Home Pedogate ITNJ Tells It Like It Is, Regarding Child Sex Slaves

ITNJ Tells It Like It Is, Regarding Child Sex Slaves


[Introduced by Phil Hingston. 

Good people are waking up to these atrocities and spreading truth. Slow and arduous but we are moving in the right direction. It is worth 10 mins of your time. Rachel Vaughan has testified to this tribunal. If it is bogus or compromised, she would know.]



  1. A comment from Arlyn (transferred the other post):

    During the Vietnam war when the Americans came out for R & R the drug scene was bolstered by the known criminals as well as the Hells Angels. Now we have many gangs distributing drugs and promoting child sex as well as the perverted elites and their cohorts. The police excuse was they did not think that the gangs were so powerful and efficient and it was accordingly widely ignored. Of course we know there were pay-offs to this day. The drug distribution has grown vastly and could not continue to grow with corruption in the police both state and federal, customs and of course the well known fact of the CIA and drug distribution world wide and their constant interference in Australia and other nations.
    The Feminist movement fought to have equality everywhere including combat. Now they have it. With that comes the rape and sexual molestation of females as we have seen in the military and in the police force.
    This is satan’s domain and those who are Christians know the saying of “Pilgrims in a strange land”
    Day by day the Day of Reckoning is coming closer and closer as we continue to expose evil.
    Eph 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

    • Mal, I don’t think it is meant to have clout as a “commission.” It is meant to get you going. As far as I know the ITNJ does not intend to move into indictments. But they are doing more than enough for now by publishing testimony.

      If anyone googles “Fiona Barnett” they get, up front, her homemade video “Candy Girl” and her ITNJ testimonial which has had almost 30,000 views. Yay! It might even help protect her life. I think Rachel Vaughan’s appearance with the Tribunal has validated her in a way no one else ever bothered — to give her air time. Yay!

      Here be Fiona:

  2. Ok. I am up to about 55 minutes of this.
    She has either a brilliant memory or reading from a transcript.
    I tend toward a transcript.
    So who provided the transcript and research?
    Someone or interests are blowing the whistle.
    Pity our Royal Commission has been a expensive feint…….. or a distraction to cover for sheer evil with a cardinal serving 23 hours per day in solitary confinement to be sacrificed for ‘vanilla’ indulgences.
    Right, the Gillard RC only looked at ‘institutions’……………….. seems to be a bullshit protection racket to enable and continue sheer government approved evil.
    Do they think we are stupid?

  3. Ned, people who have been through MK-Ultra torture have sharpened brains. Probably Fiona is capable of memorizing a speech but in this instance she is admittedly reading it. It’s funny how her accent changes back to Aussie when the Tribunal man starts to question her at the end.

    I believe most of Fiona’s reports but I’m a holdout on the Astral project stuff. At 57 minutes on the tape she gives several references for the use of remote viewing in the military of UK and US.

    For now I can’t buy it, for the simple reason that I can’t see how dear old Homo sapiens would have evolved the capacity to perceive more than what’s in the immediate environment.

      • Ned, cal me Tom.

        So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

        But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

        A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

        Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

        Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

        • Mary, work on it, after 20-30 years you might experience it.
          Do we mere males know anything of child birth?
          But we know of it, it is experienced by those who know.

  4. Totally OT – did you read today how the head sniper of the unit that oversaw the Lindt Cafe seige is suing the NSW police force ? Mary it’s right up your alley so to speak…

    • Nothing is totally off-topic at Gumshoe, David. Yes I hear that a sniper (code named Sierra 3) is suing because he (she?) feels the snipers should not have been prevented from making an earlier entry to the Lindt Cafe.

      I am sooo jaded. I never know when anything is a fake distraction — and many court cases are. So I won’t start researching this now. Maybe a Gumshoe type would attend the court.

      You sure as hell aren’t going to get accurate court coverage by the MSM persons who sit there taking notes. Instead of reporting what was said they produce the pre-planned line.

      Excuse me, my experience is limited, I should not generalize so totally. But that is what I have found in the 2 Sydney cases I attended. Thanks for the link anyway, David.

      • OT announcement. The Adelaide Fringe is offering to support an emerging actor. “Emerging” means you have been at it for no more than 5 years.

        “Matt is continuing to share his skills and knowledge by offering another mentorship to guide an emerging artist towards success, including a $2000 grant which offers an emerging Australian artist the chance to rise to new exciting heights with their work. Applications are encouraged in all art-forms and proposals which are ambitious in delivering daring and diverse art will be looked upon favourably. Applications close next week on Tuesday 7 May 5pm.”

        If you’re daring, go for it. I believe I’ve wrapped up my Fringe career after the devastating Harry Holt affair in March. But it is nice to know there is a place where you can do what you want; there is NO censorship of Fringe performers. And two of my playscripts are now on the shelf of the State Library in SA.

        Here’s the trick: your own state library can’t refuse to accept your offering. So there, too, we are censorship-free. Thank God for libraries and theatre. The plays the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king, or die trying anyway.

