Dee McLachlan
Radiating a City: Hiroshima
by Anastasja Dadverina
EDITOR’S NOTE: The blast in Beirut reminds us all of the events 75 years ago. Yesterday, August 6, 2020,was the 75th anniversary...
Daddy, What’s a Fallacy?
Editor’s Note: This was first published on August 4, 2020 as a Newsletter by Jon Rappoport, with the title “Dispatches from the War: vaccine,...
Del Bigtree Dissects The Covid-19 Vaccine Trials and the Ten ‘Vax-subjects’
Editor's note: The HighWire looks inside the Lancet’s latest study on Astra Zeneca’s vaccine being tested at Oxford University -- and the TEN people...
Child Abduction Series, Video 5: Sacred Bonds Broken and Operation Noetic
Episode 4:
Episode 3:
Episode 2:
Episode 1:
Link here for the Youtube channel to send to ministers and leaders of Australia.
This Lockstep Take-over Has Been in the Planning for SIX Decades
By Dee McLachlan
A Gumshoe staffer was snooping through archives and was startled to find a 2017 article by me -- which looks like a...
Did The IMF Try Bribe Belarus With $950 Million To be...
by Dee McLachlan
As Melbourne descends into Stage 4 Lock-down, I will only be allowed out for 1-hour exercise day. Somewhat a relief at least,...
The Fifth Column and the Fourth Estate Propaganda Machine
Editor's note: G5 describes the Fifth Column as encompassing the tentacles of the Deep State, including the Dems, plus the Fourth Estate (MSM).
by G5
Appeals Decision from Boston Marathon Court: Not Bad, Could Be Worse
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Jahar Tsarnaev (his tribe may now increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace
And saw within the moonlight in...
Australia About to Learn the True Cost of its Geopolitical Subservience...
By James O’Neill*
“The United States – Australia relationship is built on shared values. In the face of an increasingly complex regional environment, it is vital...
Impressive Front-line Doctors Explain Hydroxychloroquine Is the Cure
Much ground is covered by these doctors. Not one single student to teacher transmission in the world, and the Nigerian doctor's 100% successful treatment...
Jumping the Gun on HR-6666, Are We?
by Mary W Maxwell,LLB
Congress has not yet moved the proposed bill HR 6666 out of committee. Its official name is COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And...
Past Incursions and Invasions, and Entry into The Age of Biological...
Editor's note: Correspondence, unedited, from G5
by G5
The World is currently experiencing its second Cold War, and entry into The Age of Biological Warfare. At...