if we are on to what is happening, is there any doubt that the politicians have betrayed humanity (and Australia) since 1913 when the Central Banker’s were empowered with financial control and then using fear, (false flags) wars, thieving for the corporates and killing to secure control.
Do we have a honest politician in this country?
I I would say the Honourable WA Senator Rod Cullenton with his win in the UK concerning the Australia Act and the illegality of the Australian Government and its courts with the implementation of the seditious act by Whitlam and those who followed in his footsteps from both major political parties.The unconstitutional removal of him is sickening… Senator Jackie Lambie and Pauline Hanson are my thoughts at the moment. The rest are just a mob of seditious criminals
Yep, this is the One.
Absolute must to listen to. Be shocked, but not surprised. Pass on to the traitorous MSM.
MSM and get up: get lost you lot are the simplest idiots in any village you lot chose, of idiots and traitors.
At 24 min: “why do you think they censor” and the msm, ABC and Co, self censor”?? (e.g. 9/11, Operation Gladio, General Wesley Clark and the NEOCON pre-911 plan to take down 7 countries in five years, Christchurch videos and the rest?)
Sell the ABC and SBS, they are globalist/UN running dogs, anti-Australian and anti-democracy.
The fact that legislation was formulated within 20 days of the incident proves that Australian politicians knew in advance that the NZ killings were to take place. There has never been, to my knowledge legislation drawn up and passed so quickly. There was not even time for a debate on the subject in one house let alone two houses of Parliament.
Criminals one and all, in Canberra.
But they don’t give a damn what we think of them. They just keep giving us the finger.
Everytime there is a terrorist attack they always seemingly have a new raft of anti-terrorism laws to rush through parliament. A law banning such legislation being enacted for at least 3 months after a ‘terrorist attack’ would be a good idea, as is a repeal of all antiterror legislation created since 9/11. I can’t see why we wouldn’t have had enough such laws up to this date that couldn’t be used.
I’ve got no argument with the content of the X22 global message but it excludes one important fact… the American Empire is the primary vehicle for the Globalist investment bankers.
Right now, in endemic conflict witht the X22 cliams about Trump, he is all gung ho about invading Iran, Venezuela, and later on, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, and Lebanon. Thanks to the psychos in the Rand Corporation, he now also intends to attack, defeat, and invade China.
Malcolm Fraser, as a former PM, had inside knowledge of US intentions five years ago and his chosen legacy to the Australian people was a seven-times-delivered warning to sever military ties with the US or be drawn into WWIII with the China push.
Did anyone listen?
The media reports our fighter pilots have been laser-attacked while flying innocently over the South China Sea. WTF! Are they kidding? Why is Australia provoking China? Why the hell are we being sucked into a war that is of no benefit to us whatsoever.
Marise goddam Paine and Psycho Scomo are tie-wired to the Pentagon so that America can rush to defend us when China has downed one of our (invasive) planes.
Yes, sure, the world has woken up and is rejecting the globalist bankers and the internationalists, but no such rebelion is taking place here. The ALP, LNP, and most independents are still US/globalist shills.
Our future is looking increasingly grim. The X22 forecast is oblivious to our precarious position in the Pacific military arena and they have utterly misinterpreted Morrison’s behaviour.
There are a lot of other corporations involved. SERCO took way Assange
Chrissy Chat – Lets Muckety Around Serco
This is one of the most controversial organisations today for number of reasons. this would help to open up a whole new parameter of insight and connections most valuable to researchers of truth
Don’t forget to include the unholy trinity of Wall Street, the City of London, the Vatican and then add the Zionist for good measure. The US has been infiltrated a long time ago and the US Presidents are mere puppets. Its the Host and the Parasite mixture
When you sign pacts and treaties with a Fascist empire what can you expect? It has weakened Australia’s national sovereignty. Australia is a mere docile and client state to an number of countries and to the military industrial complexes. It is yes master three bags full sir
Keep in mind that there is going to be an economic reset!
New social media platforms are being created “APPARENTLY’ because of the Censorship, suppression of vital information and constant propaganda from the CIA Mockingbird prostitute counterfeit media and press. There are a number of highly reputable and honest Citizens Initiated Journalists revealing what is really going on Youtube and blogs which is also deleting websites that reveal REAL NEWS that differs greatly with the counterfeit FAKE NEWS. Some are putting them in the ‘Block Chain’ mode for protection.
