by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Serene Teffaha, a girl in her forties with the best legal mind in Australia (come on, if you know someone better, tell us his name), is undergoing full-on persecution. I can recall a time when an unfair attack on a member of the big professions — medicine and law, would cause an uproar in the ranks.
Here is the Serene situation as I understand it. She had the brains to compose a class action for anyone who had suffered a loss thanks to the [wholly illegitimate] Covid lockdown. She put out the word that her firm, called “AdvocateMe.com,” would make a plaintiff out of anyone who paid a joining fee of $250. This would make a case that would be hard to beat.
Separately she stood up for protective parents who have had their children stolen. (If you are not a regular at GumshoeNews, search our site for, say, the code word “DCP,” and you will see tales of woe to shock the conscience.)
She has also come in on other big issues and she tells it like it is re Judges in Oz.
So what could they do? I reckon her private life is unadventurous – they’d have pranced around with something lewd if they could. And you know she has never stolen so much as an ice-cream cone, or she’d be up on criminal charges by now, right?
But, still, she had to go. We can’t have a practicing solicitor in this country tending to real legal principles, can we? Hell, what if she upset the apple cart and caused some moms to get reunited with their boys and girls?
So they found something in a case where Ms Teffaha gave the court, privately, the name of someone — which she wasn’t supposed to publish. (Ah, search Gumshoe’s article for the word “section 121.” It’s part of the Family Law Act 1974 that is of the nature of “support the criminals by preventing revelations of their crimes”).
Mind you, Serene did not break that law. But when they have to find a sin in your life, they will simply misconstrue what you did. I think she would break a law, though, if she had to. Neccesitas non habet legem type thing. I also would do so. Serene and I are cut from the same cloth which, believe me, I used to think was the normal, standard cloth. So standard, that if you deviated from it everybody would point the finger at you. You might even get disbarred.
To date, I haven’t heard of her colleagues rushing to condemn her disbarment (she got disbarred), or even rushing to say that her stance on protective parents is true — as they well know from the moms who beg them for legal protection.
Whilst it is a bit rash of me to offer this article on “14 Reasons Why Australia’s Lawyers Aren’t Coming to the Aid of Serene Teffaha” without having deeply researched, we have here at Gumshoe, covered her case before, as follows:
Serene Teffaha’s Disbarment Is Beaut; Now We Can Disbar the Bar (April 16, 2021)
Graeme Bell Replies to Solicitor Serene Teffaha’s Video (April 4, 2021)
Serene Teffaha Seeks Protection against “the Crown’s Violence” (March 31, 202)
Sidney Powell, James Perloff and Serene Teffaha — Sorting the News (November 16, 2020)
Serene Teffaha Condemns and Exposes the Family Court System (November 6, 2020), and
Serene Teffaha’s Class Action Suit against the Covid Nonsense (September 10, 2020)
To add to that today, I investigated public opinion about lawyers and came up with the following reasons (I hope I’m wrong) why Teffaha can’t depend on help from the profession. I know it all sounds rather harsh, but here are my 14 reasons (for which meebly.com was the supplier):
- How do you differentiate between good and bad lawyers? A bad lawyer lets the case go on for plenty of years. A good lawyer can take it even longer.
- How can you differentiate between an escort and a lawyer? An escort screws one person at a time.
- What is the separation between witnesses and the lowest form of life on Earth? The wooded partition around the witness stand.
- How many lawyer jokes are there? Only around 3, the rest are true stories.
- What did the businessman advise his son? Do not ever see a lawyer without seeing a lawyer first.
- What looks good on a lawyer and is brown and black in color? A Doberman pinscher.
- What is a lawyer who does not know the law called? A judge.
- How to stop a lawyer from drowning? Just shoot him before he hits the water.
- When a hundred lawyers are buried up till their necks, what do you have? Not enough sand.
- A lawyer was skimming the Holy Book right before he died, why? He was looking for loopholes.
- How can you differentiate between a good lawyer and a great lawyer? A good lawyer has knowledge of the law; a great lawyer, however, knows the judge better.
