J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
“Which came first, the chicken or the egg”, was a well-known riddle from years gone by, but for Fundamentalists, Buddhists et al, the answer was simple, the chicken came first, because the egg would not hatch unless the chicken sat on it. Evolutionists would say everything came from mollusks, tadpoles, or crabs of one sort or another.
Following the evolutionary line of thought, the question is, how did vipers evolve their venom, did it just appear one day, this substance which paralyses and kills so quickly upon being injected, or is this not really a question, perhaps the snake just wished it into being.
If enough lizards lay dreaming on the ground, watching delicious prey going by, after millions of years of wishing they could bring it down with a single bite, perhaps it became so. Perhaps this wish was the singular focus of certain reptiles and they brought it about by constant, intensive meditation, to make up for the inherent laziness of being cold-blooded.
As anyone knows, change comes, first with a wish.
Praying is not copyrighted to any particular religion, in fact, it’s a human instinct, and according to many, it yields results, as does wishing in some cases, the least mysterious in behaviour modification, which has its flow-on effects.
The unsung superstar of the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc is the talking snake that opens the entire show. Some say it was a bad angel called Gader’el, others say it is a remnant from a more ancient fertility cult, just as we today continue with Christmas trees and Easter eggs.
In old times the church laid claim to almost everything, even including armies. Emperor Charlemagne was endorsed by the Vatican and conquered large parts of Europe around 800 AD. Charlemagne established the payment of tithes in France, and divided them into four parts; the first part for buildings, the second to the poor, the third the bishop, and the fourth the clergy.
The church was dismembered by television and scandals in recent times, so governments took over the tithes, and have ratcheted them up, and created another major revenue stream, commonly known as money printing.
Contrary to the current narrative, inflation is caused mostly by money creation (“borrowing”) and has much less to do with interest rates, labour market conditions, government policies such as environmental initiatives, supply chain and transport problems, etc. than the authorities would like us to think.
Money has been printed at such a rate that gold, which maintains a nearly constant price relative to extraction cost, went from $35 (US) to around $2000 (US) per ounce, over the last 50 years. This indicates the money was printed (“borrowed”) by a factor of about 50, the greatest readjustments being after 1971 (so-called Oil Shock) and also 2008 (so-called Quantitative Easing). The reason we have inflation now is that the lag is long and unpredictable, but also engineered, to put the blame on other forces, such as OPEC.
Your dollar today is roughly equal to 2 cents before the 1970s. Many other official conversion figures are simply often repeated lies. Alan Kohler from ABC finance told us on the evening news on Monday 28 November that the current inflation was not the fault of monetary policy and produced a graph that completely ignored the incredible volume of money printing since 2008, which took national debt from $60 billion to around $1000 billion.
One can only wonder how they get away with all these abject lies. Their favourite strategy is to rename elements and to de-bundle and re-bundle other elements.
Another example of official bare-faced lying is the employment data. This was rejigged in Australia by the Howard government around the year 2000 to a new international standard where one hour a week of work constituted full employment. The official rate dropped by 2%, lowering unemployment to about 5% overall, at that time. Nowadays journalists have forgotten that, and compare current unemployment rates directly against late 20th-century rates. This lie, repeated often enough, will be accepted unquestioningly by the younger generations, most of whom are barely interested anyway.
If the official story is to be believed, the beneficiary of Australian money creation and high-interest rates is the Australian Government, however, most of the lending is in private hands so private bank shareholders have the most to gain. All this should be a free market-level playing field but the hidden force is the major players who do not wish to be known. They operate through multiple fronts such as world-famous asset managers Black Rock and Vanguard, the Coles, and Woolworths of international finance. As with any business, the biggest problem is the customers. One easy way to enhance the business is to eliminate low-value and troublesome customers. This is where the venom theorists come in.
Dr. Bryan Fry, an Associate Professor from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland in Australia, is a scientist who discovered venom’s rather complex evolutionary history, which includes links to the Komodo dragon and Gila monster.
“Venoms are extremely complex mixtures that can vary widely in content even within different populations of the same species”, and “Venom evolves at a greatly accelerated rate relative to the organisms themselves,” according to Fry.
