Home Corona Worldwide Medical Military Martial Law Plan Exposed!

Worldwide Medical Military Martial Law Plan Exposed!


Todd Callendar And Maria Zeee discuss the human experiment and the medical tyranny in place.



  1. When you consider this report,, one has to wake up and BAN THETELELIEVISION NOW.and
    IN DUE CORSE CHARGE OUR POLITICIANS AND MEDICAL TYRANTS with manslaughter, at the very least.

  2. Just start from about thirty minutes for ten and understand what the US authorities and mass media covered for..
    Want to see Hunter Biden doing the naked dance?
    Wake up the msm are lying criminals and hypocrites. YOU ARE BEING SUCKERED..
    Then go back to the start.

    • Here’s a page from the guy Todd Callendar’s website, he discusses ClO2 curing all sorts of stuff right at the end of the main video.
      Is there hope for humanity, answer must be no for most of them, and as for me, not sure what the strategy is for the 5G robot dog coming to shoot me. Perth cops already got one. Maybe spray oil on its sensors and wait for the batteries to go flat.
      From years of involvement with bodies corporate I understand that most people are too lazy, selfish and ignorant to be able to save themselves. Many survive by way of a combination of inheritance and welfare.
      My view of the end times is that it will go on for a few decades, it seems the Revelations will be fulfilled, the worst stuff to occur after the end of my natural term, unless I make it to 100+ but not sure why I would want that. My grandparents aged about 80 and in good health said, “We’ve had our life” and didn’t seem to be concerned about getting any more.

  3. On attending a doctors appointment recently I anticipated been questioned as to whether I had the vaccine so when I was asked I showed him a copy of the following –

    Authorisation to supply or administer a poison [SARS-COV-2(COVID-19) Vaccine] – Australian Defence Force (No 7) 2021

    An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine…………………”


    The doctors reply was: “I have an answer to that – all medicines are poison”

    What he did not add is: “but some medicines are more poisonous than others”.


    • It starts off so innocuously, like this smartwatch for criminal immigrants to the UK. Nobody would possibly object to criminal immigrants being e-tagged, especially Melbournians who already had to buy their own e-tag two decades ago, to drive on certain roads.

        • Pirbright pilgrims Oxford is the head orifice for all bsl4 labs. Oz has five, in Ukraina the number is unknown. Doherty Institute here, deal directly with Ukraine (the first nation globally to adopt CCP social credit slavery) and Wuhan labs.
          In yesterday’s news, the concentration camp that is Gaza is attacking Israel, young boys throwing rocks at tanks crushing them.
          Krown kabal komunizm, with digital ID’s, is the beast system entrenched and we the people are all terrorists now.

  4. Australia to Forcibly Vaccinate population through Aerosol Spraying
    Mark-Edward, O.
    Commonwealth Public Official: Safety Professional
    Published Mar 24, 2015

    Well it seems that the government is taken control of our lives, controlling us like slaves and making decisions without consulting the people of Australia, controlling us like dictators that think they know whats best for YOU breaking down our immunity system controlling what we drink, what we eat, what we breath in and what we put into our bodies and our foods without a choice braking down our immunity system

    What if it is goes wrong, who is responsible for the poisoning of our animals and people


    Australia to Forcibly Vaccinate population through Aerosol Spraying By The Real Agenda News Published at: 11:06, February 26, 2015 According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. (Photo: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk) According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. (Photo: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk)

    The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is on its way to approve a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria.

    According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).

    PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

    PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.

    Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters.

    Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.

    Read on –


    • Thank you, Crisscross. That is of extreme importance. Such a law must be repealed immediately. Its only possible friends are the ones who intend to profit from it, while all people and animals lose.

      (Actually, those “friends” will necessarily lose, too.)

      The human race, as of 2022, is way to ignorant of how ecosystems hang together, to make any such crazed moves.

      God, forgive us.