- How can you differentiate between a lawyer and a leech? The leech will eventually stop sucking your blood after you are dead.
- What do you call 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start.
- If you are stuck with Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, a lawyer and a cobra in an elevator with just two bullets, what will be the wisest move to make? Killing the lawyer twice.
I like it Mary. I have never had dealings with a lawyer but there are plenty of stories.
How about Tasmania’s legal fraternity for a start. A bunch of cowardly upstarts. Not one, over a twenty five year period has spoken up about the illegal actions taken against Martin Bryant.
I believe that even I, knowing what I now know could have had the charges against Martin thrown out within one day. Remember the DNA and fingerprint evidence on the food tray and drink container.
Ahhh, kindred spirit. You are obviously aware of the 3 dozen (plus) facts, inconsistencies, anomalies, contradictions and impossibilities surrounding the Port Arthur fiasco.
truth is great goodness, doesn’t lie.
Thanks to you, Dee and all fairs over fare, here.
His words crushing the bs.
All glory to creation from above.
No moon on a full moon and so on – the Almighty.
This is all you need to know about NSW legal and judicial mafia. Every word is true. If you can’t stand the truth, don’t get angry…you won’t be the first one.
REMINDER. this is not a joke. Agent 77 is getting tired of the KFC dumpster.
Send donations today.
(And I don’t mean send donations to Ms Teffaha — “they” have confiscated her bank account!!)
Lord Who made the Universe, would it spoil some eternal plan if Dee got funding?
Nani-nani nani-nani -noo-noo-noo
But money is the core issue.
Unless and until all court work is classified as a strictly voluntary/non-professional tour of duty, the only reward being something equivalent to the job keepers allowance, nothing is going to change
Nos. 7 & 11 above are my faves: both go to the fact that, by their very nature, all business monopolies are run on a minimum imput-maximum profit basis
The only current way of sabotaging said monopoly is to:
a) starve it – i.e. represent yourself and give so-called Legal Aid the flick
b) maximize it’s workload – i.e.NEVER enter a plea-bargain
OR accept an “offer” to shut-up about a criminal matter such as the ATO’s 2009 $250,000 cover-up bribe put to Serene as reported on this site:
“If you wanted to be put in the same financial position as you would have been had you drawn a salary for 3 years then my understanding is that would be the equivalent of around $250,000 ‘cash in hand’ today. The fact that I have worked closely with you and have seen first-hand the qualities you can bring to the workplace means that I am in a very good position to provide you with the statement/reference. Ultimately I think that statement may be of greater assistance to you in rejoining the workforce in a job you’re well-qualified for than the outcome of any court proceedings.
Anyway, let’s keep the channels of communication open and continue our constructive discussions about this matter. I’m really glad we can talk about this because, frankly, I think it’s only the lawyers that would benefit if we keep going down the formal, legal path. And I think the sooner we can bring this to a mutually acceptable conclusion, the better it will be.”
( exert from 2009 ATO email to Serene Teffaha – as she did in fact refuse said “offer” it’s hardly surprising she’s hated))
wasn’t that agenda 43? remember 99 said “you are twice 43, 86”
agent 43 I mean
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
“But there are many rulers in these days who call themselves “Christian”, who arrogantly assume that their power is limited by no one, not even by God, and they surround themselves with flatterers who adore them as gods upon Earth”
William Penn – “Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by Tyrants.” and the people said, “We have no God but Caesar”
aclu (Anti Christian Lawyers Union)
The ACLU is always proclaiming separation of state and church
Acts 5.29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
Serene Teffafa is fighting against an anti-Christian legal system.
Now it’s absolutely imperative that all G(low-ball) Citizens download this Coronavirus Alert Ringtone!!! Immediately!!! https://youtu.be/nHOBQssVDpc
WARNING! Coronavirus Alert Ringtone!
Easy credit has rendered all cashless. Go to church on a Sunday, the collection trays showing a few coins only, from the small congregation gathered. Like everywhere, tough times for clergy and most people, middle ground erased just rich and poor these days.