In an analysis of 24 known snake venom proteins, Fry discovered that the proteins evolved in a very different way than expected. While it was commonly believed that venom evolved from modified saliva proteins, the researchers determined that 21 possessed similar amino acid sequences to proteins found throughout the body, such as in the heart, liver, and brain.
According to Fry, through the process of natural selection, these proteins are recruited into service as new raw ingredients, and either disappear and are subsequently replaced, or mutated even further to become more lethal and permanent additions.
Novel toxins will appear within venom, which can then be studied and analysed for future use in drug design and development. Here is his CV:
Venomologist Dr. Bryan Fry
Snake venom an irreplaceable resource: Dr Bryan Grieg Fry | Life Matters, ABC RN
This property of mutation means venom lends itself very well to patent medicines, which need to be reworked every time the patent expires.
As far as Pharmakeia goes, the snake as a symbol is an inspired choice, a magical animal, which slithers at an astonishing speed, straight up walls or trees, across rivers, through tiny holes, even flying, then killing anything it chooses with one blindingly quick strike.
Dr Bryan Ardis has been telling the world the blood-clotting mRNA spike proteins (presumably including the detachable, engineered virus spikes) were developed from venom, but the story doesn’t end there. Like any good saga, it starts long ago and the end is put there just as a matter of practicality. Bryan Ardis has done amazing research on all of this but this short interview provides another dimension.
The Pope’s Global Power, including the BAR, reaping souls, enforcing Maritime Law:
that Vatican lead picture is so strange, especially because of early Bible. They acquired the Athenian Navy too.
Snakes and other cold bloods do seem to carry or secrete, necrotizing pathogens and sometimes the snake has a quicker neuro toxin load. Other cold blood sea life as well, but seems to me the transfer is dependent on the “insert ability” to carry a third party to the target. Think of it as you know your about to die, you secreat a third party into your pants but as a last blow to protect your others in future, you use this on your fingernails to hopefully inflict a “win” post battle.
An Australian 2c coin will yield you over 6c in copper – minus capital gain and a possible Howard retrospective hoarders tax = more value in a sock if you want to send someone to Shanghai
Attention all ye bogtrotters:
Pope Adrian gave Ireland to England.
The roots of papal control:
“Shortly before He died Jesus said to His disciples, “With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. …this do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:15, 16, 19)
From the New Testament record we see that the Christian Church did continue to celebrate this day for several centuries after Christ’s resurrection. We even see record of Paul keeping it with his converts way up in Asia Minor. Here is one example, among several:
“At Philippi Paul tarried to keep the Passover. Only Luke remained with him, the other members of the company passing on to Troas to await him there. The Philippians were the most loving and truehearted of the apostle’s converts, and during the eight days of the feast he enjoyed peaceful and happy communion with them.” {AA 390.4}
(Paul’s churches in Asia Minor are going to come up again as we follow this history.)
Unfortunately, shortly after the last of the apostles had died a sharp dispute broke out between Paul’s churches in Asia Minor and the bishops of Rome and Alexandria over the date for Passover. Here is how it started:
“In the second century the aims of the sun-worshiping emperors and those of the Alexandrian theologians ran parallel. There was an ambitious scheme on foot to blend all religions into one of which “the sun was to be the central object of adoration.” Speaking of the influence of pagan philosophy on early church writers, Schaff says, “We can trace it…even in St. Augustine, who confessed that it kindled in him an incredible fire.” Approving in their hearts the conciliating attitude of the pagan emperors and the mass methods of Alexandria’s evangelism, the bishops of Rome decided to eclipse any public attraction which pagan festivals could offer.
“Seated in the empire’s capital, from the height of their pedestal of influence, they determined to bring together Easter, a yearly festival, and Sunday, a weekly holiday sacred to the worship of the sun, to make the greatest church festival of the year.
“The controversy over Easter, which was to rage for centuries, now began.
“God had ordained that the Passover of the Old Testament should be celebrated in the spring of the year on the fourteenth day of the first Bible month. Heathenism in the centuries before Christ had a counterfeit yearly holiday celebrating the spring equinox of the sun. It was called “Eostre” from the Scandinavian word for the goddess of spring, from which we get our word “Easter.” Since the resurrection of Christ had occurred at the time of the Old Testament Passover, a custom developed of celebrating it yearly, though neither Christ nor the New Testament provided for it. This rivaled the pagan spring festival. However, the fourteenth day of the month of the Passover could fall, as now, on any day of the week. The eastern churches celebrated the resurrection of Christ annually two days after the Passover feast. They commemorated the resurrection on whatever day of the week the sixteenth day of the month fell. This was in harmony with the way the Bible regulated the Old Testament Passover feast.
