by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Editor’s note; This article appeared in RumorMillNews.com on February 17, 2020.
I am writing this article from my Australian brain rather than from my American brain. Who, better than the Aussies, know the score, as to institutional suppression of evidence of child sexual abuse? (Note: although the MSM has presented this wrestling case as anti-Trump, I have no interest in it as anti-Trump.)
A man named Jim Jordan, age 55, was a wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995. As an Ohio Republican, he got elected, in 2006, to the US House of Representatives. Not only is he a member of the House, he was the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee. “Ranking member” is equivalent to “shadow” chairperson, during a time when his party is not in power.
The Oversight Committee is extremely important. Anyway, Jim Jordan recently got transferred to another vital committee, the Judiciary Committee where he, with no previous experience, is now the ranking member.
Come Home, Cardinal Pell — We Were Lifted by a Song
Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse began in 2014 and ended in 2017. I assume it was meant as a whitewash, as all Royal Commissions are. However, there was a popular voice in it. Survivors of child sexual abuse — many of them age 60 or more — got together to insist on being heard.
Before you know it, Melbourne singer Tim Minchin had composed a song, “Come Home, Cardinal Pell,” that enlivened the RC’s hearings. In fact, the money from Minchin’s song allowed a band of survivors to fly to Rome and watch the interrogation of a cardinal who had covered up the crimes of Catholic priests.
Today, Americans are not very aware of the overwhelming findings by Australia’s RC, as to the number of children who had been abused in an institutional setting — churches, schools, Boy Scouts, sports teams, etc. Or of the resoluteness with which the officials of those organizations covered up the abuse.
Let me cut to the chase about Jim Jordan. The brother of one of the alleged victims says that Jim cried, over the phone — for half an hour! — while trying to get the brother to drop the allegations, back in the days when the story was emerging.
The allegation of abuse was against a sport doctor, not against Coach Jim. So why did Jim try so hard, I mean cry so hard, to preserve the ongoing abuse? In my opinion, that is what was occurring — he was apparently tasked with protecting the predator so that the practice could continue at that school.
Granted, Jordan may have additionally been motivated to avoid unwanted publicity for his team. The same could be said of the bishops who suppressed information “It will hurt our religion!” But I want to look deeper.
I think the officials of institutions who were called to testify in Sydney (and elsewhere, as the Royal Commission took its show on the road) were motivated to make child sexual abuse happen.
Why Cry?
I think the fact (if it be a fact) that Jim Jordan cried, is a key. Surely he must have been pressured to put the kibosh on the story when it was starting to come out several years ago. Why would he do so? Didn’t he have a care about his kids who would suffer damage from the offending doctor?
In my 2017 book, Deliverance!: A Royal Commission and Pizzagate Reveal Society’s Hidden Rulers, I am mainly concerned with the official endorsement of child sexual abuse. As I have stated before at GumshoeNews, my first tip-off came at the very first RC hearing I attended (October 2015) where the House Master of Geelong Grammar, Robert Bugg, was in the witness box.
I was impressed by his apparent contempt for the commissioners. He certainly showed no shame about having covered up the abuse of Geelong students by a certain dormitory assistant, Philippe Trutmann, despite that man’s having been convicted in court. Bugg mainly avoided blame by saying he was not aware that the abuse was happening.
Jim Jordan has said the same thing. It was all happening n his watch but it was “Greek to him.” May I remind you that he is now the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.
Does This Bell Have a Pellian Knell?
For want of a better term, I hereby adapt Tim Minchin’s term “Pellian knell” to be used as a label for a phenomenon that we need to uncover and explain. I propose that a situation has a Pellian knell if someone high up is making the abuse happen at a lower level.
Maybe the person higher up is himself or herself a pedophile but that is not necessary. By the way, George Pell is now in prison in Victoria for his abuse of boys. (Note: Yours Truly is on record saying that I think Pell is innocent of those particular charges, as I don’t think he would have risked assaulting boys in a cathedral sacristy, but I may be wrong, of course.)
For my theory, the Pellian knell person is one who is sponsoring the abuse — and, by the way, Jim Jordan does not fit the pattern as he was not high enough, as a coach, to run the operation at that Ohio school.