APPARENTLY President Trump, Q and the military intelligence operation team are developing a media communications platform which will be stable and bring back the Fourth Estate which has been hijacked by the corporate-government criminal syndicate to stop the constant unleashing of propaganda fear campaigns with disinformation, omissions and lies. For those who don’t know there is an Internet Kill Switch. What do you think is going to happen if the Deep State succeed in their attempts to cease all communications on the ‘public’ internet? Obviously the military and the COAG have their own secure communications but what about the public?
America is being attacked in thousand different ways.
BREAKING: WordPress Censors Climate Truth – Catastrophic Loss in Ontario/Kashmir – Stocks Declining
Wordpress has quietly begun removing blogs speaking about the Grand Solar Minimum and coming food scarcity. This heralds a new era of absolute censorship of climate truth–one about which this channel has been warning. Christian shares news of ongoing catastrophic crop losses, highly diseased crops in Ontario, and devastated apple orchards in Kashmir, India. As we collectively literally chew through our food stocks, we must each prepare, and start growing our own food. Start today.
At the moment I stock 6 months worth of dehydrated foods, olives, sprouting containers and seeds plus crop seeds. I have a number of large rain water tanks and filters for 3 years with reverse osmosis. I have various methods of cooking if required. The various types of beans are great protein instead of meat. I also have a comprehensive first aid kit. I’m preparing being ex-military and it is up to each and every one of you to think about what you need to do for your own circumstances. I am looking into hydroponics with solar power.
If you do some basic research, all of the honest non-corporate and non-government researchers who have been around for the past 30 years are all saying there is definitely going to be an economic collapse or a economic reset. If you look at the debt clocks its plain to see that the money borrowed from the Federal Reserve Cabal is never going to be paid back. All of us are in a new era and massive transition is about to happen. It is in the process now. Do your own research to verify this.
They have to untangle the evil octopus that has controlled countries and created unsurmountable debt and misery.
Shortages of food supply has been dwindling for a few years now. Catastrophic crops decreases in various countries.
The other problems it food has been digitalised and it has been captured into the ‘derivatives and futures’ market which is complete gambling of approximately $750 trillion dollars.
This bumps up the food prices world-wide by their betting on a certain crop and many third world countries cannot buy a number of food stocks and starvation is the result.
Toxic chemtrails are severely effecting the geography of crops and of course the atmosphere and creating a counterfeit weather disrupting the natural cycles
This is all part of their insane and sinister Agenda 21/2030 of depopulating the Earth
Grow what you can in your backyards and set up networks or rat lines in the future to barter with your neighbours, friends & families to exchange food crops
The stock piles or food reserves are dwindling
Other countries have mire money the Australia so he who has the money will pay the price that we may not be able to afford in the future for many items through shipping
Australia has to drastically reform and genuinely create food security for this continent. I don’t think they will do it unfortunately. It is like all the other false promises politicians make
Patches of land can be leased on 6 month or yearly basis when I was in NSW. You could get 25-100 metres or more to grow your food supply
Its going to be supply issue
BRICS can break apart which is major economic buffer from any unilateral power i.e. the Fascist US Empire
Is Australia going to be worse off or not because of the long distance?
Hold your mouthful and do no spit it over the keyboard! I GENERALLY AGREE.
Australia will hold out if we hold out against the likes of Soros’ Get Up, the greens and the Labor mob and the world fascists still planning their 1,000 year Reich.
Our parliamentary fascists will have to review their chances of survival…. they are dispensable to the UN NWO
The fascist will need a bolt hole somewhere in the world… the Southern Hemisphere. They will not all fit in NZ.
But our 99% have no idea.
This is but a quick response
I do not share your confidence as I follow evidence not emotions. Are you aware that by simply signing or being a signature to the Communist UN that is surrendering? Nothing changed for the better after the Sydney Hilton bombing, 9/11, the Port Arthur Massacre and now the NZ massacre so-called. The Fascist-Communists ramp up their draconian legislation and police powers at every opportunity of their state-sponsored terrorism against innocent citizens.
Evidence followed by knowlege creates emotions and we are 99%.
Never underestimate emotion I suggest. The other side have been using it for their agendas for centuries based on lies….. there can be a rebound when people ultimately realise that they have been duped into killing their neighbours for no valid reason.
note also:
(I hope I Have the right link…will check later.)
if we are on to what is happening, is there any doubt that the politicians have betrayed humanity (and Australia) since 1913 when the Central Banker’s were empowered with financial control and then using fear, (false flags) wars, thieving for the corporates and killing to secure control.
