by G5
Apart from the nausea of Chucky Bear [Schumer] and Nancy Pants [Pelosi] posturing they will not fund the Wall, and the hypocrisy of prior Dem wall funding and building operations [600 miles of it], there is a genuine humanitarian issue, that has not been made known. And this does not include the Dianne Feinstein lying about children being gassed, or the caravaners being paid to travel to the border, then demanding $50,000 each to return.
On the day before Trump recently visited the wall, there were over 400 arrests. Some 130 of whom were, Indian, Pakistani, or Romanian.
The Hidden File
The hidden file concerns some 200 per day being shot or incapacitated, and left to be eaten by wild dogs, in the remote areas — where many have been advised to cross.
As hunting foxes became a sport in Britain, so too hunting border crossers on quiet horseback at night with packs of dogs that identify the targets, and begin to tear them, has become the protection for wealthy cattle ranchers on the boarder.
A long practice. They manage their own affairs concerning those unable to work or offer services for keep.
Guns with scopes and silencers are not an issue. The rifles are used for the humane killing of injured stock cattle and the shooting of the real wild dogs roaming the areas, particularly at night, looking to take calves or sick cattle.
Silencers prevent frightening stock or alerting other wild dogs in range. Being torn by dogs travelling with shooters on silent horseback cannot be differentiated from that of other dogs.
Within a day, hardly traces beyond clothes would remain. Bones are chewed for marrow.
The tragedy of these people attempting to enter the US on the basis of lies delivered, and paid for.
There is no guilt of any description possible.
Howard Buffett, son of the Oracle of Omaha, has cattle properties on the border. He has supplied local sheriffs with a known $30 million, three helicopters, vehicles, military equipment, rifles, sidearms, a warehouse of munitions and supplies, and established vigilante teams.
Interestingly he also provides a $1 million prize paid to law enforcement personnel in the counties of interest to him. For what purpose, is not made clear.
So indeed, for humanitarian purposes, the Wall needs to be built.
The 300,000
Which reminds me of Poroshenko and his missing 300,000 (from 2014 to 2018) from Western Ukraine. Last seen heading to Lithuania accompanied by NATO ‘NAZI’ units.
The long serving President of Lithuania is Dalia Grybaukaite. An old friend of Merkel and May. She attended a CIA training unit at Georgetown Uni., worked as a US ambassador in Lithuania, as well as for the WB and the IMF, and is an EU-NWO enthusiast.
Could there be genocides beyond WWII? Would the US hide such events? Particularly since Anglo-America had bombed and flooded NAZI slave labour camps attached to factories (e.g., Ruhr Valley, Peenemunde). [Kosovo War, Iraq Oil for Food, Kurdistan, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen.]
“An old friend of Merkel and May.”
And the proof of this, and the provenance of said proof is?
Whilst disproportionate power lies alongside a country that can control criminals to threaten its own government such as subversives manipulating assets by the country being compromised as example drugs being transported to a country of power as in this situation, a wall is a plecebo for window dressing to appease a publics fear that will be no solution other than a artificial division such as the Berlin wall ending as brickabrack in living rooms of a distant memory that future generations will discard as dusty ornaments adding to the cleaning costs of living regarding house maintenance and trump will become as a name having only a reference in card games.
Hmm. That’s interesting about US “bombed and flooded” the camps. There is a wonderful book by Joost Merloo called The Rape of the Mind, written just after the war, which mentions a prison getting accidentally flooded.
The US admits to “rainmaking” starting only around 1962 re Vietnam war. Could it have been much, much earlier? I think it is said that Pavlov’s dogs in cages got flooded. Experimentally?
Much was said about the wall today during Senate confirmation hearings for the new US Attoprney General Wm Barr. Does that name sound familiar? He was Poppy Bush’s atty gen circa 1990.
A senator asked him “Would it be OK for a president to give a pardon with the proviso that the pardonee refrain from incriminating him? Said Mr Barr: No that would be a crime.
Well, son of a gun.
One thing overlooked by the wall bleeding hearts is that kids are being stolen and bought in Central America right now, for future trafficking across the border.
Who are you trying to kid?
The CIA just flies such booty into U. S. military bases
I looked at the ‘news’ today and it was just more BS about Trump, Democrats, Brexit, toxic masculinity, etc. – I’m tired of being inundated with garbage from dying empires. It’s almost like watching dirty water going down a drain.
Does anybody know a decent website that gives quality information about what is happening in Russia or China? I’d actually like to read something from a place where the country is on the rise.
gatesofvienna.org should get you some info. It’s an American site that focuses on what is occurring in Europe mainly, but visits other areas of the planet Sources are reliable.
Thanks Nem, looks like things in Europe are worse than I thought. I was curious to find out who Holger Danske was in Denmark.
Keep on reading – Denmark is waking up very quickly as to the Globalist agenda – I wonder if ‘our Mary’ has anything to do with it?
Niq Naq has some good stuff. Actually the best article I’ve seen on China comes from…wait for it…..Daily Stormer. Still up too. Anglin’s an arsehole in many ways but damn he can be perceptive.
Paul, I took a look at that China article, you’re right, it is quite good. https://dailystormer.name/the-rise-of-china-and-the-western-inability-to-process-what-is-happening-right-in-front-of-them/
Spot on .
Of course the Globalists don’t want a wall to contain unauthorised transit from one country to another. As Angel Merkel espoused recently, we must do away with sovereign nations.
