1. After that video finished, up came this one automatically I do not recommend it. Just that there is a noteworthy difference in attention paid to the death of one man (we all die, don’t we?) compared to the death of the Pacific Ocean.

    By the way, Oz is on the Pacific rim so what is the deal for us re Fukishima?

    • And zilch attention to the destruction and millions killed in our wars in the Middle East for the last 17 years based on lies and for theft.
      Good one pollies and msm!

  2. John 3:16-21
    “… And this is the condemnation , that the light is come into the world , and men loved darkness rather than light , because their deeds were evil . ”

    Aaron Russo
    ” The ultimate goal that these people have in mind … is the goal to create a one world government run by the banking industry .. run by the bankers ! … The whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted !”

    Author not known ,
    “The American (Australian) Dream is like the four aces dealt to a sucker in the very first hand of a crooked poker game . The sucker thinks this is his lucky night , but the Aces stop coming , and by the end of the evening he’s broke .”

      • Scattered flickering minds then and exponentially more so now . Unless human kind starts really praying in their hearts and minds constantly , on a mass scale , the awakening seems unlikely to happen .

        Simply repeating His name is enough to create a movement that would shake their foundations to extinction .

  3. The readings of radiation as the plane crosses the Pacific is very compelling. Out of Korea and it is close to normal, then over Japan it starts going up rapidly. The MSM might try blaming ‘global warming’ for the collapse of the fisheries, but when you have so much objective evidence of the radiation, eventually the masses will wise up.

    It is not over, it is just getting started as the radiation flowing from the plant is increasing. The half-life of the various radioactive elements ensures that the radiation levels will just keep rising. This appears to be an ‘extinction level event’ of the Pacific, perhaps much more…

    I can’t remember the last time I heard something about Fukishima in the MSM. Why not? It is much important than Trump and the Democrats. People better get their priorities right and quit worrying about ‘toxic’ masculinity and start worrying about ‘toxic’ radiation.

  4. As I understand it, when the floor in which the rods are stored finally collapses and the thus-accelerated decay reaches critical mass, the nuclear explosion will spread radioactivity across the northern hemisphere, wiping out Europe and North America.

    It will take a lot longer to spread to Australia, which is something of a moot point because the US Government has already launched provocations aimed at war with China, the latest being three B2 Spirit stealth bombers placed on 24/7 alert in Hawaii. The Rand Report suggests the US will win but this was declared before it was discovered that Chinese and Russian missiles are superior to America’s. And then there is China’s improved space and cyber capacity.

    The relevance of this is that the bases the US is currently installing in Australia, in the NT, will be instant nuclear targets when WWIII commences… precisely as Malcolm Fraser predicted. If it occurs December to April, which seems likely, the radioactivity will drift across the continent, polluting everywhere from Brisbane to Melbourne.

    One way or the other, for us, the damage has been done.

    • “radioactivity across the northern hemisphere, wiping out Europe and North America.”

      It looks like North America is already toast – they just don’t know it yet. The radiation will take a time to take its’ toll. A silent, invisible killer that has time on it’s side.

  5. I have been trying to inform local people of the radiation levels in and across the Pacific Ocean to the US, but nobody thinks I am serious. Several years ago an American scientist filmed the damage to sea-life and coastal algae done along the US Western coastline. What did he get for his hard work? Criminal court charges. I haven’t seen any of his work on the internet recently, so I suggest that he is in prison for telling the truth. Thank Mr Obama the ex-non President of the US. Just one of his many, many crimes, that the public will shortly hear about.

    So far, we in Australia may be unaffected, as we are in the Southern Hemisphere and mostly the ocean currents run parallel with the equator rather than crossing it. But I will bet that the Federal Government will not allow any radiation readings to be done for fear of having to admit there could be a problem.

    In reality, no building of any more nuclear power units should be allowed anywhere. It is too easy for the terrorists known as the Cabal or Zionists to strike any target at any point in the World. These are madmen with no conscience.

    • AussieMal, the irony of all this, is the FACT that our politicians and our moneyed people will all suffer the same fate as the rest of us from radiation. They can’t lock themselves up forever in their blot holes, eventually they must come out. Then they must confront the survivors and then the radiation as well. From where I sit, there will be no winners anywhere.

  6. Anecdotal reports from my old Mum reported after/during the1950’s, so many of her old contacts and rel’s dying of cancer in NW Victoria. (At that time we lived in western NSW.)
    Now where is Maralinga and what did the Brits test there!?????.
    As a 6-7 year old in the early 50’s my Dad mentioned to Mum, that they were seeding iodine in the clouds to cause rain. Yea right, rain or to cover up? Now we wake up.

    • I have believed for some time that the British atomic tests in the 1950s is part of the reason for the cancer epidemic here in Australia. The tests were first done on the Monte Bello Islands off the Western Australian before moving to the Central Australian sites. Thus using both sites, almost all of Australia was in the prevailing winds pathway. Knowing what we now know about the Cabal operating from the City of London, was the exercise to kill (pardon the pun) two birds with the one stone. Become efficient at producing the bomb as well as reducing human population. For those who wish to pooh-pah this idea, it is known that nuclear radiation can take 50 – 60 years to produce cancer killing effects. 1956 to 2018 = 62 years!