Do we have a honest politician in this country?
I I would say the Honourable WA Senator Rod Cullenton with his win in the UK concerning the Australia Act and the illegality of the Australian Government and its courts with the implementation of the seditious act by Whitlam and those who followed in his footsteps from both major political parties.The unconstitutional removal of him is sickening… Senator Jackie Lambie and Pauline Hanson are my thoughts at the moment. The rest are just a mob of seditious criminals
This is the doozey I was thinking of…I hope. will check when appears.
Yep, this is the One.
Absolute must to listen to. Be shocked, but not surprised. Pass on to the traitorous MSM.
MSM and get up: get lost you lot are the simplest idiots in any village you lot chose, of idiots and traitors.
The mention of 911…
At 24 min: “why do you think they censor” and the msm, ABC and Co, self censor”?? (e.g. 9/11, Operation Gladio, General Wesley Clark and the NEOCON pre-911 plan to take down 7 countries in five years, Christchurch videos and the rest?)
Sell the ABC and SBS, they are globalist/UN running dogs, anti-Australian and anti-democracy.
Approximately $84 million dollars was cut from the ABC recently. Poor Ida
Follow up with this information:
The fact that legislation was formulated within 20 days of the incident proves that Australian politicians knew in advance that the NZ killings were to take place. There has never been, to my knowledge legislation drawn up and passed so quickly. There was not even time for a debate on the subject in one house let alone two houses of Parliament.
Criminals one and all, in Canberra.
But they don’t give a damn what we think of them. They just keep giving us the finger.
Just like 9/11,The Sydney Hilton bombing, the Port Arthur Massacre and the Bali bombing
Everytime there is a terrorist attack they always seemingly have a new raft of anti-terrorism laws to rush through parliament. A law banning such legislation being enacted for at least 3 months after a ‘terrorist attack’ would be a good idea, as is a repeal of all antiterror legislation created since 9/11. I can’t see why we wouldn’t have had enough such laws up to this date that couldn’t be used.
I’ve got no argument with the content of the X22 global message but it excludes one important fact… the American Empire is the primary vehicle for the Globalist investment bankers.
Right now, in endemic conflict witht the X22 cliams about Trump, he is all gung ho about invading Iran, Venezuela, and later on, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, and Lebanon. Thanks to the psychos in the Rand Corporation, he now also intends to attack, defeat, and invade China.
Malcolm Fraser, as a former PM, had inside knowledge of US intentions five years ago and his chosen legacy to the Australian people was a seven-times-delivered warning to sever military ties with the US or be drawn into WWIII with the China push.
Did anyone listen?
The media reports our fighter pilots have been laser-attacked while flying innocently over the South China Sea. WTF! Are they kidding? Why is Australia provoking China? Why the hell are we being sucked into a war that is of no benefit to us whatsoever.
Marise goddam Paine and Psycho Scomo are tie-wired to the Pentagon so that America can rush to defend us when China has downed one of our (invasive) planes.
Yes, sure, the world has woken up and is rejecting the globalist bankers and the internationalists, but no such rebelion is taking place here. The ALP, LNP, and most independents are still US/globalist shills.
Our future is looking increasingly grim. The X22 forecast is oblivious to our precarious position in the Pacific military arena and they have utterly misinterpreted Morrison’s behaviour.
There are a lot of other corporations involved. SERCO took way Assange
Chrissy Chat – Lets Muckety Around Serco
This is one of the most controversial organisations today for number of reasons. this would help to open up a whole new parameter of insight and connections most valuable to researchers of truth
Abel Danger Serco articles
Don’t forget to include the unholy trinity of Wall Street, the City of London, the Vatican and then add the Zionist for good measure. The US has been infiltrated a long time ago and the US Presidents are mere puppets. Its the Host and the Parasite mixture
When you sign pacts and treaties with a Fascist empire what can you expect? It has weakened Australia’s national sovereignty. Australia is a mere docile and client state to an number of countries and to the military industrial complexes. It is yes master three bags full sir
Keep in mind that there is going to be an economic reset!
New social media platforms are being created “APPARENTLY’ because of the Censorship, suppression of vital information and constant propaganda from the CIA Mockingbird prostitute counterfeit media and press. There are a number of highly reputable and honest Citizens Initiated Journalists revealing what is really going on Youtube and blogs which is also deleting websites that reveal REAL NEWS that differs greatly with the counterfeit FAKE NEWS. Some are putting them in the ‘Block Chain’ mode for protection.