“The Vaccinated — Smiling Soldiers Marching to their Death
Satanist bankers convince the goyim that it is courageous and patriotic to commit suicide. Similarly, the vaccinated are cannon fodder in this the latest genocidal world war against humanity”.
I have it on good authority that the behavioural psychology unit at the local university have begun using lawyers instead of rats in their experiments because:
1, There are more lawyers than rats in this city
2, The laboratory staff could become attached to the rats
3, There are some things that the rats just wouldn’t do.
Mary—- do you know if Serene. is aware of gumshoe support–if not why not ??? Always wonder why I have not met Fiona Barnett—nearly did meet at Old Parliament House several years ago—-then was told she was terrified of Parliament -too dangerous –understandable —
also for oldavid et al—the big laboratory—Nicola Gobbo fits the pattern— they probably groomed me from day one
A must watch
One of the things that seems obvious from this 7.30 report is the edits where Gobbo is cut off and another “question” is proposed. A common tactic for controlling the narrative.
What is apparent, though, is the assumption that it’s all about the “law” and secretive privilege and nothing at all about morals, ethics, and the protection of society by removing major predators from circulation. Occasionally the major predators will offer an insignificant almost nobody from their ranks to provide a mirror and smokescreen to make the “profane” think that the “system” is looking after them.
I rather suspect that Gobbo was not bad enough to be indispensable to the secretocracy.
Serene Teffaha has this guy “Lucky Lance” Simon, seems to be a convicted drug dealer who got off a murder charge (thanks to his lawyer wife ?) now working as a type of public relations mercenary, for the wife ? What’s the deal I wonder.
and here’s Lucky Lance doing his worst to spread the misinformation on behalf of … ?
With the backing of the Iudeans just is and their lying media it is possible to make any unsubstantiated claim and get away with it.
After what the legal system did to Wendy Scurr this is not a surprise. Then we have port Arthur. Then look at what happened to Steven Avery in America. Seriously, the legal system needs a huge reform
I love #14. Hitler, Trump, and the cobra walk.
Russian Guy Reacts to Star Spangled Banner Like You’ve Never Heard It. Kevin Woodman
My guess is that this galah could “react” similarly to “Rule Britannia” or the “Marseillaise” if he were appropriately primed.
I wonder what he reckons about this home brew?
Why are we concentrating on lawyer jokes when the most dangerous liars are the mainstream media with their shockjoke ‘pineapple brains’. If their brains were dynamite, it would not blow off their ears,
Hey MSN, how are your audience figures in the USA?
When are you ANTI-DEMOCRATIC lot going to report on the election fraud audit results in the US?
Do you lot think you will ever be able to be believed again?
I recall a 2GB shock joke claim months ago that there was no election fraud in the US…………now he is looking like a lying idiot, being a nine network shrill.
This what the MSM and political R soles are doing to humanity. 11 mins.
We hear a lot of good things about the founding fathers but they never anticipated Rockerfellas’ Standard Oil empire, or the Military Industrial Complex, or Rockerfellas Medical Fascism. I wonder how the Manhattan Kangaroo Court is going, with their attempts to stop Mein Trumpf from draining the swamp. I guess anything they come up with will be somehow dragged out until it reaches the supreme court ?
Abusive Families: Kevin Annett
5,190 views•May 26, 2021
“when you do things boldly you have some protection”
And the role of the mass media?
Not entirely incomprehensible, that these Attwood/Annett bods, are not censored by the “New Age” media pundits… they’re on the same team. Their purpose is to heap opprobrium on the vestiges of Christian civilisation and to render it condemned by their Sanhedrin to servility. Their Holinesses, A&A, have taken a very nasty proclivity of their “smarter-than-God” mates and used the very natural horror of that to propose themselves as “saviours” from their great enemy: Apostolic Christianity.
Perhaps “when you do things boldly” you could have some protection and elevation by the Synagogue of Satan and its lackeys in ‘Masonic establishment… but is it worth it?
