For the attention of:
Professor Andrew Pollard
- Chair of the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)
- Member of the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE)
- Chief Investigator on the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine trials
- Head of the Oxford Vaccine Group
Professor Pollard, why are people who are not at serious risk of covid-19 being pressed to have the covid-19 injections?
The WHO notes “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.”[1] (This is actually a confusing statement from the WHO as it’s the SARS-CoV-2 virus that may infect people, and most will not experience serious symptoms of covid-19 the disease…)
As most people infected with SARS-CoV-2 will only “experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment” how can it be ethical to impose what could be lifelong covid injections on most people?
Professor Pollard, there must be clarification on this matter, as the covid-19 injections continue to be rolled out around the world, including where I live in Australia.
In the UK covid-19 injections are promoted for people aged 16 and over[2] – why?
Why are people pushed to get covid-19 injections starting from this young age when most people aren’t at serious risk of covid-19?
(GOV.UK) SAGE minutes say “Vaccines currently in use in the UK for COVID-19 are highly effective in protecting against severe disease and death”.[3] What is the evidence for this exactly? And why should people who aren’t at risk of “severe disease and death” be pressed to have these ‘vaccines’ which, as the SAGE minutes acknowledge, do not produce sterilising immunity?
People aren’t just being offered these covid-19 injections, there’s been a relentless media campaign pressing people to have these medical interventions, e.g. in Australia, with misleading slogans such as “We’re not safe until we’re all safe”.[4] Now there is the threat people will not be able to participate in daily life without vaccine passports.[5]
Recently the UK Telegraph reports “People who are fully vaccinated have a similar viral load to the unvaccinated, suggesting both can transmit Covid. New analysis by Public Health England (PHE) found little difference in how much virus was present in people who had been jabbed, leading to fears that the vaccines will not suppress spread as much as hoped.”[6]
Professor Pollard, The Telegraph reports you said “it was clear that the delta variant could infect people who had been vaccinated, which made herd immunity impossible to reach even with a high vaccine uptake”. You said: “We don’t have anything that will stop transmission, so I think we are in a situation where herd immunity is not a possibility and I suspect the virus will throw up a new variant that is even better at infecting vaccinated individuals.”[7]
Professor Paul Hunter, who advises the World Health Organisation on covid, said it was time to change the way the data was collected and recorded as the virus became endemic: “We need to start moving away from just reporting infections, or just reporting positive cases admitted to hospital, to actually start reporting the number of people who are ill because of Covid…otherwise we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that actually don’t translate into disease burden”.[7]
The situation re reporting infections/mass testing must be reconsidered in Australia, where over 28 million tests have been undertaken in the past 18 months, with only 0.1% being positive.[8] This testing is costing billions of dollars, for what return? Mass testing is needlessly causing massive disruption and anxiety. It’s also highly likely many Australians may have effective cross-immunity from previous coronavirus infections, in this regard see this recent article: Pre-existing immunity to Covid-19 – Marc Girardot of PANDA unpacks its evolution.[9]
Now people are being readied to submit to third dose ‘booster’ shots, with UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid saying these will be given from next month.[7]
But Professor Pollard, The Telegraph reports you are arguing that if mass testing is not stopped, Britain could be in a situation of continually vaccinating the population: “I think as we look at the adult population going forward, if we continue to chase community testing and are worried about those results, we’re going to end up in a situation where we’re constantly boosting to try and deal with something which is not manageable. It needs to be moving to clinically driven testing in which people are willing to get tested and treated and managed, rather than lots of community testing…”[7] (My emphasis.)
So are you arguing there shouldn’t be ‘boosting’/continual vaccination of the population going forwards?
This situation is a shambles… Isn’t it a fact the vaccine industry is planning to ‘constantly boost’ the population, and develop lucrative ‘vaccine’ markets? See for example: UK vaccine mega-factory working on combined flu and Covid jab. The Telegraph, 15 August 2021.
Professor Pollard, mass populations of people are being pressed to have the covid ‘vaccines’ which don’t prevent infection and transmission – we have no idea what these highly questionable medical interventions will do to people’s natural immune response, and there is no information regarding the long-term consequences.
The covid-19 ‘vaccine’ rollout is underway in Australia, and people are being coerced to have these dubious medical interventions by the Federal Government led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison and by State Governments. Concerningly, these governments do not appear to properly understand the significance of the failing covid-19 injections, and what this means for Australia’s current ‘zero covid’ strategy.
Half the country is in lockdowns or under restrictions on the back of ‘cases’. It seems the Morrison and State Governments plan to continue impeding people’s freedom of movement and association until Australians submit to the ‘leaky vaccines’, against a disease that isn’t a serious threat to most people. Moreover, Australians have been kept virtual prisoners for 18 months and counting by international border closures, a policy more akin to North Korea than a supposedly liberal democracy. This is a complete disgrace.