      Will there be any population left by the year 2058 to have to worry about the effects of cancer caused by radiation from Fukushima?

  7. Maralinga Emu Plains. A story I know lots about–human guinea pigs-whistleblowers silenced – genocide- military experiments. Recently re-watched Ground Zero it is available on line.
    I often wonder why we bother sharing this disastrous state of affairs.It seems and it is out of our control.
    I checked out cathyfoxblog today realising I am no longer on her mailing list. I thought I would share a couple of her links.

    https://cathyfox.wordpress.com. Guess her words drive me on too think you Cathy Fox a fellow traveller.
    “Two things drive me on,

    being able to help people who were damaged as innocent children who perhaps were not allowed to develop the skills and education others take for granted
    making information public on the rich, powerful, influential people who commit these vile crimes on the most innocent and vulnerable in our society and who make the system so that it defends them.

    I wish I could do more but my me/cf illness is severely restricting and out of necessity my more prolific days are over, but I hope still to contribute.

    Please start a blog, please tweet, the more truth out there the better.

    With the truth comes healing.

    If you wish to contact email aboutc@cathyfox.33mail.com

    The truth will out. The truth will shout. The truth will set us free.”

  8. During previous wars , chaplains used to bless the bombs before being loaded on planes .
    Without any other contenders , we are the most primitive creatures that have ever lived .

  9. Protima emailed this:

    So I did a little bit more research online about this and came across a non profit organization called Safecast (safecast.org) that is a volunteer based coordinated effort to measure radioactivity around the world established after the Fukushima incident. They have real time monitoring and provide data from last 10 months for comparison (https://realtime.safecast.org/)

    The real time monitoring provided by Safecast does not tally with the radiation numbers reported in the documentary. I do not believe that Fukushima is the only reason animals might be dying in the Pacific ocean. Our oceans are filled with immense other pollutants both natural and man-made. As a chemist I can tell you that nature pollutes as well (volcanoes is a classic example) and any chemical out of place is considered to be a “pollutant”.

    An example of faulty reporting is as follows:

    1.] The radiation measured on the plane(as in the last part of the documentary) could be from cosmic rays or ionizing radiation. This is a known fact that as we fly away from the earth, we are exposed to higher levels of radiation. Second example of faulty reporting is to assume that background radiation level is the same in all parts of the world (assumed to be 30 and the unit of measurement was not mentioned in the documentary. Was it gray, sieverts, becquerels? I do not know).

    2.] Different parts of the world have different radioactivity levels. Many sandy beaches have high levels of naturally occurring radionuclides and obviously higher levels of background radiation. So I would like to know if this is the case of beaches near San Francisco shown in the documentary. Did the maker of this documentary record background radiation in these parts before the Fukushima accident? I am assuming the answer is no! Base radiation has to be measured before measuring Fukushima effects which has not been shown in the documentary.

    I think that readers ought of have a balanced picture of what is really going on rather than a doom and gloom portrayal. This really gives not just your website but all of alt media a bad name. As a scientist that worked in industry and academia, I believe that this documentary does not portray all of the facts and should have been verified before giving readers incorrect information.

    Best Wishes, Protima Wagh, Austin, TX


    This is Agenda 21 with the enforced toxic and contaminate vaccine campaign. When will people ever wake up! 🙁

  11. Israeli Nukes Triggered Fukushima Quake, Crackpot Claims

    3/11 was Japan’s 9/11. It’s all documented folks!
    This investigation has been endorsed by the engineers who designed and built Fukushima Diiachi

    Jim Stone Fukushima Interview


    Fukushima and the Japan earthquake
    3/11 was Japan’s 911. The Japan earthquake was man made and had a peak seismic intensity of 6.67 Richter and happened 100 km inland at seismic station MYGOO4. The tsunami was caused by nuclear weapons, a total of six of them, set off in sequence in the Japan trench to trigger an enormous tsunami.


    Jim Stone further clarifies his contention that Israel was responsible the Fukushima disaster

    The Argument that Fukushima Was Sabotaged

    Jim Stone – Israel Did Fukushima

    Why You Should Still Be Paying Attention to Fukushima 5 Years Later

    Fukushima: Japan’s 9/11


    Jim Stone – Fear Obscures Fukushima False Flag

    9 million bags of Fukushima cleanup material confirm my Yakuza mafia report was BANG ON.

  12. Best way to cover up a nuclear underwater bomb. You guessed right a nuclear reactor. The sea contamination levels don’t explain the amount floating in the ocean and the spread nor the actual sea currents. What about the location of the quake any underwater investigation cause the sea floor would have 100% signs of a earthquake. Or is it unsafe for subs cause of the amount of radiation. Only the plant is being investigated …. again the amount of radiation in the ocean is unexplained completely. It specifically targets the Japan area also the America’s. It was practically a brand new plant..obviously coincident is not a thing. Bad idea from the start. What does the molecular reading say about the element there is always a trace of where it came from or refined! Like black powder yes it has a molecular mark on them. Like a bar code to know in case of bombings or I’ll use.

  13. Solar Desalinate antarctic ocean then pump it up and overand make a giant oasis in the bush convert the desert you have water you have sun Alsouse concentrated sun heat to make hydrogen from water

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