“In addition to their yearly spring festival at Eastertime, sun worshipers also had a weekly festival holiday. As was previously pointed out, the first day of the week had widespread recognition as being sacred to the sun. The bishop of Rome, seeking to outrival pagan pomp, assaulted those churches which celebrated Easter [i.e. Passover] as a movable feast. He determined to force Easter to come on the same day of the week each year, namely, Sunday. By this he would create a precedent which only a devout and scholarly opposition could oppose. By this he would appeal to the popular prejudices of his age, be they ever so incorrect. By this he would claim to be the lord of the calendar, that instrument so indispensable to civilized nations. By this he would assert the right to appoint church festivals and holy days. By this he would confuse and perplex other church communions, more simple and scriptural than he. Only those who have read carefully the history of the growth of papal power will ever know how powerfully the controversy concerning Easter served in the hands of the bishops of Rome.” (B.G. Wilkinson, Truth Triumphant, Chapter 9, brackets added)”
Word: maritime
Century: 13th
From 13th Century Latin maritimeo/maritimus = “The mariner fleet of the Sea (Holy See) to be feared”. From earlier Latin maris “sea” and timeo “to fear, be afraid, dread”. From 16th Century English/French “Of the (Holy) Sea”.
Phrase: roman cult
Century: 8th
A pseudo-christian CULT first established by pagan and satanist Hilderbrand also known as AntiPope Gregory VII (1057-1084) and his benefactor Pietro Leoni (b.1033- d.1102), son of King Pietro II Urseolo of Hungary (1041-1047) of the famed exiled Jewish Venetian Pietro dynasty to claim superior status in controlling the CATHOLIC CHURCH first formed by the French Pippin dynasty in the 8th Century.
Roman law
Century: 11th
Common name for CANON LAW — a forgery first formed by the ROMAN CULT in the 11th Century claiming certain fictitious ancient Roman maxims and precedents which falsely place the ROMAN CULT above all secular LAW. Deliberately and falsely claimed by COURTS subservient to CURIA of the ROMAN CULT as pertaining to ancient Roman Empire Laws. The main procedural foundations of the false Roman Law was VENETIAN LAW (more commonly known as MARITIME LAW and/or ADMIRALTY LAW) introduced in the 12th and early 13th Century during the creation of the highest legal PERSONALITY under COMMON LAW–the HOLY SEE (Sea). Hence, under the corrupted Roman Law of the ROMAN CULT living men and women are considered VESSELS subject to JURISDICTION of the SEE (Sea) with the WATERMARK of all nations with diplomatic recognition (CONCORDATS) of the SEE (Sea) set at the highest mountain peaks–hence all land is therefore “Under the Sea” and PROPERTY of the SEE (Sea). Few genuine pre-Roman Cult maxims of Roman Law survive into present day COMMON LAW.
Word: usury
Century: 13th
From 13th Century Latin usuria/usura “the sin of lending money at interest ” outside the control of the Roman Cult. From earlier Latin us “foreigners” and orare “to plead, beg, pray”. Prior to the 13th Century there is no comparitive concept as the claim of money lending being a sin was original to the Roman Cult in devising a plan to control global banking and finance–essential to trade since the beginning of Empires by outlawing all competition, excluding Jewish merchants bonded to the service of the Vatican.
More history
a lnk exert from ur lnk,
Podestà (pronounced [podeˈsta], English: Potestate, Podesta) was the name given to the holder of the highest civil office in the government of the cities of Central and Northern Italy during the Late Middle Ages. Sometimes, it meant the chief magistrate of a city state, the counterpart to similar positions in other cities that went by other names, e.g. rettori (“rectors”).
beware the rectors, even when Roman for a pizza in Washington DC
Simon, So a priest walks into a bar…
Looks at the ugly walls, and says to the bartender:
“My son, you must repaint”.
