This session starts at 2:24:30 of Day 2
19:00 Debate on Vaccine Passports
On other sessions Professor Sucharit Bhakdi gives a particularly impassioned plea for the sake of our children and grandchildren, and indeed the future of humanity, based on his professional medical expertise but Vera Sharav was a disappointing low point, pushing her misdirection narrative (she will never mention the NKVD while offering nothing of real substance or hope).
I posted the subject article above and the latest X22 report at the end of the previous article as it turned up via Dee. Ta Dee.
So after reading the link in the article above note the x report below and do not give up, the swamp grubs have their day of reckoning coming including our own domestic traitors in Australia,
NOTE THE REFERENCE TO MILITARY TRIBUNALS COMMING IN THE US. Note the Graham Kavanagh question time (Now Pulled!) on military law, …………… ALL PLANNED FOR OVER A DECADE
This session starts at 2:24:30 of Day 2
and I don’t like Doctors even @ the best/worst of times.
I’m bleeding out, all bet’s are off, anti -Hippocrates’ses, some are very skilled here, ahhh leads to Paul Revere, whats going on there. I use abc, wik,i whatever, some call history
Thailand was the first country in the world to announce they had successfully used “malaria treatment” against the virus, this was way back at the start of 2020, immediately HCQ went to a worldwide ban, based on a fraudulent study in The Lancet magazine. Now Thailand is subject to all sorts of nasty lockdowns and policing instead of using the normal treatment.
Rockerfella Foundation already got into Thailand before ww1 !!!
On the subject of creeping globalism, the Bangkok Post is currently publishing a timeline to celebrate it’s 75th anniversary and you can look at some of the main stories from the past years, such as
1946 Siam becomes 55th member of the UN
1947 First UN embassy opens in Bangkok
1948 Siam joins World Bank
1949 Siam officially renamed Thailand ( should that be THAILAND, as in THAILAND INC. The original name Thailand I think was meant as a deterrent to the Japanese empire, “Thai” apparently meaning free ). But wait there’s more.
1950 US envoys converge to discuss red threat in Asia, UN accepts Thai forces help in Korea
1951 Thai airways born via merger
1952 Don Meuang biggest airport in Asia expanded. Celebrations include demonstrations of bombing. Current king born.
1953 Rama VI bridge opened (near Bang Sue / Chatuchak for anyone who has been to Bangkok) Tricycle taxis and public Chinese opera displays banned due to congestion
1954 Bangkok Bank opens first overseas branch ( HongKong )
1955 SEATO formed (South East Asia Treaty Organisation) as a buffer to communists, massive hotel upgrades
1956 Prince Wan voted head of UN
1957 “Dirtiest election ever”
1958 Canal plan ( for panama-style canal that never happens )
1959 Bangkok expanded
1960 Tourist mining commences
1961 US sets up first Thai stock exchange
1962 Ongoing border tussles with Cambodia
1963 …
1964 Toyota opens plant
1965 Airforce Captain’s daughter “Pook” wins Miss Universe
1966 Thai forces to Vietnam
1967 Formation of ASEAN
1968 Trams scrapped for cars, satellite earth station opened
1969 Nixon admits Washington paid Thailand to put troops in Vietnam, deal falls apart
1970 Family planning started against “Baby bomb” ( population explosion )
1971 Coup following unrest blamed on communist terrorists indoctrinating students, farmers etc
1972 Investiture of Crown Prince ( now king )
1973 Student massacre ( make of it all what you will )
1974 Chinese gang riots + women’s liberation + interesting assets seizure
1975 Stock exchange opens, Bangkok Bank first off the blocks
1976 University massacre + coup check out he photo
1977 Foreign investors offered 10 year tax holiday
1978 Deng Xiao Ping comes for massacre research
1979 Cambodia collapses
1980 Gas prices fuel massive rally
I hope gumshoers heed Yeadon’s metaphor… He is behind a machine gun and will keep his finger on the trigger until he runs out of ammo or is dead. I note that Chossudovski was nodding in complete agreement with the sentiment, adding that the time for multi-disciplines is over. it is now inter-discipline or nothing. That is a total reversal of Michel’s philosophy and
In other words, if we sit around doing nothing else but write about the horrors to come, we may as well be the enemy. The time for talking is long gone.