I would be willing to imagine that such sponsors could live fairly far away. Indeed, I suspect that it all emanates from Tavistock in England.
In regard to Jim Jordan, I speculate that the person who decided that Jim would rise to the top Republican position on the Judiciary Committee may have a Pellian knell. So who is that? I don’t know. You could look at Congress’s records for the formality of that assignment to the legislative committee, but it was decided on by Party and no one has to account for decisions made by Party.
There again, the positioning of Hastert into the Speaker role must have been done, I claim, by someone considerably senior to the eminently lackluster Rep Hastert.
High Ups
The search for a Pellian knell ended in the House of Lords, in my opinion, in regard to the outrageous killing of 20 children in a school in Dunblane Scotland in 1996 (a few weeks before the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania).
In an article at GumshoeNews I blamed the Dunblane massacre on Lord Cullen, as demonstrated by his unfairly running the Cullen Inquiry, about the massacre, and also on a Scottish member of Parliament, George Robertson, who, in good Pellian-knell fashion, was later appointed to the job of Secretary General of NATO.
Are you following me? I labeled my article “Toff’s Clinic: A Place Where Dunblane Killers Can Go for Treatment.”
In that article you will find this tantalizing quote from Tim Minogue, a journalist who had been contacted by Lord Burton about Dunblane:
“Lord Burton knew of my contact with The Housemaster and we had an exchange of views. I found him to be a pleasant, and I believe a decent man, but he was over-keen to protect his organisation [the Freemasons] and blamed the Speculative Society clique in the judiciary, and the police for a cover up ‘at the highest level’ of the Dunblane tragedy.
“He told me that a Scots Tory Law Lord and member of the Speculative Society had pounded his fist on his desk in the House of Lords to emphasise that he [Burton] should let the matter [of the Dunblane massacre] drop.”
And here, for conspiracy theorists, is an intriguing quote from historycommons.org. It has to do with events at the White House on September 11, 2001:
“Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who is third in line for the presidency …. is told that Vice President Dick Cheney will soon be calling him on the secure telephone in his office. However, Cheney is currently having problems using secure phones, and Hastert is too. Hastert later recalls, “To use the secure phone, you have to push a button and turn a key. On that dreadful day I couldn’t make the thing work….”
Back to Oz
GumshoeNews editor Dee McLachlan and I have spent most of the last two years digging into the apparent control of the Australian government by a pedophile ring that is possibly based in Victoria or South Australia. Policeman and policewomen stand by, willingly, as children are stolen from a protective parent.
They also shy away from dealing with the crime of child abuse.
Recall Denis Ryan, police detective in Mildura, and author of Unholy Trinity, who said he could not get fellow cops to help him deal with the pedophile priests. The cops treated their fellow cop Ryan cruelly, when he insisted on pursuing the matter.
Recently, a researcher whom we had never heard of, Karen Brewer, made a bold statement that all members of the Australian government, are handpicked and recruited from a pool of persons involved with pedophilia.
We have not tracked Ms Brewer down for an interview, much less investigated her claims, but she makes sense. In Australia, you usually can’t just pop up out of the blue to stand for Parliament. You have to be “pre-selected” — officially! — by your Party, of which Liberal and Labor are the two biggies.
Please tune into the video here to hear what Karen Brewer says about the similarity of background of all our leaders:
Finally, here is MSNBC on Jim Jordan and his critics:
I am not quite sure what to think, especially given that the last video is from MSNBC, another propaganda channel who would hardly be genuinely concerned about the issues of child welfare. This is the channel that hosts Rachel Maddow talking about things like ‘Rule of Law”. Remember her primary role in “Russia-gate?”
In particular, I note the closing comment:
“Every time you see Jim Jordan talking about anything other than this, I think it is probably useful to keep in mind what you just heard.”
I don’t know enough about this particular MSNBC host, or about Jim Jordan for that matter, but on the occasions I have watched Mr Jordan him I have been quite impressed. And even if he is so-called “controlled opposition”, he certainly makes you sit up and take notice of the issues he raises.
Take Benghazi for example …
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) questions Hillary Clinton (C-SPAN)
But hey, “what difference at this point does it make?”
