Introduction by DM
Reported today (e.g., BBC):
“The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will allow recruits from foreign countries, including the UK, to help grow its ranks. Australia has been struggling with enlistment shortfalls, as it seeks to beef up its armed forces in the face of what it says are growing regional threats…. Minister for Defence Richard Marles said the changes to eligibility requirements were ‘essential to meet the nation’s security challenges through the next decade and beyond’.”
What do they perceive the challenges might be through the next decade?
The War Mentality in Canberra
I think the big challenge in the next 12 months is “how to extract Australia from the war-mongers.”
For entertainment purposes I have posted two military ads (1) the Chinese Military ad, and (2) the Australian ad.
About 40 seconds into the Chinese ad there is an “Oh sh*t” moment. I’d say no country would want to be messing with these folks. One of their slogans…
“We use our lives to fulfill our duties”
And then there’s the “good feel” Aussie ad. This is strangely displaying a military that seems mostly female, but I suppose the diversity card was handed to the casting director and the film makers.
The ad’s log line is…
“Do what you love”
I have always known that a problem arises when one’s action are in conflict with reality. So Australia wants to support the killing of people on other countries — while encouraging recruits to do what they love. There seems to be a complete disconnect in Canberra.

After watching the Aussie ad, you realise that Joe Rogan’s “Other Way” message is the ONLY WAY.
To add to our woes there is a war on the US dollar. So what is going to happen to the Aussie dollar when the US dollar burns?
Biden Vetos Crypto video – Redacted.
Easy to fill a few needed soldiers for our defence.
Draft ALL the WARMONGERING politicians and mass media simpletons into service for war.
Then it will be all resolved, we will not go to war and they all can get a medal for A job well done.
We can put their names on our cenotaphs.
Notice how the first stage of the recruitment process is to achieve Permanent Residence Status, conferred by our celebrity friends Claire O’Neill and Andrew Giles of Home Affairs, very famous this past week for their skilled management and expert judgement in getting a few wives and kids raped and murdered or whatever.
Somehow they manage to set these benchmarks even while tackling tough issues like Global Warming and containing Russia ( grr, grr ).
Thanks again to the sublime expertise of our friends in Canberra we are also looking at sliding into the greatest recession since the 1930’s, is there nothing these people cannot excel at.
“The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will allow recruits from foreign countries, including the UK, to help grow its ranks.”
Like a rookie version of the French_Foreign_Legion ?
Well as the police force has been dependent on external recruits for the last 20-odd years it does stand to reason
This poor bastard got more than what he bargained for::
I love this bit:
“we don’t have the deed or the title to our car do we so we don’t really own it”
About a decade ago I saw a couple of my sons go head to head with the State government re said issue; so obvious really but it’s rarely given any attention
Well the owner of that ‘automobile’ certainly knows his rights under common law.
Love the video – should be seeing more of it.
He called their bluff and they found there is nothing they can do – lawfully.
I hope the action of this Patriot wakes up even more folk who are willing to stand their ground against the current Freemason control, those who are now awake to the fraud find themselves under.
And we all need to acknowledge that ‘owning’ anything, is not the same as, ‘possessing’ anything in the current lawlessness we are forced to live under.
At face value licensing might look like a good idea but it’s actually rooted in the precept of everything being prohibited unless specifically “allowed” – at a cost to the beneficiary!
In short it’s a reversal of the Rule of Law, i. e. everything being allowed unless specifically prohibited
E.B. – back in the horse drawn wagon and buggy days, the ‘driver’ of the horse needed no licence, no wagon or buggy registration, and paid only the taxes or tolls, to use a ferry, or travel over a bridge that tended to make travelling over some very rough roads, a little less ‘adventurous’.
One only need look back to those days to see where we have all been led to – total authority and control over everything, even down to our private means of travelling, from one point to another.
And we pay registration and road tax to use ‘public’ roads, that public money has been used to build in the first place.
Looks like they are preparing for a domestic war/insurgency and hence need foreign recruits to fight the locals. They do not need boots on the ground overseas as they can just use bombs with AI systems to guide them; Gaza being their showcase.
Relax Melina – what we now witness is what would come about if there was no plan in place to eradicate the controllers of this world.
You should be taking comfort from the fact that if the Hilderbeast had not been stopped at the 2016 election of Trump, we would all be dead by now.
Sit back and enjoy what is being exposed, and is in place, just to wake up the rest of Humanity.
