Home False Flags A Retired Cop’s View of the Aurora and Sandy Hook False Flags

A Retired Cop’s View of the Aurora and Sandy Hook False Flags


mapGoogle shows 19 miles distance from Our Lady of Mt Carmel School at 645 Congress Av, Waterbury, to Sandy Hook, Connecticut

by Andrew MacGregor

Editor’s Note: Nearly five years ago, on January 28, 2018, retired cop Andrew Macgregor of Geelong Victoria, wrote an article at GumshoeNews.com in which he speculated that James Yacone of the FBI is involved in some “terrorist incidents, such as Aurora and Boston Marathon.  In the same article, MacGregor gave us important information about Sandy Hook. It did not stand out, as the article also delved into aspects of the Ukraine “color revolution,” which happened in 2014. Therefore we are re-running today his discussion of Sandy Hook.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Hoax

On the 14th of December 2012 an ‘ERT’ exercise took place at the Carmel School in Connecticut.  For such an ‘exercise’ to take place, the ‘Exercise Co-ordinator’ could not use a school that was in proper use at that time.  They had to use a ‘vacant’ school.

After the ‘exercise’ was completed, a local news media helicopter flew overhead, and so the local ERT team, not being too intelligent, created a ‘chase’ for the media to film to demonstrate just how good they were and to give the locals something to watch.  It was later stated that the person chased and apprehended by the police at ‘Sandy Hook’ was in fact an off-duty ERT policeman armed with four handguns!

The real Sandy Hook Elementary School, though, had been vacant (for years?), and fenced off permitting this school to become quite dilapidated simply due to ‘Asbestos’ that was contained within the buildings.  The presence of asbestos meant that the school could never be used, and it would be extraordinarily expensive to demolish, so it was simply fenced off and left to ruin, until such time as the government could obtain sufficient monies to pay for its demolition.

Evidence that demonstrates that the Sandy Hook Massacre was a total hoax is that the required legislation, in regard to nondisclosure of underage homicide victims, was introduced on the 23rd of February 2012 by four state politicians, Mikutel, Fasano, McLachlan, and Suzio.  This simply demonstrates that the ‘Sandy Hook’ massacre had been planned prior to this date.  The fact that the State Coroner, H. Wayne Carver II disputed this ‘required’ legislature informs us that he was not part of the scheme at that stage.

Here is a brief intro to them (dated January 2023):

*Steve Mikutel, born 1950 in Norwich CT, served in CT House of Reps from 1993 to 2015. Mikutel is a Democrat the other three are Republicans.

*Len Fasano was a CT senator from 2010 to 2021, rising to minority leader in 2015 and president pro tempore from 2017-2019. He was born in 1958 in New Haven and has a BS from Yale and an LLM from Boston U.

*Michael McLachlan, born 1958, is from Danbury CT. He was a senator from 2008 to 2018.

*Len Suzio, born 1948 in Meriden CT, was a senator only for 2 years 2010 to 2012. He currently is a member of the State of Connecticut Victim Advocate Advisory Board.

Let us now consider the Aurora massacre, to look for James Yacone.

The Aurora Theatre Massacre

In July 2012, Hillary Clinton and the American State Department were debating the possibility of a ‘United Nations’ treaty on firearms.  Right on cue, on the 20th of July 2012, a “spontaneous” eruption of terror occurred at the Century Movie Theatre at Aurora Colorado.  The suspect for this event was one James Eagan Holmes.  However, witnesses claimed that there were more than one person involved in the shooting, including a person sporting a beard who opened the ‘fire-exit’ door to permit the gunman to enter as well as the fact that the ‘tear-gas’ grenades were thrown from a different direction from where the gunman was standing.

When the local police chief, Dan Oates was being interviewed in regard to this event, the media also captured a person smirking in the background. That person was quickly identified as FBI Agent, James Yacone.

James Yacone
James Yacone

But it is the CIRG that really tells us something.  For these units to practise ‘critical responses’ they first have to either study and act out what occurred during such incidents, or create their own incidents, all classroom drama of course.  ‘Of course!’