“Corona virus patents first started showing up in 1999”
If the “Delta variant” is an offshoot of a Rothschild patent should not the patent owner be prosecuted?
Random Stuff
3 months ago
Coronavirus patent in 2003? — Fauci Is Involved
Posted by Kane on June 1, 2021 1:22 am…
SARS is also from the coronavirus family. SARS is when things went crazy with research. Yes, it is disturbing that scientists tampered with these viruses and off-shored the research (Wuhan) and that likely both the US, Canada, UK, etc. were likely involved in this research and they all patented things in an attempt to profit.
Well dear Kerry, you better realise that your BS efforts for SILENCE is not going to work.
Just sit and listen to how your government dictatorial fake crap is being exposed by a ordinary fellow in the link below.
Takes a few minutes to get past the opening music to the fellow.
Kerry and Gladys, just sit back take off your shoes. poor a dry sherry and try and realise that your BS is just that.
Have a pleasant evening.
BTW way Gladys, better tell Morrison that; “we have a problem with truth….. we may need more of your troops.”
Ps Mel Gibson comes up at about 50 mins for a few minutes.
Better wake up Canberra.
Take with discretion…………. re the named lists. Bit far out???? But understood, if real.
Just spoke to dear one.
‘Would you serve guests with a wrinkled table cloth?
Would you present laundered sheets on our bed that are wrinkled?
Would you present our pillow cases wrinkled?
WOULD I be allowed down to the shops with a wrinkled shirt?
And dear spouse is never been in the military.
Not often I win!
Another African Leader Targeted by Big Pharma? Madagascan President Survives Assassination Attempt
“……….What President Rajoelina of Madagascar has been promoting as a covid cure is no simple ‘herbal remedy’, on the contrary. From a little digging we’ve done, it sounds like Madagascar could be its own successful pharmaceutical producer for the entire African continent and for wherever malaria is found.
We remind readers that the President of Tanzania John Magafuli (61) and the President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza (55) had both rejected the covid vaccines. and both allegedly died of Covid and a heart attack respectively. Haiti’s president Jouvenal Moise (53) was assassinated in his home on July 7, having done the same.
It’s worth bearing in mind that Alexander Lukashenko was the one who alerted the world early on that the IMF was paying countries to lock their peoples down. He, too, suffered an assassination attempt on him, only to be foiled with Russia’s help.
We found this interesting piece from Principia Scientific International from May 18, 2020 in which the Madagascan president appears to have ‘done a Lukashenko’ regarding its homegrown artemisia medicine by blowing the whistle on the WHO. It is republished below………..”
The Madagascar guy was warning people about the injections last ( southern ) summer because I remember telling a guy from Mauritius about it. The story was there were yellow or green injections and one was toxic. Which suggests that different populations are getting different treatments. I wonder what they are getting in the various Australian capitals, is it all the same or do they have a special one for all the useless eaters in Melbourne, since the place is virtually derelict since all the industry was hammered into the ground by the party of the workers.
There seems to be a little narrative sneaking around in the shadows. Based on the story, was it Stalin (?) who supposedly said, ” … I only care who counts the votes”, it may be that the Trump team has stolen a march on the crooked DemonRats by installing the appropriate delegates, even before the 2016 glass ceiling theatrical flop.
And some more rumours
Scotty, who received Trump’s medal of something a few months ago, will be following Trump exactly as night follows day, or in Scotty’s case, as day ( here ) follows night ( there ) ie. pretty much instantaneously. It’s not often we get a win out of this arrangement.
Over 60% of people vaccinated for Covid have permanent heart damage.
Over 5,500 people have died in Scotland, within one month of getting vaxxine.
85% of new ‘Delta’ infections in Israel are fully vaccinated.
In France, mandatory Covid vaccines for health workers, “health pass ID” to access cinema, trains, restaurants, hospitals, retirement homes, medical and social establishments, planes, trains and buses.
“The chances of asymptomatic spread of Covid is zero.” – Dr. Paul Elias Alexander
In Ireland, Margaret Buttimer, a grandmother was jailed for 90 days over refusal to wear a face mask.
