by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Librarian cataloguers please note: This article is pro-Jew, anti-Bibi, and anti-Congress. There is no content here about the now-306-day war against Gaza.
Good day.
I’m here to help your average, patriotic Jewish-American citizen stand up for the US’s independence from foreign control — natch.
I’m here to express my disgust at the stupidity and probable perfidy of our poor 530 members of Congress — zheesh.
Mostly I’m here to say that RSole Netanyahu is a mind-controlled idiot who may not even know that he is being used to harm Israel, and probably to harm Jews as such, both short run and long run.
Our Binary Brain Is a Bitch
Oh wouldn’t it be nice if we did not have to do all our analysis of society as an on/off, yes/no, black/white, Jew/Gentile, Republican/Democrat, low class/high class, whatever/the opposite of whatever, type thing!
The first and famous “Jewish problem” is the tendency of folks for the last couple of centuries to engage in standard, run-of-the-mill anti-Semitism. That’s normal human behavior. One group may be jealous of another, angry with another, fearful of another, etc. Everybody does that and it ain’t ever going to go away. (Name three groups you can’t stand, in ascending order… See? You’ve got your non-faves.)
The second Jewish problem is that Jews (or maybe it’s a secret enemy of Jewish people) make a stink, day in and day out, as to the unfairness and horribleness of anyone blaming Jews for this or that. “O my God! He/she is an anti-Semite! That problem (the stink-making problem) leads to two sub-problems. Let’s call them A and B:
- It unfortunately builds a barrier against criticism of Israel (or Jews) even if it’s warranted. Does any other group have such a penchant for forbidding a negative comment about itself? (O my God! Somebody just said something unflattering about Canucks! All faint.)
- This stupid state of affairs — by which every non-Jew is duly embarrassed to even address the subject of Israeli behavior, for fear of looking like a monster — is truly harmful in certain instances.
I mean it’s harmful to Jews. Note the title of this article: “American Jews Should Complain about Congress’s ‘Bibi Love’.”
Right now Israel has a prime minister (I almost typed ‘primate minister’) who is a criminal and a menace to every creature in the world. Well, maybe not to ants or algae, but generally speaking, to large animals. His yuckiness may very well lead to the death of you and me. It could happen as soon as next week.
I must put my affairs in order. No wait, what’s the point. My heirs are going to be equally defunct.
Wake Up, Jews!
Israelis, of whom there are 9.5 million, will be the first to suffer. Indeed, they have been suffering for the last 302 days — bad.
I swear it’s the “anti-Semitism” mantra that has allowed this war to continue unabated.
Even aside from this particular war, everybody should be allowed to say “Bibi sucks.” Or, alternatively, “Bibi is a great guy,” if that is your opinion.
My view is that he is out-and-out bringing on a war that most residents of Israel would vote against. Had they a vote.
Don’t get me started on Americans not having a vote about war. It’s as clear as day that our Constitution gives the legislature, not the Executive, the decision-making process on dropping even one bomb. But Congress would rather stay quiet and let the head-of-household at 1600 Pennsylvania Av drop the bombs. It has been like that since 1950 re the so-called Korean War, remember?
Oops, I forgot, Congress did “authorize” the hits on Afghanistan, Libya, blah blah, etc, by means of a one-paragraph statement made on September 14, 2001, to the tune of “We hate whoever did 9/11 and we permit the president to figure out who it was and take appropriate action …etc.” That paragraph got both chambers to say “Sure, sure, and don’t forget the anthrax…” Only one Rep, Ms Barbara Lee of California, said “Get my name off that list, you jerks.” [Ed: paraphrasing]
But It’s only Jewish AMERICANS I’m addressing here: I ask you to scream “Out of line, out of line” concerning the ridiculous, lengthy standing ovation, and noisy baying, of the Legislative Branch, in the presence of a foreigner. Whoever heard of such a thing?