The CIRG is basically the military wing of the FBI and it “works to successfully resolve critical incidents worldwide.” Yacone was a natural choice for this position given his background. He served eight years in the U.S. Army and is “a decorated combat veteran”. Specifically, he was directly involved in the 1993 ‘Battle of Mogadishu’ that inspired the book and movie Black Hawk Down.

Once the events at the Century Theatre at Aurora Colorado are properly studied, it becomes extremely clear that the person with the ‘expertise’ to create such a ‘critical incident’ as this massacre was, was Special Agent, James Yacone.

James Yacone’s Bio

Joe Quinn of The SOTT Report told us that in the video of Sheriff Dan Oates (being interviewed in regard to the Aurora Theatre massacre), there was a ‘smirking’ James F Yacone’, the local head of the FBI.’ In 2011 he was named special agent in charge of the FBI’s Denver Division by Director Robert S. Mueller III.

Before his Denver posting, Yacone served as a section chief in the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), which involved direct management and oversight of the FBI’s national tactical program, crisis negotiation program, and a variety of mobility and crisis response assets.

Once he got home (from Somalia) Mr. Yacone joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned to the Philadelphia Division, where he investigated violent drug trafficking organizations, organized crime, and financial institution fraud. During his tenure with the CIRG, Mr. Yacone was promoted to supervisory special agent and later unit chief, deploying to multiple critical incidents and major investigations around the world in support of the global fight against terrorism.

The Carmel Elementary School Exercise

On the morning of the 14th of December 2012, The Department of Homeland Security was running an ‘Exercise’ (FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters) at the Carmel Elementary School in Connecticut.  That is the very same morning that “Adam Lanza” is said to have killed 20 children and 6 adults at the unoccupied Sandy Hook Elementary School.

At Carmel school were assembled all the various players needed for such an exercise There were the various ‘first responders’ including the actors to play the roles of children, and ‘their parents’, as well as ‘The Putnam County’ Emergency Response Team. (Editor’s note: recall how the government published advertisements for actors to participate in the drill for a plane crash in Sydney, in 2016.)

To quote the Putnam County Courier: “Ironically, members of the Putnam County Emergency Response Team — a highly trained group of officers used when crises of this type occur — were training Friday in Carmel.”

So just exactly what actual police members were assembled at the Carmel Elementary School? Just exactly who are these three men posing as ‘first responders’?  Could they be ‘FBI CIRG’ as per James Yacone?

Here are those same three men on Boylston St just after the Marathon bomb went off:
Infowars tells us that this picture was ‘snapped a few moments after the first bomb detonation.  Infowars also tells us that the device the man is holding is an “Inspector Radiation Alert” device that detects radiation from a dirty bomb or nuclear attack.  Apparently this ‘Craft’ guy is really ‘Inspector Gadget’ of the cartoon fame.

What we have here are three men, who by the actions at the FBI bomb truck demonstrate they are part of the FBI.  We have these three men being deployed at both the ‘Sandy Hook’ hoax, and the Boston Bombing drill.  That means that these three men must be part of the FBI ‘Critical Incident Response Group’ (CIRG) as they have been deployed to two (known) critical incidents.  The possibility that these three men also placed and detonated the bombs in the Boston Marathon has also got to be extremely high.



  1. As I have commented previously to MM.
    The khaki trouser guys at the Boston bombing as referred to in my comment to a recent GS article.
    Mary how are you going examining all the khaki fellows pictured at whatreallyhappened.com (demonstrating that a back pack logo on a khaki fellow is part of the exploding back pack with the same logo)?
    You may recall that I suggested that you contact Mike Rivero at WRH to obtain the photographs from his site relating to the bombing ‘proving’ your interests innocent.

  2. The fellow in the middle of photo at bottom is the one I have believed all along is who planted the bomb.

    Andrew McGregor states that a current school site is not able to be used for an exercise. He also enforces what I have stated in comments on this site at least twice that the school had not been in use for 5 years previous.