  5. My contribution- a bit lengthy-Stargate was Operating from Victoria in the 60’s 70’s links with the Cult of the Family– Newhaven Hospital -MKUltra experiments-

    January 1951
    L. Ron Hubbard introduces the “Theta-MEST Theory” stating that thought (Theta) is separate from the physical universe (Matter, Energy, Space and Time—MEST): that Theta can operate in and with MEST, that Theta can consider itself integrated with MEST, and that Theta can consider itself to be MEST, but that creative thought and perception reside in Theta, not MEST.[14]
    Wednesday, 6 August 1952
    Alexander Puharich delivers a lecture called “On the Possible Usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare” to a Pentagon conference.[19]
    December 1952
    George Hunter White, on loan to CIA from the Federal Narcotics Bureau, begins administering LSD to unwitting U.S. citizens at a CIA “safehouse” in Greenwich Village.[20]
    L. Ron Hubbard delivers a series of over 50 lectures in Philadelphia on processes for attaining a state he calls “Operating Thetan” (OT), described as a being stably exterior from the body and able to perceive, communicate, and operate in the physical universe without reliance on the sense channels or mechanics of a body.[21]
    January 1958
    L. Ron Hubbard introduces the “American Blue E-meter,” a transistorized improvement over earlier prototypes, to be used as an aid for Scientology practitioners. Newer Scientology technology begin to require the use of the meter as a guide to the use of processes toward the attainment of Operating Thetan (OT).[11]
    Wednesday, 26 July 1972
    A report is issued entitled “Report of an Out-of-Body Experiment Conducted at the American Society for Psychical Research: Participants: Dr. Carole Silfen, Janet Mitchell, Ingo Swann.” The report describes an OOB experiment that suggests that a point of perception exterior to the body is able to assume “at a different location the functions performed by the visual system and the brain in the body.” This is the first such experiment that verified the capability of such remote points of view.[44]
    ” CIA’s Technical Services Division (TSD) awards OT VII Hal Puthoff a top-secret research contract to develop “remote viewing” for military espionage purposes. [NOTE: TSD is the CIA division formerly known as “Technical Services Staff.” TSD is also the division running MK-ULTRA. The head of TSD is Sidney Gottlieb.

    In a nutshell, this research suggests that U.S. intelligence agencies recognized the power and potential of L. Ron Hubbard’s work early on. They initially tried to work with Hubbard and Scientology to forward their secret agendas. When it eventually became clear that Hubbard would not cooperate, and in fact did his best to thwart these efforts, an intensive infiltration of Scientology was begun that gradually, yet dramatically changed the course of Scientology, such that it eventually diverted far from its original goals. For an intriguing documentary on remote viewing, click here.


      • Ned, I realize you are Catholic, but did you really put three hours into watching a video? Tell us the punch line. Did he get to Mars or Jupiter?

        By the way, the Opinion Editor and the Big Fat Editor both apologize that articles have not popped up with the usual speed lately at Gumshoe, as we are both engaged in absolute skullduggery about which you will hear in due course, provided we survive.

      • The message for us , by Padre Pio , is that it’s not the sinner but the sin .
        The Truth is in our hearts , shown by the Divine Heart and Infinite Love of our Lord Jesus Christ .

        He is the only One that can STOP the talmudic technological takeover.

        If we have a fraction of Faith , just like Padre Pio , we can move mountains .
        Let us not hate , for we are all sinners , but just pray for peace .

        He is within every heart . He is the Maker .

        “Heart , humour and humility will brighten up your weary load .” – Joni Mitchell

  6. Back to Diane, on OOB. Out of body experiences. I assert above that I am a doubting Thomas. It bothers me that I can’t find an explanation for OOB. Nevertheless, I am aware that many tortured children said they could fly up to the ceiling and look down at the doctor who was touching them. As we see in Fiona Barnett’s drawings, she does a good downward view. Other have also done that. Hence I do believe it happens. I am not so stubborn as to hold out against good evidence.

    Still I am a doubting Thomas on second-hand material. The video you linked us to in your 4.41pm comment disgusts me, as it gives us background music to guide our feelings. And reports “facts” as if the tone of the voice makes it so. Yuck.

    Anyway, as with Ned’s birthing I just want to say that I am wiling to learn. I know you know things about the stars from a desert perspective. I never gave birth but I can imagine it. I am too underdeveloped in the brain to be able to learn second-hand about stars. Be that as it may, the fact that you say you “get it” makes me think there is something to get.

    Meat and potatoes is not a bad existence. And pardon me, Everybody, for implying (though I wasn’t implying) that what I believe about A, B or C, matters one frickin’ whit.

    • You state that you are bothered that you you cannot find an explanation for out of body experience.
      Perhaps we are just a spirital form occupying for a limited period a material existence for a lifetime to learn/advance and educate us to the real universal world.
      At times we/some escape a material existence for a insight with a lesson in reality…….obe’s.
      It is generally referred to as contact with the spirit…… of, who knows.
      Mary, With the most respect for you contributions in the material world…. think, out of the material square, if you have, continue.
      Best of luck, but easily resolved: seek it!

  7. GUMSHOE IS DOWNING TOOLS FOR A FEW DAYS. I hope all understand that we are busy on various tasks at hand. BUT PLEASE COMMENT and keep the conversation going.

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