The Justinian Deception channel gives amazing information about the Serpent’s deception. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F7IjcOlIew&t=38s
The Crucifixion of Christ on April1 [ April fools day ]
And know thou also that Christ dwelt [Fol. 43b, col. 2] in Mary, and suffered in Nazareth, and was born in Bethlehem, and was laid in a manger, and was carried by Simeon in the Temple of Solomon, and was reared in Galilee, and was anointed by Mary Magdalene, and ate the Passover in the house of Nicodemus, the brother of Joseph of Râmethâ, and was bound in the house of Hannân, and was struck with a reed in the house of Caiaphas, and embraced the pillar and was scourged with a whip in the Prætorium of Pilate, and on Friday, on the first day of Nîsân (April 1 ), on the fourteenth day of the moon, our Redeemer suffered.
[ Day 1, Nisan 1, New years day in Israel’s calendar, Exodus 12:2 “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.”]
This legal (maritime) deception stuff is very interesting, here’s the lady with the Byron Bay cop again if anyone missed it (15 min)
Mark Butler Health Minister blocks public interest into projects connected with Wuhan Institute of Virology, multiple universities and bio-labs covered
Australian taxpayers it seems have no business knowing what their tax dollar is being spent on and where. That is the private business of government. Because government is no longer of the people &/or for the people, government is now for government and the people have become subjects. Sounds worse to American ears however in Australia the people always were subjects, “Property Of Mother England” as it were.
Israeli Rabbi Says He’s Already Holding Meetings With Messiah
A snapshot of Israel’s spiritual hunger as biggest rabbis are afraid to leave the country lest they miss Messiah’s coming.
By Ryan Jones | September 29, 2022 | Topics: Messiah
A recent interview on Israeli radio featured prominent rabbis explaining that the Messiah is just about to reveal himself.
Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (who passed away earlier this year) had told him that he (Kanievsky) was already in direct contact with the Messiah.
To understand why religious Jews are taking this seriously, it’s important to know that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky was considered one of the two or three top rabbis of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel.
And Rabbi Zisholtz says that Kanievsky and others of the mystical “concealed” rabbis had tasked him with informing the public of the Messiah’s imminent arrival.
Rabbi Zisholtz began his explosive three-hour interview with a warning:
“…the process of redemption is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace. It is important that people remain calm and steady to act properly in the right time.
“There is a potential Messiah in every generation and there are righteous men who know precisely who it is. This is, of course, true in this generation.
“Getting the word out now that the Messiah is closer than ever is a matter of life and death. Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine. Everyone needs to know whether they are on the inside or if they are going to be left out.”............"
The Dispute over the Dominion Mandate
Christ’s first coming brought controversy, because the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus as the Messiah, King of Judah, and appealed to God, saying, “We do not want this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14). God took their complaint under advisement and planned to settle the dispute at the end of the Pentecostal Age. Only then do we see Christ returning to claim His Kingdom. At that time, those who rejected Him as Messiah will be judged not only for treason but for regicide (Luke 19:27).
The main theme of the New Testament was the controversy over the Dominion Mandate. In other words, it was a conflict over who was truly called by God to receive dominion over the earth. The New Testament claims Jesus as the Anointed One (1 Corinthians 15:25, 27); Jews believe that another is chosen. Many of them believe that there is a potential messiah in each generation, and some even believe they know this is today.
9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.
10. In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of himself and of humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mysterious ways. None will know what the king wishes to attain by his dispositions, and therefore none will dare to stand across an unknown path.
11. It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must correspond in capacity to the plan of government it has to contain. It is for this reason that he will ascend the throne not otherwise than after examination of his mind by the aforesaid learned elders.
{ Pope Francis saw a Jewish psychoanalyst to ‘clarify some things’
POPE Francis has revealed that when he was 42 he had sessions weekly with a psychoanalyst to “clarify some things.” 42 in Kabbalah is the number of God.
AP and staff writers
News Corp Australia NetworkSeptember 2, 20171:51am
12. That the people may know and love their king, it is indispensable for him to converse in the market-places with his people. This ensures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now divided one from another by us by the terror.
13. This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for both these forces separately to fall under our influence.
14. The king of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions, and especially of sensuality: on no side of his character must he give brute instincts power over his mind. Sensuality worse than all else disorganizes the capacities of the mind and clearness of views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of human activity.