APPARENTLY President Trump, Q and the military intelligence operation team are developing a media communications platform which will be stable and bring back the Fourth Estate which has been hijacked by the corporate-government criminal syndicate to stop the constant unleashing of propaganda fear campaigns with disinformation, omissions and lies. For those who don’t know there is an Internet Kill Switch. What do you think is going to happen if the Deep State succeed in their attempts to cease all communications on the ‘public’ internet? Obviously the military and the COAG have their own secure communications but what about the public?
America is being attacked in thousand different ways.
BREAKING: WordPress Censors Climate Truth – Catastrophic Loss in Ontario/Kashmir – Stocks Declining
Wordpress has quietly begun removing blogs speaking about the Grand Solar Minimum and coming food scarcity. This heralds a new era of absolute censorship of climate truth–one about which this channel has been warning. Christian shares news of ongoing catastrophic crop losses, highly diseased crops in Ontario, and devastated apple orchards in Kashmir, India. As we collectively literally chew through our food stocks, we must each prepare, and start growing our own food. Start today.
At the moment I stock 6 months worth of dehydrated foods, olives, sprouting containers and seeds plus crop seeds. I have a number of large rain water tanks and filters for 3 years with reverse osmosis. I have various methods of cooking if required. The various types of beans are great protein instead of meat. I also have a comprehensive first aid kit. I’m preparing being ex-military and it is up to each and every one of you to think about what you need to do for your own circumstances. I am looking into hydroponics with solar power.
If you do some basic research, all of the honest non-corporate and non-government researchers who have been around for the past 30 years are all saying there is definitely going to be an economic collapse or a economic reset. If you look at the debt clocks its plain to see that the money borrowed from the Federal Reserve Cabal is never going to be paid back. All of us are in a new era and massive transition is about to happen. It is in the process now. Do your own research to verify this.
They have to untangle the evil octopus that has controlled countries and created unsurmountable debt and misery.
Shortages of food supply has been dwindling for a few years now. Catastrophic crops decreases in various countries.
The other problems it food has been digitalised and it has been captured into the ‘derivatives and futures’ market which is complete gambling of approximately $750 trillion dollars.
This bumps up the food prices world-wide by their betting on a certain crop and many third world countries cannot buy a number of food stocks and starvation is the result.
Toxic chemtrails are severely effecting the geography of crops and of course the atmosphere and creating a counterfeit weather disrupting the natural cycles
This is all part of their insane and sinister Agenda 21/2030 of depopulating the Earth
Grow what you can in your backyards and set up networks or rat lines in the future to barter with your neighbours, friends & families to exchange food crops
The stock piles or food reserves are dwindling
Other countries have mire money the Australia so he who has the money will pay the price that we may not be able to afford in the future for many items through shipping
Australia has to drastically reform and genuinely create food security for this continent. I don’t think they will do it unfortunately. It is like all the other false promises politicians make
Patches of land can be leased on 6 month or yearly basis when I was in NSW. You could get 25-100 metres or more to grow your food supply
Its going to be supply issue
BRICS can break apart which is major economic buffer from any unilateral power i.e. the Fascist US Empire
Is Australia going to be worse off or not because of the long distance?
Hold your mouthful and do no spit it over the keyboard! I GENERALLY AGREE.
Australia will hold out if we hold out against the likes of Soros’ Get Up, the greens and the Labor mob and the world fascists still planning their 1,000 year Reich.
Our parliamentary fascists will have to review their chances of survival…. they are dispensable to the UN NWO
The fascist will need a bolt hole somewhere in the world… the Southern Hemisphere. They will not all fit in NZ.
But our 99% have no idea.
This is but a quick response
I do not share your confidence as I follow evidence not emotions. Are you aware that by simply signing or being a signature to the Communist UN that is surrendering? Nothing changed for the better after the Sydney Hilton bombing, 9/11, the Port Arthur Massacre and now the NZ massacre so-called. The Fascist-Communists ramp up their draconian legislation and police powers at every opportunity of their state-sponsored terrorism against innocent citizens.
We are all misfits bar the horny one’s brethren .
Evidence followed by knowlege creates emotions and we are 99%.
Never underestimate emotion I suggest. The other side have been using it for their agendas for centuries based on lies….. there can be a rebound when people ultimately realise that they have been duped into killing their neighbours for no valid reason.