Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


A Royal Commission into Family Law? Too Late For Some...

by Dee McLachlan It was about two weeks ago that I met "Darlene" in Adelaide, and heard her shocking story about the malice of the...

The Croaky Testimony of Christine Ford

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqy26_ElSSU I compare, in the video above, Niyirah's confirmed lies about babies in Kuwaiti incubators being thrown out, with Christine Ford's testimony, and the many...

Iqbal the Poet and the Dignity of Labor

by Mary W Maxwell This being Labor Day in South Australia, here is a brief chat about the poet Iqbal.  He is best known for...

Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas’s Perjury, and Lloyd Cutler’s Alleged Assignment: Ruin...

by Mary W Maxwell Everybody’s writing about Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. “A SUPREME CLASH” was the front-page headline of USA TODAY on Friday September 28,...

The Growth Debate — The Real Fake News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_H96gSuplM An impromptu chat with Greg Buck about growth and immigration.

Dear SA Law Society and SAPOL: Enough Is Enough, This Must...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB (Adel) This is my message to the top brass, and the bottom gold, of the Law Society of South Australia...

Open Letter to the AGs about Family Court Misconduct, and ‘Parent...

To: The Attorney-General, The Hon Christian Porter MP, AND the South Australian Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, The Hon Vicki Chapman; the Attorney-General of New South Wales, The...

Adelaide Mysteries, Part 3: Interview with Andrew McIntyre

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Mary Maxwell:  Greetings, Andrew . Thanks for trusting GumshoeNews with your information Andrew Mcintyre:  It’s nice to be listened to. Mary: We...

Dangerous Anti-association Laws Pass Lower House in Victoria

by HRLC The Andrews Government has pushed divisive anti-association laws through the lower house of Parliament today (7 September, 2018). The laws will give police...

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3621&v=np_ylvc8Zj8 Christopher Brooks alerted us to this excellent documentary.

Terrorism in Cyberspace Earns a One-Star Review at Amazon from Elias...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB From 1951-1952 I attended an all-Jewish kindergarten and never recovered from it.  I mean all-Jewish except me -- or maybe...

Bibliography of Pedo Articles, a Report on Our Lack of Progress,...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Recently, Gumshoe got more heavily into pedophilia research than was planned. We had a few “series” and then some “overarching” articles....