB by medical practitioners. Being diagnosed with tuberculosis took me by surprise as I spent my primary school years in a state of pre traumatic stress disorder such was my dread of grade 8 and that nasty needle everyone in Queensland had to suffer as a supposed permanent inoculation against tuberculosis. So I asked my doctor why had I contracted what I had been vaccinated against. And he said something along the lines of, the vaccine doesn’t work for all and even wears off in time. So there you go. Makes me wonder if any other vaccinations might have anything to do with the blood problem I have called Pyrrole Disorder. Which the majority of doctors know nothing of seeing as there is no drug that can fix the problem. And an immune deficiency called IgA Deficiency which doctors do acknowledge but the government won’t allow me to take pseudoephedrine without getting the third degree by an ignorant shop assistant taking up space in a Chemist. If indeed the Chemist stocks the drug seeing the authorities believe a pack of twenty four is a meth epidemic waiting to happen. And now the government want their friends in the pharmaceutical and insurance industries to know this as well as their every other friend on the books. No wonder I’ve had near sixty years of anxiety sometimes coupled with panic disorder and major depression. Now I have given my health history without it being deceitfully taken they can stick it where the sun don’t shine. If only they read this site, eh? Now I need panadeine for my torn deltoid and disk calcifications caused by decades of slaving. Oh, that’s right.

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