What I have suspected in view of Dr Day’s forecast for the destruction of the Catholic Church.
Malachi Martin exposed Satan in the church. Clearly the church is being White anted from within.
Neddy, I don’t think I’m familiar with Dr Day’s prognosis. I’d be grateful for a link.
Malachi Martin is a shady character who may well have been a double agent… as in two sides of a counterfeit coin. There is no doubt, though, that the Synagogue has devotees in the political Church.
“We infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church right from the very beginning. Why do you think the Pope, the Cardinals and all the Bishops wear yarlmulkahs? (skullcaps) The white race never figures this out. A thousand years later the white race began to wake up … we had to come up with a plan B … so we formed the Jesuits. There was a nice boy, Ignatius Loyola. He started the Jesuits.” (Loyola was Jewish. Research/read the Jesuit Extreme Oath) Regarding the Jesuits, quoting Rabbi Finkelstein
Sorry old d. Where have you been ?
Day has been mentioned consistently on Gs for years.
If you cannot find him via Mary’s posts here at Gs just search
‘NWO exposed by insider’ at rense.com
Mary might put up her handy Gs link. I am cooking over a stove awaiting a guest.
and the Royal Commission did squat!
Orrite, Crossy. I will contend that it’s properly daft to say that the fulfilment of the law does not contain any elements of the law to be fulfilled. The whole Christian liturgy is an extension of the Hebrew/Israelite customs that Christ said plainly that He came to fulfil, not abolish. He did not say, however, that the old customs of belief or practice should be obliterated as if they never were.
I don’t pretend to know what a yarlmulkah signifies nor do I really care. The Christian Faith remains what it always was, is, and will be.
Old David,
Quit the old and get with the.present.
If you wish to defend the Christian faith, look up Dr. Day.
Reserve your ignorance until you do your research and forget the philosophical BS.
You’re still a pisswit, Ned.
Philosophy is only BS for the farkwits who imagine that reality is a figment of their own imagination.
“Real Philosophy Is Science” is a very crude explanation of the relationship of observation and conclusion that I knocked up long ago in response to the notion that philosophy is any fantastic idea that can be conjured up to excuse any perversity whatsoever. Don’t believe me, Smarty? Dig into any, ANY, “New Age” smartness and you will find a repudiation of “restrictive” reality in favour of a “liberating” non-reality.
Anyhow, almost no one would be interested in a very pedestrian and basic think about it:
Interesting abuse.
Getting desperate?
Tell us about the Dr. DAY forecasts and how they are relevant today after 50 years that I have observed come to fruition.
Or are You so pissweek as to not look at it and answer with a pissweek explanation?
There is something I have learnt since about 2008 after so many years on 911 blogs. The arseholes function as determined by nature and produce as expected.
Just feed them prunes and observe their intellect pass through.
I just noticed the sssh reference.
We are not stupid old David with your put up distractions.
Go get and update your instructions.
Sheesh! We might be able to remonstrate directly with a commenter except that that possibility vanishes in a couple of comments.
Crossy, what the hell is the “white race”? The balardy Judaic supremacists were “white” when they had their Anglo-Aryan goons pillaging the known World. Now, when they think they have cornered Christendom into hated European types these same chameleons are not “white”, or “black”, or “brown”, or “yellow”, or “red”, but are some kind of superior colourless stuff that is identified only by an ethnic or esoteric narcissism.
oldavid you have much to answer for—and gumshoe is not the forum
oranges and sunshine
I’d have a crack at answering if I knew what I had to answer for.
If what I have to “answer for” is being a curmudgeon short on the “political correctness” of lying down in the face of fashionable “New Age” opinions then I plead “no contest”.
Give us a break OD
You sound like a bot like a few others.
Go show us that you are not.
Cite Dr Day on the forecast to destroy catholicism.
Put up or demonstrate what is the real agenda.
Even though it is definitely true that some Jews do look white-ish, the fact is they are
Still a mixed race. One drop of Jewish blood makes a Jew! The fact that most Jews
certainly do not consider themselves White is very telling. The Jews know their
identity. Do we? – BDL1983
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
What in God’s name is this comment doing here?
