by Dee McLachlan
InformationLiberation reports on Israel, “Israeli Health Official Tells Public to Prepare For Endless Boosters: ‘We Will Need to Take The 4th Shot, The 5th Shot, The 6th Shot And The 7th’.” To quote from the article:
“Israeli Health Ministry vaccination advisory committee member and deputy chief of Israel’s biggest hospital Professor Arnon Afek is telling the public to prepare not only to take their fourth “booster” shot but also their fifth, sixth and seventh. ‘Those who think we won’t need to take more boosters are wrong,’ Afek said Monday.
“…’We will need to take the fourth shot, the fifth shot, the sixth shot, and the seventh shot. As long as the pandemic continues in places like Africa, where only few are vaccinated, new variants of COVID-19 will develop and the need to protect against them with vaccines, will continue,’ he said.
“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who appears to be working in cahoots with the Israeli government, has said repeatedly people are going to ‘need’… ‘annual revaccinations’.”
Of course, you will.
Meanwhile, “Israeli group claims government is guilty of violating Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity in vaccination campaign” as reported in Allisrael.
“The International Criminal Court in The Hague is considering whether to open an investigation into the Israeli government for crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremberg Code.
“A lawsuit, filed by a Tel Aviv law firm on behalf of Anshei Emet (People of Truth), describes Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign as a medical experiment and is calling on the court to demand an immediate stop to the vaccination campaign, a repeal of sanctions against those who do not take the vaccine and a cancellation of Israel’s agreement with Pfizer. The lawsuit will be translated into German and filed in the Nuremberg Court as well.”
Q: Whose going to get the shot, and which shot?
So who neds a full orchestra? One piano, one tamborine, and you’re all set.
These antics will feed our hope and cause us to procrastinate fatally to terminate our government’s genocide. Likewise, Reiner Fuellmich and his phony N2. Reiner will calculate that billions must die to make him look suitably heroic when his cavelry charge in at the end, to make him the most famous lawyer of all time.
if this typical egotistical and narcissist lawyer was truly genuine, we would already have hanged hundreds of complicit national leaders and a million doctors.
Wake up folks. If we want endless genocide ended we will have to do this ourselves.
I don’t know anything about “Reiner Fuellmich and his phony N2”
But it does strike me that the case is fundamentally skewed
Because instead of pleading that compelling anyone to undergo any sort of medical procedure, irrespective of it’s nature, is a violation of natural rights,
The “side effects” issue is being argued.
Big mistake I reckon.
The question that needs to be asked is, if attendance at some religious do became compulsory, would they object on the basis of what was being preached ?
Said folly sure was prevalent within the home-ed lobby of the 90s: the 20th century was largely devoted to giving tyranny a friendly face; breaking free of customs that have been established over generations doesn’t come naturally
The time to repudiate any welfare-related mandate is when it appears to be reasonably beneficial
VIDEO : Beginning Of End Of Covid!! Covid Rules All Over The World Must Fall Because Of Something That Happened In Canada!
Patrick King subpoenaed government officials to prove that covid exists, and they could NOT do it.
They entered it into official court documents that they could not produce covid.
What this means, is that they have no proof that covid exists, and they admitted it on public record.
What this means is that the tests, lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and so forth, have no basis for existing anywhere.
They have no legal basis for any of it… anywhere, in the world.
They have no basis in reality.
It means the baddies have to give themselves up.
It means the world will learn about the plans to exterminate 90% of us via their sinister mystery needles.
It means is this is the greatest crime against humanity, are being exposed and stopped.
It means they destroyed our lives, based on a lie.
It means they conspired against humanity.
It means they were pushing us on to their cyborg needles.
It means they were turning us into non-human robots via their mystery needle ingredients hooked up to their 5G totalitarian control grid system.
Remember, their PCR test admittedly cannot tell the difference between their covid, and the flu.
Folks… listen………………”
Stew Peters Video
More on endless boosters.
Jacinda Ardern is onboard.
Who is going to get the shot and which shot ?
A firing squad could be easily set up and all the protagonists shot, there would only be a few busloads of traitors in each affected state or country. So far the Australian army is playing along with the scamdemic, we don’t know which side they are on domestically but in global terms we must expect they are aligned and subservient to the US. If they want people like me to create their equipment, we won’t be much use to them if we are writhing around on a hospital bed. The army will eventually find itself obsolete and uncompetitive, compared with globalist forces, if it loses its domestic base. So we watch and wait for events in the US, we are apparently waiting for Biden’s first annual “State of the Union” address, but here in Australia we are also waiting for the Federal Election, we have some comforting words from Scotty today, denouncing the “new normal” and talking about freedom, leading the mainstream drift away from globalist imperialists, at a moderate and appropriate pace.
