Introduction by Dee McLachlan
The peoples of South Africa are well-versed in segregated societies and terrible injustices. Will the courts of South Africa lead us out of plandemic predicament?
Ricardo Maarman and 8,000 People of South Africa seek a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflicted by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.
Ricardo Maarman is the principal applicant and holds a BA Degree in Politics/Philosophy and Economics and an MA International Politics obtained at the University of Leicester in the UK. He specialized in the Post-Cold War World Order, International Security, Intelligence and Security, and US Foreign Policy. As in the description on the video:
“Where South Africa goes, so does the entire Continent.
“This victory will free the People from the Debt-Slavery imposed by the Central Bank fiat-currency system, establish a gold-backed dollar, eliminate corrupt political parties, and establish Africa as the home base from which to begin the Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the Crime Against Humanity that’s been inflicted upon the entire world… If the South African Constitutional Court was completely corrupted as the rest of the world, this case would never have gotten to where it is.”
The video from sonofenos about CONCOURT CASE #299/21 with Mr Maarman.
(Not sure if this is the original source as a YouTube has been removed; this is another https://odysee.com/@Truth_Comes_to_Light:6/CONSTITUTIONAL-COURT-APPLIATION-CASE-NO-299-21:0)
The Application 299/21
Good one. South Africa is not in a good way, so it would be excellent if this legal case gets wide traction!
As Victorians are in an Apartheid situation, could the story below start something faster/bigger here?
01OCT2021 Melbourne. Please listen to this!!! Male nurse calls 3aw and tells his 2 mins story about what happens in his hospital in Melbourne.
“Vic Aus This is Massive 3aw Talk back Radio Truth Bombs A Nurse has called up and stating that a minimum of 20 cases per hour are presenting to Emergency Department (me: in his hospital alone – he is not talking about other hospitals – which would have similar numbers of newly vaxxed emergency cases) with chest pains after being VAXXED…This is Insane”
(I am sure this was not meant to get out! )
Japan, Hitler, and Libya had a go at escaping Rothschilds talons, though China and Russia are faring very well.
China is falling apart, I knew they were trying to get a road through Rohinga state in Burma but now it seems an energy pipeline was supposed to be going in first … this whole multi-purpose plandemic could be seen as a financial takedown of the CCP, even including setting them up with the Wuhan-lab-flu.
Very hard to separate truth and rumour these days but my opinion is, China is way over-rated and possibly the world’s biggest bubble.
w3, I think that you way under rate China. If any bubble is about to burst it is the home of modern day Babylon – the US.
People are probably getting sick of the popcorn by now but not me, I am loving it, today a bunch of pedos got taken down and some European banksters, even QE2 is looking shaky, funding Randy Andy. We shall see about China and the CCP but look at what they are, a “developing country” that is getting way ahead of itself.
I don’t follow this Babylon stuff, Babylon is Babylon and didn’t it fall in 2003 ?
Its significance is not that great otherwise. Hanging gardens don’t amount to much, unless you’ve been sitting on a camel for a week.
Everything is too hard to predict nowadays, for example, if Mental Health Hazzard had his way, a killer drone would have punched a hole in my forehead by now. So I don’t guarantee any outcome, but I think China is probably much more shaky than the CCP would like us to know.
Rev.18 “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
Babylon repeated –
“After the Flood, in the days of Eber and Phaleg, when the first city and the tower were built, Nembroth [Nimrod] was the first to gather people together and exercise dominion over them.” [S.Epiphan.Hares.,lib.i,c.i,p.6.] The Book of Adam and Eve. S.C. Malan
Ham fathered Cush [Chaos], Genesis 9:18 who fathered Nimrod, the founder of Mystery Babylon. Ham, the son of Noah, BROTHER of Shem and Japheth.
The Jews today are Hamites – not Semites
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
In the Judaic Talmud tradition the mother decides Jewish identity
The New York is the capital of modern day Babylon.