The vaccines are bio-weapons and tools for population control. Oxford University and Imperial College London declare that all airports will be ordered to close within next 10 years.
“There is a virus that kills 8000 children a day and there is a cure called FOOD. Why the fuck isn’t this a pandemic. Tell you why ‘cos there is no money in it. Bet you lot won’t share this though will you.”
Three countries opposed Covid agenda, all three of their Presidents are dead.
“Google controls all information we have access to, it is primarily a political act for sale to the highest bidder.”
“The events scheduled for next month, are designed to be the final solution to global overpopulation, to be accompanied by universal compulsory health-status passports controlling the every movement of the survivors of the genocide.”
Pfizer’s former VP, on mass administration of ‘booster’ shots beginning in September.
Bill Shorten. the ALP’s answer to Abbot, on the MSM in connection with $300 bribes.
The shills are screaming to offload the AZ stockpile onto 18-year-olds.
The Qld Chief Health Officer is breaking ranks, no injections for under 60’s !
Based on one of many and varied scraps of advice.
They seem to be getting cold feet in Queensland, maybe Anaxtasias “mark of beast” implementing daddy has calculated that it’s all going to fall apart, the rest of the red party support base is still too dim to be anywhere near this conclusion. They have endured endless “inductions” for their menial jobs and are now total conformist with brains deadened, mate.
Seems that we are lucky in Australia, in contrast to reports from the US, most of all hospitalisations for covid in Australia are those NOT Vaccinated,,,,,,,,,,,,, per Fordham on 2GB in Sydney this morning. [3.8.21]
Bromelain Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection in VeroE6 Cells
“………….We demonstrate that bromelain (isolated from pineapple stem and used as a dietary supplement) treatment diminishes the expression of ACE-2 and TMPRSS2 in VeroE6 cells and dramatically lowers the expression of S-Ectodomain. Importantly, bromelain treatment reduced the interaction between S-Ectodomain and VeroE6 cells. Most importantly, bromelain treatment significantly diminished the SARS-CoV-2 infection in VeroE6 cells. Altogether, our results suggest that bromelain or bromelain rich pineapple stem may be used as an antiviral against COVID-19.
Dr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. Dr Zimmermann was professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017. He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017), President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA), and co-editor of “Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19” (Connor Court / The Western Australian Jurist, 2020).
To conclude, it is entirely self-evident to me as a constitutional law professor that Australians have been endowed with some important constitutional protections as derived from that notion espoused by the High Court of “a free society governed in accordance with the principles of democratic parliamentary government”. If this is so, then we the people have a lawful right to resist any government measure that fundamentally violates our individual rights and freedoms, including lockdowns.
Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative, – Vaccinated People Are The Biggest Spreaders –
Comment by mothman777
This article originates from Pamela Geller, though as always, the Jews merely pretend to lead the campaign to protect the goyim against the COVID bioweapon that the cunning and malevolent Jews themselves in fact actually conceived of, invented, produced and distributed.
I wonder when the infiltrated Boris Johnson and the rest of his evil killer clowns will get round to telling us the obvious implications of this news, which is actually very old now already and should have been the focus of analysis by SAGE and the government already a very long time ago, but of course, we already know that the commy Jew SAGE and the treacherous 80% ‘Friends of Israel’ Bolshevik MP agents are really only intent on wiping out the white peoples (Christians generally CC), continuing the dark work of the Jews Churchill and Lindemann.
The governments’ most huge lie of omission is about HCQ, they lie by omission about Ivermectin, vitamin D etc etc., another huge lie of omission is about spreading viruses. The various official sources are forced to confess that injected people are equally breeding grounds for viruses but for anyone not infected, tiny quantities must be assisting with natural immunity, therefore people who are mildly infected but not sick are spreading natural herd immunity.
The governments other big lie of omission therefore concerns who needs to go home ( and stay in bed ) and who doesn’t. Simple answer, if you get sick with cold or flu, stay at home in bed until you stop being a super-spreader. This is the same advice as before 2020 when Rockerfella’s “Health” System decided to get involved. People generally will take this action more strenuously now than before, which is not a bad thing. But will our crooked lying governments adopt this as policy, I don’t think so, they are too busy cementing in their future careers. Our spineless globalist servants are already in LockStep™ and seem to have as little hope of collectivising in the public interest as any ill-fated Pan-African nationalists.