Unfortunately we have a spectrum which starts with terrified stoopids, then blanked out dumdums, then reluctant coerced, then the natural people, each contingent seems to be about 25%. Who knows how the election will go, I will be putting Craig Kelly first, then maybe a few minor parties, then Scotty, then Greens and the communo-fascist ALP will have to go last. Like a reformed smoker, I despise them the most.
We of the MSM described “ultra-right wing extremist” category need to keep pushing at the cutting edge. I suggest when next the communo-fascists demand we wear dust-masks, we also make tin foil hats to wear as an accompaniment on formal occasions, such as going to the globalist “Woolworths” and such places. An elegant tin-foil hat can be made by twisting it into a cone, this provides a sort or elf-hat appearance, or some may go further and turn it into an antenna.
Other accoutrements might also be appropriate such as oversize goggles to keep the eyes surfaces from contacting natural air. Why not be a trend-setter, why do the hospital staff get all the plastic suits ? If we need to wear dust-masks, let’s turn it into a fashion statement of total paranoia.
I remember one old lady when we were allowed out for exercise along the beach, used to walk along with her arm held out sideways demanding a 1.5 metre clearance. Perhaps we could all start wearing hula-hoops to maintain distance, as well as tin-foil hats and dust masks. Could some enterprising photo-journalists persuade Victorian Corporate Health Officer Brett Sutton to get into a distancing hoop ? I think he really should be encouraged, that is, before he is locked up.
TLAV-Whitney Webb-Maxwell,Assange and “vaccine equity”-all connected dots.
Thanks Sandra, have been catching up(this place can move fast).
A meme(as the kids say) on the run
Looks like he throws a moloch(right arm up, left down), at the end of this clip.
Alleged Dialog;
You got me but I was just picking up our submarine pilot
Fully Vaccinated Mom Gives Birth To Baby Bleeding From Mouth And Nose Dies Day After Says VAERS Report
December 13, 2021
A fully vaccinated mom recently gave birth to a baby bleeding from mouth and nose according to VAERS report. The baby died a day after birth. The infant’s father stated his open suspicion that the vaccine was related to the death……………….”
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
The “Mark of the Beast”
Who or what is the beast?
Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
“Mark “Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
Comments –
Carolyn Southam April 26, 2021 at 4:43 pm – Reply
If you study the word abomination in the Bible, it relates very much to v’s. Scientists use, for example: aborted foetal cell lines, dog kidneys, horseshoe crabs, squalene from shark liver, animal blood. And the needle itself is modeled on a snake fang. It was interesting to find that when the Jews resurrected the Hebrew language, they combined two words from the original Hebrew to cover v a c c i n e, i.e., “liquid poison.”
Jerry+Clifford+Kays December 12, 2021 at 9:57 am – Reply
” the needle / snake fang ” , good analogy!
What does “virus” really mean? A pandemic etymology
Posted on April 12, 2020 by David Porush
According to the Internet god of all things virtually true, the word virus comes from the Latin root meaning “snake’s venom.”
“Virus: [L(atin) ‘slimy liquid, poison…] 1. venom such as emitted by a poisonous animal.”
The End is Near! Stand Firm!
Update 10 Dec – 13 Dec: Added CJ McCollum, Adam Bounds, Stephanie Gard, Drake Geiger, chart updated, Demaryius Thomas, Brock Vogel, Keanu Breurs, Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall, Pavel Karpf. Thanks to readers checking, thankfully, Sage Canaday did not die – he was in bed due to pneumonia and blood clots, and then overnight stay in hospital which he says is not vax related, but which started to happen a short time after his second Pfizer shot. His entry remains below, but with the red death marker removed.
It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID shot, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
The so-called health professionals running the COVID shot programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID shot is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”
That was posted on 22 Oct 2020
The following day the “Good Morning” crew tried to railroad her via condescension:
Their stupid simpering grins re such a grave matter really encapsulates what we’re dealing with
Great video I just sent it to a couple of sports heads I know
Dr Vladimir Zelenko on Mass Psychosis And Talmudic Child Sacrifice
Zelenko from 00:51:
“Can you answer this question to me? Why does a demographic, say 18 and younger – healthy kids -need to take an experimental substance with all the side effects that I told you about, when 99.998% of them will survive without treatment?
It’s not for medical reasons – but if you believe in child sacrifice then that’s a good reason – but otherwise there is no medical necessity here.
Or take the adult demographic, between 18 and 45 and healthy – the survival rate according to the CDC is 99.95%. With treatment it is not near 100% – why would I inject them with an experimental treatment? Not for medical reasons – perhaps adult sacrifice – human sacrifice.