The military and intelligence agencies are part of the control grid. The election of Trump was no accident. Theatre to allow them to put in place more pieces of their total control grid more easily; jabs and spaceforce as examples refer NASA presentation below on strategic warfare.
Melina – are you the same Melina I responded to above?
If you are relying on what NASA (who many in the know folks today refer to as, Never A Straight Answer) then you need to be researching, Operation Paperclip, and how the Nazis who escaped Germany came to be settled in America – thousands of them – and to influence what has become of America today.
You say the election of Trump was no accident – and you would be correct on that score, but, you fail to see, that if Trump had not been elected in 2016, the Hilderbeast was prepared to take over from Obammy, and continue the 16 year plan to bring down America, and the rest of the world into their Satanic controlled agenda.
Do you know anything at all about Hilary Rodham Clinton?
She was probably the most evil person this world has ever seen – and all that evidence is about to be released on her – so I hope you choose to learn from it. But in the meantime, consider this: If Clinton had gained the presidency in 2016 we would not be having this exchange via comments because we would all be dead!
If you believe Trump is the problem – then you are most definitely on the wrong road.
What is it we’re still defending over the seas?
What’s the point? One government is global with CCP CBDC credit score slavery AI, loaded with abombingnations at touch of children’s fingertips. Train them what for, they’re snipers by four. Video games and porn, how wholesome these brave new times are for youth, stuck in cubicles glued to screens. What happened to good times in outdoor sunshine with family, friends and JMJ.
They don’t want children playing in surf and sand, but killing like Gallipoli. War WHO is it good for? Oz like Gaza, the killing fields with 5G, installed by war refugees on contract as CCP man’s the common wealth. Seriously folks, giving third world survivors guns and money stepping off the plane downunder, what can possibly go wrong?
And the few at collection won’t have it any other way. New punters on the block, in debt to beasts.
“The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will allow recruits from foreign countries, including the UK, to help grow its ranks.” – The military requires people that are intelligent. Stupid people get people killed. The Han Chinese have an average IQ of 105, Australia is an average of 98.
The American military will NOT take anybody into the service that has an IQ lower than 84. The Somalis that were imported into Australia have an average IQ of 69. So,, where is this ‘immigrant’ pool of future war fighters going to come from?
If you want to get an idea about what I am talking about, read about ‘Macnamara’s Morons’ where the idiot Macnamara lowered the IQ requirements of recruits to fill out the dwindling ranks of soldiers – it was a DISASTER!
“Why a high IQ doesn’t mean you’re smart
IS GEORGE W. BUSH stupid? It’s a question that occupied a good many minds of all political persuasions during his turbulent eight-year presidency. The strict answer is no. Bush’s IQ score is estimated to be above 120, which suggests an intelligence in the top 10 per cent of the population. But this, surely, does not tell the whole story. Even those sympathetic to the former president have acknowledged that as a thinker and decision-maker he is not all there. Even his loyal speechwriter David Frum called him glib, incurious and “as a result ill-informed”. The political pundit and former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough accused him of lacking intellectual depth, claiming that compared with other US presidents whose intellect had been questioned, Bush junior was “in a league by himself”. Bush himself has described his thinking style as ‘not very analytical’ “.
A nation to nation run-down as to the amount of time spent in politically commandeered educational facilities would be more to the point.
What’s staggering to me is that most Aussies are STILL oblivious to the fact that literacy has dropped off a cliff since the advent of compulsory attendance
I guess it’s a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.
This 1964 publication cuts to the heart of the problem:
“An amazingly insightful look at how children cope as they move through the years at school. Ever wonder why your kid(s) stop asking a million questions as they get older? Or wonder how he or she can be so smart about things outside of school but do poorly in class? John Holt puts into words feelings I had had about school as a youth, and then again as a teacher, but which I never allowed to develop into more than transient thoughts. If you follow this author’s life work, it can open up a whole new way of looking at children and learning, parenting, and interpersonal relationships within families through what has become known as “unschooling.” Life changing.”
I was a bit of a rebel at school.
Couldn’t wait to gain the age of 16 years, so I could leave what I considered to be doing me, no good at all.
The University of Life will benefit many who can avoid being put into that, ‘education box’ that is designed to keep those who knuckle down to its dictates, under absolute control.
Everyone should be asking themselves – is this the world we have made for ourselves, or are we living in a world that has been designed for total control over us.