Actually, we all heard of it during a previous visit by Netanyahu. Our elected servants, on that occasion, stood up and clapped an unbelievable 30 times during that speech. Many folks, of any stripe, made the usual brilliant deduction “They had to kowtow, or AIPAC would get them dumped at the next election.”
Excuse me. I haven’t made my point. My point is…um…”no entangling alliances.” The US is a free nation and that’s that. We don’t kowtow to anyone. The applause for Bibi was disgraceful and frightening. Throw the bum out!
Well, I suppose it was not specifically his fault. Throw the Congresspersons out! Ah, we will have a chance to do that to 435 reps and 33 senators on November 5, a Tuesday. God is good.
I am asking American Jews (whom I think are wonderful but that’s off topic) to complain as much as you can about Congress jumping up and down and ruining our country.
Write a letter to the New York Times and don’t be shy. Do you think somebody will come to your house to shoot you for being a loyal American? Or as we say in Australia, a loyal Seppo? Sure, it could happen, but such is the price we pay for speaking out.
Not to speak out is sooo un-American. It’s un-Jewish, too.
Isn’t it?
And was it Albert Pike who prophesied in the 1880s that there would be three world wars, the purpose of the third one being to knock the Middle East off the map?
See what I mean about Bibi? His ideas — are they really his? — are a menace to Jews.
The day must come when decent Jews must ultimately realise that kharzarian Israel is their worst ENEMY.
Just as Catholics must realise that an anti-Christ heretic pope is theirs.
Well, et cum spirit tuo, Ned.
And how many divisions has the pope?
Ned will not be able to watch this as it is more than 7 minutes:
“Bibi Love.” (I used to wear my hair this way):
Exported out of Frankfurt, Hanover etc to London, then transplanted into Jaffa.
Went from stablemates of gypsies as the eternal scapegoat, to “owning half the planet” courtesy of various Euro schemes
Treat yourself to a few minutes, start at 1:30:00 for jew stuff
Mary – bibi scit quid agat – est enim nunc. And that person speaking is not Netanyahu, it is either a clone or body double.
Wake the real Hebrews up even quicker – get rid of all the Talmud followers who have been wielding far too much evil influence throughout history.
Nick Fuentes on Israeli False Flags and the 2024 Election
Congress bought and paid for.
Horrific treatment of Palestinian prisoners.
Jewish donor class giving millions to defeat primary candidates who are critical of Netanyahu.
540 million dollars per year for Gitmo
No execution facilities at Gitmo.
Sandra, thank you so much for the above educational video.
As for all the so-called politicians, giving standing ovations throughout the bullshit show by a mass murderer of many years, it tells us that they are ALL part of the Globalist agenda. Every one or them. Not one should be allowed to again stand for re-election. They are traitor to the U.S. and the world.
In fact this genocidal maniac should not have been allowed into the U.S. or elsewhere.
For both civil and treason, in times of war?
Justice Kavanagh might be able to explain the difference between civil and military law as he did when he went before the congressional appointment committee.
It goes to the basics, who is really controlling the United States ACCORDING TO LAW?
Refer to the law of war Manual clause 12 particularly about 12.3-4 from memory.
Look up Derek Johnson’s analysis of the provisions of law that apply, including for the continuity of government during times of WAR.
NO execution facilities?! I think that the military there have hearing facilities, a military bench, some ammunition and rifles to arm a squad, plus a few good lengths of rope with some beam to string it from.
Then there are the satellite photos of the building expansion on site including provisions for the elderly…… nursing home!
Well the nursing home would be a lot less expensive than our civil facilities…… and there would be interesting company and entertainment. Even perhaps a drag show or two. Rudd could be the compere from the Australian embassy. He has run at least one in our embassy per a report this week.
It seems to me the constitution and amendments are the fundamental law and the SCOTUS failed to enforce that in Brunson v Adams et al, let alone previously, showing that a vote in the houses to suspend the constitution was as good as the law. So if you can buy enough votes in there you can suspend whatever you want and only force of arms can get it back.