    • The guy is / was quite active,
      Here’s another one, with a funny quote:
      “I didn’t learn that I was Gullah until I got to New York and started studying my true history. I learned that my people, the Gullah, are the Blackest and most pure Africans in America. I knew that when the slave master raped and impregnated our woman with half-caste children, we threw them babies in the Copper River. That’s how we stayed so Black.”
      All these people sound the alarms then get old and disappear.

      Since it is Gumshoe News from Melbourne an obituary for Judith Durham is not out of place.
      Like many people this is just about the oldest radio song I can remember, I clearly remember it from kindy, it was going around in my head. Meanwhile the old Mornington Train Station was demolished and a Coles / Woolworths mall got the site. Coles-Woolworths controlled via BlackRock – globalists again, poisoning us inside and outside with their silly preparations.
      Getting rid of old people is high on their agenda, lock them all up in nursing homes and inject them, give them dementia, white bread and pills galore.

    • “Australia to Forcibly Vaccinate population through Aerosol Spraying”

      That claim was made more than 7 years ago
      So why didn’t it come to fruition?

      What seems to get routinely overlooked is that fear-mongering is that base-less fear-mongering is also a control trip

      • Critical to take hold of the fact that the entire World System is being held together by bluff
        I realise that putting the situation to the test can be a tad daunting but the only other option is remain in a state of insidious and perpetual bondage

      • Government controlled water supplies would be a much better vehicle for sneaky mass medication. I’ve made a point of shunning said commodity since the early 70s.

        But I’d still do laundry with it and when my husband and I were living in the hills east of Perth the elastic on undies etc was simply rotting. One woman in the area tested it with a back-yard pool kit and the chlorine level turned out to be higher than what she and her family were swimming in !


    • The Act exists, and it does make provisions for various things.

      Copy of Section 50A:

      Sourced: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2016C00792

      Section 50A

      38 Gene Technology Act 2000

      Compilation No. 13 Compilation date: 1/7/16 Registered: 13/7/16

      (c) data collection, including studies to be conducted about the GMO or its genetic material;

      (d) the geographic area in which the proposed dealings with the GMO or its genetic material may occur;

      (e) compliance, in relation to dealings with the GMO or its genetic material, with:

      (i) a code of practice issued under section 24; or

      (ii) a technical or procedural guideline issued under section 27.

      (3) For the purposes of subsection (1): limits, in relation to the release of a GMO that is proposed to be authorised by a licence, includes limits on any of the following:

      (a) the scope of the dealings with the GMO;

      (b) the scale of the dealings with the GMO;

      (c) the locations of the dealings with the GMO;

      (d) the duration of the dealings with the GMO;

      (e) the persons who are to be permitted to conduct the dealings with the GMO.

      (4) In deciding whether the principal purpose of an application is to enable the licence holder, and persons covered by the licence, to conduct experiments, the Regulator:

      (a) must have regard to whether the applicant proposes that any or all of the following be authorised by, and done under, the licence:

      (i) testing hypotheses;

      (ii) gaining scientific or technical knowledge;

      (iii) gaining data for regulatory purposes, or for product development or marketing; and

      (b) may have regard to any other matter that the Regulator considers to be relevant.

    • In regards to the spraying of the” V”, I remember something a while ago about application for approval for the spray being for a nasal form of the “medication”. The SNAKES gave the impression that it was for a personal use, as opposed to the jab form. They didn’t say anything about it being sprayed in the sky over ALL of us.
      Mind you, they didn’t tell us a lot of stuff….like the rest of the shit they are spraying all over us.
      Anyone noticed how “dirty” the air looks even out here in the WA wheatbelt??? We’ve had filthy looking skies all winter and autumn, with few actual rainy days….just enough cloud coverage to render our HUGE uptake of solar panels to be absolutely useless for the entire cold season. Great boost for the power companies!! I wonder where these clouds are coming from, as we have had days and days at a time without a breath of wind to blow them inland 300 km from the sea. which is the usual path.
      (GMO crops looking good so far…I wonder if they’ll make it through to harvest, or if they have an engineering plan to f*** that up at the last minute???)