“If you’re sick, keep warm in bed, until you’re well again” and leave nanny state alone to do what nanny state does best, which is to look for answers up its own fundament.
also note IMOP yesterday released #DO NOT RESIGN ( look on facebook & such places )
Find out ALL your options before resigning! Can you really be fired for putting off having a provisionally approved injection??
So the politicians and mass media shonkies have the same modus operandi as a peasant.
Hmmmm, fits! Divide and control.
After all, they appear as feudal peasants slaving away for their absent Lordship’s estates and interests.
They need a pay rise from their lordship’s estate and should have a increased allowance….. half a dozen chickens should satisfy them for a while.
Thanks again Dee – just letting readers know that this is the session on Day 2 of the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium
I repost the following links from yesterday with recommendation to watch ALL of the sessions.
Here is the programme:
Day 1:
Day 2:
This session starts at 2:24:30 of Day 2
19:00 Debate on Vaccine Passports
On other sessions Professor Sucharit Bhakdi gives a particularly impassioned plea for the sake of our children and grandchildren, and indeed the future of humanity, based on his professional medical expertise but Vera Sharav was a disappointing low point, pushing her misdirection narrative (she will never mention the NKVD while offering nothing of real substance or hope).
Brilliant thanks for that
I posted the subject article above and the latest X22 report at the end of the previous article as it turned up via Dee. Ta Dee.
So after reading the link in the article above note the x report below and do not give up, the swamp grubs have their day of reckoning coming including our own domestic traitors in Australia,
NOTE THE REFERENCE TO MILITARY TRIBUNALS COMMING IN THE US. Note the Graham Kavanagh question time (Now Pulled!) on military law, …………… ALL PLANNED FOR OVER A DECADE
Waz — BRILLIANT. Made my day.
copy that
Here is the programme:
Day 1:
Day 2:
This session starts at 2:24:30 of Day 2
and I don’t like Doctors even @ the best/worst of times.
I’m bleeding out, all bet’s are off, anti -Hippocrates’ses, some are very skilled here, ahhh leads to Paul Revere, whats going on there. I use abc, wik,i whatever, some call history
Trust a doctor or lawyer and die.
Thailand was the first country in the world to announce they had successfully used “malaria treatment” against the virus, this was way back at the start of 2020, immediately HCQ went to a worldwide ban, based on a fraudulent study in The Lancet magazine. Now Thailand is subject to all sorts of nasty lockdowns and policing instead of using the normal treatment.
Rockerfella Foundation already got into Thailand before ww1 !!!
On the subject of creeping globalism, the Bangkok Post is currently publishing a timeline to celebrate it’s 75th anniversary and you can look at some of the main stories from the past years, such as
1946 Siam becomes 55th member of the UN
1947 First UN embassy opens in Bangkok
1948 Siam joins World Bank
1949 Siam officially renamed Thailand ( should that be THAILAND, as in THAILAND INC. The original name Thailand I think was meant as a deterrent to the Japanese empire, “Thai” apparently meaning free ). But wait there’s more.
1950 US envoys converge to discuss red threat in Asia, UN accepts Thai forces help in Korea
1951 Thai airways born via merger
1952 Don Meuang biggest airport in Asia expanded. Celebrations include demonstrations of bombing. Current king born.
1953 Rama VI bridge opened (near Bang Sue / Chatuchak for anyone who has been to Bangkok) Tricycle taxis and public Chinese opera displays banned due to congestion
1954 Bangkok Bank opens first overseas branch ( HongKong )
1955 SEATO formed (South East Asia Treaty Organisation) as a buffer to communists, massive hotel upgrades
1956 Prince Wan voted head of UN
1957 “Dirtiest election ever”
1958 Canal plan ( for panama-style canal that never happens )
1959 Bangkok expanded
1960 Tourist mining commences
1961 US sets up first Thai stock exchange
1962 Ongoing border tussles with Cambodia
1963 …
1964 Toyota opens plant
1965 Airforce Captain’s daughter “Pook” wins Miss Universe
1966 Thai forces to Vietnam
1967 Formation of ASEAN
1968 Trams scrapped for cars, satellite earth station opened
1969 Nixon admits Washington paid Thailand to put troops in Vietnam, deal falls apart
1970 Family planning started against “Baby bomb” ( population explosion )
1971 Coup following unrest blamed on communist terrorists indoctrinating students, farmers etc
1972 Investiture of Crown Prince ( now king )
1973 Student massacre ( make of it all what you will )
1974 Chinese gang riots + women’s liberation + interesting assets seizure
1975 Stock exchange opens, Bangkok Bank first off the blocks
1976 University massacre + coup check out he photo
1977 Foreign investors offered 10 year tax holiday
1978 Deng Xiao Ping comes for massacre research
1979 Cambodia collapses
1980 Gas prices fuel massive rally
… after that it’s mostly shopping
according to Paul Keating”s famous clock collection. Seems he “forgot” to wind the detail.