The modern day Babylon – New York City, is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2)
New York in English gematria equals 666
Good links including the “Arch of Baal” replica installed in London on – April 19, of course it was. Not listed above was the statue of Moloch paid for by the Vatican and installed outside the Colosseum. Too much satanic stuff to compile here. Swissy takes the cake. Even Clif High says the bloodlines go back 6000 years. But exactly where. Alexander Helios is the key figure, according to my first impression, the Vatican the first branch office, Lombardy-Venice their early stomping ground. Off to the side, Babylon must be some ancient hate-object for pre-Christian era jews, and those Astranazi / Khazar etc crypto-jews from “Gog” just got in on the game later. I wouldn’t rely on anything too much written by Saul / Paul, and the stuff BC also very mixed up. If anyone wants to know what I think about Saul / Paul, maybe just think of a creature something like Bill Shorten. I would say Saul / Paul was a primary inspiration for Mohammed who came along about 500 years later.
Swissy: https://haveyenotread.com/occult-ritual-opens-europes-largest-train-tunnel-in-front-of-europes-leaders/
Eye of Horus at 9/11 site (eye on pyramid): https://haveyenotread.com/the-all-seeing-eye-of-horus-during-the-911-memorial-service-at-ground-zero/
Baal: https://haveyenotread.com/yes-your-government-leaders-are-occultists-who-thumb-their-collective-noses-at-god/
Well; Australian politicians and mass media, looks like South Africa could be creating a precedent for bringing you lot to justice with your bakster masters.
Listen to the video outlining the basis of the proceedings.
Btw politicians and mass media how about reporting to the Australian people proceedings by Reiner Fuelmich and a Mr Renze in the US on behalf of the frontline doctors. No, why not! Oh well just keep digging your ‘career graves’
Someone tell Clive, seems that the anonymous ghost lobbyist he refers to should be required to comment.
Wow, what music to the ears. I wish the South African people well in their pursuit of justice. If only we could commit in parallel to such a valiant cause.
However I have heard that very few legal people or legal companies have the balls to stand against government corruption of this magnitude. They are worried about their future work supplied by government departments. If they don’t get off their backsides there will be no future government contracts. Can’t these self righteous beings see that.
Mal, you’re aware of Port Arthur and all the evidence of Bryant’s innocence. You are also aware of letters and information sent to all the barristers at the Tasmanian Bar. Further, the media and judiciary has also been advised. The result – crickets. They won’t even acknowledge the correspondence.
I have also had my experiences with informing members of the legal profession, both judges and lawyers. Same thing, nobody wants to get involved. If they won’t get involved in an open and shut case for justice of just one man because of the possible repercussions, imagine the fear they have of a psy-op of this magnitude. – They’re cowards, everybody has to die something, it is how you live that matters. They’re lives don’t contain much character.
From listening and reading about the advance of ADE in ‘vaxxed’ people, by the end of the year we may have a different paradigm. When your family business, your family and your own health have been destroyed, some people may decide to go out with a bang. I expect it will be those people that decide enough is enough, not the Australian legal profession.
That South African action looks good. Can anyone update us on Serene Teffaha’s case in Oz (connected to Fulmich) and Israeli people’s case at the ICC?
My industries — JOURNALISM, FILM MAKING, broadcasting is now mandatory vaxxed.
Any legal minds willing to assist me prepare a legal case so I can be a journo or filmmaker.
is there a GumShoe reader who might legally evaluate this guy’s interpretation?
Looks like they want to clean out any of the free thinkers from the journalism industry.
Here’s an angle, however, you know my attitude towards those POSs called ‘judges’ in Oz. You could claim that there is no ‘rational basis’ for the ruling. The vaccinations do not stop someone from getting covid, nor do they prevent the spread – so WHY is there such a mandate? Make them put up or shut up.
Here is an article from your own website – https://gumshoenews.com/2018/06/19/review-of-australian-law-and-its-decline/
Apparently a covid case was run in NSW – https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/mandating-vaccines-win-in-courts/
That just about sums it up for me, a total hoax, expensive too.
And the proposed solution, tying the “my body my choice” to abortion is also a massive problem. Defining when the fetus is a person is the issue there, in my opinion the Texas “heartbeat” law is not a bad way of looking at it, otherwise you could extend the age to natural weaning, say about one year, I wonder what (future) people would think about that.
Well here’s a legal angle for you, the injections are experimental so there should be a control group equal in size to the injected group, and then both could be monitored for the next ten years. In practice therefore, quaxxinations should stop when Australia reaches 50% injected.
