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Dee McLachlan


Notes on Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Mexico, China, and New York

  by G5 In The Obama-Biden-Clintons-Mueller-Holder trail of stench, we find an $80 billion waste thrown at the Renewable and Green Energy Fraud; with primarily the...

South Australia’s Chief Executive Cathy Taylor Should Be Stood Down

by Dee McLachlan It was Mother's Day this last Sunday. On television people shed tears celebrating all those wonderful mothers out there. But many mums...

My Multi-pronged Conspiracy Theory of Covid-19

by Malcolm R Hughes This is based on speculation. I welcome debate. Please use our comments section at bottom of page. The human species has had...

Mikovits, Vaccinations, and 5G, Part 1: Glossary of Law

 by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Behold a new series of articles at Gumshoe. It’s about how to use the law in regard to the current...

Meat-Processing Workers Contract COVID-19, and Meat Plants Close Globally

by Dee McLachlan Is there an engineered plan to create a food shortage? One can't fail to notice the images of long food lines in the...

The Covid-19 Crisis Seen as an Opportunity to Pursue a Broader...

by James O’Neill* In recent weeks the world’s attention has been focused upon the current outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. There has been a dramatic...

Bill Says “No” to Vaccines — The Real Interview with Bill...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYwVgQ8IKmM Carol Venus interviews Bill Gates about the unfolding Corona Virus plandemic. Gumshoe went out of its way to make this interview happen -- but...

The Normal Normal

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The new normal that “they” are trying to push on us is abnormal. In fact they probably have never tried...

Dr Mikovits “We Will be Killed By This Agenda” If We...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PmIaChOKAg&feature=youtu.be Dr Judy Mikovits discusses Dr Anthony Fauci's actions and that if we do not take action now, we can forget the Republic, and our...

Happy 53rd Birthday to Martin Bryant

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In 2015 Gumshoe Editor Dee McLachlan and myself published Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough (free download here). That book is...

Goodplan: Opposing the New World Order and Its Bosses, Sensibly

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I think it would be wise for us to concoct a name for a new plan that is unlike the...

Radiation Dangers’ Report on Study: Correlation Between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus”...

Introduction by Dee McLachlan The first study demonstrating a relationship between “coronavirus” outbreaks and the presence of 5G networks has emerged from Spain and is...