Hawke could at least recognize a yard arm.
Humour as a weapon
Horror’s of Christmas past Tony
Note; 33 dead and change(sorry any personal)
Timing is everything and the only thing we may possess
I hope gumshoers heed Yeadon’s metaphor… He is behind a machine gun and will keep his finger on the trigger until he runs out of ammo or is dead. I note that Chossudovski was nodding in complete agreement with the sentiment, adding that the time for multi-disciplines is over. it is now inter-discipline or nothing. That is a total reversal of Michel’s philosophy and
In other words, if we sit around doing nothing else but write about the horrors to come, we may as well be the enemy. The time for talking is long gone.
Tony, Waz posted this in his comment. A good laugh.
More nasal-spray and “inhaled vaccines”, maybe this is an escape route, definitely all the for-profit organisations will all be chasing the holy grail by now
“From a pathogen to profit”
“Corona virus patents first started showing up in 1999”
If the “Delta variant” is an offshoot of a Rothschild patent should not the patent owner be prosecuted?
Random Stuff
3 months ago
Coronavirus patent in 2003? — Fauci Is Involved
Posted by Kane on June 1, 2021 1:22 am…
SARS is also from the coronavirus family. SARS is when things went crazy with research. Yes, it is disturbing that scientists tampered with these viruses and off-shored the research (Wuhan) and that likely both the US, Canada, UK, etc. were likely involved in this research and they all patented things in an attempt to profit.
“Don’t act like a human, don’t talk to your friends, even when masked. Don’t be friendly, this is not the time.”
Kerry Chant
Well dear Kerry, you better realise that your BS efforts for SILENCE is not going to work.
Just sit and listen to how your government dictatorial fake crap is being exposed by a ordinary fellow in the link below.
Takes a few minutes to get past the opening music to the fellow.
Kerry and Gladys, just sit back take off your shoes. poor a dry sherry and try and realise that your BS is just that.
Have a pleasant evening.
BTW way Gladys, better tell Morrison that; “we have a problem with truth….. we may need more of your troops.”
Ps Mel Gibson comes up at about 50 mins for a few minutes.
Dianne; You there?
Better wake up Canberra.
Take with discretion…………. re the named lists. Bit far out???? But understood, if real.
Now all makes some sense, Mr Bean is now the PM of Australia.
Just spoke to dear one.
‘Would you serve guests with a wrinkled table cloth?
Would you present laundered sheets on our bed that are wrinkled?
Would you present our pillow cases wrinkled?
WOULD I be allowed down to the shops with a wrinkled shirt?
And dear spouse is never been in the military.
Not often I win!
“The most vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in Covid-19 cases, while the least vaccinated countries are not.”
Dr. Robert Malone
Except there is no Covid 19! It’s the Flu relabeled. The surge is the poison jabs.
Another African Leader Targeted by Big Pharma? Madagascan President Survives Assassination Attempt
“……….What President Rajoelina of Madagascar has been promoting as a covid cure is no simple ‘herbal remedy’, on the contrary. From a little digging we’ve done, it sounds like Madagascar could be its own successful pharmaceutical producer for the entire African continent and for wherever malaria is found.
We remind readers that the President of Tanzania John Magafuli (61) and the President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza (55) had both rejected the covid vaccines. and both allegedly died of Covid and a heart attack respectively. Haiti’s president Jouvenal Moise (53) was assassinated in his home on July 7, having done the same.