      AND please watch the water! I’m a bit of a “mung-bean”…I’ve been trying to grow them as sprouts lately, as i can’t afford veges anymore. My latest 2 lots turned to a stinking sludge by using the tap-water from the Perth to Kalgoorlie pipeline. I had to grow them in bottled water.
      $10 for a 10litre container, rinsed twice a day for five days, Finally got my handful of sprouts, but used the 10lt of water!! Bloody heck! I might as well have bought the $11 lettuce!! WTF??

      • Actually the Mundaring to Kalgoorlie pipeline is the one I refer to above and the Water Board’s defence re the chlorine level was that it would get dissipated in the summer heat !

        That was in 1985 but I proceeded to experience the very same issue in Albany – the stuff was barely fit to shower in let alone use for culinary purposes.

        Prospective spray vaccination is, for obvious reasons, confined to personal use: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/nose-spray-vaccines-could-quash-covid-virus-variants/

        Scientific viability aside, an involuntary roll-out would be pointless so far as authoritarian purposes go because such control is derived wholly from obeisance

  5. MM how is your run going, I’m surprised you have any time left for anything but what with Alex Jones and all you probably only sleep 3 hours. As Mein Trumpf said, this may be our last chance to take our free country back. The tide has gone way out, as precedes a tsunami, we’re all waiting.

  6. The reason for the period of quiet is that the controllers are nervous about openly killing civilians while Assange is still potentially free, should Albanese demand his return. But once he is in the US, to be tortured until dead, that will be the signal that democide is no longer illegal.

    The moment Assange has been extradited, prominent anti-vaxx protestors will be killed; openly or covertly, it does not really matter. Police will not investigate. Assorted freedom and democracy agitators will be next.

    Once the hard core resistance has been eliminated, then all determinedly unvaxxed will be executed.

    Anybody who does not understand that to not demand that Albanese bring Assange home, is ignoring the gun at their own head.

    The hilarious aspect of all this is that once we Resistance are all dead, and the jabbed are sufficiently jabbed, there will be no point in retaining doctors.. All doctors and nurses who jabbed with mRNA and Remdesivir will be accused by the new Freedom Fighters of deliberate genocide and prosecuted and executed. The poplace will cheer ecstatically.

    Then bureaucrats who should have known better, but were complicit, will go to the block. Finally, will come the traitorous politicians. After all, once a traitor, always a traitor. They cannot be trusted. Most were complicit through blackmail anyway, so who cares?

    The survivors, those needed to keep the system going, will cheer each event, dileriously happy that the crisis is over and the democide defeated. Until, of course, it is their turn. Globally, one of the last to be executed will be Klause. Dumbarse.

    • You make a good point that we are too complacent about Assange and the false charges he is locked up for. Our excuse is partly Waiting for Trumpot. But that doesn’t excuse the apathy. Globalists are sneaky and have made their stories and put them about that he is a hacker and so forth, after that the public goes back to their slack-jawed usual stance on everything. As Shulze has said we would be well rid of some of them, so there is something in the Globalist bag for everyone. Look how many greenies there are now, thanks to their climate hysteria, Greens and allied got about 15 seats in the senate, from the relentless fake news. Ski season in Melbourne goes on as usual and even the Great Barrier Reef has mysteriously fixed itself. Too late !!! The useless 3rd rate Greens are already installed, to forcibly inject you, to bring communism, and to continue their do-nothing record of virtually no useful achievement since Bob Brown quit.

        • Go on tell me /the worst, if I have forgotten or missed something. I remember in Hobart some people were talking about his TV appearances and my opinion at the time was that he was controversial and very available. He could be seen walking around Salamanca Market like a local, as well as being a tree hugger he was in a state that banned any gay activities such as sodomy up to the 80’s as I vaguely recall, you could marry a 12-year-old in Tasmania at the same time. I did approve of saving all the forests and I still do, but please go ahead and improve on my recollection, my sentiment was the Greens lost the plot towards the end of the Bob Brown era but I would accept they were infiltrated long before, even set up purposefully. Thanks to the era of forced injections I am willing to consider any claims against politicians, professional journalists, medicos, administrators and opportunists of all types, including the celebrities along with the very mundane. People are talking about Genesis 6 lately, “there was wickedness everywhere so God organised a great flood”, so they say. Not sure how much of that is true.