15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations.
16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable.
Pope Francis is a secret Jew (crypto-Jew): More Catholics are REJECTING Catholicism
One of my readers wrote these fascinating comments. This is excellent stuff. I am delighted to see Catholics even calling Pope Francis a heretic – which he is. I actually did a video wherein I explained reasons why I believe he is a crypto Jew. His best friend, by the way, was a Jewish Rabbi and he’s said things like: Inside each Christian is a JEW waiting to get out. Vatican2 is a total shambles. It even removes the blame from the Jews for killing Christ. The whole thing is such a Jewish scam. Also, the Catholic Church is totally anti-white and has hundreds of millions of black supporters. That church no longer belongs to whites. Jan]
My reader wrote:
I am convinced that the man who claims to be Pope Francis is a jew. He is neither a Christian or Catholic. More and more Catholics are rejecting the jew subverted Vatican and going to sedevacantist Catholic churches or not going to church at all. Even most of the Latin Mass Churches claim that even though Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is a heretic, he is still the Pope. That leaves most Catholics with no church to attend.
“Pope” Francis included in List of Most Important American Jews 2013
That entire spin is encapsulated by a mere two lines, quote:
“the Catholic Church has hundreds of millions of black supporters. That church no longer belongs to whites.”
All I can say is heaven help anyone who can’t figure out that white supremacism & BLM are principally identical
So far as I’m concerned the flaws in the Catholic Church pale compared to what the health-wealth-happiness institutions are pushing.
politically driven “evangelicals” are also grievously wide of the mark
Both are brazenly accommodating the flesh “in the name of Jesus”; the wind would otherwise soon be driven out of the Popey sails
About the only thing that can be gleaned from the enormous compendium of anti Christian rhetoric is the insinuation that this Jesus is just a cute, cuddly, psychological crutch adaptable to anyone’s fancy that was invented by Beelzebub to interfere with the “chosen’s” destiny to own the World and all that’s in it.
There’s lots of “projection” in this rhetoric where the activities of the Synagogue of Satan (usury, intrigue, blackmail, subversion etc.) are routinely blamed on “the Vatican”. I do not deny that there have been many of the Christian hierarchy that have fallen prey to various concupiscences that are fairly common amongst Mankind; like avarice, ambition, sexual licence, to name a few. But one thing is clear from history is that the integrity of the Christian Faith has been maintained in SPITE of the frailties of the office holders… until about 1960, that is, when the “enlightened ones” introduced such cunningly contrived ambiguity and confusion “to deceive even the elect, if that were possible” culminating in the installation of “Poope Francis (T’googlio Monster)”. This Poope is invalidly installed (according to the rules of Canon Law that govern the business) and is merely a sock puppet of the Synagogue and its NWO.
As far as I have been able to find out this business called “Maritime Law” is an institution of the Merchants of the Republic of Venice who had acquired the secrets of effective usury (fractional reserve banking) from adepts in the Middle East during the Crusades. Venice flourished as THE naval and political power in the Mediterranean and most of Europe until the Church came down on them for being inimical to the social teaching of the Gospel etc. they shifted “base camp” to Switzerland but that wasn’t ideal because it was land locked. Agencies in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany weren’t very successful because the governments weren’t very compliant. They had much better luck in Antwerp but eventually shifted their main “operations centre” to the “City of London” because the blardy Pom’s rulers became totally compliant after Henry VIII traded the kingdom for the throne and William of Orange (from Antwerp) was installed.
Anyhow, much of what these Christ haters say gets somewhat credible if the Crown Corporation of the City of London is substituted for the Vatican and the Freemasons is substituted for the Jesuits.
However, I am not saying that “the Vatican” has not been subjugated to the Synagogue or that the Jesuits have not been subjugated to ‘Masonic ideology.
Around Belgium is a big pedo HQ and they said Antwerp cocaine capital.
Not many stories lately in the M$M about people in basement dungeons
Albert Pike agenda, Rotschild, Nestle, Macaron, French Minister Boulin ritually murdered on King’s sacrificial Octagon table in the Satanic Triangle, be patient and learn all about it, this in-the-field research is so exhaustive and given like on a plate (30 min)
Is Pope Francis King of the Jews?
