Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


Is the CBS “60 Minutes” Exposé on 9-11 a MacGuffin?

Senator Bob Graham in the trailer for the 60 Minutes program By Dee McLachlan As a screenwriter I am familiar with sub-plots designed to attract attention...

Letter from Paul Sylvester to a Commission on Bioethics

Blanche Chavoustie, (L), a much targeted individual , in San Diego By Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB I regularly receive emails from John Finch of Melbourne...

Why Didn’t the Police Investigate the Inconsistencies at Port Arthur?

by Mary W Maxwell The title of this article is part of a rap song. At 3.30 minutes into this excellent video we hear “If...

What’s This “Truth Will Out” Business?

Fabián Salazar, journalist By Mary W Maxwell Gumshoe editor Dee McLachlan and I were floored by the mass of salient comments sent by readers, in response...

Resolution to Investigate the Collapse WTC Building 7

Malcolm Turnbull catching public transport (L), Edgecliff Station (R) One of Gumshoe's readers -- a member of Lawyers for 911Truth -- sent this letter to...

The Panama Papers:  More Smoke and Mirrors

By James O’Neill* The western mainstream media, including in Australia, have devoted pages of coverage to the so-called ‘Panama Papers’, a cache of some 11...

Henry Caboodle and How To Give Evil the Flick

by Mary W Maxwell This morning I published an article “Who Is Henry Caboodle?”. It was intended as a bit of levity, following Dee McLachlan’s...

Who Is Henry Caboodle?

Richard Preston of RedPillShow.net (L), the interviewee (R) By Mary W Maxwell Last month a very nice -- and savvy -- local fellow, Richard Preston, came...

The Media Are The Enemy Within

ABC's Jon Faine (L) and Iraq war (R) By Dee McLachlan Comments by Ned and James (and others) to my April 4 article about journalist Andrew...

The Indomitable Spirit. It Drives the Bryant and the Tsarnaev Challenges

Sir Douglas Mawson (1882 – 1958) By Mary W Maxwell, April 4, 2016 Is there a limit to the human spirit? Some people seem to be able to...

Herald Sun’s Andrew Rule – vs – the “Mouth-breathing Morons”

Andrew Rule's headline, and my coffee (R) By Dee McLachlan I’ve been called a few names in my day but not a “mouth-breathing moron.” Makes you...

Clapper and Comey, Heads of NI and FBI, Visited Australia Last...

James Clapper By Mary W Maxwell Thanks to Gumshoe readers Maree Baker and Phil Hingston for requesting an article on the visits of US spy leaders...