The pressure to submit to the covid-19 injections is relentless in Australia, with the mainstream media and taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS operating as propaganda machines for the Morrison and State Governments, with little or no critical analysis of covid-19 taxpayer-funded vaccination policy and conflicts of interest, which is a major area to investigate.
Employers are now being recruited to press covid-19 injections upon their staff. It seems likely people are not being properly informed about the risks and benefits of these covid-19 injections in regards to their age and health status, including that:
- the covid-19 injections do not prevent infection or transmission, i.e. do not provide sterilising immunity;
- have unknown duration of ‘immunity’;
- there is no medium and long-term safety data;
- potentially lifelong covid injections could be pressed upon people in future with unknown consequences; and
- manufacturers and doctors have been protected from liability.
If this is the case, ‘informed consent’ is not being properly obtained before these medical interventions, which are effectively a massive global experiment. The regulatory body for doctors, AHPRA, and professional organisations refuse to acknowledge and respond on this matter, which may have significant ramifications in future. See my emails:
- Is it ethical to insist on covid-19 injections for health staff? 7 July 2021.
- Is it ethical to inject mass populations with covid injections? 5 July 2021.
- Is it ethical for doctors to inject children with covid-19 injections? 15 June 2021.
- Coercive covid-19 injections in Australia – email to the Medical Board of Australia, AHPRA, RACGP, RACP, AMA. 8 June 2021.
Also see my emails to Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor in chief of The BMJ:
- Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly? 14 June 2021
- Why should people not at risk of covid-19 be pressed to have covid-19 injections? 30 May 2021
Professor Pollard, the situation is extremely serious, and has been very much influenced by the covid-19 response in the UK by the Boris Johnson Government and SAGE.
I request your urgent consideration and reply to the matters raised in this email, governments in Australia and elsewhere must address the covid-19 ‘vaccine’ problems.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
- World Health Organization Coronavirus: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1 (As accessed 17 August 2021.)
- Who can get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/who-can-get-the-vaccine/ (As accessed 17 August 2021.)
- SAGE 94 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 22 July 2021.
- See for example the Australian Government Department of Health: COVID-19 vaccination campaign materials. The COVID-19 vaccine campaign aims to encourage all Australians to get their vaccine. Find out more about the different elements of the campaign and download materials: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/campaign (As accessed 17 August 2021.)
- Venues will soon be able to ask patrons for proof of coronavirus vaccinations. Everything from pubs to stadiums will soon be allowed to ask patrons for proof they’ve been vaccinated as the nation battles the Delta strain. news.com.auhttps://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/venues-will-soon-be-able-to-ask-patrons-for-proof-of-coronavirus-vaccinations/news-story/2b8aa6a0476f029192b8e3c0e4ad8196 (As accessed 17 August 2021.)
- Fully vaccinated and unvaccinated ‘can both transmit Covid’. Public Health England findings on similar viral loads spark fears that jabs will not suppress spread as much as hoped.The Telegraph, 6 August 2021.
- Delta variant has wrecked hopes of herd immunity, warn scientists. There is no way of stopping Covid spreading through the entire population, experts tell MPs as they call for end of mass testing. The Telegraph, 10 August 2021.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) case numbers and statistics. Tests conducted and results: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-case-numbers-and-statistics (As accessed 17 August 2021.)
- Pre-existing immunity to Covid-19 – Marc Girardot of PANDA unpacks its evolution. BizNews.16 August 2021.
SIR……. Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, has been knighted in the Queens Birthday Honours List, for services to public health and medical research whilst based at the University of Oxford in Oxfordshire.
Knighted – for services rendered – never for real humanitarian actions and the betterment of Humanity.
It’s a closed club and only the ‘selected’ can play.
Has a nice kindly face, presumably very good on camera.
Meanwhile – the virus is all the same, the much touted “delta” variant cannot be identified by any ordinary testing let alone sewage testing. So why are some people affected and most others not ? Why are 80 year olds dying ? Sorry I’m just teasing.
Why are hypertension and diabetics the next biggest contingent dying ? The answer is in the medications. High blood pressure medications weaken the cell membranes leaving something like lesions which the virus can jump in through. Now look up diabetic medication side effects and amongst them you will find “flu-like symptoms”. So the BigPharma medications for BAD DIET ( + unclean air ) can prime you for any type of flu.
I wrote this earlier but did not post because of the article author sincerity… now you mention Uncle Andy’s valor Victorian grin … post haste of course.
in a time
slot many minutes
before a lone jester ascii'ed
“Professor Andrew Pollard walks into a bar
Barman “why the long face, did you lose in court or in the public square”
Just horsing around waiting for his reply”
Head office of bsl4 factories globally is Oxford, Pirbright Wellcome trust.