  7. I noted a short clip of a ‘vengeful’ citizen attacking a doctor’s motor vehicle, eventually smashing in a front window, accusing the doctor of allegedly killing a loved one, poor stupid doctor seemed not to understand.
    Well are they all going to be that stupid as deaths role on?
    What do you lot think at the AMA? How about our members of the killing parliaments?
    Ref: beforeitsnews.com people powered news.

    • There is a saying:
      When a person loses everything ( being a child or grandchild for example);they might consider that they have nothing more to lose.
      Then what ….. justice imposed⚖️☠️ And many will give their life accordingly, to achieve it.

      • ESPECIALLY: If a vengeful one is suffering a slow death sentence anyway,
        Just think what a mother; of a dead child and wife of a copper is going to think of the father implementing the fascist state, might do.
        Oh what a picnic for the family court⚖️💁🤡
        Copper’s spouses are very interesting clients in the jurisdiction….. it all comes out🙊🙊

        • There are many, but one memorable one was the copper in a country town who had a mattress in the station cell and slept there, on duty of course, claiming overtime.
          Of course such matters are privileged in the hands of the client.
          I suppose with a beneficiary of family income being a serial fraud against the state, she kept quiet.
          Amazing what lawyers learn, but …………so much BS🙈🙊🙉

  8. https://odysee.com/@WisdomTheater3000:6/%E2%81%A3Poornima-Wagh,-2-PhDs-in-Virology-and
    View ?Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, destroys the Covid scam on Odysee

    Source: The Scamdemic: Covid 19 – SARS COV2 the Virus that Never Existed https://www.bitchute.com/video/btuJXs0glmla/

    MIRRORED FROM: ?TruckersForFreedomGlobal?: https://t.me/TruckersForFreedomGlobal/ ?? https://t.me/TruckersForFreedomGlobal/6867 Dr. Poornima Wagh: They found …

    View Dr. Poornima Wagh – Sars-Cov-2 does not exist – WHY? BECAUSE VIRUS’ES’ DO NO EXIST!!! on Odysee

  9. Deborah Birx Unmasked


    DEBORAH BIRX UNMASKED – I BET YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THESE STORIES ABOUT THE SCARF LADY From Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden Knowledge Amazing Polly is back with proof that former Army Colonel Dr. Deborah Birx is a key member of the genocidal Big Pharma junta currently attempting to take over the world – plus some stories you might not know about the evil scarf lady. Polly traces Birx’ involvement in the HIV/AIDS depopulation agenda since her earliest days in the 1980s at Walter Reed and under Fauci at NIH, through her days overseeing George W Bush’s President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program [slush fund] to support HIV/AIDS programs in 65 countries. She was the United States global AIDS coordinator for Barack Obama and the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator on President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force from February 2020 to January 2021. Birx is now testifying that she knew all along that the COVID-19 vaccines wouldn’t work and she has essentially admitted under oath and in her book to subverting the US government and tricking the world in multiple ways while serving on…
    Read more »

  10. Might is Right
    Ragnar Redbeard
    Softcover book, large format. 111 pages. $14.95

    Brutally realistic and eloquently argued, this is a “masculine,” no-holds-barred blow against “political correctness” and egalitarian humanism. Written under a pen name, this underground best-seller is not for the soft-hearted or “immature” reader. “The natural world is a world of war,” writes the author. “The natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error. A condition of combat everywhere exists. We are born into perpetual conflict.” First published in 1896, this handsome new edition includes an informative editor’s introduction and more than 350 footnotes and explanatory annotations.

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