Conspiracy Theorists Run ‘Pizzagate’-Style Campaign Against Small Businesses | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
I take your point, Fish, especially re the Pizzagate video. And thanks for fetching the Benghazi stuff for us.
I don’t mind if Maddow talks about rule of law. I’d rather hear that phrase than not hear it.
Re voodoo donuts, at least Fiona Barnett has a sense of humor:
A bit patronising maybe-“at least Fiona Barnett has a sense of humour”
I travelled from Geelong to Billy Graham Crusades at Festival Hall in Melbourne in the back of a closed van with lots of “Sunday school” kids.
Communism is a total negation of Jesus Christ and His Church. Communists destroy religion. They also destroy livelihoods.
Josyp Terelya says,
“They stole our food. They stole our culture. They stole our spirit…. They drove love, loyalty, and God from the hearts of the young.
Communism must always be resisted. You cannot be a Christian and a Communist. You cannot enter a detente with the devil.”
Karen Brewers research and posts are amazing she’s a very brave woman indeed ! she has got them sussed with the joining of the dots throughout the system hope you get to interview her sooner than later as they want to shut her down
Freemasonry is communism is kabala.
Most of our media are members. Heads of business and banking are chosen from members of the lodge. High-ranking military personnel are nembers. Church deacons are nembers.
“The enlightened ones do not usually work openly, they work quietly, behind the scenes, in government, business, science, religion, the arts.”
“It has torn the children from the fold of Christ. It has delivered individuals to torture and death, and plunged nations into sanguinary wars. It has done these things, and many things more with a hypocritical pretence to virtue and love of humanity that could scarcely be surpassed by the father of lies, from which it springs.”
James W.Wardner
Mind Control Research and Resource – Australia | cathy fox …
Posted on 2016, July, 12by cathy fox blog on Child Abuse
Steve McMurray has been investigating MK Ultra mind control in Australia and Fiona Barnetts information.
Steve has put much of his information on an app called “The Brain” and it is well worth checking out [4] as it is a fanatastic resource.
“There are many links to other countries other than Australia eg for Britain try a search for Brit, Fabian, Tavistock etc. In Britain we are somewhat behind the US, Canada and Australia in finding out and uncovering what went on in MK Ultra, which I am using as a generic term for mind control experiments. This is despite the fact that UK is often viewed as the home of mind control, at Tavistock Institute. No official documents have been released as far as I know, nor any official recognition of what went on, nor apology.
Cathi Morgan and Angela Power-Disney are perhaps furthest forward in uncovering what happened in Britains mind control. Cathi has had an interview with Project Camelot [16]. Angela Power Disney also talks to Cathi Morgan on MK Ultra more informally- Intro / Summary [14a] , Part one [14b], Part two [14c] , Part three [14d]. For some more slightly older mind control UK links check my links on article here [15]
Added 2016 Jul 27 -Cathi is now loading her information onto “the brain” . She has just blogged a post UK Mind Manipulation UK Mkultra: Child sex abuse doctor Kenneth Milner shown to be associated with William Sargant [21] and if you want to go directly to her information on the brain Cathi Morgan UK MK Ultra [22]’
“I” added
Added 12th Jun – Since this post was published Diane has left a comment “I am carrying personal knowledge and have been researching Tavistock’s Psychological Warfare Department and the work of Dr Rawlings Rees–Operation Paperclip Monarch programming. The web site titled Tavistock Agenda Timeline 2012 [19] is an excellent resource also the role of Unilever in setting up Tavistock “Nodes” around the world post world war 2– helps connect the dots.”
Diane, that’s the first time I’ve heard the phrase “Operation Paperclip Monarch Programming”. Is it in the official nomenclature?
Anybody with 5 hours to spare, please tell us if this video lines up with my Pellian knell theme. Ta.
Darn it – 25 second in and I have to go and read Coningsby. This could take a while – I look forward to others’ comments with interest.
I couldn’t look at that picture on screen for another second …
Thanks Julius
Off topic but great news – a major milestone in the last 24 hours regarding the liberation of the surrounding region of Aleppo, Syria.