It’s worth bearing in mind that Alexander Lukashenko was the one who alerted the world early on that the IMF was paying countries to lock their peoples down. He, too, suffered an assassination attempt on him, only to be foiled with Russia’s help.
We found this interesting piece from Principia Scientific International from May 18, 2020 in which the Madagascan president appears to have ‘done a Lukashenko’ regarding its homegrown artemisia medicine by blowing the whistle on the WHO. It is republished below………..”
The Madagascar guy was warning people about the injections last ( southern ) summer because I remember telling a guy from Mauritius about it. The story was there were yellow or green injections and one was toxic. Which suggests that different populations are getting different treatments. I wonder what they are getting in the various Australian capitals, is it all the same or do they have a special one for all the useless eaters in Melbourne, since the place is virtually derelict since all the industry was hammered into the ground by the party of the workers.
There seems to be a little narrative sneaking around in the shadows. Based on the story, was it Stalin (?) who supposedly said, ” … I only care who counts the votes”, it may be that the Trump team has stolen a march on the crooked DemonRats by installing the appropriate delegates, even before the 2016 glass ceiling theatrical flop.
And some more rumours
Scotty, who received Trump’s medal of something a few months ago, will be following Trump exactly as night follows day, or in Scotty’s case, as day ( here ) follows night ( there ) ie. pretty much instantaneously. It’s not often we get a win out of this arrangement.
Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE.
It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies
The US propaganda machine “supports” democracy (regime change)
US Government-Funded Media in Malaysia: “Malaysiakini” – an example.
COVID-19 quarantine (prison) camp at Heathrow Airport in London, England
Comment by mothman777;
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have Left to Live?
“…………..Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites.
His answer was: “You don’t know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?” And there you have it.
Over 60% of people vaccinated for Covid have permanent heart damage.
Over 5,500 people have died in Scotland, within one month of getting vaxxine.
85% of new ‘Delta’ infections in Israel are fully vaccinated.
In France, mandatory Covid vaccines for health workers, “health pass ID” to access cinema, trains, restaurants, hospitals, retirement homes, medical and social establishments, planes, trains and buses.
“The chances of asymptomatic spread of Covid is zero.” – Dr. Paul Elias Alexander
In Ireland, Margaret Buttimer, a grandmother was jailed for 90 days over refusal to wear a face mask.
The vaccines are bio-weapons and tools for population control. Oxford University and Imperial College London declare that all airports will be ordered to close within next 10 years.
“There is a virus that kills 8000 children a day and there is a cure called FOOD. Why the fuck isn’t this a pandemic. Tell you why ‘cos there is no money in it. Bet you lot won’t share this though will you.”
Three countries opposed Covid agenda, all three of their Presidents are dead.
“Google controls all information we have access to, it is primarily a political act for sale to the highest bidder.”
“The events scheduled for next month, are designed to be the final solution to global overpopulation, to be accompanied by universal compulsory health-status passports controlling the every movement of the survivors of the genocide.”
Pfizer’s former VP, on mass administration of ‘booster’ shots beginning in September.
“Australians who post anti-lockdown content online could face $11,000 fines.”
“Kebabs for jabs: Uber and Deliveroo will offer young adults cheap food in exchange for a Covid vaccine.”
Bill Shorten. the ALP’s answer to Abbot, on the MSM in connection with $300 bribes.
The shills are screaming to offload the AZ stockpile onto 18-year-olds.
The Qld Chief Health Officer is breaking ranks, no injections for under 60’s !
Based on one of many and varied scraps of advice.
They seem to be getting cold feet in Queensland, maybe Anaxtasias “mark of beast” implementing daddy has calculated that it’s all going to fall apart, the rest of the red party support base is still too dim to be anywhere near this conclusion. They have endured endless “inductions” for their menial jobs and are now total conformist with brains deadened, mate.
Something from sky that u-tube bans, but found at so it must be a worry if u-tube bans it.
It is not true that Greta is Klaus’ daughter.
