Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


Brexit: What Should the Queen Do Now?

Princess Elizabeth in Natal on her 21st birthday by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB Today it was announced that a court has ruled that the UK...

Will Fractional Magic Determine Our Destiny?

by Dee McLachlan I understand the term "Hollywood bookkeeping," which is the term given to distributors that fiddle the numbers so that profit is never...

Revolution In Progress

by Dee McLachlan In Australia the mood changed last weekend. For fifteen months the mainstream media (MSM) have consistently trashed Trump in every which way possible....

Australian Refugee Policy Sinks To New Lows

Herald Sun headline by James O’Neill* Last weekend the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton announced an intention to introduce legislation that would forever...

Lindt Café Inquest, Part 33: The Three Doors

Main door in middle. Philip Street on your left. The black doors are near girl in white jersey. On right, after 4th window, alcove,...

The Dumping of Toxic Waste and “Public Opinion” in Australia

The Flinders Ranges by Dee McLachlan While I was working in rural NSW on a film, I had the privilege to work, and become good friends,...

Great Australians: John McDouall Stuart

John McDouall Stuart  by Mal Hughes I think it’s time we got off the tack of worrying about our future and do some stocktaking of the...

The “Draining The Swamp” Letters

With Donald Trump's references about "draining the swamp" in Washington, these letters were exchanged a few days ago. 20 October, 2016 Dear Sir, I have a LARGE...

The TPP Is Clearly an Enabling Act

Are we Headed for our Waterloo? by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB The world has changed, in that members of governments throughout the world are showing...

Traditional Marriage in Australia Already Includes Gay Marriage, So What’s the...

The perennial, ubiquitous “look of love” by Mary W Maxwell, LLB H sapiens is a pair-bonding species. Humans have been getting married for a long time....

Australian Democracy Under Threat

Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson by James O’Neill* One of the fundamental principles of a democratic society  is the doctrine of the separation of powers.  This takes many...

Time For An Apocalypse?

by Phil Hingston Time for an apocalypse -- or what do UFOs and yet undisclosed technology have to do with the US FEDERAL RESERVE, quantitative easing...