We now see in the UK, events most likely totally staged concerning dividing the “far right” from Soros’ far left warriors, events cheered on by the new PM there to polarise as much as possible, promote scapegoating and presumably result in suspension and cancellation of personal liberties, in the leadup to the next 5-year-plan 2025-2029.
In Victoria now you need to obtain a certificate of sanity before you can get a gun license. Who decides if you are sane or not ? Why, the ones who set out to forcibly inject everyone over the age of 5, with randomly lethal injections, also vigorously lied about to this day..
( Those under 5 already expected to take multiple injections before admittance to ten years of compulsory daycare ).
Put succinctly, it’s all a big lie, all of it, everything we are told from on high is a lie. All their mouths are like sewers dripping with shit.
Do not give up on the Brunson case just yet.
I read somewhere that it is still in the USSC ticket.
Timing is everything
Trump was still president Jan 6, did he have power of veto over the vote ???
From the extreme left wing WaPo
Nobody did anything, why did the extremely litigious Trump not get someone start a case, he likes to make out he is being straight with his supporters but he is playing a game
The game includes being an arch-Zionist, injectionist, MoB ID proponent ( predicatbly ) – until further notice
Dear Joseph,
I give up on you, have you a real Clue as to the game.
Seriously. I am disappointed with you, at times you make a lot of sense in simple matters with sprinkles of insight and information, then put Dorothy Dixers.
But the complexity of what is really happening appears to be beyond your research and understanding.
I wonder if you must be a white hat provocateur to entice responses to incite responses for normies to enjoy the fun and be awakened by curiosity to think.
Keep it up, good work.
Anyone knows the Charlie Ward thesis, Trump has the nucular football, all the baddies to be hung at Gitmo, the dead of Ukraina and Gaza resurrected, the taxes all refunded, new free energy for everyone, space aliens to save us from ourselves, yawn yawn zzz. I am running low on politeness for this topic and I prefer a more eclectic approach.
Joe, polite? LOL! Only for those who share your version of events, never for those who challenge you, as to your ideals and unfounded opinions!
Netanyahu won’t stop and thus leave himself open to prosecution.
Another video on the assassination attempt. Apparently, there was no ladder. However, what stood out to me as there was no communications between SS and the cops. In fact, at the relevant time ‘cell service went down’ – WTF? What are cops doing using an idiot phone to communicate, why not tried and true walkie-talkies? On their own frequency, with confidence of transmission and isolated from interference.
This is an excellent site I have been following since the outset.
Still wonder about Crooks’ ability to get to the roof as he suggests.
Appears to be a wide gap to traverse at the air con site but no side on shot.
It does however explain the direction of Crooks’ running from left to right to get to his shooting position.
Still a query over the 5 ft ladder.
Possibly seen in this drone footage.Does not look like the telescopic ladder that was also placed near the box against the building and not the overhang.
Also see the large ladder behind the Cypress trees.
Not sure of the time of footage because no security activity seen and body in place.
If access was via this ladder then the run from left to right would not have been necessary.
Drone footage
Deep research and dot connection
The billionaire class/the top 0.1%
Well worth the time and further knowledge.
I now note it is also at – people powered news
WW summarises with “… create a new financial system”
There is no new financial system that will work outside the beast system, there is only the old one, silver coins, farmers’ markets, this type of thing.
And the old market farmer calling, parked outside the house in his old truck filled with his produce, scales a swinging from the back and plenty L,S and pence in his leather change wallet.
Them days there were communal country towns.
Then the corporate control freaks invaded.
Bitchute Jim Crenshaw: OK This is really weird. Whats wrong with the sunflowers these days ?
(1 min)
The GM has buggered them up
goddammit the stoopid web censor requires to “take out the XXXX”
Joseph, I will not bother with your comment below. It is of no consequence to me. Matters come to fruition in time.
Perhaps you could join us for lunch and bring your intellect with a baseball bat. But I think you should fix the bill.
However, if you are into gene manipulation and know a bit about Lyme disease this might be of interest at – people powered news.