“That just about sums it up for me, a total hoax, expensive too.” – I’ve seen heaps of cases that were run just to wear the other side down and waste their resources.
I’ve run several cases against the NSW government that the evidence and law was totally on my side, the courts always downed me. If the judges won’t go against the state government, why would anyone expect that they would go against the international kabal?
I affirm my previous statement above, “When your family business, your family and your own health have been destroyed, some people may decide to go out with a bang. I expect it will be those people that decide enough is enough, not the Australian legal profession.”
They are working on the national psyche to make them go out with a whimper. Meanwhile for non-legal recourse, how about racing down to Deepdene and see if you can book a saline shot.
Otherwise, locate one of these injection fanatics and let them use your ID to get extra boosters which they desperately want.
What I would like to do at this point is OPT OUT of medicare. They say the system is struggling so they can take me off the database. If I want something done I will just have to pay for it in the normal way. I want no medicare levy, no coerced treatments, I want 100% user-pays, and that’s what I want. I want OUT of the whole deal.
Let’s start a movement, “OPT OUT OF MEDICARE”
IF, there is an validity in this story, I’d say this individual is going to have a very short lifespan. There’s no way in hell, the conspirators of this World wide scam are going to let it be derailed by this guy. Watch that space.
Premier of Victoria: “If You Don’t Get the Vaccine You Can’t Work, It’s That Simple”
You can opt not to take this deadly and dangerous vaccine, but then you and your family will starve and become homeless. It’s up to you, says the terrorist regime.
Read the post
Well I guess that will get the anarchy going as intended, the crime rate will rise, more surveillance will be demanded, more cops will be called in from the CCP or wherever he gets them, and the concentration camps will fill up as intended.
Or, people could stop being so complacent and following every new decree issued by this Victoria-hating maniac.
The real reasons NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro resigned: Fraud, theft and alleged affairs
More Swamp News here …
its a fish thing
Thanks for the link Julius. Now posted on other blogs.
An entertaining, but very serious, video of a few doctors that are at the coalface of this insanity. They have seen so much horror and have been hammered by the system, that they are starting to laugh at the absurdities. There is lots of content, but I enjoyed their attitude even more.
“They come back to their lab in the morning and the entire thing is just cleared out”
Pandemic babies
Turkish Pfzzzr baby with multiple extra arms, I wonder when that will show up on channel 7
I need a cup to tea before everything implodes …
• Tea is more than a drink, but a lifestyle.丨Liziqi Channel
At 00:26 she is picking loquats (May for her) – I just starting picking mine a few days ago here but they will be at their peak in a couple of weeks.
And I thought I was clever with raspberry leaves with either lemon verbena OR a few oregano leaves – sometimes with a couple of basil leaves thrown in.
I want one of those tables with the stream running around the centre !!
This is not only a refreshing and relaxing view, it is downright inspirational
• Exclusive with Li Ziqi: What I have undergone makes every bit of who I am
Bulletin – Just because it is interesting …
• Sun Yat-Sen’s Three Principles of the People
featured here
• The Harmony Between Tianxia and Westphalia
“……………….As Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche has explained for years, the true historical currents of Westphalia can be found in the Augustinian concept of the City of God (426 BC) which postulated that humanity’s law (and the qualification for true leadership) is only legitimate when it harmonizes with the law of heaven. ….”
Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2
A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –
“Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained (by me) are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”
Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Thanks Julius for returning those refreshing video’s to my mind.
Back on topic (I think …)
“How Our Lives Could Soon Look”: The World Economic Forum Posts Yet Another Insane Dystopian Video
Very interesting WEF video showing how we are to be divided up into fully controllable units, tribes won’t exist anymore and with things like “hot-desking” creeping into workplaces and constant updates of computer programs we become just a component, basically an object to be deployed – or – decommissioned, not so different to various times in the past but now the middle management will be the AI. Also. Forget about exotic holidays unless you can afford to go on a lear jet. The “get injected and travel freely again” thing was just a joke, didn’t you see that coming ? You’ll be lucky if you can go to the beach when Klaus Swab is world president.
Tragic how we allowed this during our watch, then again PA a quarter century ago made sure we were to be muzzled with face nappies, unable to see perpetraitors in just ice.