Time 2 f BBB
How dare u
I’,ll fire up the weber
cabernet-merlot sir
Yep, fine, clean skin cab merlot is about $3.49 at Dan’s. Get a discount for a dozen.
accepted, glad you did not ask for water
Seems that we are lucky in Australia, in contrast to reports from the US, most of all hospitalisations for covid in Australia are those NOT Vaccinated,,,,,,,,,,,,, per Fordham on 2GB in Sydney this morning. [3.8.21]
So ‘a bet’ proposal is that $300 for a vac is just that: a punt.
Bromelain Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection in VeroE6 Cells
“………….We demonstrate that bromelain (isolated from pineapple stem and used as a dietary supplement) treatment diminishes the expression of ACE-2 and TMPRSS2 in VeroE6 cells and dramatically lowers the expression of S-Ectodomain. Importantly, bromelain treatment reduced the interaction between S-Ectodomain and VeroE6 cells. Most importantly, bromelain treatment significantly diminished the SARS-CoV-2 infection in VeroE6 cells. Altogether, our results suggest that bromelain or bromelain rich pineapple stem may be used as an antiviral against COVID-19.
We do have rights!
Dr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. Dr Zimmermann was professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017. He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017), President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA), and co-editor of “Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19” (Connor Court / The Western Australian Jurist, 2020).
To conclude, it is entirely self-evident to me as a constitutional law professor that Australians have been endowed with some important constitutional protections as derived from that notion espoused by the High Court of “a free society governed in accordance with the principles of democratic parliamentary government”. If this is so, then we the people have a lawful right to resist any government measure that fundamentally violates our individual rights and freedoms, including lockdowns.
Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative, – Vaccinated People Are The Biggest Spreaders –
Comment by mothman777
This article originates from Pamela Geller, though as always, the Jews merely pretend to lead the campaign to protect the goyim against the COVID bioweapon that the cunning and malevolent Jews themselves in fact actually conceived of, invented, produced and distributed.
I wonder when the infiltrated Boris Johnson and the rest of his evil killer clowns will get round to telling us the obvious implications of this news, which is actually very old now already and should have been the focus of analysis by SAGE and the government already a very long time ago, but of course, we already know that the commy Jew SAGE and the treacherous 80% ‘Friends of Israel’ Bolshevik MP agents are really only intent on wiping out the white peoples (Christians generally CC), continuing the dark work of the Jews Churchill and Lindemann.
Good Idea, Ban U-Tube, face book, twitter and the rest of them.
The governments’ most huge lie of omission is about HCQ, they lie by omission about Ivermectin, vitamin D etc etc., another huge lie of omission is about spreading viruses. The various official sources are forced to confess that injected people are equally breeding grounds for viruses but for anyone not infected, tiny quantities must be assisting with natural immunity, therefore people who are mildly infected but not sick are spreading natural herd immunity.
The governments other big lie of omission therefore concerns who needs to go home ( and stay in bed ) and who doesn’t. Simple answer, if you get sick with cold or flu, stay at home in bed until you stop being a super-spreader. This is the same advice as before 2020 when Rockerfella’s “Health” System decided to get involved. People generally will take this action more strenuously now than before, which is not a bad thing. But will our crooked lying governments adopt this as policy, I don’t think so, they are too busy cementing in their future careers. Our spineless globalist servants are already in LockStep™ and seem to have as little hope of collectivising in the public interest as any ill-fated Pan-African nationalists.
“If you’re sick, keep warm in bed, until you’re well again” and leave nanny state alone to do what nanny state does best, which is to look for answers up its own fundament.
One alternative to red – blue fascism
Collected interviews with Dr Judy Wilyman Informed Medical Options Party – IMOP
also note IMOP yesterday released #DO NOT RESIGN ( look on facebook & such places )
Find out ALL your options before resigning! Can you really be fired for putting off having a provisionally approved injection??
This is good, latest NSW tourist advertisement published to the world courtesy of the NSW government.
Clearly, Gordon’s Bay is the place to be.
At least it is more imaginative and better informed than having a prawn on the barbie or “where the H are you”?
“We love it when you peasants blame each other”
So the politicians and mass media shonkies have the same modus operandi as a peasant.
Hmmmm, fits! Divide and control.
After all, they appear as feudal peasants slaving away for their absent Lordship’s estates and interests.
They need a pay rise from their lordship’s estate and should have a increased allowance….. half a dozen chickens should satisfy them for a while.