Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Russian Leader’s Speech A Geopolitical Game Changer

by James O’Neill* On 1 March 2018 President Vladimir Putin dressed a joint sitting of the Russian Parliament in what amounted to a State of the...

All Gall Is Divided into Three Parts. Watertown’s Open Mic Session...

by Mary W Maxwell As reported at Gumshoe, the Watertown Public Library in Massachusetts provided a venue for me to give a talk entitled “The...

More Commentary on World Affairs

  by G5 America is now in a state of terminal self-destruction. Only the time frames are a variant. The shortest lived 'Empire' in world history....

The Emperor’s New Clothes

by Mary W Maxwell Once upon a time there was an emperor who loved to wear beautiful, shiny garments to win the  admiration of his...

Australia’s ABC — Your Billion Dollar Propaganda Machine

by Dee McLachlan Are governments paying to spread propaganda or Fake News? The Telegraph published an article on the "Freedom on the Net" report -- which claimed that at least 30 governments...

Parkland School Shooting: a Drill Had Been Officially Announced

by Paul Craig Roberts Readers have inquired about my silence about the Florida shooting on Valentine’s Day. The answer is that school shootings are not...

Remembering Blanche Chavoustie

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Yesterday I learned that my friend Blanche Chavoustie died in April, 2016. I had  Googled for her name and got...

Internet Security and Interference

This morning Gumshoe News had the above WARNING: "Your connection is not private." It makes out that you are about to be "attacked." The...

A Diet of Illusion For The Herds, While Trillions Are Looted...

by G5 I don't write much about Australia. It lost its interest for me, long ago. It is now firmly entrenched in my nausea file....

The Pursuit of Medical Patents and Medical Profiteering

by Dee McLachlan I was inspired to complete this article after reading what Eddy told us in GumshoeNews comment yesterday (February 21, 2018). Back in the...

What Happens When Doctors Discover the Delayed Effects of Cancer Treatments?

by Mary W Maxwell I am not a physician. I have absolutely nothing to offer in personal research about the delayed effects of cancer treatments....

The Mainstream Media and Their Analysis of the Time Traveller’s Photo

by Dee McLachlan Several mainstream news organisations have been running with a story about a supposed time traveller. This, from The Sun, is a typical...