Hi-Ho the Dairy-O …
Winter Watch – Rancid Reddit is an Orwellian Cesspool of Usual Suspects
No sympathy for the recently resigned NSW premier –
Philantrophists performing blood transfusion in nsw.gov. Change of the guard, in with new, old outed with overflowing bags of cash. Here crime does pay, if you’ve been on the wrong end and got fleeced to bone for toils sweat and tears, you know what I mean. All these movie stars are compromised with ‘our little secrets’ and back room deals.
“Pandora Papers”
Even the elites have to cull their useless eaters and problem people, you can see this is the case on the map (ref below), nobody from Switzerland or even close. Tony Blair is there, why not throw him under the bus again, he is from the labour party. And you can get a sense it might be a hit piece because they are all sniffing around South Dakota these days trying to take down Kristy Noem, the state governor who ignored all the virus propaganda and followed the Swedish model of not really doing anything, leading to the best employment figures in all the US. They are saying it’s about blind trusts or similar but these things exist anywhere.
Are they going to “let go” the British Royals next, Prince William seems to be fighting for survival, going for all the PR opportunities, the publicity machine was working hard until Randy Andy got dragged out of the shadows again.
What would Turnbull’s vision for Australia have looked like, at present our leadership is approved by the Queen but Turnbull would have swapped it out for NY banksters. I would guess under President Turnbull we would “own nothing and be happy” sooner but haven’t given it much thought. Maybe this thing is still bubbling under the surface. Maybe they are just waiting for the Queen to hand over to the next in line, and then we are all supposed to be (cheerfully) fully corporatised, legally owned by virtue of our altered DNA.
Western Australia
Local dicktator to mandate no jab no job for Fly in Fly out mining workers
Breakfast TV is pumping out the BigPharma promotional material, almost nonstop, except for traditional ads, which seem to be about 60%, with weather, chitchat and other bunkum 20%.
Just a quick break when Koshy asked Scotty about ICAC (NSW Corruption Commission) and Scotty said this shows ICAC is bad, to which Koshy furiously agreed. So Gulag Gladys couldn’t take it anymore, getting bashed up by Clive Palmer was the last straw, and it’s all ICAC’s fault. What a fantasy world they create for us on the MSM free-to-air channels.
Now back to the advertorial product of today, the Wuhan-Lab-Flu pill, you know, Ivermectin 2.0, which costs 100x as much. Must be too many people using Ivermectin 1.0, BigPharma will have to try to restrict it more, stamp it out globally.
Well I’ll be sticking to vitamin D pills one or two a week and homemade quinine by simmering the citrus peels. Watch out for the GMO citrus with no quinine in the pith. Everyone should ordinarily eat plenty of leaves for vitamins, best ones are watercress, spinach, cos lettuce, chinese cabbage. I don’t know about things like sprouts but they are presumably good. Highest nutrient density non-leaf fruit or vegetable is the red bell pepper aka capsicum.
Now they have rolled out Warney to spruik the quaxxines, he straight up denies getting the payola before launching into the sales pitch. Anyone reading this from the Americas, Warnie is the Australian equivalent of “Babe Ruth” or any such baseball star. Warnie claims he can’t get the Lear Jet and stuck in the UK waiting for a flight. He apparently can’t wait to be locked down by the maniac in Melbourne, except I think Warnie sold his house in Brighton already. He will have to go to the Canary Islands or Greece instead, this English winter.
One endearing thing about Warnie, he only seems to womanise actual women and not teenage girls.
Forgot to mention they found a guy who looked like he had been living under a bridge for a couple of days, claimed to be a hospitals expert, said there was plenty of capacity in Queensland hospitals. So going head-on into the lies. Of course they could have HCQ and Ivermectin over-the-counter like in other countries and we could all have our normal life back instead of injections and economic destruction. Well we have known for a long time the super-rich like to buy pieces of NZ to hide away in, in case of a hot ww3. But NZ is not enough, heaven forbid getting bored and nowhere to go in the Lear jet, southern Australia is therefore required too. Bogan populations everywhere must be downsized and eventually cleared out. They are simply surplus to requirement. The king of the Swissys will eventually want to restock with his own progeny. Of course, they all do.
Stanford scholars expand digital database with historic records from the Nuremberg Trial
Stanford University is marking the 75th anniversary of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg with a significant expansion of records from the historic trial.