Jane Halton, our representative at Event 201, was on msm this morning pushing the agenda.
Wellcome Trust and Janet Halton, were they not present at the Event 201 occasion, planning what procedures would be implemented worldwide when a pandemic hit? And bingo their plandemic(?) arrived within 3 years.
And then there’s this …..
“Every sane citizen knows that in the 21st century the State has unwittingly become servant of transnational and transcultural interests, and is now the mechanistic destroyer of the fabric of their own national traditions and cultural integrity. The Tavistock Institute and Fabian cloisters assured that trajectory generations ago, leading to the contemporaneous efforts of such perfidious institutions as ‘The Open Society’ courtesy of George Soros and his overlord”
“Law and natural Justice can be summarized in one sentence; perfectly……”cause no harm loss or injury to another living soul and conduct no fraud in your transactions”. So long as a human being conduct themselves according to this simple dictum then there will never be a crime nor will there ever be a victim…. there will only be a perfect and natural social order.”
“Listen to the people, not because they are making loud enough noises…..but because listening to the people and acting therefrom is the very reason you are elected parliamentarians and political representatives. The dispensation of ‘natural justice’ is where the white-noise of our civilisational hum becomes its most noble song. Listen closely and listen well. Because governments that do not do so will be held to task and held to account in the coming days of planetary psycho-cultural upheaval. The game is changing – as is the playing-field. Both will favour living-men and living-women of the living soil over fictitious corporations masquerading as governments.”
Simply living was easier before Artificial Insanity.
At the touch of a child’s fingertips, abominations manifest instantly.
They deserve much better than masks, isolation and evol lies.
Vaccines have always been intended to be the worldwide killing tool. The world has been well trained to receive vaccines. Vaccines leave Infrastructure untouched. Cleaner, faster and more far reaching than wars. The experts are nothing more than trained puppies or puppets and their day of reckoning is to come, sooner than they think.
Ethical doctors have to break out from their professional associations and start a new one.
The corruption has been going over more than 100 years and is totally entrenched.
The only way to deal with the existing associations is to bulldoze all of it into a pit.
True w3, but I doubt there are enough ethical doctors to form even a committee. The one that did, in Africa, ended up with two bullets in the back of the head and a dignosis of suicide.
They have to pay their huge mortgage as well as buying maseratis and go to the country club all the time, who knows where they will be after Klaus Swab’s “Great Reset”, if the money supply is cut off they will be free. The good doctors are addicted to the money. The bad ones have to go into the pit.
57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations
The Evidence Is In: The COVID Vaccine Is A Failure And Dangerous
Lawyers worldwide submit new evidence to International Criminal Court alleging World Leaders & Scientific Advisors have used Covid-19 & the Injections to commit Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
Exposed: Widespread COVID Vaccine Patent Racketeering
Dr Roger Hodkinson
A pack of lies from the start: outraged eminent pathologist denounces “unprecedented horror show”
Must-watch hard hitting truths from eminent pathologist.
Helena, well said. Who are these supposed experts. The old saying I believe to be true. “An expert was only a drip” or something to that effect.
Where did the experts on the disease Covid-19 (not a virus as the experts have been informing us), get their expertise. The disease is less than 20 months known. However we have experts on the subject. In my opinion they are no more than prostitutes of politicians and pharmacy. If they are able to get their names in the main stream media beware of them.
“If they are able to get their names in the main stream media beware of them.” – As far as I’m concerned, that is the kiss of death for credibility.
Just a reminder about Pollard’s cultural genessis, Oxford, the Tavistock’s very own ivory tower.
Went off the mountain today and into town. Mask-holes everywhere, I’m at a stage of wanting the die-off to accelerate and at the same time wanting people to pull their heads out of their butts. I don’t think they will manage the ‘pull’ movement, I remember all too well the gun control agenda and how the media could spin the most obvious bullshit into plumb pudding for the masses.
This is not the Australia I immigrated to. These people seem to be of a different species.
I really hope the die-off accelerates, maybe then then the combination of the elimination of fools and the dawning of the ‘oh shit’ moment for many citizens will allow the majority of Aussies to once again become a viable civilization.
Harrowing experience at the supermarket this afternoon – badgered to sign in (ok, I’m totally opposed but I did need groceries!) so I left an illegible signature & an authentic, but dead, landline number. Next came staff running after me as I wasn’t wearing a mask. “I have a health exemption”. I showed the legislation that I do NOT have to show them it (Privacy) – printed out for such a situation. I was ‘allowed’ to continue shopping while the diligent young woman ‘checked’ the information. She gleefully returned to me, asking me to leave the store – my copy was out of date, and I had to provide proof of exemption or leave. I insisted, that would be discrimination – not allowing me to buy food because I couldn’t wear a mask. I explained my understanding that the Privacy Act/Constitution couldn’t be changed without a referendum. (not that that gained traction with her). Positive outcome = I was visibly distressed so she ‘allowed’ me to finish my shopping ‘quickly’, but I must remember to bring my exemption next time – and be prepared to show it.
