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Dee McLachlan


An Insult to Every Adelaidean

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In England they tell Irish jokes.  In America they tell Polish jokes. (All the same jokes.) Years ago I heard...

Open Letter to Australia’s Prime Minister to Rescue a Child

The Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison, MP Dear Prime Minister, This is a follow-up to my letter of 17 December, 2018, and a...

Fiona Barnett, Part 4: Are the Baddies by Night, Nice People...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Today I got knocked over by something I saw on Fiona Barnett’s website, which she posted quite a while ago....

Holocaust Revisionism, Part 5: The Angel of Death in North America

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Parallel universes, again.  The official record of Josef Mengele is one thing; the on-the-ground sightings of him in the US...

Fukushima 2018 Update – A Dead Ocean


The Real Gilead — Australia’s Family Court and Their Handmaid’s Tale

by Dee McLachlan As I head to Adelaide for the fifth time to continue filming my documentary, and to deal with Family Court criminality, I...

WORLD FIRST — Border Wall Required for Yet Undisclosed Humanitarian Reason

by G5 Apart from the nausea of Chucky Bear and Nancy Pants posturing they will not fund the Wall, and the hypocrisy of...

Climate, Part 1: The Coal Power Debate

Introduction by Dee McLachlan I'm all for using less resources, polluting less, and having a lighter footprint on the earth. I have hiked in pristine...

Catching Up on the Goss

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Gumshoe articles are between 500 and 2000 words. Each is about one subject only, as we like to make a...

Ordering a Skinny, Low-GI, Organic, Decaf, Soy Macchiato in a Degraded...

by G5  There are major difficulties in attempting to get a coffee from the counter. There should be separate queues. Large signs are now displayed --...

Holocaust Revisionism, Part 4: John Rabe’s Assistance to the People of...

by Mary W Maxwell This series on Holocaust Revisionism is eclectic. It is not out to disprove the historical literature – which certainly needs much...

Suspicious — Suspicious Packages at Consulates across Melbourne and Canberra

by Dee McLachlan I heard the news around 3:00 pm yesterday. Suspicious packages were being...