They’re cross pollinating from renegadebugle,,,,, I have to say (on topic) just to be even more contentious, I did get some very appropriate advice on a couple of occasions from a jewish lawyer and he only charged me about $1000 for each piece, cheaper than going to university and a lot less trouble
all watch abc Q & A– very important–open minds open hearts–
Yair, well, Neddy, I dunno what a “bot” is but what Dr Day proclaims (in the light of some posts subsequent to this exchange) is only a few particulars of a programme that had been well known and exposed since the mid C19 at least.
Way back in the ’70’s I already knew about the plans and writings of various “communist” theoreticians of the C19 and their recommendations about how to “bring down Christendom” and they all acknowledged that they couldn’t do it while the Catholic Church retained its integrity of doctrine and moral authority. The Alta Vendita was a programme designed specifically to surreptitiously undermine the Church… and I must admit that it seems to be superficially successful for now.
I’m not very sympathetic to the rants of “clever dicks” who relentlessly moan about the symptoms trying to convince everyone that the symptoms are the disease.
Well cc has previously referred to my comments as being ‘inane’, perhaps cc has caught my disease.
Sorry again, perhaps we should being classed as against being ‘inane’.
Then again, perhaps the wheelbarrow brigade tyres are desperate for more air. Clearly it is trying uphill with a heavy load of distracting bs with flat tyres
Inane–insane– sane–another must watch–for all to get head and heart around this–watch 8 one hour episodes of Wakefield– abc iview–brilliant in MHO–a psyche ward blue mountains nsw —
Oh–really only for Vic—Melb– lock downers –we have the time–
(Thailand today)
3 judges allegedly taking kickbacks from Toyota Prius according to US Dept of Justice report.
Did Trump appoint the current DoJ bosses ?
As I have said many many times before the the so-called judicial system is corrupt and criminal from the BAR. Australia has been in a state of lawlessness for decades. We have a gangster corporate-government entity. We have a gangster police force.
Your “BAR” Attorney Is A Fraud
Kangaroo Court of Australia
Why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge
I am trying very hard to disagree. I am struggling because in my 30 year career in self representation I can say with 99% certainly, if you want something done properly, in most cases you have to do it yourself.
Most lawyers have been raised on Mummy and Daddy’s recommendation, ” ….go to college and become a lawyer, you’ll make lots of money “, well from my humble origins, my view is that most lawyers couldn’t fight their way out of a leather lounge chair!
There are always exceptions to the rule, Serene Teffaha and Ian Cunliffe are 2 of 3 examples of unsung heroes that I can think of..
“Who is Ian Cunliffe”, you might be asking. Well look him up, He represented the Melbourne Taxi drivers in their plight mobile sweatshop industy, his research work played a major role in breaking the telecommunications monopoly, that Telstra was, before Cable and Wireless became known as Optus in Australia. He represented what could have been Australia’s first financially independent Indigenous community, before the convicted pedophile NSW minister, Milton Orkopolous unleashed the dogs on them. After a process of “tendering – by – beer – buddies” appointed a mate on go in and rape an indigenous community of 12.4 million dollars of legitimate money. Ian Cunliffe, like Serene Teffaha, paid a high price for backing the underdog. The NSW supreme court ordered that he not be paid for 2 solid years of work, at a loss to him of around 1.8 million dollars, which included legal staff wages and out goings.
Here I was able to have a real and clear view of an aspect of world that is real but at the same time surreal.
To not be in support of the likes of Senrene Teffaha and Ian Cunliffe is in my view an accomplishment in self defeat.
When I here someone say, ” …give it up Greg, you can’t win…” , I hear ” ….keep going you are almost there”.
A friend that I have been coaching in self representation for 5 years now, won his first case on his own, last week.
For a man with virtually no education, against a system design to create victims out of harmless errors, is a remarkable achievement.
It is people like Serene Teffaha who are the angels working their charm, good will and energy. It inspires and empowers people to strive.