    Now that is clear it also proves that Jim Fetzer’s court case and ridiculous fine is a farce. The father of the supposed child killed is now shown to be a fraudster.

  3. “The real Sandy Hook Elementary School, though, had been vacant (for years?), and fenced off permitting this school to become quite dilapidated simply due to ‘Asbestos’ that was contained within the buildings.”

    Where is the evidence for that claim?

    There is a report from Aug 2011 that showed the school did not need asbestos remediation and that the air quality was good.


    Halbig attempted to prove that the Sandy Hook students had been going to Chalk Hill prior to Dec 2102. There is a big problem with that, Chalk Hill had asbestos.

    May 2011.



    Finding asbestos during the school year would be a very big issue. Also, notice the name of the school on the May 2011 report, Chalk Hill Middle School. Not Sandy Hook Elementary.

    • Dear Bob, as you know I have written a book that claims the SH massacre did not happen. My book is based on the court’s behavior, not on info about the school being inoperative. I’d stick with the false-flag interpretation, whether the premises were in use that month, or not.

      Still, it’s of general interest to me that your documents show an inspection to have taken place in 2011, giving the school a fairly clean record. I am referring to the first link you gave; the later two have no bearrng on the case as they are about Chalk Hill School only (is that right?)

      Anyway, do you live near Newtown? Do you personally recall the Sandy Hook School being operative? I can come down there at your conveninece (a 5 hour trip from NH which, believe me, is nothing for an Australian). we could go over any part of the story. I am open to being argued out of my position.

      • The condition of Chalk Hill matters, Halbig and Fetzer believe that’s where the children were going prior to Dec 2012. If asbestos was a problem at Sandy Hook, then it should also have been a problem at Chalk Hill. The people who claim the school was closed prior to the shooting have never produced any evidence, it’s more their opinion on the condition of the school seen in the crime scene photos.

        I do not live in Newtown, There is woman you should talk to, her name is Rebecca Carnes. She had two kids going to another Newtown school in 2012.

        Her website.


        Bitchute channel


  4. A group in Canada is trying to raise money so that Kevin Annett can get a needed kidney operation. He has health coverage in the province of British Columbia but can’t be in that province due to threats to his life. Has been blacklisted from all employment for 20 years.

    I trust him and admire his tenacity and creative politics (e.g., the Republic f Kanata). I used to correspond with his dad. Kevin’s group is called International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, ITCCS.org.

    The contact for money is: https://sarahwestall.com/kevin-annetts-life-is-at-risk-an-urgent-appeal/

  5. About the “FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters”

    It was not drill or an exercise, it was a 6 hour course. A few were held in Dec 2012, including one scheduled for the 17th.


    The links do not work on that page, but here is some info on the course.


  6. The system remains the same. No longer based on natural crafts with good work ethics, it is evil enforced by the demonic on all bases loaded.
    Euro and five eye nations have been sucked dry, with China under CCP rule the new host.

    We are not to blame, throughout our lives we’ve been fed only lies. With control now reaching into every pocket, it’s economic slavery for life. Our oppressors never get their hands dirty, they stab in the back using hired thugs, events deployed the msm spin it against us every time.

    Sandy Hook was used as a symbol – whites are evil, haters and murderers, they must be crushed. Please realise, people are rewarded $25 to $50 per hour to play their roles. The school was closed for two years before the event!

    Our enemy considers it virtuous to lie cheat divide and conquer with chaos. They have honed deception with politics into science.
    There is no political solution because they control all in this globalist totalitarianism.

    • Dear Timothy,
      The Boston bombing was not another ‘Gladio’.. It was the removal of a ‘leak’ from the FBI/CIA in regard to what General David Petraeus was planning, something which had started when he was head of the CIA and his liaison Officer to the FBI was Major/Colonel Paula Broadwell. Again what is not told is that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a nephew to Rusian Tsarnaev who was employed by Halliburton, and Tamerlan was employed by the FBI, posing as a right-winged Muslim terrorist. The problem was that Tamerlan ‘leaked’ certain information to Ibraham Todashev, another Chechen, who passed the information on to his father who was on the Russian side. .

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