“anonymous just announced… without people in the US not knowing’.
Basically, they have engineered mice to be our short term mates. Love it, they want, or have released tens of thousands of mice onto an island.
Curious that one suggestion is at Martha’s.
Very strange.
Perhaps we could seriously fence of capital ‘Hill’ in Canberra, let them breed and produce ticks to clean the place up? We can feed them sunflowers to feel at home.
Why do I think of the introduction of toads into Queensland cane fields.
Sandra wrote above – ‘No execution facilities at Gitmo.’
You have proof of that, Sandra?
Joe wrote above – ‘There is no new financial system that will work outside the beast system……’
Joe, if you bothered yourself to look, you may actually find a new system already in place and waiting to be activated – The Quantum Financial System.
Dave XRPLion over at has a three hour episode of what may be expected for us all, as the new financial system kicks in. If you don’t wish to spend three hours watching and listening to his highly detailed explanation, then maybe you could get a quicker, but not as detailed explanation over, at American Media Group about what we can all expect?
As always Joe – the choice is yours to either reject or to look at what is offered.
I would strongly urge you abandon your skepticism, and at least look over at what is being exposed before going off half-cocked about the Quantum Financial System, and that you have obviously spent no time in learning about!
Stop bugging me, why don’t you have another month long blogg battle of insults with commenter Ned about some old ship from the 1950’s, I don’t want to waste time with your superior 5th dimension knowledge of everything, just nick off and don’t get back to me, ever
Your response is about what I expected – Joe.
So, you did not disappoint.
But, what a pity you cannot control your obvious biases which tend to limit your knowledge of what you should already know.
Stop bugging me you serial pest, you wouldn’t know your arse from your elbow
Joe – you cannot go off half-cocked and put out statements, as you have done with denying any other financial system being in place, while providing no evidence whatsoever for your opinion.
And then respond, when challenged as you do, especially when the challenge comes from me, which only exposes the personal biases you have against those, who do not share your negative aspects as to what is actually occurring all around us.
I have spent many years at various blogsites, and have had many experiences with Trolls.
Trolls will never engage anyone in thoughtful exchanges with those who continually challenge them.
Trolls will avoid providing any personal information about who they are, even when asked to do so.
Trolls will always attach themselves to the unwary as a means of gaining some traction with other commentors.
Trolls will never provide examples when accusing others of using insulting or offensive comments, even when asked to do so.
You fit the picture of a Troll, perfectly!
In fact you are the troll here, in the previous long argument with commenter Ned which YOU provoked, something about an old boat, you called him a variety of names including “back dribbler”, and here you are constantly dribbling down my back again with your endless supply of drivel. You don’t have to attach your droppings to anything I contribute, if your rubbish is so good let it stand on its own merits, you are a real time waster and you have long ago and permanently lost any respect you could have had from me. The fact is your intent is provoke a response because you are bored and you need someone to interact with – on your terms – which are the same terms as any cop, show the badge, barge in and if in doubt keep barging. My opinion of you wont change, you are utterly stoopid and a real pain, and you like to degrade this blogg with your selfish personal need, which is to try to present as “authority” or “expert” or “person of knowledge and experience”, in fact as I have told you before you are a dunce, stop buggering up the bloggs, stop baiting me and just bugger off.
Thank you, Joe, for just another example of why you will choose to attack personally, rather than offer your thinking as to your opinions whenever you are challenged.
A response, that is just so typical of the Troll.
And refusing to respond to the question/s raised from your ‘opinions’ tends to show how shallow your thinking is.
You miss the point entirely by being a commentor, and that is. It will always be YOUR choice to respond to a challenge.
Just – leave – me – out – of – it
” as the new financial system kicks in” – I haven’t seen any objective evidence of that, however, if I was to be reliant on a ‘financial system’, I’d probably choose a bag of old silver coins. You know, just in case…
Terry – you haven’t seen any evidence for a new financial system? Have you looked?
Have you listened to what Dave XRPLion can alert you to?