I am posting this twice just so people can peruse the exhilarating tone and encouragement from people all over the world, in the comments from the two sources.
President Assad addresses the nation after historic full liberation of Aleppo – English subtitles
From Vanessa Beeley
From Syriana Analysis
From 4:30
*“… Aleppo is victorious and Syria is victorious. We are all victorious over the fear they had tried to instil in our hearts – victorious over the delusions they tried to instil in our minds – victorious over fragmentation, hatred, betrayal and all those who represent or bear or practice these qualities.
However, we are fully aware that this liberation does not mean the end of the war or the failure of schemes, or the disappearance of terrorism or the surrender of enemies but it certainly means rubbing their noses in the dirt as a prelude for complete defeat, sooner or later.”*
‘We are all victorious over the fear they had tried to instil in our hearts – victorious over the delusions they tried to instil in our minds – victorious over fragmentation, hatred, betrayal and all those who represent or bear or practice these qualities.’
Thanks, Fish. And may I say Yum yum to that!
For the record, my article is not an attack on Jim Jordan. Maybe he is wonderful as so many others are who also have an unidentified loyalty to “another power.”
Consider how almost zero individuals in government, or show biz, or clergy, will say “9-11 was an inside joberoo” where a large percent of the population will say so.
This could possibly mean that all persons who were allowed to get into those positions were vetted in such a way that only the ones with the needed loyalty factor made it through.
News host Rachel Maddow, mentioned above, is educated, intelligent, and articulate. It’s inconceivable (to me) that she would not see the truth about 9-11. So why is she silent?
But the MSM and the public can always stomach a report of political misbehavior if the issue is money. This is from patch.com today, re Boston Moakley Courthouse:
LOWELL, MA — Prosecutors said State Representative David Nangle, 59, a Democrat who represents Chelmsford and Lowell, was arrested Tuesday morning on federal charges.
U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling’s office said Nangle was arrested in connection with using campaign funds to pay personal expenses and other federal charges. Court documents detail that Nangle used campaign funds to cover things like golf club dues, rental cars to get to and from casinos and flowers for his girlfriend.
Nangle’s base salary was as much as $62,500 as a state representative from 2014 to 2018. He also received thousands of dollars as reimbursement in the form of office expenses, miles, meals and lodging, according to court documents.
In 2017 and 2018 he also earned another $30,000 for his position as second division chair — a member of the House Speakers leadership team. But, according to court documents, Nangle was heavily in debt, had poor credit and regular cash flow problems because of his “extensive gambling.”
MM — I don’t know why it is a federal matter. I wonder if Lelling, the US Atty, would care to look into the criminality of the Clinton Foundation. If any Massachusetts citizen contributed to the foundation, the Foundation is liable for any misuse of the $$ and for failure to follow the rules of foundations which are very strict. Yay. (Oh sorry, maybe that is for the local DA to deal with.)
Penny Crofts of Uni Tech Sydney has an article in
“Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy”
updated: 25 September 2017, entitled
“Criminalising Institutional Failures to Prevent, Identify or React to Child Sexual Abuse”
“Although there is increasing academic recognition of corporations as criminogenic, the criminal legal system has demonstrated difficulties in conceptualising corporate culpability. The current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse provides ample evidence of why organisations can and should be criminalised for systemic failures.
“I demonstrate that the emphasis upon individualistic subjective culpability by the criminal legal system does not adequately encapsulate the institutional failings detailed before the Royal Commission. Whilst mandatory reporting offences are important, these offences do not adequately respond to the kinds of organisational failings identified by the Royal Commission.
“I argue in favour of developing a new institutional offence constructed upon realist concepts of negligence and/or corporate culture that recognises that organisations are capable of wrongdoing and sufficiently blameworthy to justify the imposition of criminal sanctions.”
Have a good Jewish friend, lives in east ‘burbs of Sydney, has two teenage boys. Working, says he can’t make ends meet. At fifty, no super or anything, a lifetime of self employment and constant bills to pay. Tell him that at 62 skilled I can’t even get a foot in the door. Anyway, as were having a beer at seaside, watching the bentley maserati merc and porsche suv’s drive past, he says many do it thanks to corrupted connections, drugs and who knows what?