Some teachers do a really good job but they’re few and far between and it’s despite the system not because of it.
All the “experts” are well & truly aware that putting kids into an academic environment before they’ve mastered the basic skills is academically counter-productive so there’s only one reason why said methodology persists.
By the time I entered 9th grade I was chronically truant, but at least back then you were legally entitled to leave and pursue some measure of independence
But the penny still didn’t fully drop so my husband & I proceeded to go through the motions of enrolling our first-born. At that stage we knew people who were doing or contemplating doing home-ed but I thought that they were just being over-protective and I didn’t like the idea of an extended housebound situation. The reality of packing him off to serve somebody else’s needs just at the point where he’d become capable of helping out with his younger siblings and around the house only hit me when the time came and it still took me another decade to fully come to grips with the associated fixtures and forces
E.B. thanks for opening up as you have – really appreciate your candid reflections.
The fixtures and forces that, so far as I’m concerned, remain the definitive “war game” of the hour; if the fundamental tenants of family relationships can be destroyed society can become infinitely malleable
E.B. – what we all will soon be witness to, will have the benefit of exposing all that has existed in this world that was put into practice to keep Humanity in a very dark place.
Everyone will have the opportunity to watch, listen and learn, what has befallen this world for a very long time.
Truth will become a very bitter pill for many to swallow, but swallow it they must, if they are to venture into the New World as we all exit the Old World.
The sanctity of the family will be guaranteed.
“The Han Chinese have an average IQ of 105, Australia is an average of 98.”
Says who ?
Albeit the fact the very nature of such testing is completely wacko:
The bottom line being that the World System can hardly be challenged by way of relying on any of it’s bulwarks
Amazing how all that IQ has created a hive mentality among the Chinese.
Thanks Sandra, the report of the college graduate being ordered to babysit the retard rang a bell with me. We had one of the ‘morons’ in our basic training unit. It was unbelievable how stupid, clumsy, fearful, incompetent he was. He lasted about 3 weeks and the Drill Sargent went troppo and refused to invest anymore time and effort with him. He got a discharge from the Army.
I remember a story of one of the morons being assigned to an infantry unit. The First Sargent knew immediately that the bloke was going to get killed, but more importantly who else was going to get killed because of him. (Crikey, issue him ammunition and grenades??) The First Sargent put him on permanent KP and had him wash pans for his entire tour.
Terry – At one police station I worked out of, I would often work with a Vietnam Veteran. He told me some pretty riveting stories concerning the stupidity of some American forces when he was there.
My take away from what he disclosed to me, was that Australian forces were directed to avoid working in with American infantry, unless they were special forces.
Intelligence quota’s mean absolutely nothing, unless there is a firm grounding of the individual in moral and common sense behavior.
One of the ‘eye openers’ of the difference between Australian and American infantry soldiers, during the Vietnam War, was the battle of Long Tan. An Australian victory. Westmoreland was the Commanding General of American forces in Vietnam at the time, and was looking for a ‘quick’ victory against the North Vietnamese – which never seemed to come – until he was notified of the Australian victory at Long Tan. Allegedly, his first words were, “It had to be those goddamned Aussies.”
Same in Afghanistan……second cousin… say no more😱🙀🙀🙀
Soldiers look handsome/beautiful on tell lies ads, smart in uniform jumping out of choppers landing on ground running.
The reality is very different, ask Mal or Terry and other survivors of war about hell on earth. Just turn on the idiot box and see the Gaza cleansing, also in Ukraina where population has been reduced by 30 million past 10 years. Child trafficking the buy product. How twisted convenience and consumption have become, aldi bunnings coles and woolies and nothing else not even the farmer that made it happen.
Last night on the abc propaganda at 7pm,
just after the army push they showed AI robots doing their thing, replacing all.
Will the penny ever drop in Oz, I doubt it, even after Covid most still don’t get it.
Krown kabal komunizm since 1914, enforced by banksters since 1913.
ant – I spent three years in an Australian Battalion of Regular Army, at Tobruk Lines, Holsworthy.
Not all troops, as you point out, are built like Gods.
You only get to see the best, as presented in those ads.
The ADF is no longer a professional outfit, and has not been ever since the 1980s, when recruitment standards became ideologically manipulated and females were encouraged join combat units.
An army is only as effective as its most least effective.
Dee, thanks for the Chinese army ad. It is amazering.
The movie you have been watching for the past seven years is almost over.
