Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Venezuela Thriving, Thanks to “Seeds of Solidarity”

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This is a report of a meeting held under the auspices of the Unitarian Universalist church in Boston on May...

Proof Enough of Judicial Kidnap, Part 2: Australia’s Stolen Generation

Here in Part 2, the blame lies with parliament, it does not does not lie with a court. The kidnapped child did not get...

Proof Enough of Judicial Kidnap, Part 1: The Three Finger Judge

Gumshoe is committed to ridding Australia of the judicial-kidnap scenario.  We have only recently realized that we have friends we did not know about....

Is an Australian Reconstruction and Development Bank Our Only Hope of...

The Abstract of the research paper below by Cockfield and Botterill shows that agricultural returns in the past five decades have not kept ahead...

Campaign Papers #2: GAP For the Restoration of the Commonwealth

The Great Australian Party is about getting our government back under the control of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901. Our Party is led by Senator-in-exile,...

Campaign Papers #1: The Involuntary Medication Objectors Party (IMOP)

The Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party (IMOP) will stand at the May 18, 2019 Australian Federal Election against any form of forced medication. IMOP believes...

May 18, 2019 Australia’s Federal Election, with a Role To Be...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In explaining the campaign of the Laborites, former NSW premier Kristina Keneally “couldn’t wait to deliver the monologue she’d rehearsed...

Elias Davidsson Knocks ’em Dead in Islamabad

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Gumshoe is a good student of false flag attacks and scripted terrorism. Three books have already come out of Gumshoe...

David Icke’s Film ‘Renegade’ Pulled in Los Angeles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=55&v=As-WQ-K1e5o   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G57GfJPkLaQ  

Strip Clubs, the Fitzgerald Inquiry, and Pauline Hanson

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Do you remember Queensland’s  long-serving premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen (1911-2005)? Do you remember when prostitution and gambling (and for that matter...

ITNJ Tells It Like It Is, Regarding Child Sex Slaves


What If Child Abusers Are Insured against Payouts?

by Marci Hamilton, Professor of Practice at University of Pennsylvania There is a pandemic of child sex abuse across the globe. From religious institutions to...