Is this legal, lawful, or is it just “rules under Crovid” that we’re expected to follow blindly, like all the other BS?
Could there have been any outside involvement in the 12-8-21 Plymouth Shooting?
Best video yet of the Australian Covid scam – get it out urgently
‘questionit21’ posted the original source – thank you and shared
I had just spent the last few days sharing a whole lot of links with family members – this has all the highlights wrapped up in eight minutes.
DANGERS OF 5G — This just in from RFK’s website ChildrensHealthDefense.org:
“On Aug. 13, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled the FCC’s 2019 decision that its 1996 guidelines adequately protect the public from non-cancer harms from 5G and wireless-based technologies was capricious, arbitrary and not evidence-based.
“In 2019, after an alleged six-year review of the science on the potential harms of 5G and wireless technology, the FCC concluded the evidence showed no harm and therefore its 1996 guidelines are sufficient to protect the public and no review of the guidelines was warranted.
“In the U.S., as long as a wireless-based technology complies with FCC guidelines, it is considered safe, and no lawsuit can be filed for injuries.” also RFK has jst published a book called he Real Fauci.
Please can someone tell me it they can ask for personal health info? Did the law change?
Reiner Fuellmich-COVID crimes against humanity and the coming war crime tribunals.
OK, think me crazy but there are many matters referred to in the Jim Willie interview linked below that I have been following over a decade…………. I recall the murders of the virologists and thought that something was up, at that time..
I went to bed and put it on to expect to be bored to sleep.
I just had to get up and come down and log this interview
If it gets me out of bed, you might spend the time and learn,
I can now sleep knowing I have told you……….. I have done my duty. NIGHT.
Best of luck Mr. Morrison, Premiers and the AMA. the world is awakening and we know why you and YOUR globalist control freaks are desperate. I heard Morrison tonight……. I commented on watching him. “This fellow is desperate”.
I have seen many in the witness box over decades and Morrison just oozed of desperation in his manner.
Time is up son.
I want someone to begin the conversation about the CDC hospital protocols being used on covid patients which is playing an enormous role in deaths and getting the numbers higher. Remvesidir and ventilators are proven to cause kidney failure and death in these otherwise healthy patients with covid. Please sound the alarm. I just lost a dear friend.
Put some signs up around the place directing people to honest media
Australian MP Victor Dominello Diagnosed With Bell’s Palsy After AstraZeneca Vaccine On Live Press Conference
by GreatGameIndia
An Australian Member of Parliament, Victor Dominello has been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after AstraZeneca vaccine (branded as Covishield in India) after viewers noticed his ‘droopy eye’ during the state’s live COVID-19 update press conference.
Read more of this post
Unsurprisingly there is NO mention of the jab preceding the Bell’s Palsy in the MissMedia. Since he’s firmly behind the Vax passport, he is never likely to admit any connection either.
Internment camps in Australia are real. – http://www.stationgossip.com/2021/08/vax-entration-camps-australian.html
Hazzard has said, that 24,000 children will be sent to a stadium, and parents will not be allowed to be present. Parents can receive fines of $5,000 and lose welfare if they do not comply. Obvious WHO targets are now. “Accommodation facilities” – Serco internment camps/prisons, set up all around our nation. These traitors on screens, every word spoken with fake smile a lie. They know the plan, no vaxx ID no participation – end game prison or worse for anti-vaxxers. By increments daily, they are boiling us like frogs, enforcing satanic agenda to murder undesirables and all children not worthy of their hell on earth.
We are ruled by possessed bloodthirsty killers on all bases loaded.
Actually, they don’t smile, their vacant cold blooded stares lacking human emotion.
this is beyond evil
Yes it’s now insane
Video on the August 21st rally in Australia (tomorrow). – At some point those who are awake will have to find their ‘line in the sand’. I would have thought the 24,000 kids in the stadium would have been enough to wake parents up,.
Rand Paul is showing the way forward for honest doctors, He had a 33 year medical career and ditched it for politics. Honest doctors need to realise that under Rockerfellas administration their career is total prostitution and for some, the way out is politics. There is so much work needs to be done tearing down the Rockerfellas administration and locking up all the corrupt officials from the top down, that means Fauci & Tedros and all the underlings such as “medical” officials we see on local TV here, what they are doing is nothing to do with medicine and everything to do with control and mindless compliance. We are now split into states and territories and travel is virtually prohibited all because of a ban on HCQ by the crooked WHO, enforced by all the crooked underlings.
The globalists’ bans on HCQ are criminal and literally, deliberately murderous.