Listening to someone blather on about Gesara/Nesara, med beds and the like is not the same thing as OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE. As Clif High has indicated he has not seen any evidence that would be necessarily in place to bring such schemes to fruition.
If you have such evidence, then post it.
People love to believe in LEADERS that will bring about their salvation, they love to listen to HOPIUM as it placates them while they ‘trust the plan’.
I’ve been around a while, I’m a realist. As I have stated many times before – Protect yourself, nobody else will.
The evidence for what is coming is out there, Terry.
All you have to do is look.
What is coming has already been shown, at least one hundred years ago – Nicola Tesla could be your starting point for enhancing your knowledge.
It can never be up to me to prove anything, if you are not prepared to look for yourself.
Clif High
Overwhelming shit tsunami!
I listened to him whilst restoring/painting etc, wrought iron panels for my balcony … he complains of a big job

and is going to go quiet.
)
( no visual or sound as we proceeded on and when the timing was being complete, the magistrate thought it should be visualised to get the timing
)

high’s system appears to be subject to incredible technical planning and to be packed up……. Even the humidity affects his tapes. (Note for end of story
I think I understand, I had a case once where the accused allegedly provided porno tapes from his retail cassette tape video supply that failed government classification. A employee under age took one from his retail .
In short the coppers alleged that the ‘Doing Dallas’ tape was not kosher, and they had a certificate to prove it.
However the certificate was BS, the time did not fit the actual time we played in court.
Well the certificate for the prosecution did not accord with the timing and evidence chucked out
Lesson, Confucius he say:: ‘quick timing results with short result’.
I really enjoyed that case and that of the employee who borrowed it from the defenders locked up supply, then there Wass the car load of coppers from Newcastle, who raided the locked up supply fault snd gassed my poor accused with garlic gas from the night before in the town.
There are times in law that are fun with justice.
Thus I have some concept as to the technical problems High has,
be it fleetingly.
Middle East-Turkey now in the mix
70 Israeli/US mercenaries killed by Houthis in Yemen
Space based persistent surveillance now tantamount in warfare
Israel will be saved for last – Q
That’s another marker, Sandra, for just how close to the end we are.
And I note, you have yet to respond with proof that executions are not taking place in Gitmo, and or, Guam and Diego Carcia.
How about YOU posting some objective evidence that such executions are taking place at Gitmo? Crikey, you’ve been around the courts, you know what evidence is.
RealRawNews gets a unfair lampooning on this site – among other things, but it fits in with the Plan and Q.
You want evidence, yet refuse to seek it out. There is plenty of evidence out there.
I’m just pointing to where it is – it is up to you to look, not for me to provide you with what you should know.
Nobody learns that way Terry.
There, you feel better.
Scott Ritter-a further attack on journalism
You beauty
Allowing two million Gazans to starve ‘may be moral’ – Israeli minister
Bezalel Smotrich has complained that it’s impossible to wage war in today’s global reality
The 8/8 fire in Lahaina had a very unannounced anniversary today — over this way at least.
This athlete must be brain-enhanced:
Racketeering and a reckless disregard for the health of our children: Vaccines and Autism.
Racketeering has ensnared our health care systems globally. It has to be stopped. We know who the racketeering bosses are!
If you trusted The Plan, Sandra, you would already know how BIG pharma is about to go down as the Truth about ‘vaccines’ becomes more publicly known.
Thank you, Sandra.
Note: I have heard from Her Bossiness. Only a few more nights under the bridge.
Terry,new bodycam footage from Jeffostroff channel.
For the first time I have seen where the cop was hoisted up just prior to the shooting-in the alcove behind the Cypress trees where the large ladder was later placed.
It also shows how the first 3 cops got up via a pallet on the box where previously there was possibly a 5ft ladder used by Crooks-this footage dispels this.
Bit by bit it is becoming clearer but the whole truth is unlikely.
More interesting videos at Gray Hughes Investigates
Clearer body cam footage video and audio