[…] Source […]
About 15 of the usual commentators with their usual wheelbarrows stuffing up Dee’s site filled with their own bigotry, self righteous attitudes and beliefs trying to dictate their beliefs to readers, and are not bothering to examine factual developments exposed by current.
Give us a break BOTS (!.?) Galore, find a life and discover the present.
After a couple of years, none of you have resolved a single concept about life.
Speaking of commentators, “Breaking News”, former Australian Cricket Captain Ricky Ponting (47) whisked from commentators’ box to Perth hospital suffering heart issues …
Doctors these days must be getting very good at pulling out blood clots from celebrities
The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500’s in Spain by the ‘Alumbrados’, a Christian heresy started by crypto-Jews called ‘Marranos’. The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano / Alumbrado. Thus when people today argue whether it is the Jesuits or Zionists or Illuminati who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast.
Henry Makow
Do you presuppose that the Jesuits were so frantically hated by the Synagogue because they were agents of the Synagogue?
I suggest that the Jesuits so alarmed the Synagogue because they knew how the Synagogue worked and how to counter it. As such they were the prime target of misinformation, disinformation and infiltration.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844), Disraeli drew in a picture form the life of the Jews ruling the world from behind the thrones as graphic as anything in the Protocols of Nilus.
The head of the Jesuits is known as the Black Pope.
Black symbolises Nimrod, the founder of Babylon which is why you see it so much in religious and ju dicial circles.
Ricky Ponting whisked from commentary box with heart problems. Wouldn’t be anything to do with snake venom, would it? You’ll find snakes everywhere in W.A. even in commentary boxes. By the way Ned this comment is in line with today’s subject, right?
Are the snakes in the commentary box Catholics?
Don’t miss this. 2 long minutes:
It seems we never tire of being lied to
Off topic, but a relevant ‘heads up’ to an aspect of the Grand Solar Minimum. Volcanoes are beginning to pop off all over the world.
CO2 reduction will fix the problem we are led to believe.
03DEC2022. Wishful thinking around the world: Deaths are unrelated to vaccination. Myocarditis is mild. Nobody dies of it.
They refuse to autopsy the victims
CDC (USA) Lied about Vaccine Myocarditis Being Mild: German Study Proves 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis
Igor Chudov
“When our health officials talk about Covid vaccine victims, we always hear the same story:
Deaths are unrelated to vaccination
Myocarditis is mild, and nobody dies of it
They refuse to autopsy the victims”
(me: keep in mind that the heart muscle/myocardium, CANNOT repair itself. Instead scar tissue replaces the damaged part of the heart muscle.)
CDC (USA) Policy: avoid autopsies
(From research at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, published 27NOV2022.)
“The study is very interesting in that university pathologists got hold of 25 bodies of previously healthy people who “suddenly died” within 20 days of Covid vaccination. (NOTE: most deaths happened within one week. They also excluded ten more people found to have legitimate pre-existing illnesses — so they were quite thorough)
Here, we describe the cardiac autopsy findings in five persons who have died unexpectedly within seven days following anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination, with vaccine-induced myocardial inflammation representing the likely or possible cause of death. Our findings establish the histological phenotype of lethal vaccination-associated myocarditis.”
See below link to PDF 8 pages, in English. (me: I noted that Prof Peter Schirmacher was part of these findings and that earlier autopsies performed by Prof. Arne Burkhardt et.al in Reutlingen, Germany, described similar/the same lymphocyte invasion of the myocardium.)
At 13min. 40sec. you can see the microscopy of the “Leukocyte invasion” during Prof Burkhard’s German lecture (APR 2022) All illustrations shown in the lecture have English text.
Something funny from a Charlie Ward video interview at BIN this morning
Comment on what ‘a expert’ is;
‘A X’, that is unknown and a ‘Spert’ is ‘a drip under pressure’.
I think I may edit it to insert; ‘greedy’ just before the ‘drip’.
Other insertions can be well canvassed, to apply to our medical mob and ministers here. ‘Hazzardous’ may be a appropriate inclusion.
How to eat bugs
The guy was a child model
And here it is (led zeppelin)
I used to like playing this when I was teenage after my friend shot himself
Now they censored this too, so “take out the XXXX”
Or move on, to vimeo