Australia is very fortunate to be comparatively insulated by being surrounded by kilometres of ocean, so that we have a natural barrier (wall?), to protect us from many external evils. Countries that have no such natural barrier, of course need a manmade “wall” to protect their local population from many these dangers. Anybody who says otherwise has their head buried in the sand. If these people live in one such country, one day they will regret having spoken out against this idea. I am amazed that the US has existed so long without such a wall as being designed by the Trump Administration.
It is amazing that many of the elite in US who are making much noise about the “wall”, live in accommodation surrounded by high walls and metal fences and gates. Others live in towers(?) that are almost impenetrable The same argument goes for gun control. Many of those that detest guns are surrounded by security service people weighed down with all sorts of guns and other weapons.
sounds like the NT
A good observation!
It’s a pity Nazyahu’s wall fails to get as much MSM or ‘Left Rag’ coverage. Whenever one of my ‘progressive’, fake left acquaintances mentions ‘Trumps’ wall, I ask them why not.
Some of them get nasty and call me a Fascist, or turn away having suddenly lost interest in the subject.
Dear Pope Gregory the Fifth (aka G5), The title of your article above suggests that there is a humanitarian reason “as yet undisclosed.” I don’t think you are referring to the need to protect people from dog bites.
Would like to know what it is.
Mary, I presume G5 means human hunting parties, killing, foreigners who have already illegally crossed the border. If the wall was built this would be stopped because there would be no illegals to hunt.
So, Mal, what’s the diff?
Sorry –I seem to be off topic a lot lately, and a bit hard to follow. I appreciate the forum, topics and comments, it is helpful. Lots of quotes from links and my files. Re video–experiments– some personal threads.
STD epidemics, overt, covert medical experiments in remote communities and last week the ABC breakfast program promoting the syphyllis outbreak in specific communities. I have witnessed this pattern over and over.
A few years ago I was asked by a colleague to give feedback on the appropriateness of this glossy highly funded government project -re STD’s particularly Syphyllis
https://youngdeadlyfree.org.au/about-us/the-remote-sti-and-bbv-project/——– and how it could be effectively delivered.
I was included with some First Nations leaders because I have knowledge of the culture and language of some of the communities targeted, and also a trusted and respected relationship with Anangu of the central and western desert. This turned out to be another example of tokenism, tick the box of consultation, getting “input” from the community, but in reality it was fete accompli, we were just used and part of a check list. We received a $50 voucher for our trouble, another paternalistic fraudulent warning sign. As with Indigenous Education the money feeds the system and the intended recipients are “shamed’ in the process labelled as part of the problem.
some quotes a bit random:
“A decade ago, syphilis in Queensland was on track to being eradicated, but then in 2010, the number of cases diagnosed started drastically increasing. By 2011, it was being called an epidemic. By 2014 it had spread into the Northern Territory, before moving into the Kimberley region of WA and reaching South Australia last year. Many of the cases are in remote Indigenous communities.”
Australian Medical Association NT president Robert Parker said the national problem had been met with a lack of federal leadership.
“Why the outbreak has happened is not fully understood, although experts say it can partly be attributed to people moving in and out of communities.
But it has been worsened by authorities’ failure to adequately respond, according to Associate Prof Ward, from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.
“If this had occurred among young, heterosexual people in non-indigenous Australia there would be a national outcry,” he told the BBC.
“We missed the opportunity to bring it under control. It’s a really poor indictment on the public health response.”
“The problem is a lot of the sexual health programs have actually been defunded, so all the people you need on the ground are not there any more to educate people on safe-sex practices.”
Last week, the Federal Government advised there would be additional funding of $12.4 million to June 2021, on top of $8.8 million committed last year, to curb the syphilis outbreak in northern and central Australia (Qld, WA, NT and SA).
The funds were distributed to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) in the outbreak regions.”
Guess this is being managed by SERCO
Lock hospitals
As a Yamaji researcher Dr Robin Barrington has observed of the Bernier and Dorre lock hospitals, they were:
“…places of imprisonment, exile, isolation, segregation, anthropological investigations and medical experiments made possible by laws of exception”.
At the time, even authorities acknowledged that Aboriginal people saw the Bernier and Dorre lock hospitals as penal institutions. In 1909, newspapers reported WA’s Chief Protector of Aborigines, Charles Gale, stating they were seen “as a sort of gaol”.
trying this link again
That link works just fine, Diane, and there is no reason for you to apologize for going off topic on any occasion, but on this occasion you are totally ON topic, per the title of G5’s article “wall need for undisclosed humanitarian reasons.”
The syphilis project rhymes with benocide, in my opinion, as I know both from AIDS and from a disease that is being given to koalas. (yes koalas).
“Why the outbreak has happened is not fully understood” (from your quotes above).
Get a load of the entity called “SIREN” in the link you provided.
Would anyone please comment on how to get solidarity going here….
By the way, Guatemalans in Boston are a well organized political group.
mmm. I also noticed ABC breakfast program. running a report about the massive increase in blood cancers. and there is going to be big funding for research—focus on children—“unknown” reason for this —
“Why the outbreak has happened is not fully understood” donations requested for research. I hear the siren– quite tragic.
Headline speak for itself.
Australian holocaust .
The brutal treatment of Sabine McNeill by the British ‘justice’ system: http://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/2019/01/sabine-mcneill-74-sentenced-to-nine.html