During the movie, the head of the controlling snake was removed, and the middle management effectively dealt with at many military bases around this globe.
AS I SEE IT: Soon, you will begin to notice the very public arrests of those who still cling to their criminal ideals, and or, Satanic indoctrination.
The first arrest will shock the world -Q.
The above quote from the Q-board was put out in 2018 – some six years ago now.
So the arrest of ‘whom’ will tend to the shock the world? Biden? Or rather, the actor Arthur Roberts, the person who is playing Biden.
When Biden is removed, the Central Banking system and Stock Market will collapse.
When those two events occur – you should use that as your marker as for what is coming next:
The internet will be shut down, as will be all MSM outlets and cell phone towers.
Some time after the above events – the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) should become active via TV/Radio, some say the internet as well. It is then that your real, ‘education’, will begin.
Prepare yourself because those events are very close.
“Bob Kudla gives us his take on the Federal Reserve cutting rates causing contagion or a blow off top in the stock market, BTC moving to 130K and metals prices as we swing into the war window through Labor Day 2024.”-Labor Day-Mon 2nd September
All right, I know hardly anyone here bothers with Mary at situation update at beforeit’snews.com (today) and those who do are in the ‘abnormal cultist’ club.
However, perhaps a few minutes before the end, some might like to know from Scott Ritter how he was intercepted before boarding a plane to Russia🙀🙀🙀🙀💁🏼
Well it is your future and same for your children.
What you tolerate now, you will suffer in the NEAR future. …. As the Germans et. al.
As for the rest, if the Catholics can take it and note ArchBishop Vigano, (referenced in the report) we can really just rely on Christ. Plus years ago, Father Malachi Martin’s exposures.
If we can handle the evil scandals and Christ betrayers (and the compromised [note what I have understood for years … pick the payoff in 🏦💰💰💵💵💵💵💵 OR LEAD] or paid off politicians and msm) , so why cannot the other mobs also wake up.
Their mobs are in it as hand as well.
Going to be fun.🙏 some say even ‘BIBLICAL’. Get on the right side!
In the air tonight.
Rumourmill news.com – reading room.
3/6 2O24- 20:52: 57.
Scavino refereeing Phill Collins.
Feel it, sit and listen – just a few minutes.
Yep, now that is a good feeling💁🏼🤣
Well, Clif High said it looked like the shooting would start mid-June so,,,,
Re: Mr. Plodgers refer
Don’t forget Joe, I have a number of crow sandwiches lined up for your pleasure.
Just a matter of time before you get to eat them!
Three of the jurors who ‘convicted’ Trump have been rounded up by the White Hats, according to RealRawNews.
No names yet, not until the other nine are rounded up and head off to Gitmo for ‘processing’.
I’d bet heavily on the so called, judge, Merchan, is crapping his pants right now.
And Joe – you’ve provided plenty of skepticism concerning the info coming out of RealRawNews, even accusing the outlet as being funded by the Deep State.
But, you never provide your thinking on why you believe that to be true – I have provided my own reasons for why I believe RealRawNews puts out what is given to it by ‘White Hats’- so how about providing some thought as to why the Deep State would put out disinformation as their side is constantly being rounded up and dealt with for their treachery?
So come on, Joe, give us all some of your thoughts.
They are our biggest trading partners, why would we want to turn our young people into cannon fodder for the for the warmongering Yanks as the Ukrainians have done just to feed their military industrial complex to make billions for their and our corrupt politicians.
“As things get heated, I just want this message to remind you that we are bigger than any self-serving agenda. We are bigger than this organized crime ring. We are better than anything that tries to divide us! We just have to remember who we are and take our power back! And this starts with abandoning anything that divides us – OTHER THAN BEING FOR OR AGAINST ABUSING CHILDREN.
I imagine a world where the foundations of society are centered around prioritizing children, healing, true freedom, and ANTI-war. The war we are fighting is for our children and if we are ‘all in’ on taking down an ancient satanic death cult – it’s going to require all of us to come together and get the job done. No more entertaining ‘the lesser of two evils’. Let’s get rid of evil altogether and follow selfless leaders who embody compassion, integrity, love and the protection of all children.
All we have to do is stop playing their game and it’s checkmate.”
Diane – we will all have much to learn over the next few weeks which will enlighten many, as to who we really are, while some will never recover from the shocks they will receive and never be able to recover from.
The Truth will not be for everyone – Q