Whatever the term – whatever the reason is, it is not medical.
I have another question. If someone really had COVID and they have antibodies, right – those are naturally induced antibodies – I mean your God-given immune system has now developed an immune response – why would I want to inject them with something that gives them inferior antibodies that potentially have all these side effects?”
Fascinating – I have a follow up question – why would Dr Zelenko even think of mentioning child sacrifice and human sacrifice in general on such a public televised forum? – Why would this come to mind if he wasn’t familiar with the topic – and why is he telling the audience? Is he trying to warn us or is he just doing a Dr Richard Day, an Orwell or a Huxley and telling us what the plan is?
We could start looking into this starting with Arnold Leese – “My Irrelevant Defence … “
Its a “thing”
Get your Zelenko Z as recommended by “{I can’t show his face but..sitting duck so I can not take the shot), Trump(for Gary).
The science is like propaganda 90 odd % this n that
I like him
7/12/21-Woman sets herself on fire protesting COVID mandates.Didn’t see this reported on MSM.
“…..and God hardened Pharaoh’s heart”
I used to skim through Exodus 6 – 7 and think “It stands to reason that, faced with losing a slave class on which an empire depends, an emperor would dig his heels in, but why would God be egging him on?”
But that was before I wound up head-to-head with the PTB re a series of issues each one of which panned out in my favour, but far more importantly, panned out in a way that couldn’t possibly have been elicited via any natural means at my disposal
Imperative to remember who’s actually calling the shots re the current situation
Its a wonderful world
For Mary and me, I know, its nice ok
“A theocracy is a type of government where one or more priests rule in the name of a deity and a god or goddess is recognized as the supreme ruler.”
As Aus rulers are a breed of their own with special privileges and exemptions that’s obviously what we’ve got.
And I’m not being facetious
If I was god I couldn’t be bothered to try to regulate this planet, I would start a new one somewhere else
Well according to old & new testament prophecy this planet is going to be scrapped by the One who created it and replaced by a brand new model:
A place with no people
That’s my backyard!
I hear that you will have to wait untitill after 3036.
Per alleged time traveller.
cheer up its festives for the rest of us(its a upper east side thing)
They have a new horror statistic today – one in every hundred or US over-65s has died of Covid19™, we have had this for nearly 2 years so that is 1/200 per year. Just how many over 65s die every year, my guess is probably a lot. So 99.5% of them have died of something else.
Who comes up with these junk statistics and how do they find people stoopid enough to put in the newsroom to read them out without laughing.
Immediately before the feast of Moloch:
“On 11 April 2019, Assange’s asylum was withdrawn following a series of disputes with the Ecuadorian authorities.” (MKpedia)
How inconvenient he would be during the implementation of the Covid-19™ Scamdemic™.
A curious little update for people who don’t watch MSM TV:
“Do you know ? No, I don’t know, how about you, do you know ? No, I don’t know. Does anyone know ? No, nobody knows.”
Some background on this I forgot to mention:
Scotty came on the TV this morning saying things like “no new normal” and “freedom”.
I could hardly believe my ears, very bold leadership statements, no doubt authorised by certain entities in the US. The political battle against communo-fascism is on.
Yesterday there was a news story on several sites that Julian had a stroke after his bid to not get extradited failed!
What’s the bet that the joos aren’t getting the same juice as whitey?
They said Phizer comes in 12 different flavours
Otherwise,who will be populating “greater Israel”?
Transhumans probably
Yes, we can only believe that jews in israHELL are getting the toxic covid injection when it is depopulated of jews so that the stolen land could be lawfully given back to Palestine.
We must be fools to believe that jews would be injected this poison when it is the JEW WORLD ORDER intent to kill off only the goyim. As a rabbi said, “Covid injection is for the goyim, NOT for jews.”
“Let’s go Macron” (2 mins)
Nice and peaceful, riot pigs walking backwards
Vienna, Madrid, Barcelona “Fake pandemic” (1 min)
Nurse testifies about the many vaxxed patients in hospitals
Here is a short 3-minute testimony from a nurse in Louisiana.
Channel nine current affair program ran a feel good report of a fellow going back to St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney to thank medical staff for saving his life from covid after 100 days plus.
Oh goody, I turned off channel nine after there was no mention if ivermectin was used in the treatment.
Disgusting propaganda reporting.
Shame on channel nine and St Vincent’s in Darlinghurst.
Did someone say manslaughter☠️ Attempted?
Yes w3,
X22Report reported that the US postal service is not delivering ivervectin?
Did anyone else bother to listen to today’s
Wake the folk up, watch it.
Dave says it as it is: GENOCIDE.
I have a yearly Flu shot so what is the difference in this vaccine becoming yearly!